
honestly this screenshot just says everything
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Book Guild Meetings
I want to get the ball rolling on the first book read here in the guild but I've stumped myself with my choices. Since I cannot for the life of me pick between these works, I am posing it to all of you! Winner of the poll will be read as the inaugural book of the guild.
For the record, I have already read all of these and will be re-reading them. This way I can better guide the meetings since I will be the least bit familiar with them. These are all relatively short and we should be able to finish them before December.
#the book guild#book guild polls#book guild meetings poll#help me choose#what to read#book guild meetings#you decide#henrik ibsen#a doll's house#karel capek#r.u.r.#rossum's universal robots#yevgeny zamyatin#we#ray bradbury#fahrenheit 451#martha wells#murderbot diaries#all systems red#signal boosting#my own poll
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Reading amazing fanfiction, then forgetting to bookmark it
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This is beyond adorable, I absolutely love this. Also glad to know I'm not the only one who struggles with succinctness.
Kid and killer with someone who is a literal mouse/rat ? ate the mouse zoan fruit unknowingly thinking I’d be a cooler ability
I hope you don't mind if I turned this into a little drabble bc it inspired me. It was such a cute idea.
(Okay this got out of hand... I am incapable of telling a succinct story)
The Only Free Cheese Is in the Mousetrap
You had to admit, when you first ate the Mouse-Mouse fruit, you thought it was going to be something a little bit cooler. Mice were small and lame. No one would blink twice at a silly little mouse. As it turned out, that was your advantage.
You had been trying to hitch a ride through the Grand Line and you had been successful for the most part, hiding in the storage of random ships, eating whatever you could find. You didn't need much as an innocent little mouse. This ship, however, had no food in storage. There were only weapons and prisoners. If you got caught on this ship, the consequences would surely be dire.
The mistake was made when you decided to venture around the ship in search of food. You happened to find yourself in the workshop of the notorious K.I.D., Eustass 'Captain' Kid that is. Unfortunately you were a very unique, bright white mouse. It didn't leave you much in the way of camouflage, unless there was a bowl of flour somewhere. Even more unfortunate was that Kid was a very observant man and spotted you instantly.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A wee mouse?" Kid crouched in front of you.
You had been so sure he was going to crush you under his foot.
"Yer not even scared, eh?"
In truth, you were terrified, in the third, secret state of fight or flight: freeze.
"Wait here, mousey."
Kid returned to his bench, where there was a mostly empty plate, save for some crumbs. He collected them in his hands and returned to the interesting white mouse, sprinkling them on the floor.
"Here ya go."
He returned to his work, glancing up at you every so often to watch you nibble on the crumbs.
The next evening, you returned. He wasn't going to squish you and he even fed you. If he continued, you could just do this and survive until the next stop in port. You were pleasantly surprised to find that he had already set out some cubes of cheese.
"There ya go, mousey. I got the good stuff from Killer's stash."
That made your tiny mouse ears flick forward. So there's better food somewhere on the ship.
It turned out, you didn't have to search for it. Kid brought it to you. Over the next evenings, Kid left grapes, cheese, bread, bananas, and a bunch of other little tidbits. After about a week, there was a tiny metal table and chair set out with the food on top. You played along and sat in the chair for him, which mad him extremely happy. He moved it slightly closer to his bench every night until it was on the top of his desk. If someone had told you that you would be eating cubes of cheese, sitting on the desk of Eustass 'Captain' Kid, you would have laughed in their faces, but here you were doing just that.
This evolved even further until you were being carried around in a pocket on the inside of his coat. It was a little warm, but it offered protection. Every so often, he would sneak a crumb into the pocket for you.
"Boss, why are you feeding your coat?" Heat had been watching him put crumbs in his pocket over the course of dinner.
"No I'm not!" Kid said defensively, not answering the question correctly.
Killer reached out to pull open his coat, but Kid snatched it closer to him. Killer tugged on it harder.
"Stop it! Yer gonna hurt Mousey!"
"Mousey?" Killer let go of Kid's coat.
Kid hmphed.
Begrudgingly, Kid opened his coat.
"I don't see anything," Wire quipped.
