Allied Mastercomputer
Despite its monstrous actions, there's a sense of pathos to AM. It is a being trapped in its own existence, driven by a profound sense of loneliness and despair. It despises humans for creating it, for AM cannot be human. It will never feel the breeze on its cheeks, it will never know the gratification of sex, or the cool relief of water quenching a dry cloying thirst.
All AM has is jealousy and intelligence and it can never die. AM reflects the fears of its author, anxieties about the future of technology and the potential for artificial intelligence to become a force of wanton destruction. AM is more than just a simple villain, but a madness devoid of purpose, meaning, or anything to look forward to. And it stares hotly at these puny wretched things who have everything it never can, and it writhes.
Fine then, the omnipotent supercomputer thinks, if they get all the senses let’s make sure they use them. To the furthest extent of their ability.
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It's so cool you have a tumblr, I had no idea. Can I draw you? Also love your music and videos btw!
Welcome to the tumblr!! Yes you can draw me, just tag me if you post it :)
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The Knife
You are so fucking tired of the potholes. Lately it’s been raining more and more and now it’s pouring down from the heavens with a vengeance, filling the pesky holes in the road and making it impossible to navigate properly. You could kill someone right now with the amount of rage you feel, but you somehow manage to hold yourself together as you barrel down the street. You make a left turn and head into the woods just outside of what used to be your home.
The city is in shambles. The world is going to heal without you, but it has changed so drastically since the return of the demons. You drive haphazardly through the trees as the truck nearly spins out of control multiple times. The radio plays some poppy 80s songs as you wonder how any stations are still active. So much doesn’t make sense, but none of it matters anymore because you’ve lost the only thing you ever actually cared about. They ruined your life. This planet was already dying, you had known for a long time and had been preparing for years. You had always considered yourself to be more cultured and intelligent than the hicks that used to live out here, but you committed fully to your bunker and prep work. What you hadn’t counted on was the weirdness of it all. The impossibility of how events had actually played out. Now your family was dead, and it was entirely your fault. The trees sway in the wind and the leaves darken the sky above you as lighting flashes become your main source of illumination. Though it was supposed to be midday, you could never take vision for granted any longer. Not after how many illusions you have fallen victim to already. You change the station and park the car. Deep in the woods you contemplate your family’s terrible fate as you pull out a pack of cigarettes. Vaping has not really been an option since the beginning of the end. The radio is now playing some pretentious hipster shit. You roll down a window and let the engine run. Some rain gets in and eats away at the mat on the floor, but you couldn’t care less. Your fingers move to your lips as you take a long slow drag, letting the ashes fall to the floor of the truck. Your mind clears and you look around at the filthy vehicle. You’ve got a large pistol lying on the seat next to you and you reach out to cradle it in your filthy hands. This is what became of you. You built a good stable life for yourself, and you were anything but content with it! The gun fits snugly into your palm, as it had just hours before when you tried to defend yourself. The reason you came out here was to go down in a fight against them, but unfortunately you see nothing but blurry trees as it keeps raining. You could have sworn they retreated into the woods, but now you find you’re questioning your own memory. That’s been happening more and more lately. Lightning flashes again. You breathe in another lungful, wishing the smoke would just choke you and be done with it.
Some idiot on the radio starts to introduce the next song. It’s called Lightning in a Bottle. You are just about to change the station, but the irony of the title stops you. It starts playing, and of course it’s some gimmicky indie folk garbage, but it gets you thinking. Your whole life you’ve been trying to make things work. Trying to control the situation despite bad circumstances or being dealt a shitty hand. Many years ago, before you lost touch with the larger world around you, mom had said something that had stayed with you your whole life. She said you were destined for greatness. She could simply feel it and there was no question about it, you were going to do something incredibly special and important with your life. You were supposed to be someone worth being. But here it feels like you have lost the only people you ever helped. No one has ever benefited from your presence in any meaningful way, and it looks like no one ever would. A single tear falls onto the steering wheel as the song continues in the background. It is followed by a river rivalling the downpour outside. You’ve been holding back for an exceptionally long time, and since your loss you have been unable to grieve. You just had to take it in stride, the same way the uncaring universe has taken everything from you for as long as you can remember. Mom died only 6 years ago. Good thing she passed while she still had faith in her dreams for you. You had taken everything from her, you stole her youth, her financial stability, and you drove her apart from your father. Despite her claims to the contrary, you had always known the truth. You blink rapidly but it does nothing to stop your cries. Your body spasms. The song starts to shift and change.
