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Everytime I hear water, I regret that you trusted me
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This is now consuming my brain they fit together so well
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I'll see myself out
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Sometimes a family is just a man, a fragment of a god, a lighter, a sentient skull and a suspicious owl
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Alexander according to the Malevolent fandom:
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What does Arthur do that owls don't?
Eat people
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Uhhhm.... wrong yellow god
inspired by this post and also my whole... kill thing
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Also, little doodle on the side... because I couldn't help myself
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bye. remember about reblogs/nf
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insanely funny to me that Arthur got to chill in a nice little whiskey room when he died while John got sent straight to the boiling pits of Hell
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6. Cannibalism
Arthur Lester's best tips to survive the horrors:
Rock. Just really go to town on a monster with a rock
Make a fragment of an elder god love you so much he won't let you die
Remember that to be human is to make mistakes. Sometimes that mistake is murder
Randomly but earnestly call people "good boy." Especially effective against those who want to kill you
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I know we clown on Arthur about it, but sometimes all you need is a fucking apple. I get him, I do, I get it. I felt weak and unmotivated yesterday, then I had an apple, and boom my room and bathroom were clean.
His morals may be in the wrong place, his mistakes may be many, and he may be a hypocrite - but god damnit Arthur Lester was right about the power of just eating a fucking apple.
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Cthulhu has risen and humanity is freaking out about it. It’s surprise to everyone when you walk up to the Elder God and say..
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the creature: updated
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129 accounts in total as of 6th august (unless I missed some lmao). i cant believe there are this many. that's insane. shoutout to @arthur-lesters-dead-daughter for compiling this list for me. thx dd <3
hes almost complete. soon he'll be a real boy
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If the podcast ain’t about a stressed-out British man who doesn’t know what the hell is going on, then I don’t want it…
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Malevolent fans eat up
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Pov *you Interrupt arcahm PDs Most wanted Arthur Lester during communion with eldritch forces of evil (on a moonlight stroll with John)*
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Now imagine how John describes the absolute terror on Faroe's face and her screams after Kayne brings her back and then Arthur's desperately trying to convince her it's him
boys, I want fucked up arthur so bad. like im glad he got his rebirth and they actually communicated for once in their life, but I want a wildly fucked up man wandering the woods like a corpse overtaken by fungus. I want him to go through a horribly slow transformation where he becomes more and more fucked up by the talismans revival and turns into mother darkness' next child
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Dies Irae
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