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despoir · 7 hours ago
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Raven xenintation ⸻ a queer presentation label based off the concept of ravens, aesthetics of ravens, or just a raven, etc! a presentation outside the traditional/typical gender binaries.
for day 7 of @chronicallyqueercoining2's coining event, for the prompt "something related to presentation (ex: bear, twink, femme, etc)"!
coined by us. if this already exists, please tell us!
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despoir · 1 day ago
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Creachurlexic ⸻ a lexegender related to the word "creachur"!
for day 6 of @chronicallyqueercoining2's coining event, for the prompt "creature"!
coined by us. if this already exists, please tell us!
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despoir · 2 days ago
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Draucanic ⸻ a gender connected to dragons, wolves, and gold.
for day 5 of @chronicallyqueercoining2's coining event, for the prompt ""fantasy" / "mythical creature(s) (for example vampires or werewolves or unicorns etc)"!
coined by us. if this already exists, please tell us!
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despoir · 3 days ago
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#BEADED hexodic (left) ⸻ an identity related to the hex code #beaded!
#DECADE hexodic (right) ⸻ an identity related to the hex code #decade!
for day 4 of @chronicallyqueercoining2's coining event, for the prompt "a specific color / color palette / shade"!
coined by us. if one of these already exists, please tell us!
@radiomogai @hexodic
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despoir · 4 days ago
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[IDs in alt text]
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❝ MC // Main Character Occuden ❞
[PT :: MC // Main Character Occuden]
An occuden term for when one is a MC // Main Character occuden; when the role/occupation of an MC // Main Character is intrinsic to one’s identity.
Occuden By :: @rwuffles Color Picked From :: @despoir's main character flag Notes :: Made this mostly for an oc // self insert :333
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Archive Tagging :: @radiomogai @occuden-archive
Taglist :: @thatonegaybrit @mimiscoiningcafe @discrophy @horrgores @smilepilled
Cont Taglist :: @fukounagrl @scr-ppup
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despoir · 4 days ago
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Noctarael ⸻ a gender connected to the act of making instant noodles.
for day 3 of @chronicallyqueercoining2's coining event, for the prompt "a gastrogender (gender related to food / drinks)"!
coined by us. if this already exists, please tell us!
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despoir · 5 days ago
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pt: ecosygender. end pt.
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DEFINITION ⠀✦⠀ a gender that functions like an ecosystem; it has many different parts to it that all function both separately and allow all other parts to function. every part is required for this gender to be operational, and trying to remove one or add one makes the entire thing fall apart. for @chronicallyqueercoining2's event: a term related to nature / space in some way.
pt: definition, a gender that functions like an ecosystem; it has many different parts to it that all function both separately and allow all other parts to function. every part is required for this gender to be operational, and trying to remove one or add one makes the entire thing fall apart. for @/chronicallyqueercoining2's event(link): a term related to nature/space in some way. end pt.
TAGS.  @radiomogai @sevvys @angeltism @zoeynovie @boingogender @pupcoins @monarchenwinter @the-astropaws @flutteringwings-coining @acronym-chaos @idwl @catboy-autism.  ➷
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despoir · 5 days ago
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Cresolapse ⸻ a gender related to the way sunlight dapples during a solar eclipse, creating crescent-like shapes. ( eg: one, two )
for day 2 of @chronicallyqueercoining2's coining event, for the prompt "a term related to nature / space in some way"!
coined by us. if this already exists, do tell!
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despoir · 6 days ago
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Relocime ⸻ a gender connected to time loops, resets, and loss of control.
for day 1 of @chronicallyqueercoining2's coining event, for the prompt "a term related in some way to your favorite character"!
coined by us. if this already exists, do tell!
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despoir · 7 days ago
Chronicallyqueercoining2's 1.2k coining event!
[Pt: Chronicallyqueercoining2 's 1.2k coining event! End pt]
This will officially start on February 5th, but anypony is welcome to start sooner or later<3
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Day 1 : a term related in some way to your favorite character
Day 2 : a term related to nature / space in some way
Day 3 : a gastrogender (gender related to food / drinks)
Day 4 : a specific color / color palette / shade
Day 5 : "fantasy" / "mythical creature(s) (for example vampires or werewolves or unicorns etc)
Day 6 : "creature" (im envisioning animals, but interpret as you'd like!)
