death-moth · 3 years
Trilling and Tea
C! Philza
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Coming home to a warm log fire and a loving father couldn’t be better  No pronouns used TW: None!
Some fatherly comfort for all! All fluff, no angst: nice
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As a snowflake lands on your nose, you sneeze. Why did your family decide that living in freezing cold mountains was a good idea? You hug yourself, keeping your raven wings tucked in tight as another gust of wind hits your face. You sigh as you finally see the wooden house come into sight.
Opening the door, you hurriedly close and lean against it. You stand there for a second to let the heat warm up your joints. Taking your jacket off, you instantly hang it up to dry along with your scarf, hat and gloves. Your boots are placed at the door on the welcome mat to dry out.
“(Y/N)! Is that you?” A voice comes from the kitchen. That’s when you notice the delicious smell of stew being cooked.
“Yeah! Got caught in a snow storm and couldn’t fly home!” You shout back through as you add another log to the fire and sit down on Techno’s seat (the closest one to the fire). You grab the blanket from the back of the seat and wrap yourself in it. It’s warm and you instantly start trilling.
Loud trilling comes from the kitchen to match and you smile. Despite hearing Phil’s trilling and chirping every day, it still brings a form of comfort to you and makes you feel like a little kid again.
Phil walks into the room with two mugs filled with green tea and places them on the coffee table. He comes over and you smile up at him but let out a small chirp as he lifts you (still wrapped like a burrito) and places you on the couch. He plops down next to you and covers you both in another blanket before picking up the two mugs and holding one out for you.
You take it, holding the handle but balancing it on your knee as to not touch the hot mug. “Thank you dad.” You take a sip and internally sigh in content, it was exactly the way you liked it.
Phil smiles and pats your head, “Of course mate.” He takes a sip of tea before continuing, “What where you up to today? Do anything interesting?”
You hummed in thought. “Not really, I was just hanging out with Quackity, Sapnap and Karl in the village centre.” You light up. “We did get to try some of Mrs Nihachu’s new cookies when we went to visit Niki!” You groan, “They’re so good! I’ll get you all some the next time I go.” You nod to yourself.
He laughs, “Thank you, I’m sure we’ll all love them.” He hugs you closer.
“Did you do anything today?” You take another sip of tea.
“Eh, not really. Just tended to the animals and helped Tommy and Wilbur get their stuff ready for their sleepovers.” He places the mug into the coffee table. “Techno should be home soon. When he gets here, I’ll dish us up some stew.”
You raise an eyebrow, “Potato stew?”
He chuckles, “Potato stew.” He confirms.
Suddenly, as if summoned by the mention of potatoes, the front door opens and in steps Techno. He’s covered in snow and instantly throws his cape up to dry next to your coat. “It’s too cold to function properly.” He states while taking his boots off.
You snort, shaking your head. “Welcome back Tech.”
Grumbling, he replies, “Glad to be back.” He makes his way up the stairs to change his soaked through clothes.
Phil pats you on the back and stands, taking his empty mug with him. “I’ll go get us some stew.” You nod as he makes his way back to the kitchen.
A few minutes later, Techno comes back down the stairs and plops onto his chair, a book in hand.
You watch him for a second before speaking up, “Phil made stew for dinner.”
He looked over to you, “Potato stew?”
You laugh and nod. “Potato stew.”
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death-moth · 3 years
The Wiccan Next Door - New Places
CC! Tommy
Part 1
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Moving houses isn’t too fun when you have to make new friends but then there’s the neighbours kid
No pronouns used, will be gender neutral in the future parts
TW: Swearing and mention of a cult
This was supposed to be a one part but then i though ‘Why not give myself a challenge that i might regret later’!
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You sighed as you plugged the lag plug into the socket before leaning back in your chair. It had been a whole day of unpacking after finally moving into your new house. Well, your parents house but you get the idea.
A glare from the window caught your attention and so you made your way over. Looking out, you can see that the neighbours kid is screaming away at their PC. You snort and shake your head before closing the blinds. It’s definitely not the weirdest thing you’ve seen, in fact, you’ve definitely done weirder things.