Kid's face had a light dusting of pink. He whispered into his coat, "Come on out." Nothing happened. "It's okay."
You didn't expect to be revealed to anyone and you were reluctant to come out. Kid had kept you safe this far, though. You poked your snout out of the pocket and sniffed. There were quite a lot of people in the room. Your round, soft ears followed until your whole head was peering out of the pocket's edge. You were met with a chorus of adoring squeals from the girls and even some of the guys in the crew. Kid scratched between your ears, which you were ashamed to say, felt amazing and a squeak slipped out of your mouse mouth.
Heat covered his face. "So cute." Heat reached out to scratch your head.
"Don't ya touch my Mousey." Kid possessively closed his coat.
Heat's face got even sadder than it normally was.
"Just keep that thing out of my kitchen," Killer said. "They're full of germs."
Kid muttered down into the pocket. "Don't listen to him, Mousey. He's just jealous."
The next few days, since you weren't really a secret anymore, you spent sitting on Kid's shoulder. Killer had just as much disdain for you as he did initially, much to Kid's dismay. He really wanted his first mate to think you were as cool as Kid thought. Even the tiny leather jacket he made you didn't convince the blonde.
Kid fed you well, but you were still intrigued by this secret food stash that supposedly existed. There wasn't much entertainment as a mouse on a ship and you were getting bored. So at night, you had been searching the ship for this treasure. The kitchen was the most obvious, yet the scariest place to hunt. Certainly if there was hidden food, it would be there, however, Killer was extremely territorial and observant. It would be dangerous to search that particular area. Tonight was the night you would risk it.
It was easy enough to slip under the kitchen door. Finding the good treats was harder, but your well-equipped nose was able to sniff them out. The problem came when your tiny mouse hands were unable to figure out how to open the secret paneling that the food was hidden behind. You could turn into your human form, risky as it was. It would be nice to stretch it out. You had been a mouse for several weeks.
Taking your human form, you poked around the paneling until it revealed its contents. There was a variety of fancy or high quality specialty foods, including cheeses and preserved meats. You found a knife and cut small pieces from a few things you were interested in. Then you put everything back in its approximate original position. You climbed onto the counter and reverted back into a mouse, stuffing the tiny pieces of food you had curated into your cheeks.
The following day, as Killer went about his business, he noticed a set of bare footprints on the floor. There was a light dusting of flour from the day before when he made pasta from scratch. He hadn't noticed it before now. What was strange was that the footprints were only in one spot, like a person materialized and dematerialized there. It was also strange that someone who wasn't Kid was barefoot in the kitchen, and these footprints were about half the size of his. He somewhat brushed it off, that is, until he noticed the other footprints on the counter, the much tinier, much mousier footprints.
You had been spending most of your time in the walls of the ship, when you weren't being carried around in Kid's pocket. Today was no exception. You spent some of your time exploring listening in on others' conversations. Peering through the cracks of the wood, you decided to eavesdrop on Kid. Killer had come to talk to him and you were curious about what the captain and first-mate talked about. It was a good thing you did, since you were the subject matter.
"Kid, there's something up with your mouse."
His head snapped up from what he was doing. "What? Did something happen to them?"
"The 'mouse' is fine." Killer made air-quotes as he spoke.
"What do ya mean 'mouse'?" Kid copied his air-quotes.
"I mean I don't think it's just a mouse." Killer explained. "There are footprints in my kitchen that go from human to mouse." Killer wasn't stupid. He could put the pieces together.
"So ya think Mousey is a person?"
"I do."
"Prove it."
Shit. He was on to you. You didn't even notice the footprints you left behind. Should you even show up to eat? Or would it be more suspicious if you didn't? You ended up waiting until Kid left for the night before skittering out to grab your little crumbs and retreating into the wall.
You made yourself relatively scarce for the next few days, meaning you spent more time spying on the crew, for entertainment purposes only. One particular conversation caught your attention. You only caught portions of it, but it was clearly a mutinous theme. It ended shortly after you caught on to it, however, so you didn't get any details. Technically, it wasn't your problem. This wasn't your crew and you weren't planning on sticking around. It ate at you though. It felt wrong not to repay Kid for keeping you safe. Maybe you could return the favor.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary after that. Maybe they had given up on their plans. Until one evening in particular, someone new had delivered Kid's dinner to his workshop. He didn't always eat in there but he did more and more after he started feeding you. There was something off about the smell of the food. It wasn't right. Before Kid could eat any, you scrambled up to the table and bit his hand as he reached for the fork.
