Happiness Will Come To You.
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Look, all I'm saying is if someone potentially wanted to start a rock band, I wouldnt be against it.
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I meant to make this meme ages ago when pride month was still on but yeah gé (pronounced gay) is the Irish for a goose.
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Honestly? The bigger the dog, the better.
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reblog if you like girls, you’re constantly sleep deprived, or both :-)
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Something that still haunts me to this day is that one time when I was 11 and thought I could whip egg whites into stiff peaks by hand using a plastic Tigger fork and tried to make meringues and honestly the sheer determination and blind confidence I had back then, has a special place in the gallery of "3 am thoughts" in my mind and I want a refund.
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I dont think people understand the full impact of a simple compliment like I was at Good Will today and I was wearing this rainbow satchel thingy because I felt like it was my sworn duty as a queer, and this girl comes up to me and says "hey! I like your bag its super cool!" And I said thanks! But honestly like, my heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest, track her down, get on one knee, and propose to her right on the spot. Maybe thats just the homo in me talking, but I still am thinking about how sweet she was for just talking to me and being nice and idk y'all if you think something is nice or cool about another human, 9 times out of 10 they will gush and think about it forever if you tell them.
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Does anyone else feel super bad when they're watching YouTube and your pet is like, on your bed, and the video contains SwEARiNG and all of a sudden you feel like a 30 year old mom packed with uncomfy feels for her innocent lil baby boi who isn't ready for the harsh reality that is this world?
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So I was at the grocery store today, minding my business with my mum, when all of a sudden this girl tells me that she likes my shoes and I was like "oh dang I should probably compliment her too because thats a nice thing she did so I should return the favour" and I told her, "Aw thanks! I like, your, uh.." And luckily my mum called me over to help her pick out a soda because I honestly couldnt figure out what to say and I cant stop thinking about it oh my GOD I hate people im never going out again but gosh she was so nice and made my heart feel all fluttery inside what should I DO
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Honestly, at this point Gender just feels like a DLC expansion pack that I dont have enough money to buy
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Why does seasoning something thats not entirely healthy make it feel like its healthier?
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You know that moment when you're just like, singing to yourself and you're vibing and all is well with the world and all of a sudden your allergies are like "lmao prepare to get fUCKED" and you start sneezing like a hecking cretin and your vibe is ruined and you KNOW no one saw you, but you're hella embarrassed???
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Honestly, I have so much respect and admiration towards people who still carry their dogs after they’ve reached full size. Im talking like, Austrailian Shepherd type size. I also have a strong admiration towards strong women. A strong woman carrying a dog would probably send me into cardiac arrest. 
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Im your biggest fan
I’ll follow you 
Until you yeet me 
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Hey do y’all remember
Those like, themed play places at malls that were made of that really nice plastic stuff that was soft and you could ram your head full speed into it and kinda just bounce off?? Or was that just me? 
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So I had a novel Idea
Spicy Cereal. 
Its cereal, but its spicy. Like say its made of Takis for example. The milk would balance out the spice of the Taki cereal, therefore making the experience more enjoyable. I seriously think we should fund this. 
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