Peruvian Unicorn
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A little Peruvian princess who got lost in NYC
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dejanirebernal · 2 years ago
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dejanirebernal · 5 years ago
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dejanirebernal · 5 years ago
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dejanirebernal · 5 years ago
Amazing article. We all should try doing this. It’s hard times and we need some mental relief.
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dejanirebernal · 5 years ago
Reposting this. I think it’s very much needed during these hard times.
Relief of Anxiety
Lovely Wiccans, we are humans and sometimes we must deal with stressful situations that activate our anxiety. But don’t worry, we can relief our stress and anxiety with this beautiful spell: 
“Nervous anxiety, you are dead. Lord and lady, soothe my head. Bring me to your calming peace as i will so mote it be”
“I am peaceful,I am strong Though dark may seem so long. For day must follow every night, Everything is alright. I am always safe from harm, The Goddess holds me in her arms”
Anti-anxiety tea is also helpful to calm our spirits:
Add two teaspoons of valerian root to one cup of boiling water. As it seeps, chant:
“Nervous anxiety, you are dead. Roots and water, soothe my head. Bring to me your calming peace. As I will, so mote it be”
Note: To cut the taste you might want to strongly sweeten it with honey.
Hope this is helpful to y’all. Stay strong! 
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
Little Wiccan in Peru
Dear Wiccans, Summer Solstice falls on June 20th in the Northern Hemisphere. I'll be in Peru, but will still celebrate it because the weather is just warm like summer. Let's prepare Sacred Water for this celebration ! Using a fountain, a beautiful bowl, or your bath or shower. Give yourself a little time to connect with water, and say this spell. When you're done, drunk a glass of water. Water to cleanse and wash away fears / The rain like Gaia's gentle tears / Ocean's fierce and rumbling roar / As its waves rush to the shore / Water flows through sacred ground / It finds its way or goes around / Like the water I will flow / Washing clean and letting go / Water's blessing I embrace / It's effortless, fluid dance of grace / Into myself the water I take / That smooth will be the path I take Sacred water will help you be more flexible and to go with the flow. Remember, chill, relax, and enjoy life ! I'll leave you a little video of me enjoying life in Peru:
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
Can I be Wiccan and Vegan at the same time?
Dear Wiccans, The answer is simple: YES. Of course! Wiccans can eat whatever they want. However, I decided that being Wiccan and eating animals could not go with me because one of the first things I learned from being Wiccan was to respect nature. And how could I respect nature if by eating animals I was causing a real damage to Mother Earth and to innocent creatures that have not done anything wrong. I could have just ignored everything and keep on eating all the meat that I wanted. But something inside of me knew that something was wrong. I think that when I decided to become vegan, I just took all this weight from my shoulder, and the guilt just disappeared. And of course this is for me and only me. I would love if more people tried it and see how they feel about it. I won't impose my thoughts of course, and it is up to you to try this lifestyle. I just want to say that it makes me happier everyday :) Here is some footage of some Vegan options that anyone could have:
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
Vegan and Wiccan = Veccan?
Dear Wiccans, I can't stop thinking how much Veganism has changed my life. Before, I used to think that Vegans were not enjoying life enough because they were not eating yummy stuff. But I was SO WRONG. Vegan food is so delicious and it's not far from the food we eat regularly. It is so simple to Veganize any dish. Well, I must say I am really happy with all the energy I'm getting from eating healthier. Also, I feel so good everyday knowing that I'm doing something for the Earth, our Earth. Nature gives us everything we need. Isn't it perfect ? Here a video I posted today with some easy recipes you could try :)
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
Wiccans and Nature
Wiccans we adore Nature. In my case, I cannot adore Nature and eat meat at the same time. For me, it's not fair for the animals or for the plane Earth when I can eat other things that does not involve suffering. Taking the decision to become Vegan was easy to me. However, I know that it is really hard for a lot of people because sometimes they do not know where to start and what to eat. This is why, I have started posting videos with recipes so that Wiccans and non Wiccans who want to try the Vegan lifestyle get a chance and inspiration
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
I'm Wiccan and I'm Vegan
And I believe in Unicorns. So, a couple of months ago I asked if Wiccans should be Vegan. There were mixed opinions, and I got to the conclusion that people will never agree haha. Anyways, I have enjoyed being Vegan so far. I feel more peaceful and physically I feel more energized. I'm very happy and grateful that I discovered veganism. It has been a life changing experience. Right now, I've started to follow a High Carb meal plan from the book "The Starch Solution". I decided to record my meals so here it is the first day Hope you like it and hope you try it, even if you are not Vegan. Just try it once a week, you'll feel the difference. Peace !
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
2 Ingredients Cookies
 Dear Wiccans, we must have a lot of energy for our rituals, right? 
I found out about these cookies, only 2 ingredients <3 Like OMG yes. And it gives you so much energy, I can’t even :O 
What are those secret ingredients? 
2 cups of Oatmeal and 2 large bananas ( for 16 cookies) ! Yep that’s right :) So, I added half a cup of raising to get a little more creative. That taste is absolutely fantastic. 
So the only thing you gotta do is blend the oatmeal on a food processor until it looks like flour. Then, you mix de oatmeal and bananas until it looks like a dough. Finally, you just add the raisins and boom you are almost done. Don’t forget to preheat the oven at 350 F. So, you spray the pan with oil and for the size of the cookies I used a tablespoon and then made them balls on my hands. Then, with a spatula you make them flat. Bake the cookies for 20 minutes AND YAAAAS YOU GET THE MOST AMAZING, HEALTHY, VEGAN FRIENDLY COOKIES <3 GOOD LUCK. TRY IT, PLEASSEEEEEEE 
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
Vegan Pancakes
Hello Wiccans, 
Mondays can be hard sometimes. But don’t worry I have this delicious and easy to make pancake recipe :) Also it is #MeatlessMonday, so even if you are not Vegan try this <3 
1 Cup flour / 1 tablespoon sugar / 2 tablespoon baking powder / 1/8 teaspoon salt / 1 cup non dairy milk / 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil ( to make it healthier replace the oil by 2 tablespoons of apple sauce 
Mix all the ingredients and place it on a frying pan. Turn it when you see bubbles in the middle. 