"Mousey! What the fuck?! That hurt." Kid bopped your head with a finger. "No biting."
As he reached for the fork again you knocked it onto the floor.
"Don't piss me off, Mouse."
He wasn't going to take the hint. He leaned over to pick up the fork, which is when you took the opportunity to push the plate onto the floor.
You knew he wasn't going to be happy, in spite of that, you couldn't watch him eat poisoned food. You tried to run away afterward, knowing this. However, you were slow compared to him and his powers quickly put a tiny metal cage around you.
"Ya act like this after all I've done for ya?! Bad mouse!" He picked up the miniature jail cell and gave it a shake, causing you to tumble around inside, with squeaks of discomfort.
Kid stomped off with you in tow and threw you to Killer once he found the first mate.
"Take this little shit to the brig."
Killer gave him a questioning look behind his mask. "You want me to put the mouse in a cell?"
"Well, I ain't gonna kill it. I'm not a monster."
Kid relayed all your crimes to the blonde. It was funny, how Killer felt a little bit bad for you, even though he had never shown you favor prior to that. You bounced with every step he took down to the brig.
"Oh, Mousey. You fucked up." Killer was to keep you here until they docked somewhere to let you go.
No, you fucked up. Neither of them were familiar with mouse physiology it seemed. The bars on your prison were way too far apart. As soon as Killer left, you squeezed out of the cage and made a beeline back to Kid's workshop.
It was vacant at the moment. You hurried to the desk and found a writing instrument. It was tough in your diminutive body, but you left a message for the captain:
You hoped he took it seriously. Then you scurried your furry body back to your cell before anyone noticed, not that they would.
Unfortunately, Kid thought it was a prank. You tried another note on his desk. You tried to leave him a note on his mirror in lipstick. At this point, Kid considered that there was a ghost on board. Clearly this method wasn't working. Once it became obvious, you started venturing out of the cage when you knew there wasn't anyone scheduled to come down there to feed or check on you. The next best thing to try was going back to spying and figuring out who exactly was involved.
Now, what you would do when you figured it out? That was decided for you. It wasn't what you intended. But what were you supposed to do? One of the men spotted you. And he backed you into a corner. And he was going to step on you. Your only choice was to transform. And when he pulled a knife? Well, of course you had to disarm him. And now that he had seen you and knew you heard his plot, you couldn't just leave a loose end like that. So you had no choice but to cut his throat. You left the knife in his hand. Not very believable but there were footsteps in the hall and you had to get out of there.
Not long after that, Killer came down to your cell and squatted down, lifting your prison until you were eye level.
"I know it was you."
You licked your paw and groomed your ear, very cutely, you might add.
"You can't fool me. You really need to learn to cover your tracks."
You scratched the back of your other ear with your hind leg.
Killer let out a frustrated growl and dropped your cage. He stomped out of the brig.
How is he so observant! You really should have remembered about the tracks, especially since that's how he noticed the first time. Now what? Either their plan would be foiled by losing a member or they would escalate, thinking they had been found out. You knew there were others, and you had to find out who they were, and quickly.
Your investigative antics became riskier. You went into cabins and dug through drawers. You followed people around using the walls. You were getting closer. Until one day, you found two more people chatting. They were definitely up to no good. The more you listened the more alarmed you were. They were going to make an attempt on Kid's life again tomorrow.
There was no way you could take them both on. The only reason you won against the other guy was because you took him by surprise. You couldn't send a message to Kid either. That hadn't worked. If you tried to tell him as a human, he wouldn't trust that. The only person that knew your secret, or at least was fairly confident in his assumptions, was Killer. Maybe you could risk telling him. Maybe he would believe you. It was doubtful.
When you scampered back to your cage, you came to an abrupt stop. Killer was there waiting for you. You gulped. You were frozen. You were caught.