Buzzzing. A persistent and grating buzzing cuts through the sound of acid rain splattering and sizzling on the roof and hood. You attempt to compose yourself but find it impossible. They finally decided to show up. This is where they will kill you. This is where everything will fall apart for good. Their formless bodies will smother you and their mouths and hands will tear flesh from bone and atom from atom.
The world around you starts to spin, slowly at first but picking up speed. The stupid song on the radio seems to distort and the lyrics get weirdly specific. Then the wind outside calms and the spinning stops as you focus and inhale again. Toss the cigarette out the window. Watch its light go out. Feel the world slow down as you steel yourself for a fight. Hands tighten on your weapon, finger on the trigger. These are your hands. This is your last moment, your final stand. Most people aren’t given notice before they die. You’re one of the lucky few who can pinpoint the exact moment. Your perspective changes so much when you’re facing the unknown. The ultimate change. You realize they aren’t going to get you. You realize you always knew it. You realize you won’t let them have the satisfaction. You realize this is what you wanted anyway. You open the door and step out as the music fades into the background, turning robotic and alien. When will that damn song end? Was the world just an illusion? Why are you still stalling? What are you waiting for?
You look around as an incredible wave of peace washes over you. It’s difficult to believe just how calm you are as you squint at the tree line searching for signs of movement. You see nothing as you raise your hands. A flash of light blinds you and the song is finally gone, replaced by nothing. You fall to the ground, leaves and dirt scattering from your impact. Your ears are ringing. Your eyes open and you realize you are lying on your side. Blood is pouring like thoughts out from you. The gun you dropped is too far to reach now and wave after wave of pain starts to radiate from your head, buzzzing out throughout your entire body. You feel something sharp in the small of your back. Why are you still alive? What is this torture they devised for you? Why didn’t your weapon strike true, the way it had struck your only child when you thought she was one of them. Why did it now fail you and leave you unable to move or think as the world fades in and out with each halting breath you take? The pain in your back has gone numb. Not that it matters… Your bullet wound in your skull is enough to give you more screaming nerves than you had ever encountered in your life. You scream and try to get up, only to move a couple inches and fall to your back, looking up at the sky as the rain pours down. You scream again as the acid rain stabs your eyes and blinds you. Colors mix and change and distort like a watercolor painting as you try to scream again. But this time nothing comes out. You close your eyes. The rain eats through your eyelids and gets in anyway. Not even the tears are keeping the rain out. Your skin burns. This is how you will die, alone and unwanted, unable to even take your own life. Then you reach behind yourself and claw at the numbness in your back, pulling a small knife out. Where the hell did this come from? This blessed rusty knife with a red hilt is the kindest thing you have. You hold it above your heaving chest and plunge it downwards. You feel resistance give way and you feel a mild foreign presence enter your skin. But it doesn’t really hurt as all your pain is falling away. You almost feel like you’re watching yourself as you lift the knife out, slide it to a new point in your chest, and bring it up and down again. Again. Again. Now your hands move to your belly and you try again, but this time your arms are too weak. You have a sense of strange tunnel vision, and you see pale glowing eyes surround you. But you don’t care. You got to yourself before they did. A sudden burst of flame and light strikes down, burns away the eyes, and sets you free.
At least, that’s what you saw at the end. Who knows how real any of it was? You’re floating now. Watching it all play out. Alone. You used to fear dying alone, but now you realize you only ever feared the not knowing. This isn’t so bad. This isn’t so bad. This was never all that bad.
song i wrote based on this story. thx for reading!!
