Dance 4N01 But Yourself
75 posts
facebook youtube Established in 2010, 4N01 is an all-female hip hop dance team based in San Diego. We don't have a specific style, but our team is a group of diverse dancers who come from different backgrounds with different skills, talents and experience levels. Our sets represent our love, passion and diversity. We don't focus on how good you are when you start, but how hard you work to get better.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
dance4n01 · 11 years ago
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Thank you so much for all the love and support our friends, family, and community showed us on the night of our showcase. It was cold and rainy, but y'all came out anyways! There are no words to express our appreciation for it all and hope you enjoyed our set.
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
It took lots of makeup and hairspray to get ready for Maxt Out XIII.
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
Since we're all girls, we don't see each other as girls; we see each other as human beings.
Whitney Zhu
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
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And here is the literal road to Maxt Out.
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
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Here are some photos from the "extra practices" we had to prep for Maxt Out! Shout out to Helen who made the most of our down time!
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
Here's our set from Maxt Out, the first competition 4N01 has ever participated in! The girls put in so much hard work to get the set together in a little more than a month, so shoutout to our officers who put it all together: Tracy, Tanya, and Whitney! We hope our set provoked some thought and reflection to all those who see it; that was our only goal.
There are two sides to every person: one displayed to the world and one kept hidden inside.
The greatest conflict is not between two people, but between one person and themself.
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
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Today's the big day! We are so grateful for the support our community has been giving us, especially from Ascension, who's also performing at Maxt Out! We've all been working hard on our sets and it's finally time to put it all out there on the stage. We're all super excited for what this day will bring and want to wish good luck to all performers today! See you in LA!
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
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Please keep supporting us by liking our photo on Maxt Out's Facebook!
We've been working very hard so make sure to come out this Sunday at the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse in LA!!! 
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
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When practice runs into the early morning, the girls tend to get loopy creative. Meet Meryssa Tran: 4N01 freshman and fashionista.
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
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4N01 is so blessed to be performing at their first ever competition, Maxt Out XIII! Everyone has been working hard to prepare for the show with lots of extra practices, secret buddies, and spirit days. It challenges us as dancers, students, and as a team. We're all so excited for the competition and to show you all how hard we've worked. Please come support this Sunday, November 24th, at 12PM at the San Gabriel Mission Playhouse.
Maxt Out Dance Competition challenges choreographers and dance teams to take the art of dance and choreography to the extreme by introducing innovative techniques and styles through competition.
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
It’s been about one month since auditions and since the 4N01 team of 2013-2014 has been formed. In that short amount of time, the girls have been working hard towards their first competition ever: Maxt Out. With each passing day, and countless hours spent with each other, the team grows stronger and closer. So it’s time to ask an important question:
What was your first impression of the 4N01 team this year?
Let’s start with the newbies.
Ceejae Molina: Nervous but excited. Meryssa Tran: Doooooooope. Hillary Nguyen: SEXY… just like that, SEXY. Joanne Kim: Maroon. Sharon Lee: Super swag team. Loree Pham: Intense… SUPER intense… Diny Kim: Just say, “sexy,” like with an exclamation point. Helen Park: Uhhh… ask me later… wait, give me like five minutes… Jasmine McGinty: Tight-knit family. Jennifer Le: Challenge accepted.
On to the returners.
Cindy Coronado: I was really happy because everyone’s really good and you can definitely see the growth of the team. Duyen Tran: -stares blanky- Derpy. Elizabeth Moller: Intimidating. Kiska Piper: It’s like… ahhh… punctual, like I don’t know… en point, efficient. Shelley Kuang: Innovative. Lei Lee: Intimidating with a lot of hot girls… and some derps. Candace Chu: I don’t know… wait, let me change it… damn it, I can’t think of anything… hungry, excited… Jennifer Jhang: New people… fresh, young people…
And this year’s officers.
Tanya Zhang: People got some big hair in here. Tracy Liu: A salad bowl – it’s all mixed together but each component is still unique. Whitney Zhu: A lot of girls… all girls… a lot of estrogen…
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
Our team is holding an American Apparel fundraiser to raise money for the Dream Festival, which will be hosted by Whitney Zhu and 4N01. The goal behind this festival is to encourage people to let go of their inhibitions and follow their dreams.
Look out for more information as we get closer to spring! And props to our beautiful model, Elizabeth Moller, and Whitney for editing.
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
Our director performing in a concept video by tKproject!
Filmed by Ben Wong
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
Congrats to our new and returning dancers!
2013-2014 Team
Director: Whitney Zhu Captains: Tanya Zhang Tracy Liu Assistant: Wendee Tran Members: Candace Chu Ceejae Molina Cindy Coronado Diana Munoz Diny Kim Duyen Tran Elizabeth Moller Frances Fu Grecia Pena Helen Park Hillary Nguyen Jasmine McGinty Jennifer Jhang Jennifer Le Joanne Kim Kiska Piper Lei Lee Loree Pham Maria Prieto Meryssa Tran Sharon Lee Shelley Kuang
And cheers to our past teams!!
2012-2013 Team
Directors: Jessica Phung Whitney Zhu Captain: Wendee Tran Members: Amanda Chan
Annie Lei  Bianca Romana  Candace Chu  Cindy Coronado  Dana Kim  Duyen Tran  Elizabeth Moller  Frances Fu  Grecia Peña  Janna Rogers  Kajal Verma
Karen Le  Krystal Lee  Maria Prieto  Nancy Quach  Shelley Kuang  Sophie Allison  Tanya Zhang  Thanh Tran  Tracy Liu 
2011-2012 Team
Directors: Annie Lei Jennifer Jhang Krystal Lee Thanh Tran Captains: Jessica Phung Whitney Zhu Members: Amanda Chan Bridget Ratitong Candace Chu Janna Rogers Lei Lee Mouang Saetern Nancy Quach Sophie Ng Tracy Liu Xuan Vu Wendee Tran
2010-2011 Team
Directors: Annie Lei Jennifer Jhang Krystal Lee Thanh Tran Vanessa Milan Members: Angelica Estrada Candace Chu Jenny Wong Jessica Phung Whitney Zhu
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
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Auditions this Saturday!
Link to auditions event on Facebook!
Check us out
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dance4n01 · 11 years ago
Heyy some 4N01 girls hitting up tKproject <3 
so sexy yall!
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