daskleinpferd · 6 years
...Probably going to steal one of these for a setpiece in a story.
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daskleinpferd · 6 years
there’s literally nothing more fun than being kind????? like? making someone feel loved and appreciated and seeing them smile and hearing them giggle?? sign me the fuck up
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daskleinpferd · 6 years
anyway Sherlock Holmes is public domain so catch me writing a story in which Holmes’ seemingly timeless nature is explained in canon as Holmes being a restless preternatural entity discovered (summoned?) by the original Dr. Watson, who acted as its companion/custodian as it careened around doing the only thing that could preoccupy its wildly inhuman mind, ie, getting all up in people’s business and freaking them out with how much shit it knows.
the Holmes entity can die, but always reappears within a generation and without fail seeking out the latest in the Watson line. the Watsons, grown savvy over time, now devote much of their time to a.) preparing the younger members of the family for Holmes’ inevitable return or b.) desperately trying to get the hell out of dodge and live a normal life before it can happen to them as well. 
just uuuuh. like a very knowing story about the inevitability of the Holmes and Watson story, centered a creepily inhuman Holmes and the long-suffering family who have spent more than a century documenting it. 
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daskleinpferd · 6 years
A commission I got. ^^ Thanks once again to the artist!
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daskleinpferd · 7 years
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Jeez, that was grueling. Okay, so @drzedzworth had their birthday recently, and by chance I stumbled upon their tunblr, where I saw there was a mini-contest to draw their OC. Well, I knew The Cold’s Barn had that contest down pat, but I took it as an opportunity to get myself to draw for once, so I decided to draw Dr. Zedwin with my own scientist pony, Wandering Eye (https://haydee.deviantart.com/art/MLP-EbonyManta-s-Commission-443947126). Zedwin’s currently explaining a combustion engine, though as Wandering Eye is an archaeologist, it’s taking a bit for him to follow along. ...I’m sorry, Zedzworth, but this is literally the first time I’ve drawn pony figures bigger than a couple images, or with this level of detail. I’m proud of what I’ve done here, and I’m proud of being able to push myself to finish it, but... this is not a quality drawing. XD In particular, the hind legs gave me a lot of trouble, and the white on black sections were a pain. I actually had to simplify Zedwin’s cutie mark because when all you have is a pencil and a shoddy eraser, I draw white lines in black by shading around them, and that just wasn’t doable for the lines in her cutie mark. Wandering Eye himself isn’t faring much better, especially around the chest, where too much drawing and erasing turned that area into an unerasable mess. The hoof expression was quite a challenge - I was trying to emulate https://derpibooru.org/1375354 but I don’t think I quite managed it... Still, as I said, this was a triumph of determination rather than ability. And at this point, at nearly 3:30 AM, I am freakin’ done with this pic for the night. I hope you... at least appreciate the effort? XP Anyway, Gute nacht! EDIT: That feeling when you notice a typo after two months... meant to say I’d never drawn ponies bigger than a couple inches.
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daskleinpferd · 7 years
Don’t think I’ll actually be able to get an art piece in, but at least I’ll reblog.
EDIT: I was wrong, I drew something! 8D
Long story short my gma sent me money, and i have $25 left, so here’s the sitch
All you have to do is draw one or both of my ocs! Winner will receive a choice of
Xbox $25
Ps4 $25
Steam $25
or PayPal! $25
Contest will end in March 12th
On Monday!
*important* for gift cards you must be in the U.S., if not, I can still send you in PayPal ^3^
Separate contest!
Reblog And get a chance to win a free sketch in a raffle!
Good luck! Until zen!
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daskleinpferd · 7 years
Even though I’ve never read Terry Pratchett, I’ve never heard an unkind word about the man...
Terry Pratchett started his career as a crypto-monarchist and ended up the most consistently humane writer of his generation.  He never entirely lost his affection for benevolent dictatorship, and made a few classic colonial missteps along the way, but in the end you’d be hard pressed to find a more staunchly feminist, anti-racist, anti-classist, unsentimental and clear-sighted writer of Old White British Fantasy.  
The thing I love about Terry’s writing is that he loved - loved - civil society.  He loved the correct functioning of the social contract.  He loved technology, loved innovation, but also loved nature and the ways of living that work with and through it.   He loved Britain, but hated empire (see “Jingo”) - he was a ruralist who hated provincialism, a capitalist who hated wealth, an urbanist who reveled in stories of pollution, crime and decay.  He was above all a man who loved systems, of nature, of thought, of tradition and of culture.  He believed in the best of humanity and knew that we could be even better if we just thought a little more.
As a writer: how skillful, how prolific, how consistent.  The yearly event of a new Discworld book has been a part of my life for more than two decades, and in that barrage of material there have been so few disappointments, so many surprises… to come out with a book as fresh and inspired as “Monstrous Regiment” as the 31st novel in your big fantasy series?  Ludicrous.  He was just full of treasure.  What a thing to have had, what a thing to have lost.
In the end, he set a higher standard, as a writer and as a person.  He got better as he learned, and he kept learning, and there was no “too late” or “too hard” or “I can’t be bothered to do the research.”  He just did the work.  I think in his memory the best thing we can do is to roll up our sleeves and do the same.
