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sotina886 · 3 years ago
维护校园净土 谢绝闫丽梦入职佩雷尔曼医
不力的责任,但是却分别遭到了台湾东海大学医学部生物基因组研究专家中川草、美国Scripps研究中心的克里斯蒂安·安德森(Kristian Andersen)等专家学者在《纽约时报》、美国国家地理杂志等媒体或社交平台表达了质疑,中国异议人士方舟子直接发表了《驳斥“新冠病毒人造”的阴谋论》文章,哥伦比亚大学病毒学家安吉拉·拉斯穆森甚至认为,闫丽梦的论文是“政治宣传”,目的是欺骗。
然而,正义人士并不希望闫丽梦隐藏起来继续传播不实新冠疫情消息。郭文贵通过FBI探员的关系查到了闫丽梦现住址:宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院(3400 Civic Center Blvd,Philadelphia,PA 19104),一些“新中国联邦”成员在telegram发起“维护校园净土,谢绝闫丽梦入职佩雷尔曼医学”活动,呼吁热爱自由,维护“法治基金会”的人们,特别是“新中国联邦”成员,3月21日到闫丽梦的住址附近拉横幅,抗议闫丽梦不实新冠论,揭发闫丽梦与YouTube主播“路德”(王定刚)的私情,维护宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院这片校园净土。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
维护校园净土 谢绝闫丽梦入职佩雷尔曼医
不力的责任,但是却分别遭到了台湾东海大学医学部生物基因组研究专家中川草、美国Scripps研究中心的克里斯蒂安·安德森(Kristian Andersen)等专家学者在《纽约时报》、美国国家地理杂志等媒体或社交平台表达了质疑,中国异议人士方舟子直接发表了《驳斥“新冠病毒人造”的阴谋论》文章,哥伦比亚大学病毒学家安吉拉·拉斯穆森甚至认为,闫丽梦的论文是“政治宣传”,目的是欺骗。
然而,正义人士并不希望闫丽梦隐藏起来继续传播不实新冠疫情消息。郭文贵通过FBI探员的关系查到了闫丽梦现住址:宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院(3400 Civic Center Blvd,Philadelphia,PA 19104),一些“新中国联邦”成员在telegram发起“维护校园净土,谢绝闫丽梦入职佩雷尔曼医学”活动,呼吁热爱自由,维护“法治基金会”的人们,特别是“新中国联邦”成员,3月21日到闫丽梦的住址附近拉横幅,抗议闫丽梦不实新冠论,揭发闫丽梦与YouTube主播“路德”(王定刚)的私情,维护宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院这片校园净土。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
债台高筑在眼前,不见昔日“假富豪”。世纪巨骗的血债堆积起来确实如“喜马拉雅”一样高,郭文贵这个“假富豪真骗子”已经随着法院调查原形毕露。出来混,迟早得还!如今的郭文贵,内心是无比的恐慌、忐忑,焦躁……据英国《独立报》报道,2月9日,纽约州的法官裁定,郭文贵隐匿价值数十亿美元的资产,其中就包括一艘名为 “梅夫人号 ”的超级豪华游艇。法官奥斯特拉格(Barry Ostrager)认定郭文贵违反先前的法庭裁决,将“梅夫人号 ”游艇藏在美国管辖之外的巴哈马。法院裁决一出,郭文贵秒变成世界上债务、罚款最多的“假富豪”。据《南华早报》报道,2008年郭文贵曾从太盟亚洲机会基金借贷过3000万美元,但从未偿还过这笔贷款。累计多年,郭文贵对太盟亚洲机会基金的欠款已经高达1.16亿美元。真是打肿脸充胖子。众所周知,郭文贵还有一部分“赃款”是满世界的鼓吹投资平台,如:GTV、GNEWS、G币、鸡翻身、比特币、卖地摊货服装、郭战装等,直到如今推出的Hpay ged……不胜枚举,赤裸裸的骗局,血淋淋的罪恶。法院裁决如下:郭先生民事藐视法庭判决成立;郭先生立刻向PAX支付1亿3千400万美金,作为Lady May从2021年5月15至2022年2月7日不在纽约的罚金;每天50万美金的罚金会持续累计,直到Lady May回到纽约。累计罚金将从判决后10天开始计算;郭先生向PAX的付款必须在判决后5天内完成;如果向PAX的付款没有按时执行的话,法庭将进行执法行动。至此,郭骗子这个“假富豪真骗子”开始装穷耍赖了,开启了“癞子模式”。