You plop down onto your bed before picking up your phone and going onto Twitter.
 Wick @burntoutcandle
Hey guys! No stream tonight, I’m burnt out, but I’ll be back to things tomorrow night!
 Once the tweet is sent out, you scroll on Tik Tok for way too long before going to sleep.
 “It’ll be a good way to make new friends!” Your mum explains as she hands you a loaf of freshly made banana bread. You take it and softly sigh.
“Alright, alright.” You give her a pointed look, “But if the kid is an asshole can I throw this at them?”
She gives you the same look back, a small smile working it’s way onto her face. “Just a little bit.”
“Yes!” You celebrate as your mum laughs at you fondly.
She steers you to the door and opens it for you, “Just remember, if they seem sketchy in any way, you come back home as fast as you can okay?”
You salute her, “Yes ma’am!” She snickers and nudges you out of the doorway before closing the door.
Now in a better mood, you make your way up to the front of the neighbours house and knock the door. You’re only standing there for a couple of seconds before a woman opens the door.
“Hi! Me and my family just moved in next door yesterday and my mum wanted me to come over and give you this loaf of banana bread.” The woman has a smile on her face as you continue to ramble. “Just a ‘get to know the neighbours’ loaf.”
She lets out a small laugh, “Well come on in then, I’ll get you something to drink and we can dig into that loaf.” She opens the door wider and you step in, feeling awkward now that you’re in someone else’s home. She closes the door and leads you to the kitchen. “Would you like some tea, coffee or a cola?”
You smile at the offer while placing the banana bread on the counter. “Just some cola please.”
Suddenly there’s footsteps barreling down the stairs and a tall teenager makes his way into the kitchen but halts to a stop at seeing you. He looks you up and down, suspicion in his eyes. You smile awkwardly at him.
“You’re the new kid next door right?”  He ask.
“Uh, yeah, I’m (Y/N).” You hold a hand out and he shakes it.
“Tommy.” He looks you up and down again, “You just moved in next door but I’m 113% convinced you’re in a cult.”
His mum turns around sharply at that but you just laugh. “Thanks, I think.” He smiles, seeing that the comment didn’t affect you. “You look like something a cult would summon.” You say jokingly, making him burst out laughing.
Once he calms down, he nods at you, “I feel like we’re going to get along just fine.”
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death-moth · 3 years
Late Night Singing Session
CC! Wilbur Soot
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Wilbur is a certified cure for insomnia /j
No pronouns used
TW: Swearing, mentions of insomnia, talk of being overwhelmed and crying.
First imagine in a while! Really projecting on this one.
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Having insomnia was far from fun. The constant feeling of wanting to sleep but not being able to. It’s brought you to tears more times than you can count.
And then came along your best friend: Wilbur Soot. You can’t count on your fingers how many times you’ve fell asleep to his streams or videos. His voice was just so soothing and if you believed in mythological creatures, you would say for certain that Wilbur was a Siren. His voice draws you in and completely relaxes you, even as he shouts at his chat or one of his friends, it never stops being so comforting.
Yawning, you stare at your computer screen, watching but not completely seeing anything that was happening. It was a college lecture video that had been pre-recorded and posted to the class chat.
You checked the time at the bottom corner of your screen. 4:23 AM. Great, another night with no sleep. You teared up. Everything from the day was crashing down. That small problem at the start of the day when you couldn’t find your favourite earrings? That problem now felt like you had lost a family heirloom forever.
A notification on Discord caught your attention. You didn’t bother wiping your tears and just clicked on the app. Wilbur’s profile picture has a small one under it. You sigh and click on the chat.
‘Hey I can see you’re still up, you okay?’
The next breath nearly came out as a sob. You hesitated before typing an answer.
‘Not really, can we talk?’
As soon as it was sent, there was instant regret. What if he was busy? What if you’d interrupted his sleep?
‘Of course! VC?’
You sent a single nodding emote and a call instantly came through. You accepted it after making sure your camera was off.
Wilbur popped up on your screen. He was holding a cup of coffee, sipping at it and looking wide awake. He smiled once you connected but it dipped down upon seeing your camera being off.