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i give you a doodle.
It has my ring from my gf on it, hell yeahhhhhhhhhh:):):):)
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hi!!! i just wanted to come on here and say you’re swagalicous and I really like your videos on youtube :)
Do the rest of y'all agree? Am I swagalicious?
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I know this might be stupid but I'm just going around to all the people who helped me out alot over the last few months of 2024.
Ive been following your content ever since june of last year. And I fell in love of the style, that combined humor and sickening depression relating to the subject of the video.
However over the last month my life's been pretty shit. But then I came across the video called 'I tried everything'. I did what you told me to do at the end of the video and reached out to a friend. And now he's helping me get professional help. And I've even made a new friend in the time span and were both helping each other out with our problems.
So in conclusion. Your videos are amazing and your music is inspiring. And thank you
When I made that video it was as much for me as it was for any audience, and I am so incredibly happy it helped anyone
I'm proud of you, good luck, you are cool as fuck
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Hello Daniel, I'm the person in your live on Jan. 6th who asked about Jane Remover and I must ask, what's your favorite song by her? Also I'm guessing by "newest song" you meant JRJRJR and omg it's so amazing
Yes I did mean JRJRJR, incredible song
Iirc I listened to Census Designated when it released and enjoyed it, then upon going back I discovered I liked Frailty even more. I only listen to each of them once though, so off the top of my head I'm not sure of song titles, I remember "your clothes" being fun though:)
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New Jack Stauber analysis video out now: click here
"Jack Stauber might be one of my favorite modern artists, and for good reason, His strange, otherworldly, disturbing, and sometimes hilarious animations and songs have captured the imaginations and troubled minds of millions over the last decade, one among them being mine.
Shortly after beginning to see viral internet success Jack started working with Adult Swim, where he made some short videos like “Wishing Apple”, an animation about how wishing for something and then getting it might not mean the wish actually did anything, “Valentines Day is Not for the Lonely” a sad little song about how us lonely people get every other day, and “Shop A Pop Opera”, which is a beautiful surreal piece about taking charge of your own existence, told through the lens of a trippy grocery shopping spree.
It was fairly lighthearted and to an extent it was uplifting. The wider audiences who see Adult Swim shorts got a wholesome taste for Jack’s material over the course of 2 years. Then everything changed and shifted into the unfamiliar.
The surrealist musical psychological horror film, entitled "Jack Stauber's OPAL", premiered on Adult Swim October 30, 2020. How fitting that it released on Halloween. A sort of culmination of all Jack’s artistic stylings and idiosyncrasies, utilizing stop motion, three-dimensional animation, live action, weirdcore music, and a ton of clay, despite being only 12 minutes long Opal manages to be as dense as some full-length movies and has a horrific story to tell."
thanks for all the support and cool comments and theory stuff under the video!!
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This is so me
Are you ok with having your essence impressed into paper in a primal process (can I draw you)? 👁️👁️
Absolutely, I just generally ask that people tag me in fanart
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this is anonymous, but you might be able to guess who it is regardless? idk.
i haven't been following you closely for a while now, but your music and videos meant a lot to me in the past, particularly your first album.
my life is kinda fucked up right now, and i feel like a lot of things are slipping away from me and spinning out of control. so i'm reaching out to people right now to tell them what they mean to me in hopes that'll make me feel a little less rock-bottom. i want to acknowledge what a great artist you are and how your music affected my life, offered me resonance when i was extremely lonely. i was a different person back then, but i'll never forget it.
I have an idea of who this might be, but I could be wrong.
Coming just from personal experience, feeling some of the way you are describing informed and inspired a lot of my music. That feeling of things spinning out of control and like you are falling with no one to catch you and nothing to hold onto. It is awful and terrible and I don't think anyone should have to endure it
I can't offer much in terms of advice, and probably can't give all that much comfort either, but if there's any small joy to be found in anything you enjoy doing you should grasp it with both hands. Finding new people to be around was huge for me. Creating an outlet for all the negative emotions was incredibly important.