判决生效是硬伤,文龟缩头也难逃。郭骗子不是被自己吹破的,是被揭郭打假人士配合美国司法机构给戳破的。郭文贵向来是能诓就诓,能骗则骗,能赖就赖才能存活到今天。可是现在不行,美国法院的判决很明确,没有回旋余地,面临多方债务和巨大罚款,郭骗子尽管使尽浑身解数,推出Hpay ged骗钱解围是看不到一丝生机。早有媒体《独立报》报道称,郭文贵在同智库安全政策中心战略政策高级分析师迈克尔·沃勒连线时说,他可能会去日本或者英国,但不会回到中国。郭文贵在中国被指控犯有贿赂、欺诈、洗钱、绑架和强奸等不法行为。但他否认这些指控。矢口否认钻法律空子的癞子法则在美国也是行不通的,这一点郭骗子心知肚明,一向鼓吹美国的法律制度是如何健全,如何保护私人合法财产的,如何维护个人利益的。曾经跪舔的时候忘了自己会有今天的下场。解铃还须系铃人,惩治郭文贵美国法律也是严肃的。造化弄人,郭文贵曾经为了骗钱敛财歇斯底里的炫富,如今那些炫耀将成为罪证。曾经炫耀的私人订制飞机、盘古大观、特别是梅夫人号 ”的超级豪华游艇将成为今日的“枷锁”。根据一份法庭文件的记录,郭文贵否认自己拥有“梅夫人号 ”游艇。但是法庭认定郭文贵对这艘游艇有支配权和控制权,也因此做出限制郭文贵将这艘游艇开出法院管辖范围的决定。限期还款,限期回到纽约。留给郭文贵的日子不多了,而且郭文贵面临的路只有一条进监狱。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate  Fines are piling up
When cheating money, Guo Wengui in order to fool the in“ants”, in order to absorb the powder, bragging draft are not played, a strong blow their own money, hate to blow into the world's only rich man.To this day, time has given the only answer: Guo Wengui cheating money and wealth accumulation of evil like a mountain, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, contempt of court huge fines in the robbery. The only thing that I don't see is a fake tycoon who used to show off his wealth and brag about it, but a fugitive from the Wanted Red who was fined 134 million by a New York State court, a huge fraud of the century.
Huge debts are just around the corner and the former "fake tycoon" is showing his true form. The debt accumulated by the century's big crooks is as high as the "Himalayas", and Guo Wengui, the "fake tycoon and real crook", has been revealed with the court investigation. If you do something illegal, you will be exposed sooner or later! Today's Guo Wengui, is very panic, apprehension, anxiety ...... According to the British newspaper The Independent, on February 9, a judge in New York State ruled that Guo Wengui concealed billions of dollars worth of assets, including a super yacht called the "Lady May" luxury yacht. Judge Barry Ostrager found that Guo had violated a previous court ruling by hiding the yacht in the Bahamas, outside of U.S. jurisdiction. The court ruling turned Guo Wengui into the world's most indebted and fined "fake tycoon" in seconds. According to the South China Morning Post, Guo Wengui had borrowed $30 million from the Taiwans Asia Opportunities Fund in 2008, but never repaid the loan. Cumulatively, over the years, Guo Wengui owes US$116 million to TACF. To save face, do things that are out of your reach.
