My best friend and I memorized the rune alphabet from this thing and used it to write coded notes to each other well into high school.
you know he would have been one of Those kids
inspired by this pic:
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Write a horror story in the format of an Internet search history
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Please also remember "that the IRS doesn't:
-Call to demand immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer. Generally, the IRS will first mail you a bill if you owe any taxes.
-Threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have you arrested for not paying.
-Demand payment without giving you the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe.
-Ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone."
This has been an addendum from your local 8th grade cybersecurity teacher.
For people with anxiety about filing taxes, here’s what things that happen when you make a mistake on your tax return:
- it gets corrected
- you get a letter in the mail either asking for some additional information or a letter showing the adjustment
- you pay the amount (there’s options for payment plans too!) or get a refund
Things that do not happen
- you’re “in trouble”
- you are charged with fraud
- you go to jail
I know that most people are probably just joking/exaggerating when they say a mistake on their return means they get thrown in jail but when I worked with the public I always would encounter people who believed that would happen and they would be panicking about it. So I like to put this out there every year because if I can even prevent one person from feeling that way, it’s worth it
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I've definitely had "oh fuck where are my kids" flavor. "X person I havent seen in years has shown up to say rude things and I punch them a lot a cry and theyre going to tell my mom", classic. In recent years "this is a situation where I should call 911 but my phone doesnt numbers anymore".
*"stress dream" = dreams you get when under large amounts of stress or anxiety irl, that may or may not relate to your current situation irl.
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Is it just me or are the new tumblr users convinced there's a penalty of some kind for using this site like it's meant to be used?
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So I had two different therapists recommend things to me where my initial reaction was "yeah that sounds great leanne, but it i dont see how it'll work for ME".
One said I should get a rolodex (she literally used the word rolodex, I miss her) to keep track of the household stuff, and had this way of organizing tasks so you'd pull out cards for the day and you'd have the daily stuff, the weekly stuff, the stuff that only happened once a month/once every three months/yearly at the front of the rolodex on the right day. Obviously I have no rolodex and Id miss so many days being sick that everything would always be off and I'd hate it.
You know what did work super well though? Google Calendar repeating events and Google Tasks organized into lists per day of the week, both blasting reminders into my phone all the freaking time. I've been doing that for over a year now and even when I suck at it, I still have a system. My house is mildly less gross, more of my plants survived, and the amount I showered and brushed my teeth increased.
When I was doing CBT therapy through my pain management clinic, they gave us all these charts and forms as Google Docs, mostly spreadsheets, like "record your feelings when your pain is bad, use this hour-by-hour week at a glance thing to schedule things like self care and your physical therapy exercises, and use it to log the other things you do during the day"
And i again was like "yeah ok im going to sit diwb at my computer and do this fastidious record keeping once a day on Google Docs"
But I did get a blank notebook from Daiso, make my own version of the forms that fit across two pages, and suddenly I havent lost a whole month to laying in bed feeling like I cant move, because I can look at my stupid notebook and see that even if it was half bad days it was still half good days. And doing that for a year has made it so much easier to keep the depression at bay while I'm dealing with every other stupid thing my body does. And this year I switched to planners someone else made that will still accomodate what I was doing with mine, because I discovered that drawing my own charts and things makes my arthritis flare up and also I forget to do it!
Anyway I think its more like a "raincoat vs umbrella" situation. Or, maybe a "rainboots vs take your shoes off and roll your pants up" situation.
the other day a doctor told me that "the best way to make [something i should do but never want to do] routine is to put it on your calendar!" and i found myself completely buh-- hhuh?-- about how to respond. i was stupefied by the gulf between our worlds. i looked into her kind eyes and i thought "put it on my what?" shoot it into space? i did not know how to explain to this extremely functional woman that an obligation to myself, with no stronger enforcer than my own words on a calendar, is to me a tattered codex from a lost religion. like this text is maybe historically interesting but not useful as a structure around which to build a life. what am i now going to write that will (or indeed should!) have any authority over me later? WALK? i don't know her life! and in what world would i respect directives left to me by a complete stranger (me from two days ago) whomst i have every reason to distrust (ate all the entemann's and put our keys in the laundry)? put it on my calendar. ok, dr goodbrain. but in the moment i nodded like a grinning toy monkey and dutifully thumbed WALK! into my phone at 4 p.m. Repeat: Every Day like that would have any effect on my actual behavior. sometimes it takes an enormous amount of optimism to be a person and frankly i admire us all for trying to do it
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Mitch McConnell next, like to charge reblog to cast
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Reminds me of what my son wrote on our wall when he got hold of a sharpie a couple years ago:

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It's nice to know he can keep things simple sometimes and just make a chocolate bar.
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These little alerts started out awful snarky but i think im breaking their spirit
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so embarrassing when i forget im checking someone's blog and i start scrolling through and liking and reblogging shit as if it's just my dash. it feels like wandering into someone else's apartment and not noticing and making myself lunch
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Hello, to whom it may concern, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, friends, romans, and nonbinary pals,
I would like to request more Chex Mix Bar Advertisements (below)

And fewer Animated Diseased Ear advertisements (not pictured for my safety and comfort)
On my tumblr specifically
Please, thank you, insert outdated ted talk joke
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Tumblr ads are evolving in ways i super hate and its like 4 main categories:
1. Look at this nasty ear we drew
2. These cartoon people are "exercising" and now there's zombies
3. We're pretending our merge game is edgy
4. We'll play 3 seconds of an "oddly satisfying" video to get your attention and then we'll switch to stupid tetris/yet another bejeweled clone
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