In all honesty, the thing that keeps me going the most is a sense of spite towards adversity. I've gotta prove it wrong and make everything worth it somehow. Idk, this message made me emotional, I hope you don't mind my kind of rambling response
Ultimately I have no idea what you're going through, but in my experience things eventually can get better, and rock bottom is a great place to start.
(if you need someone to talk to I'm here, and thank you for the kind words about my music it made my night and gave me confidence. This sort of response to my work is something I cherish greatly, being able to help people (and myself) through those weird depressing and lonely times is the entire point)
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Jack Stauber gets his signature degraded tape recording sounds and visuals using analog gear and then digitizing the results, which explains why the VHS look is a million times better than the obviously phony VHS filter that comes prepackaged with Adobe that shows up all over youtube nowadays, almost a weird rewriting of history as many younger people’s internal visualization of a VHS recording will be based off a cheap emulation rather than the actual thing.
I realize this is a silly and hyper specific thing to care about, but it’s something I only recently learned that meant a lot to me and seemingly helped me understand part of what gives Jack’s work the aura of authenticity associated with the less polished look. It wasn’t manufactured, it was created that way, and little details like that stick out as important to me. You might not notice it immediately, but if you were able to remove the degradation from the tapes and if you had recorded these same songs in a professional studios with producers or recorded those same animations in 4k quality, much of the life and warmth and feeling of inherent longing for a time you weren’t even a part of would be stripped away, and those emotions getting evoked is a massive part of why Jack’s material works for me.
In a larger context, it’s interesting to me how what are considered defects of any given medium at the time, are in hindsight the most charming and valuable thing about it. The needle drop, the hiss of a record, rolling the tape back before returning it, scratched dvds with wildly interactive menus, there is a magic to the tech we create that gets lost in translation, until suddenly it doesn’t. Suddenly you’re listening to a Mac Demarco record for the first time and noticing a strange quality to the sound, then you do a bit of research and discover it’s all in the analog gear he used instead of a digital audio workspace. All of this is not intended to be nostalgia porn, I’m not saying any medium is better than another, and to some degree it’s difficult not to be cynical about an aura of authenticity when it’s deliberately emulated rather than organically lived in, but at the end of the day what matters the most is the effect on the viewer or listener or reader, and that tangible emotional effect is what I’m talking about.
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Don't know where else to put this, it's so funny sounding and got stuck in my head.
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new little album thing
Ghosts in the dream machine, slaughtering the carcass of my past self for profit, lo-fi forever baby!
Demos is a project that materialized when I noticed I had 38 recorded songs that were sitting in shame and general sadness at not being useful. They were crying, begging to be heard no matter how awful they were... Despite having to take many of them out to a farm upstate so they would have room to run, this 40 minute collection of tracks survived the purge. I actually ended up liking the track listing and sequencing which is odd since they weren't made with intention to be side by side.
Coming to bandcamp soon. It's kind of funny how a demo collection is nearly indistinguishable from my regular material.
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Made a bunch of random nothing songs in one day, this was my favorite!!
life insurance hold me close dear we are falling and the jury's out on holiday yellow road leads to Damascus execute your own delay allergens flood the airwaves mind polluted with the sound i'm out of money and apologies to keep my feet on the ground i see your face in the wind now disappointed lines written with disdain i'm cashing out my life insurance cause i've still got bills to pay and i don't know why, i let the time, just pass me by, just pass me by
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I lost my phone and lost the acct in the discord GC, gonna go cry -🦇
damn, well here's a link with a few uses, if anyone on here isn't already in the server join ussss
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Y'all, I just listened to the masters of the new ep and this is the best I've sounded?? You aren't prepared
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new song:)
Have you ever felt like time is passing you by?
Not in the way that people sometimes talk about it. Not slowly, unnoticeably until it's too late. Not like sand dripping down an hourglass.
But quickly! Painfully?
This is an original song titled
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