“Hey Bubba, how are you doing?”
New tears welled up at the genuine question.
“Not too good.” Your voice broke and his face became more concerned. He placed his cup down to give you all of his attention.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” You heisted, not wanting to dump all of your problems on him. He smiled sadly and knowingly, “You’re not going to be putting anything on me, okay? Just tell me what’s wrong.”
You wiped your tears away and cleared your throat. “I just can’t sleep. I’ve had a bad day and now it’s all being topped off with insomnia, bad feelings and not being able to my work.”
He tutted in sympathy as he sat up straighter. “Okay you’re leaving your work for tomorrow.” He knew you would try and protest and so he continued. “I know for a fact that none of your work is due for today. It’s Saturday. What your going to do is come off of your computer, get into bed and join back on your phone. Okay?” He heard you sniff.
“Okay, give me a minute.” It was nearly a whisper but it was enough for him. He nodded just before the call disconnected.
Five minutes later, after doing your usual night routine, you connected back to the call.
“Welcome back.” His voice was light. “You in bed?”
You hugged your duvet closer, “Yeah.”
He smiled. “Well done Bubba, I’m proud of you.” You smiled bashfully at his compliment and hummed.
You heard some rustling on his side and a small hollow bang. “Give me a song, any song.”
You hummed in thought before answering, “One day by Lovejoy?”
He chuckled but started strumming.
“And stop
'Cause why'd you have to kill my cat?
Why'd I have to take you back?”
It was more acoustic than the normal tune and much softer. You closed your eyes, listening to the sirens song.
“And time and time, I play the empath
I don't know why
There's some lights on in an empty pub
A toilet with the seat left up
Is closure like a deer in headlights”
You smiled to yourself, you couldn’t have asked for a better friend than Wilbur Soot.
“One day, I know that you will be there
One day, I'll focus on the future
Maybe one day, oh, baby, isn't life so fucking inconsistent?”
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death-moth · 3 years
Being TommyInnit's Twin Brother Headcanons
CC! TommyInnit
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TommyInnit has a twin!? Shocked Pikachu face.
Male reader
Is it obvious I love twin headcanons? Also! Slow updates D: , sorry!
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Simply put? Chaos
Lots of Twitter back and forth that people are afraid to interrupt.
You’ve definitely switched out with Tommy at multiple points for streams.
Due to knowing Tommy’s password to his computer, you’ve changed his Minecraft skin several times without him noticing until someone points it out.
Chat knows that he has a brother but they don’t know that said brother is a twin brother.
Wilbur, Phil, Technoblade, Tubbo and Ranboo definitely know about you being twins and love trying to guess who is who (Wilbur being the one to get it right most of the time).
While Tommy has a brotherly relationship with Wilbur, you’d have a brotherly relationship with Technoblade.
If you’re into Greek Mythology or books, you and Techno could stay up for hours to talk about them.
When chat finally figures the whole twin thing out, it’s because one of you forgot that the stream was running and barged into the room, shouting about something.
You and Tommy bicker so much and sometimes things said can go a bit too far but it doesn't take long for both of you to make up.
If you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community, Tommy definitely supports you and always tries to keep informed (he’s definitely bought you some pride flags and keyrings).
You’re very proud of him, who he’s become and where his career is going.
You always make sure that he takes some breaks and is always there to comfort him when anything gets too much.
You’re a mod in his chat and you’re even quicker to ban someone than Phil.
Being in most of his vlogs and usually being the camera man.
If you do any editing for him, he will try to pay you but due to it being rare, you always call it a favour.
Tommy always looks after you and is always there for you.
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death-moth · 3 years
C!Technoblade Imagine
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Being Technoblade's child is cool and all but the voices weren't appreciated.
Gender neutral and piglin reader
TW: The use of 'runt' towards the reader, abandonment, voices (chat) and panic.
Been a bit since I updated but here's a little something. Who doesn't love dadnoblade?
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Living in the Nether wasn’t the worst thing you’ve ever done but it was definitely something you didn’t like to think back on. Born in the Nether to a piglin brute sounder, you were taught how to fight at a very young age, but due to your ‘runt-like’ stature, you were eventually left to your own accord.
