and suddenly I don't feel so fucking good anymore I'm hating myself all over again And its confusing because even thats pissing me off Why can't I go to sleep
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Ha the fuck i don't give is amusing
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I am positively a 100% sure that you are most definitely not well prepared for this jelly
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My Poem To Charlie Kelmeckis
To: Charlie
From: Friend
Roses are red
Your letters were cute
but you failed to talk about pizza
So I never wrote back to you
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Me: Do you want to make a sandwichhh?
Mom: NO!
Me: Okay bye.
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Luke Brooks that's the melody in my head that I can't Skip off got me singing like Beau-Beau Beau Beau everyJai like my iPod stuck on Re-James
I did this and I don't regret it.
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Are teacher told us to motivate ourselves and to cheer because we only have 2 years left and Later that day I was found in the hall yelling "U-G-L-Y TOO INSECURE TO SIT AND LIE IM UGLY YEAH YEAH IM UGLY L-M-A-O MY FACE IS THE FIRST THING THAT SHOULD GO CAUSE IT HAUNTS ME YEAH YEAH IT HAUNTS ME LESBI-A-N THATS WHAT YOU CALL ME AND MY FRIEND BUT WERE BESTIES YEAH YEAH WERE BESTIES S-U-C-K GO SUCK A DICK YOU TWO FACED BITCH I BELIEVE YOU'VE GOT HERPES YEAH YEAH YOU GOT HERPES GOOOOOOOO TO HELL!! WOO!" I got sent to the guidance counselor and a few people stared but I've never felt so Beyonce' in my life! Make a cheer of your own it will save your life and make you happy!
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That moment when you see a picture of your celebrity crush and your underwear slides off your legs straight into the middle of a superbowl and starts singing the national anthem
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Some times i look at pictures and just Do you have dick issues or are your pants that wrinkly
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If my reflection could talk im pretty sure itd say something along the lines of "Oh great. It has awaken. Better crack a smile before it starts crying. Shit here it comes. ... Oh hey girl you look great!" Then when I walk away "I bet she's on the way to the fridge.... Fat ass."
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I got checked out by a lesbian today and i felt violated Im not homophobic i love every kind of person but she was like really close and sniffing me and yeah that's how i got my post traumatic stress disorder
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When I walk down the hall hand and hand with my bestfriend and someone calls us some lesbian and I'm just like
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Me Yesterday
Me: Ohh a chocolate rose from no one!
You shouldn't have!
Me: I got a valentines card I wonder who it's from!
Card: From You, To you
Me: I shouldn't have!
Friend: He got me a huge teddy bear a bracelet and some candy it was wonderful!!
Me: Whatevah, someone liked my selfie on instagram 'it was wonderful'!
Friend: ...
Puts on glasses
Me: Don't hate the selfie hate the camera.
Beyonce' Walk
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Spending Valentines With Dora & Boots
me: Oh no! Swipers trying to steal our fucks away.
Dora: Quickly say swiper no swiping!
Dora: SWIPER NO SWIP... Wait
Me: Dafuq Dora? He's getting closer!
Dora: Chill bitch, we don't give fucks remember?
me: ... Awwww you right you right
Swiper: Heartless bitches
Boots: Nigga what?
Swiper: Runs away
me: Boots you can't say the N word
Boots: so... No ones around
Us: ...
me: okay
Us: Twerks off into the sunset to explore
Background Music: Hold up.. Grab the wall.. Wiggle like you tryna make your ass fall off
Backpack: And they lived happily ever-
Map: shut the fuck up
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Im looking for a dime Whos got v lines Sexy face and down the waist Theres a Brooks behind
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Um, kinda self explanatory but you know i have to go to school tomorrow but im free for the rest of the day after that I've got food... If that helps ERM IGNORE HANDWRITING I JUST WANT TO FUCK YOU OKAY? OKAY. ITS ACTUALLY GOOD ITS JUST VALENTINES CARDS ARE WEIRD AS SHIT AND YEAH LETS DO THIS!
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Um, kinda self explanatory but you know i have to go to school tomorrow but im free for the rest of the day after that I've got food... If that helps ERM IGNORE HANDWRITING I JUST WANT TO FUCK YOU OKAY? OKAY. ITS ACTUALLY GOOD ITS JUST VALENTINES CARDS ARE WEIRD AS SHIT AND YEAH LETS DO THIS!
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