divineangel111 · 2 years
What you think is real, becomes real
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divineangel111 · 2 years
I have my desired reality
I have my desired singing voice, improved acting and writing skills, I am god state, a creative break through, amazing musical skills, desired habits that will last, desired body and personality
I have my desired friends, lovers, life
I am whole, I am healed, I am healthy and wealthy
I live my dream life
I am the best version of myself
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divineangel111 · 2 years
the world around you is a mirror of the world within you
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divineangel111 · 2 years
“You can’t chase something you already have”
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I saw this and it struck inspiration within me. So i’m letting hera know but through her blog just in case anyone may find it useful.
I wish people didn’t get caught up in the process of manifesting the desire. They constantly chase the wish fulfilled whether they realize it or not. It’s not a state to be chased. You can’t chase something you already have, you’ll be running forever. Realize that it’s on you. You know when you can’t find your glasses but it’s on your face or the tv remote but it’s below the pillow. After you’ve calmed down you realize it’s always been there and you’ve been silly. So calm down, being in a state of panic does one no good and it’s horrible for your your mental well being. To be in the end is to understand that there is no reason to panic and no reason to search. It’s a calm understanding that it is done. If circumstances are overwhelming look at it like you’re growing some strawberries or your favourite fruit. You’ve got the the soil and the seed has been planted, you water it and make sure it gets sunshine. Then it sprouts and later it will grows till you have an abundance of strawberries. You know what you’re doing will reap results, you have faith in the water and the sun. Have faith in yourself (the human imagination) that it’s not for nothing and you just need to breath. Even if emotions run wild and you spiral. Water your plant it will grow and you will feast. 🌱🍓.
This is a gem. Thank you so much for sharing, my love!
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divineangel111 · 2 years
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