Voodoo Me This
45 posts
Vodouisant/Voodooist ~ Empath ~ Female ~~~ This is a secondary blog to my personal account, @paines-heart(Will follow back from there), in order to keep it clean, and keep drawings and cosplays on there, while I will use this one for the more strange side of me. I hope you'll enjoy your stay!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
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Now, let me be perfectly clear here. 
Nothing, absolutely NOTHING can justify that you tell someone to kill themselves or “drop dead”. Especially when you DON’T KNOW the person in question, DON’T KNOW their story, or how they started their practice. 
Voodoo/Vodou is a SEMI CLOSED PRACTICE. The Lwa DO care about lineage, sure they do, but they DO NOT CARE about the COLOR of your SKIN. They care about if you were INVITED, or NOT. If you WERE NOT, stay away from it, don’t play with it, don’t get close, and don’t think you’ll come out of it unscathed. If you WERE and you have consulted a MANBO or HOUNGAN, then YES YOU CAN PRACTICE VOODOO. If you have consulted a Manbo, or Houngan and they tell you NO, then NO YOU CANNOT PRACTICE VOODOO.
Here’s some background for ya: I was INVITED. I DID NOT seek it out on my own, and I DID NOT even BELIEVE in it to begin with. I was ASKED by a MANBO, if I had ever considered getting into Voodoo. She helped me start, she provided me with supplies, and a handwritten book of spells and knowledge, and offered guidance when I didn’t know where to go, or how to do anything. I NEVER DID ANYTHING without consulting the one who invited me. 
So don’t you dare come at me and tell me that I’ll suffer the same fate as the girl who summoned the wrong Lwa. Because no, she did not know what she was doing, or what she was getting into, and she should have stayed away from it. She WAS NOT invited, she DID NOT consult a Houngan or Manbo, and yes, it went wrong. 
Don’t come at me saying that it’s “like wearing native clothing and claiming to be one” when you don’t know the back story. I live in DENMARK. I’m DANISH. There is NO VOODOO over here, and yet, it somehow found its way to me, without me actively seeking it out, because I wasn’t even interested. What you’re saying is basically like if I was telling someone outside of Scandinavia that they can’t believe in the Norse Mythology, because it’s CULTURAL and NOT FOR THEM. But guess what? We don’t do that, because people are allowed to believe in that, and follow the religion of Asatro. 
As for people of color practicing our “pagan colonizer bullshit”? Plenty of people of color actually does practice that “bullshit” of ours. But I’m not one to tell them that they can’t, because guess what, they absolutely can.
Oh, and for that one person who straight up told me to “drop dead”? Something is seriously wrong with you. Get help. It’s never, under no circumstances, valid to tell a stranger that, when you know absolutely nothing about them. Disgusting.
Rant over.
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
itsbirdlubird replied to your post: “I’m not a person of color I’m not Haitian I’m not from New Orleans I’m...”:
Ahhhhhh what??? Somethings are just not ment for us okay? Me and my white ass knows that, hopefully you realize that too soon enough without harming yourself. Please understand if nothing else its cultural and is like wearing native clothing and claiming to be one.
I’ll say this again, for the people in the back. Five years ago, I was INVITED into Voodoo by a MANBO. Voodoo is closed, YES, UNLESS you are INVITED into it. 
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
postobons replied to your post: “I’m not a person of color I’m not Haitian I’m not from New Orleans I’m...”:
love how whites are so devoid of their own culture that they feel the need to insert themselves into a closed off practice. Drop dead ✌��
I love how y’all don’t know what you’re talking about, when you don’t know anything. When is it ever okay to tell anyone to go kill themselves, or drop dead? The fuck is wrong with you?
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
sunsis replied to your post: “I’m not a person of color I’m not Haitian I’m not from New Orleans I’m...”:
lmaooo this is why nobody likes y'all. as a haitian, the lwa DO care about bloodline and lineage, as in AFRICAN lineage. you don't see black people doing your pagan colonizer bullshit do you? you're not meant for voodoo no matter how much you think you are, and you'll regret your stupidity soon enough. a dumbass white girl recently died after attempting to summon papa legba. that'll be your fate.
Sweetheart, I was invited into Voodoo by a Manbo. So kindly fuck off. And maybe when you can actually talk to the Lwa yourself, come talk like you actually know shit about the world. 
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
I’ll have to apologize about the weird cuts and many edits in this months unboxing. I was really spacing out and was struggling with keeping my thoughts gathered, due to the kind of intense situation of the world. A lot of footage of me just staring into the void, having lost my train of thought has been edited out, lol. Regardless, I hope you like this video! 
If anyone is interested in getting Witch Casket for yourself, they can be found here: Witch Casket
And they can also be found here: @witchcasket
My instagram can be found here: elisabethmilling
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
deathgodbaron replied to your post “Voodoo Story Time #1 || How I got started with Voodoo”
Personally, I can’t wait for the continuation of this. It gets much better.
Of course you’re excited, chére. Because that’s when you enter the story. 