At six years old, you learned that even family could turn their back on you.
That why, when you were found by a crown wearing piglin that called himself Technoblade and was quickly taken in, you were confused. Didn’t he know you were a runt?
You explained this to him in your own child-like way. His answer? “I grew up in a brute sounding too. They called me a runt and abandoned me, leaving me to survive alone and without a weapon. A man with wings found me and saw something in me. Now look at me.” He gestured to himself. “Being different from others doesn’t make you weak or incapable, it makes you, you.” He looked pointedly. “And clearly,” He gave you a glass of milk. “You’re strong, resilient and a survivor.”
From then on, you lived with the older piglin that you eventually called dad (you’ll forever remember the face he made the day you called him that to his face). You met the man that took your dad in and over time, you thought of his as your granddad.
Then, one day after waking up and making your way to the bathroom to brush your tusks an unknown voice startled you.
‘OMG, they’re so cute’
‘a child’
You quickly turned around, looking for the source of the many different voices. Making yourself dizzy as you span, the voices continued.
‘They’re gonna hurt themself’
‘what did I miss’
Your breath quickened as you couldn’t find the source of the voices. Making distressed oinks and squeals, you slammed the bathroom door open and stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen where you slammed into your dad. Holding onto him, your grip so tight that it was making indents on your hand through Techno’s clothing.
He let out a small ‘oof’ but didn’t move. He stalled for a second before dislodging your grip carefully and crouching down to see you eye-to-eye. “What happened?” He wiped your tears away with a small cloth.
Your tears quickened as your breath stuttered. “Vo-oices.” You managed to stutter out.
Techno’s breath stuttered for a second. “Voices?” His voice was soft but worried, almost scared.
“They won’t stop!” Your grip tightened.
Techno slowly let a breath out before squaring his shoulders and lifting you into his arms, still cleaning away your tears. He started to bounce you slightly and pulled you into a hug. “Hey, hey.” His voice was soft but not quiet. “It’s all okay.” He sat down on one of the sofas and leaned back. He pulled you back to see your face. “Hey, look at me.” Voice still soft.
You opened your eyes, looking up at your dad as he smiled reassuringly. “It’s okay.” He cleaned away another tear. “I know what’s happening. I have them too.” You looked at him in slight surprise. “They can be annoying.”
‘I love that for us’
You giggled a bit before sniffing. Techno let out a small smile at this. “Sometimes, they’ll be too loud. Sometimes, they’ll be weird.”
‘I take that as a compliment’
“Sometimes, they’ll be helpful.” He tapped the side of his head. “I’ve won some battles ‘cause they were there.” Surprise came to your face once again, making him chuckle. “That’s right, even the mighty Blood God gets some help sometimes.”
‘what a looser /j’
You giggled before quieting down. “’M not crazy?”
Techno smiled and pulled you into another hug. “Not at all.”
It was quiet for a moment before you spoke up. “I love you dad.”
A few chuffs. “Love you too kid.”
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death-moth · 3 years
About this account
Hi and welcome to my account! I'm Death Moth but call me Raccoon.
I go by He/Him, They/Them, Ram/Rams and End/Ends pronouns. If you don’t know how to use the neopronouns, simply ask.
Right now I only write for Dream SMP (rp character and irl). I may end up writing about more fandoms later on. I do imagines and headcanons and all of my works will be either platonic or QPR (queerplatonic relationship).
My masterlist.
If you like to read Dream SMP one shots purely about the canon characters without any inserts, I have an Ao3 in which I write these kinds of one shots. No reader and no OC insert. My Ao3. It's more rare that I upload on my Ao3 but I hope you enjoy!
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death-moth · 3 years
C! Michael (the piglin) Imagine
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Being a piglin and looking after your brother was hard, what made it harder? Looking after said brother in the Nether.
Gender neutral intended, piglin reader
TW: Slight talk of bone and rotting
So this is the first thing I've ever written for Michael but I love him too much not to. Michael, my beloved. This is pretty short to me so it's almost guaranteed that I'll be making a second part to this.