Day 7 : something related to presentation (ex: bear, twink, femme, etc)
By term, we mean : gender, presentation, identity, sexuality, alterhumanity, etc! Whatever that may mean for you, it doesn't have to be a gender<3
[Pt: Day 1 : a term related in some way to your favorite character
Day 2 : a term related to nature / space in some way
Day 3 : a gastrogender (gender related to food / drinks)
Day 4 : a specific color / color palette / shade
Day 5 : "fantasy" / "mythical creature(s) (for example vampires or werewolves or unicorns etc)
Day 6 : "creature" (im envisioning animals, but interpret as you'd like!)
Day 7 : something related to presentation (ex: bear, twink, femme, etc)
By term, we mean : gender, presentation, identity, sexuality, alterhumanity, etc! Whatever that may mean for you, it doesn't have to be a gender (heart emoticon)
end pt]
@boingogender @buntress @catastrophe-coining @cocajimmycola @daybreakthing @deathofamistress @dragonpride17 @ectotrickster @en8y @fangpunk @floraeth
@gender-darling @gender-mailman
@gloomybear-vexillologist @honey-makes-mogai @illusionfrilled @jiiamp @justanimp @kiruliom @local-maneater @losergendered @mantra-repeated @mogaipupster @mogai-sunflowers @mousesquared @neopronouns @noxwithoutstars @nqvo
@p-rtyboy @page-of-void-mogai @pupcoins @queergutz @rabidbatboy @radiomogai @revenant-coining @rwuffles @scr-ppup @smilepilled
@theflaggerrrr @thethreadsarefrayed @ubelaces @whimes @woodbyne @w1ll14m-4ft0n
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despoir · 10 days ago
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[Image description. First image: One version of the transrecursive flag. The flag has 7 stripes. from top to bottom the stripes are baby blue, pale blue, white, light purple, white, pale pink, and baby pink. The flag is flanked by a baby blue arrow pointing down on the left, and a baby pink arrow pointing up on the right. Second image: Another version of the transrecursive flag. The same as the previous version, but rotated 180 degrees, so now the pink stripe is at the top with the pink arrow pointing down, and the blue stripe is at the bottom with the blue arrow pointing up. End image description.]
Transrecursive when used as an identity label describes an individual who may have one or more of the following experiences with their gender:
a feeling or desire for a simultaneous and harmonious transition in both masculine and feminine directions
a feeling or desire to transition in alternating directions (for example, transitioning towards masculinity then back to femininity, or vice versa, perhaps multiple times.)
a feeling or desire to transition to a gender similar to what they were assigned at birth, that they may have felt denied access to earlier in life and now want to reclaim on their own terms. (E.G. unwanted gender reassignment, rejection from similar gendered peers, or being pressured to conform to the expectations of their assigned gender to the point of feeling alienated from it)
another similar experience, leading to what may be felt or described as a "repetitive" or "fractal" gender.
In use as a broader term, transrecursive is meant to act as an inclusive umbrella term for "contradictory" identities such as afab transfem and amab transmasc, without relying on assigned gender language. It also includes transfemmasc/transmascfem, and certain expressions of multigender or genderfluid.
Intersex voices should be centered in discussions of the transrecursive identity and community, but the label is not exclusive to intersex people and may be used by anyone.
Recursive transitioning is not the same as detransitioning. The distinction is in that the goal is not to "return" to the previously assigned gender, but to instead transition a second/third/nth time, continually transition, or to transition to a gender considered similar to what the individual was assigned at birth. That being said, people who have detransitioned are not inherently excluded from using the label.
Transrecursive people might identify as:
AFAB transfem, AMAB transmasc
FTM transfem, MTF transmasc
Transrecursive [man, woman, person, transfem, transmasc, or any other label] (or with no addition at all)
Gender recursive or sex recursive
Recurfem, Recurmasc, Recurgirl/woman, Recurboy/man, etc. Combinations such as Recurgirlboy or Recurfemmasc are also acceptable.