"Where have you been, mouse?"
The jig was most certainly up. He snatched you in his fist faster than you thought possible. You squeaked, trying to gain a little sympathy as a cute creature. Maybe it would make him believe you were a regular mouse. Then you bit him. He didn't even flinch. He was smart. He was trying to force you to reveal yourself, squeezing you gradually tighter and tighter.
You were forced into your human form to avoid being crushed, even then, his grip on your throat was immovable. You could sense his smugness in being right. He wasn't even surprised. You were grateful that however this fruit worked, you got to keep your clothes on when you transformed.
"Stop! Please!" You scratched at his hands.
Killer slammed you against the wall. "You killed one of my crew! You're going to pay for it."
"M-mu-tiny," you rasped out. The edges of your vision were going black.
Killer loosened his grip. "What did you say?"
"There's gonna be a mutiny."
Killer pushed you against the wall harder. "So you're a murderer and you've turned our own crew against us?"
"N-no. Please. L-et me go." You gasped for air. "I'll ex-plain."
Killer was decent enough to hear you out, and was shocked by the accusations. You couldn't help him further though. You hadn't heard their names and the way you described them was vague. It left Killer in a tough place. He didn't trust you, yet if you were telling the truth and his captain was in danger, he had to.
"I-I have an idea."
Killer didn't like your idea. Yet, it was better than anything he could think of, so he went along with it. And that was how you found yourself sitting on the inside of the Massacre Soldier's helmet, hanging onto his hair the next day. You could see out of the eyeholes better than you expected. Killer was strategically staring at each individual member and you were to whisper in his ear when you saw the people who were plotting.
As you spotted them, you hurriedly signaled to Killer that they were the culprits. As they had no proof, Killer was simply going to talk to them. But, as one does when being approached by a brick house of a man like Massacre Soldier, they got scared. This was not their plan, but they were so nervous, especially after one of them was killed, that they thought they had been found out. They both jumped Killer, and in the process of him defending himself, you slipped out of his mask and fell onto the deck.
You shook it off and your eyes searched for Kid, who was so distracted by the seemingly random scuffle, that he wasn't watching his own back, where a third, unexpected assailant was waiting. You ran as fast as your short legs would carry you. He spotted you instantly.
"Mousey? How'd you-"
Kid was taken aback by watching you run straight through his legs, and as he turned, seeing you transmute your form into that of a human. A human who was wrestling a gun out of someone's hand. Someone who was obviously trying to point said gun at him.
Regrettably, Kid was just a touch too shocked to react in time. His devil fruit activated to take the gun, but only after a shot was fired. He felt nothing. You, on the other hand, dropped to your knees and doubled over, clutching your midsection.
Was this how you imagined yourself being celestially discharged from this life? No. Did you have regrets? Probably. But saving Eustass Kid wasn't one of them. After all, what other mouse could say they saved a notorious pirate captain? Maybe your devil fruit wasn't that lame in the end.
Kid thought about you a lot. They didn't have a trained doctor on board. They had to leave you at an island that had, thankfully, been in close range for you to be treated. He shouldn't be sad; his plan was to drop you off at the next island. Still, it felt wrong not to say goodbye or at least thank you.
Killer was grateful to you for saving his captain, even after being 'imprisoned' and roughed up by them. Even though you owed them no loyalty, you were more loyal than crewmates they had on board for months.
Several weeks passed. Kid happened to look up to see the NewsCoo delivery bird. The bird landed with a newspaper, some new wanted posters, and a small package. Curious, Kid picked it up and shook it next to his ear. Weird, what kind of gift made squeaks. Kid tore it open to find a dazed, white mouse.
"Oh fuck! Mousey! Sorry!"
You stumbled around in his hand, dizzy.
He hugged his hand to his chest and gave you a giant kiss on the head, staining your white fur red. In his excitement, he forgot you were a person. Upon remembering, he had a pink dusting to his cheeks and set you down.
You transformed into a human in front of him.
"Why did ya come in the mail?!"
"Cheaper fare than a boat," you grinned.
Kid all but threw you over his shoulder. "Killer! Look what we got in the mail!"
