lol can people stop shitting on other people's opinions/style/preferences lmao let them live their fucking life
unless its extremely offensive (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc...) like ?? why do you care so much that they're wearing croptops or a trendy hoodie ?? that shit dont even matter they have their own preferences mind yo own business
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hey friendly reminder in a story
I suck at PE a lot and I know that, and everyday before I have PE I feel this bottomless pit on my stomach over nervousness that I'm going to fuck up. But I realize that it's okay to mess up and it's okay if you're not good at a certain subject because everyone has their own flaws and everyone fears messing up too because everyone is insecure!! so even if I fuck up big time on shooting a basketball of kicking a soccer ball, at least some other insecure kid goes "well, at least I'm not going to fuck up as much as she did" and that makes me happy that it reassures them a little bit at least.
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advantages of flinging yourself to the void
~ no more responsibilities ~ you get to see the universe up close ~ absolutely nothing can get to you now ~ you’re thousands of miles of away from humanity’s bullshit ~ uhm,, free rocket ride?? ~ you get to float around ~ recreate yondu’s last scene ~ recreate rick and morty scenes ~ before you die ~ you die
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story time
I was 10 and my class went to this bird sanctuary and we were given food to feed them birdies and so everyone was crowding the birds so I was like "uhh no thx" so I went to the pond where the geese and the swans were and I didn't know you were supposed to just throw the food at the water so I held my hand to their beaks and they started pecking my fucking hand I have never been so terrified I was just paralyzed there while they feast on my flesh and I think that moment shaped me for who I am now
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me having a crush
me : woah how can someone be so beautiful
me : honestly this should be a violation
me : ok keep it cool, don't let anyone kno you like them
me : screec can someone ask me who i like
friend : yo who do u like?
me : i cant tell you
friend : ok
me : lol jk i like [them]
friend : ok
me : ahahah ye i know
me : man i should go talk to them, god pls let them come near me
me : oh shit here they come !!
me : oh wait they with their friends nvm
me : goddamn i hate them so much they would never like me
me : oh shit here they come again now alone!!! My time to shine!!!
me : whoops ok there they go shit why am i such a pussy
me : ok whatever i dont like them anymore
me : wait are they doing the thing?? aRe they,, *gasp* existing?? how fucking dare they
me : ooooh wow ok do that sure just eXisT and shit
me : fuck
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im gonna adopt a child and i'll name him Scosby Don and I'm gonna adopt a dog for him,, I'll name the dog shaggy you fuckers.. and then ,, and then i'll make my son,, i'll make my fucking son's nick name scooby doo,, thats right you fucking cunts,, scooby owns shaggy now,,, you fuckers this is lit rally the only thing on my head the entire day,,, i just wanted to post this,, i hope. I hope tumblr is fucking happy-- you, you ruined me
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this dog looks like it knows all your secrets and can ruin your life at the same time it looks like a kind, old, gardener that lives next door and offers you tomatoes everytime you see her
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2 bros chilling in the library 2 feet apart cause they not gay
bro 1 : hey bro,, whats your favorite book?
bro 2 : libro
bro 1 : what
bro 2 : its cause,, liBRO
bro 1 : bro...
like if u cri everytiem :
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hahahha am i funny yet
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once a boy let me borrow his jacket and after i gave it back i heard him gushing to his friends bc it smelled like me
nice to know boys do that too
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basically sports
<b>soccer</b> - i kick a ball i kick to goal yay <b>boxing</b> - i punch a man i punch some more yay <b>swimming</b> - i kick at water i like it yay <b>basketball</b> - i throw ball basket catch yay
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Except for that fucking squirrel
Hey you know Sid from Ice age?
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yhea that guy
You probably think he is kinda pathetic, goofy, stupid and just a little bit of comic relief.
Sid is no ordinary sloth.
Sid is a fucking GROUND sloth.
this is what Sid actually looks like. 
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Lets get some perspective on that
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See that shit right next to our buddy Sid?
That’s an elephant.
Sid could have smacked the shit out of a fucking elephant
so this scene
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Would not have ended very well for our buddy Diego
for real
Giant Sloths could and probably did fuck up entire packs of Sabre Tooth tigers, and then take a shit on their memory, without even waking their big asses up
Don’t fuck with Giant sloths
Giant sloths stood seven meters tall and weighed in at about 7 tons
Mammoths only weighed 6
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That’s right Manny
You better look scared
cause forget Diego, Sid could have kicked your ass too
Lets look at a size comparison
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Sid is the equivalent of a mammoth with fucking arms and claws
Sid is without a doubt the biggest badass in that show, and probably in all of history.
So next time it is family movie night
and your weak shit asses are watching Ice Age
Sid could fuck up everyone else in that show.
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Hey you know Sid from Ice age?
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yhea that guy
You probably think he is kinda pathetic, goofy, stupid and just a little bit of comic relief.
Sid is no ordinary sloth.
Sid is a fucking GROUND sloth.
this is what Sid actually looks like. 
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Lets get some perspective on that
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See that shit right next to our buddy Sid?
That’s an elephant.
Sid could have smacked the shit out of a fucking elephant
so this scene
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Would not have ended very well for our buddy Diego
for real
Giant Sloths could and probably did fuck up entire packs of Sabre Tooth tigers, and then take a shit on their memory, without even waking their big asses up
Don’t fuck with Giant sloths
Giant sloths stood seven meters tall and weighed in at about 7 tons
Mammoths only weighed 6
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That’s right Manny
You better look scared
cause forget Diego, Sid could have kicked your ass too
Lets look at a size comparison
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Sid is the equivalent of a mammoth with fucking arms and claws
Sid is without a doubt the biggest badass in that show, and probably in all of history.
So next time it is family movie night
and your weak shit asses are watching Ice Age
Sid could fuck up everyone else in that show.
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Space fact #5
If you and I are in separate space ships both traveling fast, there’s literally no possible way to determine if I am staying still and you are moving, or if you are staying still and I am moving, or if we are both moving. Also, from your perspective time will flow normally for you and slower for me, but from my perspective time will flow normally for me and slow for you.
Basically, everything, including time, is completely relative.
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This is Ernesto Labuntog, an inventor from the Philippines who has invented a water filtration system that can make floodwater potable in 30 minutes. Despite having demonstrated his invention to the MMDA (Metro Manila Development Authority), and despite entering his invention to IdeaSpace, he has not yet received enough exposure and backing for his revolutionary technology that could make clean water more accessible. For a family of six, this technology can last for as long as three years!
To learn more about his water filtration device, you can watch these videos:
MMDA Demo 03202017
Portable Water Treatment Device Ideaspace video entry
Demo of Portable Water Treatment Device
Good Morning Kuya: Filipino inventor of Water Treatment Device
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