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daskleinpferd · 7 years
I don’t play Overwatch, so sadly the character details are lost on me - but I couldn’t help but love this little scene.
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Rest under the cut :}
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Anahardt Week - Day 1: Wedding bells
Loosely based on Will and Elizabeth’s wedding from PotC If you see any inconsistencies… Just please blame it on Rein telling the story, ok
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daskleinpferd · 7 years
I’ve actually thought about what a horror game would be like if it had areas and scenes based on Bosch’s art. Guy had one hell of an imagination...
Miss me with those cliché hell video game stages with demons, zombies and shit. Gimme a video game where I gotta escape Hieronymus Bosh’s depictions of hell
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daskleinpferd · 8 years
I would totally read a comic/story about a guy who can see invisible, sanity-destroying monsters... and they’re all total bros.
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the worlds most under appreciated meme is John Kenn pictures with captions
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daskleinpferd · 8 years
I love linguistics, but still...
So, despite my username being in German, I don’t actually speak German. Ironic. However, I enjoy the language (it’s so fun to speak!), and I’ve tried to take college courses for it in the past. And, knowing my luck (thanks, Evomanaphy!) I’ve gotten myself interested in reading a fic... which is in German. I asked the writer if he planned to make an English translation, and he said no as he didn’t feel his English was good enough. So... I offered to translate it for him, and he very much said “yes.” XD Fortunately, my German is better than I give it credit for, at least when translating from German to English, which is much easier for me than the other way around. Still, I’m going to need to recruit some help - translating 45-and-counting chapters is no small task! Still, I have a feeling it’ll be worth it.
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daskleinpferd · 8 years
The power of human imagination and willpower... that alone can make justice and mercy as real as it needs to be.
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“You need to believe in things that aren’t true. How else can they become” - Hogfather, Terry Pratchett
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daskleinpferd · 8 years
I’m probably the kind of person who’d LOOK for all this weird stuff, but never find it.
Irish people; The faeries aren’t real
Irish people; No fucking way will I go in that faerie ring
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daskleinpferd · 8 years
I think it's more that Hermione just resents any form of magic she herself cannot master, and naturally divination comes up as her least favorite subject because you either have the knack for it or you don't, and it apparently works differently depending on who's actually doing it. Since she approaches the rest of her subjects in a logical and thorough fashion, it makes sense that she'd reject divination since it works so differently than every other form of magic.
Hermione Granger: *comes from muggle world and discovers magic*
Hermione Granger: *witnesses humans transfigure into animals*
Hermione Granger: *time-travels multiple times per day*
Professor Trelawney: “I can prophesize the future.”
Hermione Granger: “Bullshit. That can’t be possible. Fuck you.”
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daskleinpferd · 8 years
Tumblr is filled with eager-to-slay-their-allies Social Justice Warriors who believe the world should cater and not offend them. As a trans polyamorous potato, I adore the fans I’ve met through here that have shared their varied identities and alternative lifestyles. In earnest, I feel a kinship with other folks out there who share my struggles and who wake up just trying to make it through another day. But I think it’s fucked up the way Tumblrites treat each other. And being sensitive, kind, and caring does not go hand-in-hand with witch hunts (no matter their intent) or catering to a fuckton of trigger words or having cis white males “check their privilege.” The world nor people is “black and white.” Intention is everything. You’re going to stumble along the way. You’re going to piss people off. You just have to have the decency to own up to your actions. But 9 times out of 10, even just acknowledging it to yourself makes you more considerate than most of the world.
Outside this festering box of warped and twisted ideals called Tumblr is the real world. In the real world you will not be catered to. You will not have your hand held. Your feelings will not matter. If you’re trying to create a safe space online where you don’t have to feel so threatened or marginalized, you can only do so much before you’re asking people to sever parts of themselves. It’s not about fighting about rights. It’s not about equality. It’s not about feminism. It’s about understanding that while the world is a shitty place, you make it shittier by seeing the world as black and white. I hate seeing people rag on my bandmates. Because we’re in a band. Doing our job to make a living. And David and I feel a big part is keeping that connection with you all. Interacting. Being accessible. Sam stays away from all this stuff and has reaped the benefits of not ruffling feathers… because he doesn’t participate. The rest of us…well. Our interaction ruffles you sometimes. It’s a risk. It’s unavoidable. But remember. None of this petty little shit matters. Outside the internet, the world churns with so much of this bullshit that it is simply a cacophonous ocean of pettiness…and it all drowns out itself. We type these long rants or two sentence opinions like it’ll have any sort of effect on the world. And sometimes it does. And sometimes it doesn’t… But we do it because it’s nice to feel like you matter for a moment. Like you can express yourself freely and have an audience outside the chaos of the world. I think everyone should express themselves. Even if they’re expressing how much they hate me.
But I don’t have to hold back expressing how much I hate being hated on by stuck-up little social justice warriors with nothing better to do than pick on Z-list celebrities. Fuck y’all, Tumblr. Fuck y’all.
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daskleinpferd · 8 years
Except the cats are actually trying to be nice.
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