I used Hershey’s chocolate syrup ( which is also vegan ) as a topping and also strawberry. 
Here is a picture of my creation 
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
Spring is here !
The Earth has finally starting to awake. The energy for forward movement is everywhere. This is a great time to start the projects you have always wanted, to establish goals, and take the first few steps towards bringing them to eventual fruition. Use this growing energy of spring to help give yourself the energy to get things done :) Witches, let’s do all of them. This spell will help you start: 
Spring is growth and greening Magick / Buds, beginnings, blossoms in bloom Spring is life in fragrant glory / Emerging from the winter’s gloom / I embrace the growing power / And take it deep within my soul / Enchanted by the greening Magick / Working towards my spirit’s goal / Energy for growth and movement / Energy for life’s sweet dance / Rising with the sap to motion / My plans and projects to advance 
Once you have said the spell, be sure to follow up with action :) 
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
Are Wiccans Vegan?
Dear Wiccans, As Wiccans, we should never support any kinds of abuse. This includes animal abuse and the suffering of our Planet. I had never thought about all the suffering animals go through until I watched Cowspiracy. It really changed my point of view about everything. I really never thought about going vegan until I watched that documentary. I just thought I could not be a Wiccan and eat meat at the same time. I mean the main point of being Wiccan is not hurting others and make as many positive actions as we can. Right? What are your thoughts ?
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
Let’s do something
Dear Wiccans, 
I have some bad news today. I have just watched the news and found out that something horrible has happened in Peru.
"The crude oil spilled impacted agricultural soils (cocoa crops) and the waters of the creek Inayo, part of the Marañón River, affecting water supply to families from 3 to 8 native communities. There is talk of "upwelling". I do not know the technicalities or how the operation works in the area. but the people there say the pipeline has broken and the crude comes down the ravine to the road below."
 I'm tired of people in power thinking this can go away unnoticed (the media have not reported on this except for two newspapers), please share this with whomever you think can take this to the media in whatever you're from. In countries like Peru only pressure from the outside world can force politicians and government officials to do something.
Here is more info about what is going on :
I’m sorry today I did not post something happy, but I really need your help. Remember is our Planet, and we have to love it and take care of it. 
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
Relief of Anxiety
Lovely Wiccans, we are humans and sometimes we must deal with stressful situations that activate our anxiety. But don’t worry, we can relief our stress and anxiety with this beautiful spell: 
“Nervous anxiety, you are dead. Lord and lady, soothe my head. Bring me to your calming peace as i will so mote it be”
“I am peaceful,I am strong Though dark may seem so long. For day must follow every night, Everything is alright. I am always safe from harm, The Goddess holds me in her arms”
Anti-anxiety tea is also helpful to calm our spirits:
Add two teaspoons of valerian root to one cup of boiling water. As it seeps, chant:
“Nervous anxiety, you are dead. Roots and water, soothe my head. Bring to me your calming peace. As I will, so mote it be”
Note: To cut the taste you might want to strongly sweeten it with honey.
Hope this is helpful to y’all. Stay strong! 
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dejanirebernal · 9 years ago
Sabbat : February 2 - IMBOLC
A time of new beginnings and of purification. Celebrate the Imbolc season by performing this ritual that honor the themes of the end of winter. Let’s celebrate this festival of lights.
First, set up your altar in a way that makes you happy, and brings to mind the themes of Imbolc. You'll also want to have on hand the following:
Prior to beginning your ritual, take a warm, cleansing bath. While soaking, meditate on the concept of purification. Once you're done, dress in your ritual attire, and begin the rite. You'll need:
Seven candles, in red and white (tealights are perfect for this)
Something to light your candles with
A large bowl or cauldron big enough to hold the candles
Sand or salt to fill the bottom of the bowl/cauldron
If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now.
Pour the sand or salt into the bowl or cauldron. Place the seven candles into the sand so they won't slide around. Light the first candle. As you do so, say:
Although it is now dark, I come seeking light. In the chill of winter, I come seeking life.
Light the second candle, saying:
I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth. I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life. I call upon fire to purify me with your flames.
Light the third candle. Say:
This light is a boundary, between positive and negative. That which is outside, shall stay without. That which is inside, shall stay within.
Light the fourth candle. Say:
I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth. I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life. I call upon fire to purify me with your flames.
Light the fifth candle, saying:
Like fire, light and love will always grow. Like fire, wisdom and inspiration will always grow.
Light the sixth candle, and say:
I call upon fire, that melts the snow and warms the hearth. I call upon fire, that brings the light and makes new life. I call upon fire to purify me with your flames.
Finally, light the last candle. As you do so, visualize the seven flames coming together as one. As the light builds, see the energy growing in a purifying glow.
Fire of the hearth, blaze of the sun, cover me in your shining light. I am awash in your glow, and tonight I am made pure.
Take a few momemnts and meditate on the light of your candles. Think about this Sabbat, a time of healing and inspiration and purification. Do you have something damaged that needs to be healed? Are you feeling stagnant, for lack of inspiration? Is there some part of your life that feels toxic or tainted? Visualize the light as a warm, enveloping energy that wraps itself around you, healing your ailments, igniting the spark of creativity, and purifying that which is damaged. When you are ready, end the ritual. You may choose to follow up with healing magic, or with a Cakes and Ale ceremony.
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