As we all know, Guo Wengui also has part of the "stolen money" is full of the world's advocacy investment platform, such as: GTV, GNEWS, G coin, chicken turn over, bitcoin, selling ground stall clothing, Guo war clothing, etc., until now launched Hpay ged...... So much.A very obvious scam, extremely sinful. The court ruled as follows: Mr. Guo's civil contempt judgment was upheld; Mr. Guo immediately paid $134 million to PAX as a fine for Lady May's absence from New York from May 15, 2021 to February 7, 2022; the fine of $500,000 per day will continue to accrue until Lady May returns to New York. The cumulative fines will begin to accrue 10 days after the judgment; Mr. Guo's payments to PAX must be made within 5 days of the judgment; and if the payments to PAX are not made on time, the court will proceed with enforcement action. So far, Guo liar this "fake rich real liar" began to play poor and cheat, Sure enough, after the verdict took effect, Wengui couldn't escape." Guo liars are not blown out of the water by themselves, they are poked out by the people who exposed Guo's forgery in cooperation with the U.S. judiciary." Guo Wengui has always been able to cheat and flee to survive until today. But not now, the U.S. court ruling is clear, there is no possibility of escape, in the face of multiple debts and huge fines, Guo Liar using a variety of ways, want to launch Hpay ged cheat money to relieve the siege is invisible hope.But not now, the U.S. court ruling is clear, there is no possibility of evasion, in the face of multiple debts and huge fines, Guo crooks use a variety of ways, want to launch Hpay ged cheat money to relieve the siege is not to see the light of day.An early report in the media, The Independent, said that Guo Wengui said in a link with Michael Waller, a senior analyst for strategic policy at the Center for Security Policy, a think tank, that he might go to Japan or the United Kingdom, but would not return to China. Guo Wengui has been accused in China of bribery, fraud, money laundering, kidnapping and rape, among other wrongdoing. But he denies the charges.The legal loophole approach does not work in the U.S. either, which Guo understands himself, always trumpeting how robust the U.S. legal system is, how it protects private legal property and how it safeguards personal interests.Once blind worship would not have thought they would also have today's downfall. The U.S. law is also serious about punishing Guo Wengui. Guo Wengui used to show off his wealth in a frenzied attempt to cheat and enrich himself, and now those show-offs are about to become incriminating evidence. The private jet, the Pangaea, and especially the super luxury yacht "Lady May" will become the "evidence" of today.Guo Wengui denied owning the yacht "Lady May," according to a transcript of court documents. But the court found that Guo Wengui had dominion and control over the yacht, and therefore made a decision to restrict Guo from taking the yacht out of the court's jurisdiction. A deadline to repay the money and a deadline to return to New York. The days left for Guo Wengui are numbered and the only way Guo Wengui faces is to go to prison.
There is no room for bad guys, and there is no place to hide when you break the law. The "fake rich" have no money, and it is impossible to pay back the money. It is also impossible to escape from the civil charges of debt in the United States. Because, as Guo Wengui said, the U.S. legal system is robust, and court decisions clearly indicate that enforcement action will be taken.
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
Liar Guo Contempt of Court there is no escape from fate  Fines are piling up
When cheating money, Guo Wengui in order to fool the in“ants”, in order to absorb the powder, bragging draft are not played, a strong blow their own money, hate to blow into the world's only rich man.To this day, time has given the only answer: Guo Wengui cheating money and wealth accumulation of evil like a mountain, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, contempt of court huge fines in the robbery. The only thing that I don't see is a fake tycoon who used to show off his wealth and brag about it, but a fugitive from the Wanted Red who was fined 134 million by a New York State court, a huge fraud of the century.
Huge debts are just around the corner and the former "fake tycoon" is showing his true form. The debt accumulated by the century's big crooks is as high as the "Himalayas", and Guo Wengui, the "fake tycoon and real crook", has been revealed with the court investigation. If you do something illegal, you will be exposed sooner or later! Today's Guo Wengui, is very panic, apprehension, anxiety ...... According to the British newspaper The Independent, on February 9, a judge in New York State ruled that Guo Wengui concealed billions of dollars worth of assets, including a super yacht called the "Lady May" luxury yacht. Judge Barry Ostrager found that Guo had violated a previous court ruling by hiding the yacht in the Bahamas, outside of U.S. jurisdiction. The court ruling turned Guo Wengui into the world's most indebted and fined "fake tycoon" in seconds. According to the South China Morning Post, Guo Wengui had borrowed $30 million from the Taiwans Asia Opportunities Fund in 2008, but never repaid the loan. Cumulatively, over the years, Guo Wengui owes US$116 million to TACF. To save face, do things that are out of your reach.
