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disillusioned-diaries · 2 years ago
As Free as the United States is, our Foreign Interactions Suck (Specifically, US involvement in Ukraine Russia War)
If Ukraine joins NATO before the war with Russia is resolved, WW3 between the US, NATO countries, and Russia appears to be inevitable.
In the scenario in which this happens, I am leaving this country (the United States) for a country that is neutral and/or against the shit the United States pulls on the rest of the world.
I will not serve as collateral damage for whatever insanity our corrupt and demented leaders try and put us through
I want to have nothing to do with this shit.
I'm an American and I literally hate the fact that we are being emotionally and financially coerced by Ukraine to give them more and more of our hard-earned money to continue a war that does not benefit the American people, and a fight that neither Ukraine nor the United States HAS NO EXIT PLAN for.
I am starting to side with Russia in a certain way.
The United States is trying to impose their will on Russia by 1. Trying to turn a country that borders Russia into a NATO country, and 2. Portraying Russia as an unjustified aggressor.
Honestly, I hate the tragedy of war, but it just seems to be an inevitable part of life, in that, for example, if you see that your country is getting pushed around by the United States, a global superpower, you are of course going to want to push back.
The strength a country shows, and the respect they receive for that acknowledgement of their strength is the key to peace.
The United States does not respect the strength and political autonomy of Russia and many other countries.
As much as I appreciate the freedoms and opportunities I have in the United States, I am not proud of the foreign interactions the US has had with other countries.
The United States is always trying to convince foreign countries that our way of life is going to "elevate" their society, notably, in 2014 when Obama tried to convince Uganda that they shouldn't pass an anti-homosexuality bill (1).
I'm sorry, but does our society look like its thriving with gay and bisexual men representing over half of all AIDS and HIV victims(2) ?
We also have about about forty to fifty percent divorce rate amongst the general population(3), and sixty seven percent of black children being born into single parent homes(4), so tell me United States, who claims to be so anti-racist and accepting, why are you trying to ruin black-African societies?
I am in no way saying that African, or any foreign countries are perfect, or lacking problems of their own, but their problems are exactly that, their own!
Why does the western world feel the need to try and "fix" other's problems!
Especially with the inflation that the people of the United States are experiencing, apparently now is the time to devote our time, money and resources into other countries problems with governments that are, at the very least not free of political corruption.
2. https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/fact-sheets/hiv/HIV-gay-bisexual-men.html
3. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/divorce-statistics/
4. https://afro.com/census-bureau-higher-percentage-black-children-live-single-mothers/
*Bonus Content*
On a sort of related note, here is a savage video of the Uganda president unashamedly declaring his opinion about homosexuals. This man appears to be more honest than most US politicians.
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