dailyriverdaleplots · 4 years
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dailyriverdaleplots · 4 years
archie, an eighteen year old boy, walking out of jail: ive been in worse fights
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dailyriverdaleplots · 4 years
Riverdale could do a d&d themed murder investigation but stranger things couldn't do the epic highs and lows of high school football.
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dailyriverdaleplots · 4 years
you are a beacon of hope in the dark
no one:
me going on the cw app > settings > schedule to see if they’re surprising us with a new riverdale episode even though we know when it’s gonna come out:
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dailyriverdaleplots · 4 years
i’m back ! it turns out that adhd medication is actually good for me and i SHOULD take it
not quite sure when daily plots will start up again because i’m sadly going through a lot rn (check out my gofundme !), but i’m alive and well
i’m currently in the middle of showing my mom riverdale, and we’ve reached season two, so i should be able to post again soon because i’m getting reminded of some plotlines !
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dailyriverdaleplots · 4 years
no one:
me going on the cw app > settings > schedule to see if they’re surprising us with a new riverdale episode even though we know when it’s gonna come out:
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
riverdale plot #39
in season 3, jughead gets addicted to G&G, a game which is notoriously known to be impossible to overcome. the writers seem to forget that they wrote him this way, and his addiction is brushed aside and gotten over incredibly quickly, never really explaining or showing how he got over it
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
just a quick update: i’m really having a hard time right now and pushing myself too hard, so the daily riverdale plots are on a hiatus! i should be back in only a few days, but if not, i’ll be back by the end of the holidays! my plot for tomorrow should come up, but that’s the last one i have planned
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
i think a lot of people see these moments differently ? i know exactly what you’re talking about, but i also know of blogs who saw her being shaped into drug addiction because of the whole “dr. glass” thing, suggesting that she was actually getting the adderall from an outside source. however, i see how you could see this as her just not taking the medication anymore and faking that she got it refilled !
riverdale plot #37
at several points in the show, betty is hinted at having a drug addiction to adderall that was forced on her by her mom. she even at one point seems to reveal that she was getting her prescription illegally because she wasn’t actually seeing a doctor
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
riverdale plot #38
a rift is created between veronica and ethel because veronica’s dad drove ethel’s dad to a suicide attempt. this is one of the first moments where veronica realizes that her dad is actually killing innocent people
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
riverdale plot #37
at several points in the show, betty is hinted at having a drug addiction to adderall that was forced on her by her mom. she even at one point seems to reveal that she was getting her prescription illegally because she wasn’t actually seeing a doctor
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
i really just cannot believe that riverdale high is still like... running. i know it really runs with the idea that the government is bad and all adults are bad, but it’s absolutely baffling that someone doesn’t see the murder on opening night of the musical, all the deaths on junior prom night, and the odd trends with the principals from the parents’ principal getting killed in the school to the most recent principal being in a cult and think “huh. somethings not right about this”.
a school club led to the death of a bunch of students. another club was a cult and two more are straight up gangs
the school newspaper reports the dirty details about authorities and murders and every outsider is just like “nothing weird happening here high school is just like that”
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
riverdale plot #36
a new girl named evelyn shows up at riverdale high advocating for the town’s cult, and she reveals herself as the daughter of the leader of the cult. it’s discovered later that she’s actually not his seventeen-year-old daughter but his wife who pretends to be a high schooler so that she can get kids in on the cult. even though this information is spread around quick, she still refers to her husband as “dad” in public and alone
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
rewatched the first two episodes of riverdale today to show my best friend and i’m still so pissed off that they just let that grundy thing slide. it really felt like they were close to something. she has a fake id and goes by a false name, there’s no online information about her, and she even had a backstory prepared. i’m not saying that her story about her abusive husband was false, it just was so shifty. she was manipulating archie, and it came so close to saying that this was wrong and she was a pedophile instead of seeming like it was endorsing it. she says she’s never been with a student before and she just fell in love with archie and then it shows that she was having an affair with a different student RIGHT before her murder ??? there was so much there, it was SO CLOSE to being a storyline that was anti-pedophilia, but they just... kill her and never bring it up again. what about archies trauma with that? what about him clearly being abused? what about the feeling of being used, the grossness, the horror? and then this person who he thought he loved was killed, and he’s just going to get over that? he’s not gonna be up at three in the morning thinking about that? it’s not that i want archie to feel like that or for them to even show that, it’s just that... the whole thing felt so close to the show saying it was true love, not pedophilia, age is just a number, all that. and they just drop it
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
Let's discuss Cheryl's possible crush on V! Let's talk about Cheryl kissing Reggie! And the Beronica kiss!
i’ve brought up the beronica kiss, but i don’t recall these other moments !! please share your thoughts i am so intrigued
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
riverdale plot #35
betty’s mom, alice, is discovered to be an undercover agent for the feds to expose the town cult, the farm’s, illegal activity and finally get them arrested once and for all. this came as a shock to betty, who had no clue, because alice had gotten so deep into her undercover mission that she got a matching tattoo with the cult, married the leader, and even promised to adopt betty’s sister, polly’s, kids with the cult leader. note: alice isn’t even an fbi agent, she’s a news reporter
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dailyriverdaleplots · 5 years
riverdale plot #34
in the first season, veronica accuses cheryl of loving her twin brother, jason, “like a sister shouldn’t”. cheryl, of course, didn’t deny this at all, and the plot point is dropped!
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