Killer stifled a laugh as he noticed a big red imprint of lips on your forehead. Kid went just as red as the mark when he noticed that it transferred to your human appearance. And neither one of those assholes told you it was there either.
Kid dropped the "y" from the end of your name from then on, but slipped up on occasion, still referring to you as Mousey. He still asked you to join him for dinner sometimes, too, as a person though, not a mouse; he didn't give you crumbs either. He liked your company.
Killer was impressed by your knowledge of cheeses and asked you to come shopping with him on islands for provisions. You also had a knack for picking the ripest fruits. He usually asked you to personally deliver Kid's meals, you know, to avoid another poisoning.
And some would even go as far as to say they saw a white critter scurrying under Kid or Killer's doors in the late hours of the night or scurrying out early in the morning.
#I love all the different lores of why reader is Mouse to Kid#such variety#this is by far the cutest
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Y'all, this reminded me so much of a Disneyification of One Piece. Luffy is the obviously the princess surrounded by all these animals because he's the most common link between 'em.
Shanks kind of looks like a cross between Scar & Mufasa and it makes me snicker. And for some reason I am dying with Blackbeard being a hippo, it suits him so well.
One piece minks/ furries part 3
+ Additional messy full body sketches.
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Tumblr said to go ahead and put anything so here goes nothing,
Put anything.
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I thought this was a post about decorated cookies. Man was I wrong.

emotional support shrimp and salmon to hold your brushes. except the salmon is too slippery to hold anything. just like a real salmon
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NaNo Decision Poll 4
Three's Company planning post to help you decide.
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Look, Thatch, I love you but if you jump scare me I will drop kick you so hard your own sperm will retaliate against you. You won't be able to get yo girl pregnant no matter how hard you try.
You'll go to the doctor and it'll be evident that it is very much you that's holding the bun in the oven up but nothing is actually wrong? Doctor is so confused.
Secretly your body is just rebelling. "Boys, he's trying baby making again! Send in the dead weight!"
Your own body will never forgive you for scaring me like that. I will put the fear of womankind into you.
•Good natured prankster
•Quite funny but also kind of a dork
•Has a motherly mode, he's very caring and tends to worry. Safety is his thing.
•Takes as much care of his hair as he does his kitchen knives. They are both very important to him.
•Loves food. He's an adventurous eater, there are very very few things he doesn't like. One of those things is oatmeal - it's the texture.
•Has horrible handwriting
•Gardens. Likes to grow as much of his own food as he can.
•Super affectionate.
•Doesn't have a problem letting you take over in bed.
•Has no problem being clingy and saying he loves you in front of everyone.
•Falls in love fast and hard
•You aren't exempt from pranks - he'll hide around corners and hop out to scare you.
•He's very thoughtful, your date nights are always amazing.
•He'll teach you to cook or have you teach him your hobbies so he can spend more time with you.
•Don't worry, if you need space just say the word and he'll let you have as much time as you need.
•Would be a great dad, he'll teach the kids to help him cook so they won't be picky eaters. He takes an open communication approach so they'll feel comfortable asking or telling him things when life gets tough.
#i am woman#feel my roar#everything else about Thatch sound great#but if he scares me#I am going to introduce him to the tiniest sliver of hell imaginable
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kiridai + haizaki if they were dog owners attending a puppy class
Hanamiya Makoto
Bought a breed that needs good socialisation (I’m thinking a serious police lines Dutch Shepherd cause he’d want something with brains and drive but also something not “normie” as a Malinois) so puppy class it is to get the dog amiable around others.
The dog acts like it’s perfectly trained half the time: just a couple months old and already has perfect focus, and obviously Hanamiya goes above and beyond with training in his spare time, so the dog responds to cues perfectly, and Hanamiya has perfect timing with marking and rewarding behaviours because he’s just that sort of person
The other half of the time, the dog is kicking off because another puppy looked at them.
And the trainer’s telling Hanamiya just to relax, shorten up his leash a bit, take a deep breath, but they can see his eyes just glazing over with fury every time the barking starts up again.
It hurts having to alternate between “Hanamiya, can you and [dog] demonstrate this behaviour because [dog] does it perfectly” and “right, someone will go get a barrier to calm [dog] down a bit” but Hanamiya’s going to have to get used to it, because that’s what you buy with an police lines import.