But of course, it was a very good part of the story. I would like to hear it again.
Ah yes, I suppose that I can see your point. After scaring me at least 3 times. 
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
deathgodbaron replied to your post “Voodoo Story Time #1 || How I got started with Voodoo”
Personally, I can’t wait for the continuation of this. It gets much better.
Of course you’re excited, chére. Because that’s when you enter the story. 
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
Voodoo Story Time #1 || How I got started with Voodoo
Alright. It’s about time we have the first of many stories on this blog. I have many. Both about how I got stuck with the Lwa I am now(Love you boys~), and about some truly terrifying events that shook me to the core.
This, however, is about how it all started. Although I’ve already answered this in an ask, I’d like to give a proper retelling. 
It all started in 2015, so I’m not a professional, and I’m still learning. In 2015, I got in contact with someone, who would reveal, after a few months of talking, that she was a Mambo, and had been practicing Voodoo for a long time. I’ll be honest, I didn’t believe in it at first. I was very skeptic, and basically thought that it was just odd. But the more I talked to this person, the more in had me interested. I had been reading up on Voodoo and Hoodoo before, but I’d never met anyone who actually practiced Voodoo before. 
Now, what had me convinced that this was actually real? See, at the time, I had an issue, that I had no idea how to resolve. And my friend would then suggest that I tried some spells to see if that could help. I was very skeptic, but I needed the help, so I tried. And what do you know.... I actually, for a period, got exactly what I wanted. It only worked, as long as my heart was in it, so I don’t ask for it anymore, nor do I do spells to maintain it. Bottom line is, it worked. And I started believing that there was something more, that I’d had no idea was even there. 
So, I started asking questions. About the Lwa, about the one who had helped with the spellwork I did, and about the one my friend usually sent my way to try and help, if something was wrong. And so it happened that my first patron Lwa was Erzulie Dantor. She’s still around, even to this day, although I don’t have as close a relationship with her, as the other two I usually have contact with. 
This is where the... Strange things started happening. Now, I’ve always had the ability to sense anomalies around me. Know when things had happened, before anyone told me, know why was calling before the phone was answered, had deja vu experiences on a regular basis. As far back as I can remember, I had strange abilities. It just hadn’t happened in a while, so when I started hearing sounds around the apartment, knocks on the walls, strange scents that didn’t match with anything I had around, I was, naturally, somewhat freaked out. Now? Well, now it’s just regular occurrences to me. I’m used to it. But boy, has the activity also picked up over the years.
The most prominent story about something that happened in those early stages of me practicing Voodoo? Well, I’ll leave that for another story. Because this was just about how I started, and why I stayed with it. I was pulled in. I’d originally had no intentions of even practicing Voodoo. But here we are, almost 5 years later, a good deal wiser than before, with an alter in my living room and everything. 
Thank you for reading, and until next time, that might be a little creepier, have a blessed day. 
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
Oh I dunno…. You have one gal hooked, at least, chére. <3
I know I do, and I couldn’t be happier.
Good. You know I’d be awfully disappointed if you weren’t~
Hello, ma chére. How 'bout you introduce yourself to the nice people stopping by? ~disip-baron-la
Oh yeah? We have new people stopping by? I know my brother caught some attention but nobody likes the nice guy, love. You know that. Lol
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
Thank you so much for answering my ask! I’m definitely going to take all of your advice and begin researching, and looking for spells to try. I don’t mind the long response at all! I’ll take all the information I can get. Do you have any guidance as to some resources for spells and info on the Lwa?
I can only advice that you start out with simple spells, because often, when doing spells, you’ll get rather tired afterwards. The more time consuming and intricate, the more exhausted you’ll feel. I have a few easy, beginner spells in my arsenal, that I plan on posting about at a later point. Feel-good stuff, really. 
As for the Lwa, I use an app that was made by actual practitioners. Erzulie’s(www.erzulies.com) has an app called “Voodoo”. There’s a section that describe some of the more well known Lwa, though not all of them. But well known Lwa, such as Baron Samedi, Papa Legba, Maman Brigitte and other Lwa have their own sections. That would be a good place to start. Other than that, looking them up online is also an option. What I know about them, however, is from what my Houngan friend has told me, and what the Lwa I’m connected to has told me themselves. But I definitely recommend checking out that app. I’ve found it very useful to learn about the Lwa, whenever a new one has been mentioned to me. 
Hi there! I saw a post of yours that you practice voodoo and I was curious as to how you were drawn to that practice and how you got started with learning and practicing? I’m interested myself to begin I’ve been drawn to the practice for years and wish to begin my own journey
Hello there! 
I’m still fairly new, I’m only about 5 years in, but things moved very quickly when I got started. I didn’t start by choice, but I was more or less pulled into it. I had a friend who happened to be a Mambo(priestess), and she got me started, even provided my with a book containing some hand written spells. I’ve been adding to said book since. I’ve always been drawn to Voodoo, really, but the fact that I met someone who actually was a practitioner was what really got me started.
