rairaion26 · 1 hour
if chaggie had a kid with wings u kno vaggie would be taking her most precious and beloved child up to her fav perch on the hotel ship mast and then chucking that child overboard before it even learned how to walk
"VAGGIE WHAT" "its how everyone learns how to fly, babe" "NO ITS FFFIGGING NOT?!?!?" "i catch her every time its ok" "NOT THE POINT! We are NOT throwing our BABY!" "she likes it tho" "NO!!!" (cue happy baby giggles)
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rairaion26 · 1 hour
Vaggie: "Watch your aunty Niffty, okay sweetheart?"
Niffty: "Hurry up hurry up hurry uuupp!!!"
Vaggie: "Remember to flap those little wings of yours. Don't do what she does."
Niffty: "Throw me! Throw me!!!"
Vaggie: "Don't go splat when I throw you."
Charlie: "Aaaaand DON'T go 'thump' either, like your mom will when I dump her cute butt on the couch tonight."
Vaggie: "S-sweetie, hey.... I, I can explain-"
Niffty: "Too slow!"
Niffty: "WITNESS MEEEEEEEeeeeeee e e e e e e ee e...."
(chaggie baby giggles)
Charlie: "... you were explaining?"
Vaggie: "I'll save it for the couch."
Charlie: "Good. It can be our bedtime story for after we've turned the couch into a pillow fort."
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rairaion26 · 1 hour
With your posts about Vaggie teaching a Chaggie baby to fly via chucking, I now imagine her learning to fly much like how she learned to trust people (throwing them off a roof into an active battle), and apparently the exorcists make a hobby of throwing each other.
Lute: "Welcome to heaven, new blood."
Vaggie: "Heaven. So I really am..."
Adam: "You're dead and newbie ordained and shit. Congrats!"
Vaggie: "Thanks...?"
Adam: "Uh-huh yeah it's totally awesome here, great job not fucking up down there and you're welcome for existing. All my doing, by the way. The you as a thing I mean. First dick here, incase you wanna fall on your knees and thank me or whatever."
Vaggie: "...right."
Lute: "Right, sir."
Vaggie: "Sir?"
Adam: "Aw chill danger tits! Newbie's just sticking it to the man which is like, my brand! Anyway."
Adam: (picks teeth) "Any idea how to use those wings of yours?"
Vaggie: "No, sir?"
Adam: "Wanna get a sweeet flying tip?"
Vaggie: "Yes sir."
Adam: "Cool! Tip number one is-"
Lute: "Don't fall." (SHOVES vaggie off cloud)
Adam: "...."
Lute: "...."
Adam: "...weren't you supposed to fucking catch her?"
Lute: "Sorry sir. I thought you liked doing that part."
Adam: "Yeah usually I totally would- swooping in like a badass at the last sec is SO awesome! ....but I've got this stupid fucking seed stuck in my teeth...."
Lute: "I'm sorry to hear that, sir."
Adam: "Well fucking hey! Maybe she caught herself somewhere under those last few clouds! You did on your second try, didn't you?"
Lute: "Yes. But not every new girl can be a-"
Vaggie: "What's the next tip."
Adam: (SHRIEKING) "AAAA HOLY SHIT FUCK-" (punts vaggie off again)
Lute: "..."
Lute: "...sir."
Adam: "Yeah yeah whatever. You go fetch her, danger tits. I gotta to go floss with a divine guitar string or something."
-years later-
Vaggie: "...and that's how I learned how to fly, and how to brace for impact the second time around. And to dodge the third time I startled Adam. And that I can heal very quickly even after breaking every bone in my body."
Vaggie: "Then I met my sisters in arms and they taught me to constantly check if someone's sneaking up behind me whenever I'm near a high edge of any kind."
Vaggie: "That's, a pretty normal way to learn. Right?"
Charlie: "......."
Charlie: "....wellllll-"
Vaggie: "Don't tell me. Another trauma."
Charlie: "I think the blunt force of the impact that broke every bone in your body probably counts, yes."
Vaggie: "Did I traumatize our kid by throwing her off the roof, Charlie."
Charlie: "If she was any OTHER kid I'd again say probably!"
Charlie: "But you DID catch her and she just laughed, and now our darling baby keeps climbing up me to try launching herself off again, so I think we're good! Aside from my racing heartrate anyway- GAH BABY NO!!!"
baby: (launching self) "WHEEEE HEE HEE-!"