FTMTF or MTFTM (or other variants such as FTNTM, FTMTN, MTFTN, MTNTF)
Or anything else they want, as it is not mutually exclusive with any other identity label, even cisgender.
The flag's meaning and symbolism:
The use of pinks, blues, and white and the order of stripes are meant to pay homage the original transgender flag. Purple is added as the center stripe to represent the centering of intersex transrecursives, as well as to be evocative of the lavender stripe, representing diversity, added by Gilbert Baker to his original pride flag in 2017.
The arrows and their opposing orientations represent a "circular" or "contradictory" transition, as well as symbolizing movement and personal growth.
The flag is meant to be reversible, and may be flipped or drawn in any direction according to personal preference, as long as the stripes remain in their original "ombre" order with purple in the center, and the arrows remain in opposing directions.
This flag and label were designed/coined by me (the creator of this post and mod of this blog, @transrecursive.) No credit is needed to use the flag individually, but please at least let me know and consider citing this blog/post if you're going to be making money from using it (E.G. making pride merch)
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despoir · 10 days ago
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[first flag missing ID, help appreciated!]
Main character syndrome/complex ⸻ a flag for those who self-describe as having main character syndrome or a main character complex! kinda made with NPD in mind, but one doesn't need NPD to use this flag.
bright colours for main character vibes :)
extremely self-indulgent
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despoir · 14 days ago
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Mireaiten ⸻ a synonym for a brainmade headmate, specifically in the sense of "a headmate that was created in and by the brain" (and not the "non-introject" definition).
we made this because we have personal beef with the word brainmade, and also because brainmade is sometimes used as a synonym for entomate which is a different thing
mind + brain + create + n
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despoir · 2 months ago
"do not recoin OR use if x"
what else r they supposed to do then
you do know that people cant choose whether they identify with a term right. all youre doing is putting a name to an experience. youre not creating the experience from a blank void
not giving them either option is not a good boundary because realistically it will get broken either way that way for that reason. either people you dont like will use your name for that experience or they will create their own. you cant both eat your cake and still have it
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despoir · 2 months ago
Term/suffix ending list
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Not necessarily alts for -ic just ideas and ones I've seen used
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-ae, -am, -ation, -able, -ance, -ate, -at, -ant, -al/-all, -ade, -age, -ac, -act, -acity, -aholic, -algia, -ar, -ard, -arian, -ariam, -ary, -ation, -ative, -anne, -asion
-ble, -bia, -bess, -best
-cle, -cion, -cide, -cracy, -craty, -crat, -cule, -cy, -cycle, -ci, -carpe, -cèle/-cele
-dom, -dox, -dex
-er, -ea, -ette/-et, -es/-ess/-esse, -en, -ed, -el/-ell,/-elle, -ence, -ent, -ectomy, -ee, -eer, -emia, -ency, -ern, -essence, -etic, -ei, -ée, -eur
-ful/-full, -fy, -fic
-gam, -gamy, -gon, -gonic
-holic, -hood
-ic, -ix, -is, -ist, -ism, -ity/-itty, -io, -ion, -ify, -ise/-ize, -ible, -ive, -ing, -ish, -ia, -ial, -ie, -ical, -ile, -ine, -ily, -ious, -issime, -iste, -ice
-ly, -less, -lic, -lia
-ment, -mik, -my, -mia, -misia
-num, -ness, -nem, -no
-or, -ous, -out, -ocity, -oholic, -orium, -opsy, -onym, -ory, -oire
-phy, -path, -pathy, -phile, -philia, -pia, -phobia, -phone, -pnea
-rio, -ris, -rise
-ship, -s, -sio, -sion, -sive/-ssive, -sentive, -sect, -some, -sophy, -sophic
-tude, -ty, -tion, -tive, -th, -tome, -tile/-tyle
-um, -us, -ual
-ward, -ware, -wise
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Feel free to suggest more!
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despoir · 2 months ago
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Flescler ⸻ a gender related to yellow flowers, blue skies, summer, and fluffy white clouds.
name is a combination of the given words
i forgot why i coined this because it's been in my drafts for so long. if this already exists, do tell!
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despoir · 2 months ago
i miss coining tbh
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