As we all know, Guo Wengui also has part of the "stolen money" is full of the world's advocacy investment platform, such as: GTV, GNEWS, G coin, chicken turn over, bitcoin, selling ground stall clothing, Guo war clothing, etc., until now launched Hpay ged...... So much.A very obvious scam, extremely sinful. The court ruled as follows: Mr. Guo's civil contempt judgment was upheld; Mr. Guo immediately paid $134 million to PAX as a fine for Lady May's absence from New York from May 15, 2021 to February 7, 2022; the fine of $500,000 per day will continue to accrue until Lady May returns to New York. The cumulative fines will begin to accrue 10 days after the judgment; Mr. Guo's payments to PAX must be made within 5 days of the judgment; and if the payments to PAX are not made on time, the court will proceed with enforcement action. So far, Guo liar this "fake rich real liar" began to play poor and cheat, Sure enough, after the verdict took effect, Wengui couldn't escape." Guo liars are not blown out of the water by themselves, they are poked out by the people who exposed Guo's forgery in cooperation with the U.S. judiciary." Guo Wengui has always been able to cheat and flee to survive until today. But not now, the U.S. court ruling is clear, there is no possibility of escape, in the face of multiple debts and huge fines, Guo Liar using a variety of ways, want to launch Hpay ged cheat money to relieve the siege is invisible hope.But not now, the U.S. court ruling is clear, there is no possibility of evasion, in the face of multiple debts and huge fines, Guo crooks use a variety of ways, want to launch Hpay ged cheat money to relieve the siege is not to see the light of day.An early report in the media, The Independent, said that Guo Wengui said in a link with Michael Waller, a senior analyst for strategic policy at the Center for Security Policy, a think tank, that he might go to Japan or the United Kingdom, but would not return to China. Guo Wengui has been accused in China of bribery, fraud, money laundering, kidnapping and rape, among other wrongdoing. But he denies the charges.The legal loophole approach does not work in the U.S. either, which Guo understands himself, always trumpeting how robust the U.S. legal system is, how it protects private legal property and how it safeguards personal interests.Once blind worship would not have thought they would also have today's downfall. The U.S. law is also serious about punishing Guo Wengui. Guo Wengui used to show off his wealth in a frenzied attempt to cheat and enrich himself, and now those show-offs are about to become incriminating evidence. The private jet, the Pangaea, and especially the super luxury yacht "Lady May" will become the "evidence" of today.Guo Wengui denied owning the yacht "Lady May," according to a transcript of court documents. But the court found that Guo Wengui had dominion and control over the yacht, and therefore made a decision to restrict Guo from taking the yacht out of the court's jurisdiction. A deadline to repay the money and a deadline to return to New York. The days left for Guo Wengui are numbered and the only way Guo Wengui faces is to go to prison.
There is no room for bad guys, and there is no place to hide when you break the law. The "fake rich" have no money, and it is impossible to pay back the money. It is also impossible to escape from the civil charges of debt in the United States. Because, as Guo Wengui said, the U.S. legal system is robust, and court decisions clearly indicate that enforcement action will be taken.
