One blackout poem a day from the pages of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
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DH p 24:
Completely gaga
to think
accusations of inaccuracy
echoed in many places
generate a refusal to
dish the dirt.
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Poems coming soon!
Life has been crazy, but I’ll be making an effort to post every other day starting next week.
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DH p 23:
Inside ripped open,
Teeth bared,
Famously ferocious,
A steaming vat of
Freshest gossip,
Quick off the mark,
Clamoring to be first.
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DH p. 22:
Today unfolded,
thrown aside,
to suppress the truth.
To strip away
lawless youth and
guilty secrets,
content to remain
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DH p. 21:
In Memoriam
He whose
sadness sprung into being,
venerable and silver-haired and old,
to take part in that
legendary duel with his
always discussed
past, future, and
now the dangerous question—
answer honestly:
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
I? I see myself.
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DH p. 20:
Generations to come
will witness triumph
turning to downfall—
something insignificant
or wretched,
but nothing compared
to the greater good.
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DH p19:
Little I guessed
such brilliant tragedy
had a profound effect on
one of that lucky number
(though of course,
he was guiltless)
and mark upon a person’s heart
the closeness and
estrangement (in time)
of triumph.
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DH p18:
It must be admitted
that experience was an
occupational hazard
of pleasure.
I intended to pay my respects,
to be solitary.
To no longer question wonder.
To live.
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DH p17:
Friends of one with
meteoric ambitions
later become,
by the tendency to
eclipse him,
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DH p16:
to our mutual attraction,
to the contagious burden
of savage courage,
to praise and
to hate.
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DH p15:
Lay the bitter regret to rest.
Empty the remainder,
to be left behind in
some dreadful invisibility,
into an old place of honor—
because of what it cost
to attain it.
One day,
got up off the floor
and moved out of her cage.
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DH p14:
Nothing more remained
except the glittering grit
which clung deep inside
and flickered feebly,
Again, he plunged
into this old experience,
skimmed off the intervening years,
and eyes to see the damage
of the enchanted mirror.
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On Vacation!
deathly_poetry will return next week.
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DH p13:
i swear a
cup of tea
is able to
perform magic...
to repair wounds
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DH p12:
Not again content
With an impassioned
Defense of doubt.
This time,
Contempt trembled
And fell from
His shoulders
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DH p11:
Prune those parts that
threaten gratitude.
Cut away the
invisible bonds.
Do you recognize us?
Look up!
Show curiosity in
the prisoner, for
we are the children
of witches
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DH p10:
her lips parted,
and yours,
to exchange gleeful looks—
so jubilant were they,
so flushed with happiness—
I have never set eyes on
any beast who shook her
as breathless
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