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An oink and snort came from beside you as you lifted your golden sword higher. The weight of the sword didn’t really bother you. Another snort caught your attention and you looked over to the origin to see your brother looking back. 
Despite being siblings, you haven’t been able to understand your brother since he had been zombified. Over time, you’ve begun to pick up on small body movements and sounds to understand him. You’ve done your best to take care of him but lately a green rot has begun to spread across your left arm. Feeling more sluggish, it’s been harder to keep up with your brother and take care of him.
He oinks once again and catches your attention before stomping his left hoof. You hurry over to him and pull a small piece of magma cream out to lather it on his exposed bone. You had been doing this to protect his bones from the dry and hot atmosphere of the Nether. Pulling out a piece of blue fungus, you feed it to him. Despite him probably not needing any food, it was pure instinct. 
"Brother." Your voice catches his attention. Even with his eyes glazed over and brain rotting, he knows your voice. You grab his arm and take him into a small netherrack cave as a ghast cry is heard. 
A voice startles you and you swiftly turn while shifting to be in front of your brother. "Aww." The voice coos as a shadow looms over. The tall figure crouches down and tilts his head slightly. 
He smiles while taking in the sight of you ready to protest the zombified piglin behind you, "Are you protecting him?". Not understanding, you snort before growling. You didn't want this figure near your brother.
Making himself smaller and putting both of his clawed hands in view, he coos once again. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I won't come any closer." He relaxes his form, trying his best to seem non-threatening. Still not trusting him but seeing his body relax, you keep your sword lifted but stop growling after giving a slight chuff.
The figure thinks for a moment before slowly lifting a finger to his chest and points to himself. "Ranboo." He states, still poking his chest. "I'm Ranboo." You think for a moment, trying to comprehend the common speak. 
"Anbo". You try to match the sounds.
Ranboo's face lights up as he nods. "You've nearly got it!" His particles fizz in excitement. "Ranboo."
"Anboo." You point to him as you say the strange word. 
Gasping in excitement, he flaps his hands slightly. "That's right!" He looks into his inventory but sees no boats or wood. He hums before looking back at you. "Okay, okay." He mumbles. He pulls out neither brick and blocks the cave entrance. "I'll be right back! I'll bring Tubbo and we'll get you both home!" 
You slightly panic as 'Anboo' jogs away and out of sight. You look around the cave but see no other exits. Checking your satchel, you see enough supplies for about ten (10) more days. Snorting in worry, you put your sword into his holder before checking your brother over despite 'Anboo' having never gotten past you. You just hope he comes back soon. You don't want to break your promise to your sounder.
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death-moth · 3 years
Dream SMP Masterlist
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All platonic or QPR!
(C! Only) = I will only be writing that character as their RP character in game, not IRL. This is mostly due to not watching their streams or videos enough to write them well or they only exist within the RP world.
(CC!) = This work is based off the IRL content creator.
(C!) = This work is based off the RP canon character.
(WIP) = Work in progress
Being TommyInnit's Twin Brother Headcanons (CC!)
The Wiccan Next Door - New Places (CC!)
Being Ranboo's Twin Headcanons (CC!)
Voices (C!)
Wilbur Soot
Late Night Singing Session (CC!)
Dream XD (C! Only)
Captain Puffy
Awesamdude (C! Only)
Sam Nook (C! Only)
Being Jschlatt's Sibling Headcanons (CC!)
Jack Manifold (C! Only)
Karl Jacobs
Foolish Gamers
Michael (the piglin) (C! Only)
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death-moth · 3 years
Can I get platonic brother Jschlatt headcanons if your up for it? Irl or canon whichever you prefer!
