just a kpop scenario blog
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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wonhyuk are back with the roleplaying and flirting šŸ’•
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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I canā€™t believe someone sent this to minghao and got a response im crying
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
since some of u keep forgetting johnny is an actual angel hereā€™s ur reminder :))
- he said his goal in life is to make people happy/smile - hes learning chinese to make the chinese members feel more comfortable - he taught ten korean and was there for him every time he needed someone to talk to - no matter how tired he was he wld always go to the supermarket w his mum - he wanted to be a veterinarian bc he loves animals n taking care of them ?? bitch ?? thatā€™s so cute ?? - sleeps w two whale plushies he had since he was young - he wears an earring his mom got him v frequently - heā€™s an actual hipster emo hybrid the first genre of music heā€™s ever listened to was rock n the first piano piece he learned was by the beatles n he loves coldplay - uses pick up lines on both girls n guys just to make them laugh n he isnā€™t shy about using them on guys - thinks makeup is a way to express yourself and shouldnā€™t just be limited to girls - basically just doesnā€™t believe in gender roles - he constantly hypes up all the members but literally DIES every time someone gives him a tiny compliment - in conclusion heā€™s the most selfless, caring, humble, loving and kind person iā€™ve ever known and he deserves literally None of the hate he gets
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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#HappyTaeyongDay ā™” 01.07.1995Ā 
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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the iconic water wheel ā†³Ā bonus:
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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Whaaaaa Taeyong saw his birthday ad on Times Square!!!! Precious boy!!!!
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
hereā€™s a video of hyuk (dean) speaking english and being cute. ā™” his lil acapella at the beginning got me
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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taeyong with NCT DREAM ā™”
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
NCT get so much hate
Taeyong: Had one scandal that ended up being a misunderstanding but then people began adding rumours about multiple scandals and bullying. Luckily SM and fans disproved this and itā€™s stopped. He even cried and apologized for things he didnā€™t do. How could anyone hate him?
Yuta: So what he had chin surgery and maybe a nose job? Do you think your faves havenā€™t had surgery? I mean most idols have so your fave probably has. Itā€™s normal in Korea and shouldnā€™t be such a taboo concept.
Winwin: He has had a few comments about his lack of Korean skills and bringing nothing to the group.
Johnny: This boy has been getting so much hate and I didnā€™t even realize until recently. So, apparently because of his lack of lines in songs and not leading in dance or rap people have been calling him talentless and ugly and recently he didnā€™t get the same amount of photos as other members at photoshoot and has been told not to talk so much by writers. Let the guy live, he trained almost 10 years for this.
Doyoung: Heā€™s gotten hate for his looks and his talent and everything else. When Johnny and Doyoung joined 127, he was the one that got the most hate and fans demanding he got switched with Hansol. And heā€™s often called annoying or too determined by ā€˜fansā€™.
Taeil:ā€¢ Itā€™s not so much hate but more him being completely overlooked. Iā€™ve seen ā€˜fansā€™ call him useless but apart from that heā€™s just not appreciated within the fandom enough. Finding Doyoung stans is hard for me but finding Taeil stans is almost impossible. Give this guy some love please.
Haechan: He get hate comments at the beginning for being ugly and knetz attacked him for his skin tone. He was then hated on for his voice being high and irritating and even saw someone say he copied GDragon (I know šŸ˜’). Recently, it got worse when he had a rumour that he was dating or talking to a saesang fan and loads of his fansites shut down like the snakes they are. SM and even his own members have been known to give him the cold shoulder (unintentionally on NCTā€™s part) and heā€™s only really got the support he deserves this comeback.
Ten: Ten got a lot of hate at the beginning as I remember people who ā€˜supportedā€™ SMRookies shared the video or him singing ring ding dong and people said some really nasty stuff about him being talentless, ugly, gay (even if he is, not a bad thing but was used as insult etc).