Vaggie: "Gotcha." (catches) "Sweetie, don't traumatize your mom."
Charlie: (clutching chest and hanging off of vaggie) "IM OKAY!!!!!"
baby: "Ooo... hee~"
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rairaion26 · 2 hours
How about Vox successfully installs a hidden camera in Charlie and Vaggies room for sexy blackmail. But is pissed all the footage he has is cute fluffy hugs and kiss. Nothing explicit at all.
i think if the V's tried this... they would regret it SO fast and probably be scarred for life in the process XD
Vox: "The lack of risk research in this new venture of ours... astounding."
Valentino: "Aw kitty, what better way to keep track of Lucifer's bimbo daughter Charles than by keeping a little camera tucked away in her bedroom?"
Vox: "Pointed at her bed? ONLY her bed?"
Velvette: "Imagine the BLACKMAIL. Hashtag cancel little miss Morningstar!"
Valentino: "Her and her spicy lady are soooooo pruuuudish and so WHOLESOME about that shit stain hotel of theirs- just think of what they'd do not to be the new stars of hell's porn scene?"
Vox: "I'm thinking, if they DON'T mind, their ratings will skyrocket."
Valentino: "....ah."
Velvette: "Oh come on flat screener, there's no way they'd ever be ok with-"
Vox: "And if they DO mind, Lucifer will take us all off the air so fast the cameras will still be rolling while our own heads start to."
Velvette: "FUCK."
Vox: "Am I the only one here actually forecasting audience reactions??"
Valentino: "We can at least heckle their boring sex life privately, yeah?"
Vox: "If they even HAVE one."
Velvette: "Heads up. They're getting into bed now."
Valentino: “Oooooh and they’ve brought equipment~!”
The V’s: “………………”
Valentino: "..... is that. Paperwork?"
Velvette: "Oh hell no."
Vox: "Birds of a feather. If Alastor can be so chummy with them, then-"
Valentino: "They're doing- they’re- fucking doing PAPERWORK in bed!? Together!?? INSTEAD of each other? That’s IT?????"
Velvette: "This is sick. I'm gonna be sick."
Velvette: "Hhrrrk-"
Vox: "Cut the feed. Destroy the camera. I can feel the static of their domestic fuzzy feel-good lives overtaking my entire network, program by program, station by station." (clutches tv head) "This would be less unsettling if they were a pair of MUPPETS... Fuck this." (deletes camera)
-five minutes later-
Charlie: “You know what Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “What, sweetie?”
Charlie: "I love how much easier doing the hotel budget is when we have each other to cross check it! Frees up a lot more time!"
Vaggie: "Me too babe. Though I kinda still think I love you more."
Charlie: (smiles softly) "Yeah..?"
Vaggie: (leans in) "...yeah."
Charlie: (grins) "Wanna fuck nasty about it?"
Vaggie: (grins back) "I’ll get the toybox."
Valentino: “WAIT! ….I feel a disturbance in the fuck! As if two people are having really kinky gay sex right now, and I’m missing out on exploiting it!”
Velvette: (still nauseous) “I’ll exploit my fist to your face if you don’t shut up.”
Vox: “Velvette.”
Velvette: “Oh you know don’t mean it, darling~ Much.”
Vox: “Fair enough.”
Velvette: “Paperwork, blegh. They were using, actual PHYSICAL bits of paper… I’m gonna have fucking nightmares.”
Valentino: “This IS my nightmare!”
Vox: “Welcome to hell, Val.”
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rairaion26 · 2 hours
Carmilla: "Vaggie is not my daughter or my responsibility."
Velvette: "Is too!?"
Carmillla: "She is not."
Velvette: "How the FUCK did you know I was talking about her then???"
Carmilla: (hangs up)
Velvette: "BITCH IF SHE LEAVES SPEAR MARKS IN HIM WE'RE SUING!!! All of hell knows you gave her a shit ton of weapons once!"