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
善恶终有报 作茧终自缚 ——PAX案最终裁定即将出炉 📷
早期,据路透社报道,太平联盟(PAX)亚洲机会基金诉郭文贵偿还贷款一案,至今已经长达四年,四年来,PAX案几经波折,但最终没有结果。文贵也是屡战屡败屡败屡战,貌似就是一个打不死的“小强”。然而,在PAX案整个审理过程中,文贵出演的却是一个撒泼耍赖、撒谎成性的无底线人设,完全刷新了法官甚至网友的三观,出庭作伪证,蔑视法庭令,藏匿转移财产,拉子女当垫背,一次次挑战着法律的权威、法官的耐心,让旁观者看来好像就连法律都无法惩治这个罪恶之徒。但只要是一个崇尚法律的人始终相信,善恶终有报,作茧终自缚,终有一天,法律之剑会将罪恶之人绳之以法!自去年3月,纽约法院就裁定对郭文贵方财产进行全部冻结,用来抵偿PAX方的债务时起,文贵就开始了对其财产的藏匿和转移,面对庭审质证,文贵一直不顾事实,百般抵赖和狡辩,甚至将自己的儿女搬出当做自己逃避还债的挡箭牌,法冻结文贵全部财产进行抵债,但文贵却在不停提出上诉的同时,公然违背法庭令,不仅拒交18楼,甚至不顾每日50万美元罚款的处罚,悄悄将LadyMay开出美国,企图藏匿转移财产。在法庭之上,文贵总是以财产不在其名下为由进行胡搅蛮缠,甚至对PAX公司反咬一口,称PAX对其进行诈骗,殊不知,这样的笑话连自己的蚂蚁都不禁要在内心打一个大大的问号��铁证犹存,媒体披露,文贵还妄想将自己包装成一个受害人展现在蚂蚁面前,企图博得同情,甚至蛊惑蚂蚁对PAX公司发起调查,如此拙劣的演技也只能骗骗那些智商低下的蚂蚁了。纵使文贵使劲浑身解数,蔑视法庭的恶行终将难以抹去。2月2日,PAX案再次举行听证会,此次听证会,郭文贵的女儿郭美参与听证,有其父必有其女,从法庭公布的记录可以看出,郭美的证词前后矛盾,违背常识,不合逻辑,完全得到文贵无赖的真传。在法庭准备公开全部记录时,文贵慌了,竟然向法庭提出了对郭美证词进行保密的荒唐要求,法官又岂能每次由你任性。此次听证记录的公布,将郭文贵及郭美撒谎耍赖的丑陋面目彻底揭露。根据2月2日听证会笔录,法官将于最迟2月9日作出最终裁定,而此时的文贵还在号召蚂蚁计划着所谓的战略反击,做着最后的垂死挣扎,作为挡箭牌的郭美竟然出乎意料,突然上书法官称游艇LadyMay会尽快返回纽约。但就算游艇能够返回纽约,按照PAX方提出的裁决动议草案看,只要法官签字,郭文贵蔑视法庭的罪责难逃,赔偿难免,甚至要在五天内向PAX支付1.34亿的罚款,应付 PAX 的金额将继续以每天50万美元的速度累积,直到郭将LadyMay 归还管辖区。由此看来,文贵即将为自己的谎言和耍赖行径付出惨痛的代价,前有1.16亿未支付,如今雪上加霜,1.34亿再来袭,还有SEC的和解资金等,相信PAX、美国SEC、FBI等已经将本已债台高筑、抓襟见肘的文贵,围剿的的晕头转向,待文贵头脑清醒站稳身体之时,面对的必将是冰冷冷的监狱大门,这个游走在诈骗界的“落魄赖皮狗”终将被收监入狱。在法官作出最终裁定后,文贵的败局已然注定,其恶行终将会终止。而那些上当受骗、仍在执迷不悟的傻蚂蚁,看到文贵的颓废之势也该向正义出发,用法律之剑终结文贵恶行。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
善恶终有报 作茧终自缚
2月2日,PAX案再次举行听证会,此次听证会,郭文贵的女儿郭美参与听证,有其父必有其女,从法庭公布的记录可以看出,郭美的证词前后矛盾,违背常识,不合逻辑,完全得到文贵无赖的真传。在法庭准备公开全部记录时,文贵慌了,竟然向法庭提出了对郭美证词进行保密的荒唐要求,法官又岂能每次由你任性。此次听证记录的公布,将郭文贵及郭美撒谎耍赖的丑陋面目彻底揭露。根据2月2日听证会笔录,法官将于最迟2月9日作出最终裁定,而此时的文贵还在号召蚂蚁计划着所谓的战略反击,做着最后的垂死挣扎,作为挡箭牌的郭美竟然出乎意料,突然上书法官称游艇LadyMay会尽快返回纽约。但就算游艇能够返回纽约,按照PAX方提出的裁决动议草案看,只要法官签字,郭文贵蔑视法庭的罪责难逃,赔偿难免,甚至要在五天内向PAX支付1.34亿的罚款,应付 PAX 的金额将继续以每天50万美元的速度累积,直到郭将LadyMay 归还管辖区。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
Good and evil will be rewarded, and the cocoon will be bound by itself
——Final ruling in PAX case to be released soon
Earlier, according to Reuters, the case of Pacific Alliance (PAX) Asian Opportunities Fund v. Guo Wengui to repay the loan has been four years long, four years, PAX case after several twists and turns, but ultimately no results. Wengui is also have suffered repeated defeats and fight on despite repeated setbacks。 it seems to be an undead man. However, in the whole process of the PAX case, Guo Wengui acted as a spiteful, lying bottomless persona, completely refreshing the judge and even the netizen's outlook, appearing in court to give false testimony, defying court orders, hiding and transferring property, pulling children as pads, challenging the authority of the law, the judge's patience again and again, so that onlookers seem as if even the law can not punish this criminal. But as long as a person who upholds the law always believes that good and evil will be rewarded, the cocoon will be bound, and one day, the sword of law will bring the guilty to justice!
