dat-nerd-gurl · 8 days
essek's aeor trip has been a bunch of failed teleportations (including undead frost giants), the party he's escorting touching everything they can get their hands on, the arrival of a fucking????? devil??????? that one of said party just randomly summoned, a minotaur showing up, a fight with a grand demon that feeds on self loathing, and now a vision quest inflicted by Ludinus Da-fucking-leth. caduceus please write him a fantasy Xanax prescription.
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dat-nerd-gurl · 25 days
You are going to laugh until your stomach hurts again. You're going to be in awe of a sunset. Watch your favorite show while you eat your favorite food. Find money on the street. Discover a great band you haven't heard of before. You will find your way back.
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dat-nerd-gurl · 26 days
Can someone more talented than me make an edit or art of Imogen saying “minions tonight we steal the moon”. The idea just popped into my head while watching Despicable Me. If it is already out there someone please show me. I need this for my brain rot
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dat-nerd-gurl · 1 month
i am truly so so obsessed with the parallels between liliana and laudna right now and imogen being in the same fucked up position with both where she’s been explicitly been told by each of them that a) they’re doing whatever they’re doing For Her and b) that they depend on imogen as the person who will do What Needs To Be Done in the case that either of them slip too far down the path. and also both of them are actively taking huge leaps down the path being like “imogen it’s because i love you that every choice i make puts me closer to either destroying myself or becoming so dangerous that you have to take out someone you love”. phenomenal. i’ve contracted brain worms about it.
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dat-nerd-gurl · 1 month
i wonder if imogen thought about what essek told her mere hours before, that pain doesn’t make people, it’s love, as she watched delilah’s visage disappear more and more from laudna each time she reiterated that she loved imogen
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dat-nerd-gurl · 1 month
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This show is just a gift that keeps on giving.
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dat-nerd-gurl · 1 month
I need Laudna and Imogen to have a conversation about everything that is happening and how far both of them are willing to go in this fight, especially after the what else do I have to give but myself comment. I need Delilah to influence Laudna so much that the words I would break the world for you will come out of Marisha's mouth and give 10 d10 psychic damage to the cast and myself but Imogen won't know the significance of the quote so they just go on like normal.
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dat-nerd-gurl · 4 months
“Your beautiful eyeholes” -Imogen to Laudna
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dat-nerd-gurl · 4 months
thinking about how that kid just needed to get hit with a fireball to become exalted. meanwhile imogen was thrust into a brutal combat encounter in which two of her friends were murdered and the rest of her friends were teetering on death's edge, and she still didn't exalt until the love of her life was stabbed through the chest
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dat-nerd-gurl · 4 months
Trying to hype myself up to watch C3E51 for the first time. I know what happens I just don’t know if I am ready to be that heartbroken. Am I ready to cry at his appearance? To think about how he surely goes back and is punished for saving his one true love and breaking the rules. And to top it off everyone gets shuffled around the globe at the end. I need to get through this to catch up but how do I go forth knowing a knife is about to be plunged into my heart by my own hand. To know peace is at its end and I must claw and scrape my way through episodes of pain, separation and grief. And when I finally see the light of day I learn we must tear ourselves open and lay bare our most basic selves just to build up from the ashes of a once loving group.
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dat-nerd-gurl · 11 months
sometimes i think about going to therapy to finally get diagnosed and instead i just rewatch the episode of A Starstruck Odyssey where they hit the nat 20 on the casino.
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dat-nerd-gurl · 1 year
Thinking about how many musical tragedies feature the narrative almost as a character of its own. Like a force within the story, divided from the characters. Out of their control at times.
Orpheus had to turn around, that’s just how it goes. That’s the way the story is told.
Tony had to go and get himself killed. Of course he did. He’s Romeo. The story wills it so.
Jesus must die. No matter how much he wanted to live, no matter how much the people around him wanted him to live. It’s his role to die.
Alison can’t go back and change the events of that last car ride with her father. It’s set in stone, there in the past where it will always remain.
And then there are musicals like Once On This Island and Ride The Cyclone that embrace the role of inevitability in their stories and find joy anyway.
And then on the exact opposite side of the spectrum there’s the radical freedom from the narrative that’s seen in Into The Woods. The narrator is dead and now the story is no one’s but the characters. And there’s the lack of protection that comes with that, the chaos and confusion. But it’s theirs and it’s tragic but they make the best with it.
Those themes of Inevitability vs. Freedom and the meta understanding of story within a story. I can’t seem to get enough.
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dat-nerd-gurl · 1 year
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Jennifer Jareau being the first to place a rose on Emily’s coffin still kills me today. The fact that this happened in Season 6 and we still don’t have confirmation of Jemily is outrageous. The love those two hopeless gays have for each other fuels my will to live. I want them to at least acknowledge each other this season but it looks to me like the writers will once again break every wlw heart.
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dat-nerd-gurl · 1 year
Perform the Sleep action Without gaining the "Well Rested" status effect.
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dat-nerd-gurl · 6 years
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dat-nerd-gurl · 6 years
The Empty Child is on and Jack Harkness is so extremely fine. 😩
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dat-nerd-gurl · 6 years
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fans of the impossible life by kate scelsa
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