Olive is in labor!
They're four days pre-term, so fingers crossed.
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My little dog is full of little dogs, and it is grotesque when they move around. You'd swear that they're swimming. (hahaha such an Oops Litter 😹)
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My night is about to go from good to great 👍
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Mmm there's nothing like a downward spiral, amirite.
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Olive really wanted to take a nap out in the shop, so inbuilt her a nice little nest in my hammock. She's delighted.
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I left some blankets down in the shop and Critter was very happy.
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Seriously considering training for a mechanic job after I get out of basic training this fall :x I think I'd be good at it, considering I grew up around it.
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!!!!!! ❣️
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#63 baby goat and baby wild boar <3 
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That one hurt.
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I have bad animal luck :(
Both Layla and Titan disappeared a few days ago. It snowed super heavy right after, so I wasn't able to find any feathers even :((
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Finished degreasing and whitening some rodent bones!! These are from a pair of owl pellets that my dad gave me for Christmas :D
EDIT hahaha whoops, this was supposed to go on my vulture culture blog lol.
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Happy Holidaze y'all 😙🎄💨
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Can anyone help me identify this nifty little fella? My dad got it for me in Nevada, I think (either that or Montana lol) I love the little bubbles!
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Me, looking for the bore butter: I can't see you, but I can smell youuu....
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The Woman in the Cottage
I had a memorable dream awhile ago(the one I want to project to at some point), and I wanted to share it.
I was traveling through a forest, one where the trees grew too high to even see the tops. The light that managed to come down from the foliage above was tinted a heavy green, and every shadow was purple and blue. Sunlight constantly filtered through the trunks in a perpetual sunset. I remember, vividly, a spiderweb in my dream, a beautiful artwork of a web, lit in gold by the sun. It was lovely.
There were bones everywhere I went, skulls and the like hung on the branches on understory trees and nestled in the duff on the ground. They were pure white all of them, as though they had never actually been within a creature and had merely been apparated by the forest around me. It didn't make me feel frightened or uneasy though. It was natural for this forest and I knew it wouldn't do me any harm.
Several animals met me on my journey in the woods, including an irate bear and a pack of dog-deer hybrid creatures, which were very friendly. I knew them I think, felt like we'd met before. Every being in the woods, myself included, spoke in wordless songs that threw colored halos of light around our heads. The colors indicated emotion. I spoke to the dog-deer and they lead me up a steep path up a hill.
At the hill's crest sat a little cabin with a thick thatched roof. I felt excited to be visiting the owner, though I didn't know who it was. Inside was a woman draped in many layers of brown and red fabric. Her hair was long and gray, but I couldn't pin down her age because it seemed to be constantly changing. An animal sat in her lap, but it was blurry and obscured in the dream. Maybe it was a small dragon, or maybe it was a lamb, I don't know.
The woman was my friend. She greeted me warmly and we discussed the last time I'd visited. I've never had this dream before, mind you, but everything was still deeply familiar.
I don't know where this place was, and I don't know who the woman is.
I think that this dream was some kind of a message, a beckoning for me to follow. I'm going to put my magic work towards discovering more about it all, so that's pretty exciting to finally have a path.
TL;DR: Had a witchy vision dream, visited old friends for the first time, and now I'm going to figure it out.
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I'll have to post later to show you guys the damage our local bull moose did to our stock panels.
For real, leave moose the hell alone.
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And this is why we do not fuck with moose. Giant ice age monster deer will kill you.
In fact, it’s best to just leave the wildlife alone. Don’t take selfies with them. Don’t feed them. Just respect them and keep your distance.
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GooseGoose is at it again!! I'm so excited to cook with these omg. And use the eggshells for witchery aaaaaa.
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