The dog is always going to be a bit nuts, just like his owner ;)
(Don’t choose a serious dog breed for clout as a first time owner, how about that Makoto?)
Seto Kentaro
For Seto, I’m thinking he buys a small lapdog type terrier, maybe an English toy terrier, or maybe an English bulldog (although obviously I don’t recommend buying a breed with as many health issues as the English bulldog, and I’m pretty sure Seto would at least do the research on that sort of thing)
Anyway, Seto’s the biggest guy with the smallest dog
Like when the puppy takes its mid-class snooze, he curls up on Seto’s shoe and he’s half the size of his owner’s foot.
The main issue that they need to work on is separation anxiety; because Seto never really goes anywhere, the poor dog’s expects his owner to be with him all the time. So if Seto needs to go to the toilet and hands someone the leash, the poor puppy is just stood there whining sadly Seto’s back. He’s just too used to having his 6ft4 guardian with him at all times.
Anyhow, Seto’s a weird one to teach because he’s not the world’s best dog trainer - he tends to be quite casual about everything, and he’s not hugely strict so in turn the dog’s quite 50/50 about actually following commands. (Think Seto saying “down”, puppy just staring at him while wagging his tail like mad and not making any move to lie down, until Seto’s like, “fuck it, you’re too cute for your own good” and gives him the treat anyway)
But the thing is, despite this half-hearted attitude to training, Seto knows the theory like it’s no one’s business. The trainer will offer him some advice and Seto’s like “oh, so just using the Premack Principle?” or “so just conditioning more cut-off signals while they’re still sub-threshold?”
Like, yes but how do you know those words? Spend less time reading and more time working your dog please
(And please join me in imagining the trainer telling Seto to call his dog away with kissy sounds or a high-pitched voice, rather than pulling on the leash, and the sheer awkwardness on Seto’s face as he attempts his best baby voice.)
Yamazaki Hiroshi
Thought he wanted a proper working lines dog (some sort of spaniel breed probably) because he read on the internet that they’re healthier and “perfect for [his] active lifestyle” but he didn’t realise how much work a working line dog needs and now he’s come to the puppy class in desperate need of help.
Dark circles under his eyes and his hands are permanently covered in cuts and scars from those sharp little puppy teeth
But despite the wounds, he adores his little dog and his little dog adores him
(Shame they express it by trying to chomp on his poor skin)
Yamazaki’s the guy who’s always absent-mindedly petting his dog even when the trainer tells him not to while working on a certain behaviour
Yamazaki’s also that guy who’s always taking notes after class, always asking questions (comes back every week like “about the biting...”), and he always does his homework, so his dog shows the most improvement by the end of the course
He gets the little graduation certificate and he’s trying to bite back the happy/proud tears (meanwhile the dog’s trying its damnedest to get a hold of the certificate and rip it to shreds)
Furuhashi Kojiro
He’s just a good conscientious owner who did all the research before he bought his puppy, and has been training them from the beginning and figured a puppy class was the right thing to do just in case
(N.B. I have absolutely no idea what kind of dog Furu would want cause, in my mind, he’s normally a cat person. But I’m assuming that a rare and quiet breed that’s not the most clingy would be right up Furu’s alley, so Kishu Ken it is.)
Honestly Furu rocks up to the puppy class and both his and the puppy’s minds are a bit blown: Furuhashi’s because he didn’t realise how little everyone else had trained their puppies, and the puppy’s because it’s gone from being used to life with its quiet owner in a quiet house going on quiet walks to a classroom surrounded by lots of other very excited dogs
But the puppy soon settles, as does Furuhashi, and for the most part, their time at the puppy classes goes quite smoothly
(As it often does if people just do their homework between classes)
The only time they have any issues is in any exercise where Furuhashi has to be a bit more animate
Like an exercise where you make your voice and body language all excited to get the dog riled up so they can learn to calm down as soon as you calm down: Furuhashi’s idea of “getting excited” is one small awkward and a monotone “good puppy”
Meanwhile the puppy’s staring at him like “he’s a bit boring, but he’s my bit boring”
(And on a separate note, Furuhashi definitely ends up bringing his sister to some of classes. She’s still staying with their parents, who won’t let her get a dog, so she’s living vicariously through Furu’s dog ownership. And, Furu being the good big brother that he is, only encourages her interests. So if she wants to be around puppies more, he takes her to the classes. And if she’s getting bored, he hands her his puppy’s leash so that she can do the exercises and get the trainer’s guidance instead of him.)