But yes, I started out back in 2015, where my friend decided to tell be that she was a Mambo, and she provided me with some spells to try, to try and help me with a particular problem I had. I will be honest, I didn’t really believe in it in the beginning, but when weird things started happening, said spells actually bringing in what I was needing, and strange things started to happen around my apartment, I started believing 100% that this was indeed real. I’ve always been somewhat of a skeptic, although also open to most things, because I’ve seen strange things since I was a child. 
Once I knew that this was real, that’s when I really began. Researching the Lwa, researching different types of spells, different supplies one might need. I plan on sharing a few spells on here at some point. Some of the spells I started with. Also, I plan to share some stories from this journey, because I have some pretty interesting ones. Involving the Lwa I work with, and so on. One of my other friends is a Houngan(priest), and the Lwa have a habit of channeling through them, because I can’t see them, or hear them yet. 
My advice to you, is that you should definitely do some looking into it. If it calls you, it means something. Look into the Lwa, try and talk to other practitioners, and start out slow. And don’t worry about having to follow every single rule. The Lwa know that we’re human, and that everyone has their different ways. And feel free to ask me questions as well, if you should have any! I’ll be happy to try and help out, if I can.
Sorry about this being long. I get way too chatty, when I’m passionate about something. 
Thank you for your questions!
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
Hi there! I saw a post of yours that you practice voodoo and I was curious as to how you were drawn to that practice and how you got started with learning and practicing? I’m interested myself to begin I’ve been drawn to the practice for years and wish to begin my own journey
Hello there! 
I’m still fairly new, I’m only about 5 years in, but things moved very quickly when I got started. I didn’t start by choice, but I was more or less pulled into it. I had a friend who happened to be a Mambo(priestess), and she got me started, even provided my with a book containing some hand written spells. I’ve been adding to said book since. I’ve always been drawn to Voodoo, really, but the fact that I met someone who actually was a practitioner was what really got me started.
But yes, I started out back in 2015, where my friend decided to tell be that she was a Mambo, and she provided me with some spells to try, to try and help me with a particular problem I had. I will be honest, I didn’t really believe in it in the beginning, but when weird things started happening, said spells actually bringing in what I was needing, and strange things started to happen around my apartment, I started believing 100% that this was indeed real. I’ve always been somewhat of a skeptic, although also open to most things, because I’ve seen strange things since I was a child. 
Once I knew that this was real, that’s when I really began. Researching the Lwa, researching different types of spells, different supplies one might need. I plan on sharing a few spells on here at some point. Some of the spells I started with. Also, I plan to share some stories from this journey, because I have some pretty interesting ones. Involving the Lwa I work with, and so on. One of my other friends is a Houngan(priest), and the Lwa have a habit of channeling through them, because I can’t see them, or hear them yet. 
My advice to you, is that you should definitely do some looking into it. If it calls you, it means something. Look into the Lwa, try and talk to other practitioners, and start out slow. And don’t worry about having to follow every single rule. The Lwa know that we’re human, and that everyone has their different ways. And feel free to ask me questions as well, if you should have any! I’ll be happy to try and help out, if I can.
Sorry about this being long. I get way too chatty, when I’m passionate about something. 
Thank you for your questions!
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
Oh I dunno.... You have one gal hooked, at least, chére. <3
Hello, ma chére. How 'bout you introduce yourself to the nice people stopping by? ~disip-baron-la
Oh yeah? We have new people stopping by? I know my brother caught some attention but nobody likes the nice guy, love. You know that. Lol
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
You love me though, tough guy
Shut up….
Can’t make me.
Looks like SOMEONE is popular, eh, brother? ~disip-baron-la
Oh yeah, I’ve got a curious little anonymous actually asking questions. I like it. And don’t worry little sister, I’m playing nice. 😏
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
I make good points, lol
Yeah yeah
You love me though, tough guy
Looks like SOMEONE is popular, eh, brother? ~disip-baron-la
Oh yeah, I’ve got a curious little anonymous actually asking questions. I like it. And don’t worry little sister, I’m playing nice. 😏
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
You wouldn’t keep me ‘round if ya didn’t, sha.
…..yeah that’s true. Lol
I make good points, lol
Looks like SOMEONE is popular, eh, brother? ~disip-baron-la
Oh yeah, I’ve got a curious little anonymous actually asking questions. I like it. And don’t worry little sister, I’m playing nice. 😏
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
Yeah, but you like it, so we good.
That’s true. I do.
You wouldn’t keep me ‘round if ya didn’t, sha.
Looks like SOMEONE is popular, eh, brother? ~disip-baron-la
Oh yeah, I’ve got a curious little anonymous actually asking questions. I like it. And don’t worry little sister, I’m playing nice. 😏
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disip-baron-la · 5 years ago
Hahahaha you know me too well now.
That would be correct~
Yeah, but you like it, so we good.
Looks like SOMEONE is popular, eh, brother? ~disip-baron-la
Oh yeah, I’ve got a curious little anonymous actually asking questions. I like it. And don’t worry little sister, I’m playing nice. 😏
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