Dream: Theyā€™ve faced so many comments about how young they are and people either call them foetusā€™s and ignore their hardwork and talent or sexualise them. Also, when ā€˜fansā€™ complained about them getting their first win and said they didnā€™t deserve it.
NCT 127: People began to complain because the music style was all over the place. Then When 2 members joined people complained about the change in unit and unstanned them.
Theyā€™ve all gotten so much hate from the beginning and I donā€™t understand why. Theyā€™re attractive, talented, hardworking and the idea and their music is so good. I just donā€™t understand how anyone could hate on such a great group of guys (or any idols really).
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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poor winwin lost four times in a row ;u;
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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Shownu a.k.a father of the group
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
BTS Suga as a Boyfriend
hes also like a sloth lmao
he loves laying in bed all day from the moment you wake up until you go back to sleep ?? like some days heā€™ll only get up to shower, go to the bathroom, eat, or when you force him to
oml imagine yoongi in the mornings
heā€™ll wake up before you and wrap his arms around your waist when youre still sleeping and then heā€™ll nuzzle his face into your neck and mutter ā€˜good morningā€™ in his sexy aF VOICE shIt i just killed myself
he likes to take you to coffee shops in the morning, especially on rainy mornings ?? idk it adds to the aesthetic
in the cafe he likes to write songs and you just sit there admiring his work while you sip on a latte
sometimes heā€™ll look up at you and ask what you think of a certain lyric
you guys also like to stroll in the city at night until you get tired and whine for him to take you home
at home hes so upbeat compared to being out in public ? like when you guys are out he doesnā€™t really show affection but at home he just loves cuddling
he likes it when you sit in his lap and he can wrap his arms around your waist and just rest his head on your shoulder like when youre watching movies or something
speaking of movies, the two of you love watching them at like 3 in the morning
usually scary ones bc yoongi finds it cute whenever you latch onto him at a scary part
you usually fall asleep on his shoulder during the middle of the movie and he doesnt want to wake you up so the two of you sleep on the couch a lot
your relationship consists of lots of naps together
he had a long day at work? nap
youre not feeling well? nap
neither of you want to do anything that day? nap
he also takes care of you all the time djjdkskdkf
heā€™ll come home from work really late with your favorite fast food or a small gift
when its just the two of you he likes to shower you in compliments ! sometimes they can be corny lmao
and sometimes they can be really flirty ;)
he likes to peck your lips at random times ?? youā€™ll ask ā€œwhat was that for?ā€ and then heā€™ll reply with ā€œjust to remind you that i still love youā€ and youā€™ll both collapse from cringe
and when youre in the mood, his kisses can become long and passionate and sometimes kinda sloppy ??
he likes to take things slow and enjoys the moment
hdjsjsksk anyways i feel like yoongi would be the sorta jealous type??
like when youre with the other members hes usually chill unless one of them gets really close, then heā€™ll interfere
he can be protective sometimes but hes mostly a reallt chill boyfriend
speaking of the other members, i feel like theyā€™d playfully tease him all the time lmao
like when you call him during work everyone else will start going ā€œooOOOOHH ITS (Y/N) !!!ā€ like a bunch of little kids
thats why he doesnt talk about you much at work or with other people ?? but the members still know that he loves you a lot bc his lock screen is a photo of you two and hes constantly texting you
i feel like hes the type of guy to text you if you had eaten yet
if you say no he buys you a frickin 3 course meal and brings it to you during his lunch break
im running out of ideas so in conclusion i feel like suga would be a really chill and relaxed boyfriend who just wants hugs and cuddles when you guys are alone ā™”
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
The fucking screams when this part came on
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
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when you are a water sign ā™‹ but you are afraid of water šŸ˜†
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ddeokdoki-blog Ā· 8 years ago
How probably markyong's song writing went:
Taeyong: *sings* kill me, torture me, i want it all baby, whip me, wreck me, choke me hard baby
Mark: ā€¦ā€¦.
Taeyong: so what you think ??
Mark: ā€¦ā€¦
Taeyong: where are you going ??
Mark: imma go bring holy water for you
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