Being Jschlatt's Sibling Headcanons
CC! Jschlatt
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Being the sibling of Jschlatt means your life is never boring
Gender neutral intended
Thank you so much for the request! I got so excited when I saw your ask pop up. I decided to do CC! Jschlatt for the fluff. I hope this does your ask justice :D
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Oh my, the amount of chaos that would transpire 
You definitely have a good backbone and always have a resort for EVERYTHING 
You put up with a lot of shenanigans and have the patience of a saint
You're the best cook in the house and always have to stop Schlatt from ordering food
You can hardly touch Jambo without Schlatt playfully swatting you away (you pretend not to see the fond smile that appears on his face when you actually do get to pet and cuddle Jambo)
You usually always make some sort of appearance in his streams and video's (usually you're a voice in the background asking what he wants when he enters a different room)
You make sure to laugh at his mutton chops at least six (6) times a week
No matter how brash and loud he is, he always makes time to listen to you
Despite how sad it sounds to some people, you're each others best friend
Ted and Charlie are good friends of yours and you're never afraid to talk to them about anything and vice-versa
You've definitely been gifted one of each of his YouTooz plushies (that or you steal them from his room)
You've both been given a speeding ticket at least once
Unfortunately, you've heard Schlatt say a lot of unappreciated things due to thin walls and you always make sure to give him that look when he finally emerges from his room
You never want to think back to the events of Schlatt's 'The Best Purchase Of My Life' video
Stealing the pope cutout to mess with him is a pass time
Schlatt is definitely softer off of camera and is always looking out for you and would stop everything to make sure you're okay (this was proved when he stopped a stream about thirty (30) minutes in when you came into his room with tears in your eyes)
Despite all of your arguments and disagreements, you and Schlatt have a very good relationship and are always ready to throw fists for each other (let's not discuss the one time you did)
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death-moth · 3 years
Being Ranboo's Twin Headcanons
CC! Ranboo
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Life as the twin of the faceles streamer Ranboo can be interesting
They/Them pronouns but hints to the reader being AMAB
My first post on Tumblr, this will be interesting. I decided to do a headcanon to start off!
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Bringing Ranboo food and water when he forgets
Accidentally walking into his room when he's streaming but somehow never being caught
Being the mysterious voice that somehow sounds exactly like Ranboo but muffled behind a door
Eventually talking to Tubbo and becoming good friends with him through your music taste (especially if you play an instrument)
Talking to to Tommy by accident when you just wanted to play some Minecraft but clicked on the Dream SMP server out of curiosity (he was devastated to find out that he was shorter than you)
Talking to Tommy more and becoming good friends with him, he refers to you on stream as 'Siboo' (sibling + Ranboo) and chat begins to speculate
Finally being asked to be on stream for Ranboo's 1 Million subscriber special to bake a cake with him
Wearing a copy of Ranboo's mask, glasses and a pair of black gloves instead of the white and black separate gloves
Somehow being more chaotic than Ranboo and threatening to put coffee beans on the cake
You end up being popular amongst the DSMP fans, especially when you interact with the other siblings
Despite all of the love, you're never really interested in making your own YouTube or Twitch but you do show up a bit more in Ranboo's streams
Ranboo is very supportive of anything you do (that doesn't harm you) and is always there for you through thick and thin
While Ranboo may not be the most sociable person off of stream, he always loves ranting or info dumping to you (if you allow him)
He's always reminding you to take any medication that you need and kind of panics if you've forgotten
He's one of (if not the most) supportive person you've ever met
You love when you can info dump and rant to him because he always gives good advice and responses (you love to call him Wiseboo)
You often remind Ranboo how much you appreciate him and how you couldn't have asked for anyone better to be your twin
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death-moth · 3 years
Platonic Imagines and Headcanons
Every single imagine and headcanon from this account will be platonic or (at the most) QPR (queerplatonic relationship). This definitely means no NSFW content.
Dream SMP + Co.
Wilbur Soot
Dream XD
Captain Puffy
Sam Nook (platonic only)
Jack Manifold
Karl Jacobs
Foolish Gamers
Michael (the piglin)
Philza (platonic only)
Technoblade (platonic only)
Wilbur Soot
Captain Puffy (platonic only)
Karl Jacobs
Foolish Gamers
I may add other characters later but for now, this is the set list. Again, none of these imagines or headcanons will be targeted to be fully romantic.
QPR: Queerplatonic relationship is a relationship that bends the rules for telling apart romantic relationships from non-romantic relationships.
I will write for all pronouns! That includes neopronouns!
Even if you don't have a request, feel free to message me for something random or even if you want to try new pronouns (I'll try my best to help).
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