-five minutes later-
Carmine Family Chat Room O: Stop. Vgay: y? C: mom's pissed Vgay: not my mom O: Shall I tell mother you said that. Vgay: no C: cool C: next time she says less threats more stab Vgay: got it
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rairaion26 · 4 hours
by fomajc on instagram. im losing my shit over this
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
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And they never made Alastor join the bonding & trust activities again
I don't know what to tell you. YouTube recommended to me the scene with the trust falls and even just seeing the thumbnail, this just immediately popped into my head.
He would mess with them so hard if they ever made him participate. Anything to never be invited again.
Commissions open
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
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Entrapdak (&Imp!!) from Patreon
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
Paradise Lost - Hordak as an Miltonian fallen angel
She-Ra is not devoid of religious imigary - especially when it comes to the galactical Horde - and I really love what that does with Hordak.
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If Horde Prime is God and the clones are angles, then Hordak is a fallen angel and Despondos is the place he fell. Hell.
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One specific concept of hell, when it's not used as "heaven's prison", is 'the place where God isn't. The place where God can't or won't reach.
That's where Hordak found himself, beyond the omnicognicent eyes of the deity who had created him and watched over his entire life, free to do something of his own.
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And like an abused child, he took the clumsy tools available to him and did his best to recreate the only thing he had ever known in a desperate bid for the attention of the God who had cast him away. He even comitted the hubris of trying to match God's creation of life, with a twisted and imperfect results.
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For decades he toiled in despair in the futile hope of redemption, until a certain science princess made him realise that he had something better than the graze of God right here, in this place where God would leave him alone.
It's something awfully Miltonian about this Hordak. If we for a moment indulge in his fantasies, he was heaven's top general before he fell, mirroring Arch Angel Lucifer in Paradise Lost.
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Like Lucifer, Hordak's defining trait was pride. Like Lucifer, Hordak aspired to rule Hell when he couldn't serve in heaven. He created a brutal construct of machinery and darkness - in stark contrast to Horde Prime's alien "Ipod" heaven - but unlike Lucifer, Hordak came finally to realize that neither ruling nor serving would make him happy, but love would.
Of course, by then it was too late and the hevenly host came for him and for the paradise he had built in hell, the dimension of Despondos no longer safe from the prying eyes of God.
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And despite him crawling back to heaven, despite him gaining what he thought he wanted for all these years of toil, he soon came to realize the true horror of the God he had returned to.
Only one thing to do! Go Nietzsche on his sorry ass!
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
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I don't think this has been done yet and like i had to. I just had to i mean come on.
And yes that is the robo-dad from the painting in Entrapta's castle.
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
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Im sorry i keep shitting out AUs I can't control it!
But here you go, Au where Entrapta is a scientst dedicated to bringing scientific light to the bogus idea of heaven and hell and accidentally stumbles upon an actual demon aka Hordak who's original plan was to take her soul along with many others to deliver to his brother and God Horde Prime but instead ended up way too smitten with the little nerd.
Yes ill continue the imp comic don't you worry
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
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Part 1/?
This is another AU, this one inspired by that chat about Inp helping Hordak protect his secret and someone malicious finding out about it.
Its a bit messy but if you guys like it ill continue it!
If it gets far enough Entrapta gets involved too
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
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The ending they deserve and we need. Reunited, alive, together with their two weird children, in a spaceship, off to explore space and its scientific advances. Nerd couple.
Honestly i was planning on drawing something angsty again but my Instagram followers voted fluff instead!
Hordak's arms ans leg will be so sore the next morning after his whole family slept on him.
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
Soo, @niuniente wanted to see  I’ll Survive video with Hordak and I’m here to deliver Because my god why does this song fits his story so well Original post
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
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Steven Universe - Art Nouveau Series by Alexa Rockman
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
the fact that entrapta, because science, knew about the portal within the weird reality even though she hadn't regained her memories yet??!? like we have to assume she doesnt truly remember yet because uh, when adora mentions hordak she goes "hordak?" and then she goes "I remember now"
which means??
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she built scorpia and hordak without actually fully remembering them. Like she didn't just build them to build them, she built them because her love for them was so strong she felt compelled to do it without fully remembering them, just like how in that episode adora's connection to being she-ra was so strong it compelled her to find the sword without fully understanding why
now look I get why mermista and perfuma and frosta called entrapta out for not caring about her friends BUT UM. I think entrapta DOES care for her friends, at least the ones that have treated her right
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rairaion26 · 5 hours
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Entrapdak redraw! Here is the older version
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