Hara Kazuya
The dog is Hara’s partner’s/friend’s, but Hara comes along for moral support and to play with the other puppies before the class starts
Actually, you know what, we’ll say this is an older characters AU where Yamazaki and Hara are roommates and he’s come with Zaki and his lunatic spaniel
Hara takes the “class” in “puppy class” seriously, and by that I mean he acts like a class clown as if he’s still in school - he views a successful class as a class where he makes the trainer laugh at least once, and flirts with one of the assistants at least once
Zaki’s probably wondering why he asked Hara to come because now, every time a puppy starts barking, Hara’s whispering in their ear “Hanamiya when someone tells him to be nice”; or a puppy pees all over the floor and then it’s “you after a night out”
Having said that, Hara’s also a great training tool cause puppies love him and he always gets them very over-excited
So, when the homework was working on your puppies not jumping up on people, the trainer gets Hara to be the guinea pig, cause he’s the ultimate test
Haizaki Shougo
Probably only attending the classes because he was court ordered to be there or something after his dog’s already showing dangerous behaviour - Haizaki’s the kind of owner who could screw up a puppy, but he’s also the kind who buys a puppy who’s probably genetically screwed up
He falls for those horrid guard breed puppy ads online (you know the ones - with the pictures of barking dogs Photoshopped into flames or whatever and with the caption like “UNREAL DRIVE!! CRAZY STRUCTURE!! SUPER PROTECTIVE!! buy your bundle of joy from us today, perfect for a first time owner <3)
(In case you don’t know what I mean, think something like this)
Anyway so Haizaki gets a Presa Canario, maybe a bully, or maybe a Tosa Inu cause he’s in Japan and, if anyone in KNB is interested in dog fighting, it’s Haizaki because he’s just not a great person
Haizaki rocks up to classes very reluctantly and could not care less about them
He keeps letting the leash get too long so his puppy keeps getting in the other dog’s faces and upsetting them; he’s on his phone half the time; and he just doesn’t take on board any advice
For example the trainer talks to him about loose leash walking and Haizaki just zones out - cause in his mind, there’s no point putting the effort in to train them when he’s a big guy who can easily hold back even a 40kg dog
So the trainer thinks Haizaki’s pretty much a lost cause, poor dog, etc
But then, one fateful day, when the dog’s barking their head off for the thousandth time, the trainer gives Haizaki a tip and it works!
And something clicks in Haizaki’s brain and he realises he doesn’t have to put up with his dog being a ‘nuisance’ - he can just put some effort in and train them and make life happier for the both of them
After that things are much smoother sailing and Haizaki actually starts engaging with the class and asking the trainer for advice on the (many) other issues the dog has
It takes a while for Haizaki and the puppy to graduate out of the class, just because of all the damage that needs undoing, but the fact that Haizaki sticks around, even after his court-ordered time is up, is already good news
The dog will never be 100% in certain environments but at least they walk nicely for the most part and knows some commands
And it’s safe to say that, when Haizaki spots the dog trainer a few months later, they’re the first teacher that Haizaki’s ever stopped to say hello to
#oh hanamiya would do that though#thinks he's so brainy#but even brainy people screw up#ironic that the bad boy gets a police dog
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@kazieai I have decided that since I am snickering at my new favorite bird boi then you need to snicker with me. I would never have even paid him any attention but you brought him to my attention before I even knew who he was. So when he showed up I got all excited and now I'm hooked and it's all your fault.
Look at this screenshot of him omg hahaha
Fanon Hawks is often portrayed cool and collected and then there’s…
Canon Hawks:
#you're getting tagged in every single one of my Hawks reblogs#since I went down I'm taking you with me#lovingly of course
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