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deni. howard university.future speech-language pathologist.main blog: angstfilled
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denialmostslp · 3 years ago
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denialmostslp · 3 years ago
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Upper limb anatomy revision
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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My friend sent this to her Professor today
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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08.01.21 / a refreshed workspace for the new year. i got a mini oil diffuser for my desk and i’m so excited to use it! what do you have planned for the weekend? i hope your week went well ♡
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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I’ve been having a really productive week so far! I have two essays due tomorrow, but as of today they’ve both been submitted! Now I only have one more due next week, though I’m not as far through my research as I would have liked. Hopefully I can get stuck into it tomorrow and smash through some readings!
I’ve really been enjoying posting on my studygram story to keep myself motivated throughout the day - my handle is studiousminds_ if you’d like to check it out!
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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post-exam unwind 🥰
listening to: dis-ease
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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20.10.2020 // me struggling to take that last picture without my glasses on was how i earned my degree from clown university
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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22/09/2020, 10.15pm
It has been an exhausting week, but here are a few things that made my week a lot better - my plants, the sky and a sandwich my mom made. Just had a few hours of self declared rest, now I’m ready to move forward!
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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25.11.20// early morning to late afternoon. Sometimes a change of scenery is exactly what is needed ☕️
IG: flatneedledistillery
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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new desk setup (▰˘◡˘▰)
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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august 21, 2016 (11/100) 🌻 last week’s spread 💫 made a moodboard kinda this using some pretty pictures from tumblr + a motivational quote to motivate myself yay
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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I have the midterm exam of this subject tomorrow so I've been studying all day 💪🏻 How was your Wednesday? Hope y'all are okay 💚
Instagram & Tiktok: whoislales
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
Tips on motivation
(from a mostly dysfunctional student with mental illness)
Disclaimer: This may not be applicable for everyone and the only qualification i have is “rando that miraculously did well at school” so here ya go:
(If you’re reading this on a bad day, and you feel like you don’t even want to get out of bed today, let alone study, scroll to the end)
Get a notebook. Write down every detail of the life you want to live- i mean everything. Look at this list as often as necessary. Adjust your life in order to get what you want. Let your dreams motivate you. (Admittedly, this doesn’t work very well for me for too long, but if it works for you that’s fantabulous!)
Romanticize the shit out of the idea of studying. Pretend you’re a scholar at a prestigious university, light candles, dress like an academic, get yourself some iced coffee and put on a dark academia playlist. Make studying poetic! (Personally, i make EVERYTHING poetic coz life can be dull and depressing enough as it is)
Get out of your sweats and into a killer outfit. I love to put on a pair of jeans or a cute dress with high heels and then walk around my room telling myself i’m an intelligent, powerful, badass bitch (or empress, depending on the mood) and that a couple of pages with words on them ain’t got nothing on me! Definitely puts my intrusive thoughts in their place because excuse me, i’m the one in a killer outfit and the voice is just a hater.
Make a game out of it. I use the app Forest to grow trees and its friggin great when you work to collect enough coins to unlock a new species- let the little things motivate you, don’t look at the big picture if it overwhelms you. My anxiety and depression sometimes make it difficult for me to take myself seriously so making it a game helps me forget the stakes and focus on getting through the hour. 
Choose a reward for the end of the week and hype it tf up, imagine the scrumptious feeling of delayed gratification that you’ll experience if you study now and watch that movie/ read that book/ eat that cake/ go on that friend date later, stress free coz you have your life together. I understand this may be difficult when you’re going through a depressive episode, but try to focus on the feel good feelings you’ll have later.
Start a studyblr and let the aesthetic motivate you. You don’t need fancy stationery or perfect handwriting or super neat notes- be imperfectly yourself and use the studyblr to motivate yourself and track your progress.
Sometimes i sit at my desk for hours and get nothing done. That’s okay! Activate caveman brain and take your studying to someplace else, even just to you bedroom floor. This helps my ADHD brain by keeping things exciting and different.
Start a bullet journal and plan everything- structure your life, break down huge intimidating tasks into ridiculously baby steps (eg. take out book, write date etc). Sometimes my anxiety refuses to let me study because it makes monsters out of tasks.
If the very thought of getting out of bed is draining that day, don’t think about studying, don’t let yourself make you feel bad. On the bad days, everything is an act of indescribable strength on your part. Acknowledge that. Acknowledge that its difficult, acknowledge your strength, And then think about the next minute- forget the rest of the day, the rest of the day does not exist. All you need to do today is get out of bed. And then all you have to do is brush your teeth. Then just drinking water is your goal for the day, then just doing something that makes you happy, then just eating something, and if you feel up to it, just do ten minutes of an assignment, then because you’re a warrior, do just another ten. And at the end of the day pat yourself on the back, be unashamedly proud of yourself for whatever task you were able to complete, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Then tell yourself that when you’ll do it again tomorrow, it will get easier. 
Mental illness is really, really hard. And it may not happen immediately, or even in a few weeks, or a few months, and you may not notice it happening but i promise you, one day you’ll smile and you’ll surprise yourself and you’ll realize you’re coping. You’ve made it this far and you’ll continue to do so.
I’m so proud of you all.
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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Review sheet of all the Spanish verbs tenses I’ve learned!
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denialmostslp · 4 years ago
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finally got some new friends 🌿💻 still need to get some pots for them, but i just love how they look on my table! i really wanted to get more of them, but i don’t think they would all fit in my small room… even so, it’s crazy how they make the room way more lively despite being relatively small 🌱
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