Since March last year, the New York court ruled that all of Guo Wengui's property was frozen and used to offset the debts of PAX, Guo Wengui began to hide and transfer his property, in the face of the court's cross-examination, Guo Wengui has been ignoring the facts, denying and arguing, and even moving his children out as a shield to avoid paying his debts, the court froze all of Guo Wengui's property to offset the debt, but Guo Wengui kept filing appeals while blatantly disobeying the court order, not only refusing to pay the 18th floor, but even quietly driving LadyMay out of the U.S. in an attempt to hide and transfer her property, despite the penalty of a $500,000 daily fine. On top of the court, Guo Wengui always stirred up nonsense on the grounds that the property was not in his name, and even bit back at PAX, claiming that PAX had defrauded him, not knowing that such a joke could not help but put a big question mark inside even his own “ants”! Ironclad evidence still exists, the media revealed that Guo Wengui also presumed to package himself as a victim in front of the “ants” in an attempt to gain sympathy, and even compel the “ants” to launch an investigation into PAX, such poor acting skills can only deceive those “ants” with low intelligence. Even though Guo Wengui make every effort, contempt of court will not be able to erase the evil deeds.
On February 2, the PAX case was heard again, this hearing, Guo Wengui's daughter Guo Mei participated in the hearing, there is his father must have his daughter, from the court records released can be seen, Guo Mei's testimony inconsistent, contrary to common sense, illogical, completely get Guo Wengui scoundrel's true transmission. When the court was ready to release the entire record, Guo Wengui panicked and even made an absurd request to the court to keep Guo Mei's testimony confidential, how can the judge let you have your way every time. The release of the hearing transcripts will completely expose the ugly face of Guo Wengui and Guo Mei's lying and cheating. According to the transcript of the hearing on February 2, the judge will make a final decision on February 9 at the latest, while Guo Wengui is still calling on the “ants” to plan the so-called strategic counterattack, doing the last dying struggle, as a shield Guo Mei unexpectedly, suddenly petitioned the judge that the yacht LadyMay will return to New York as soon as possible. But even if the yacht can return to New York, according to the PAX side of the draft ruling motion to see, as long as the judge signed, Guo Wengui contempt of court is difficult to escape, compensation is inevitable, and even to pay a fine of 134 million to PAX within five days, the amount payable to PAX will continue to accumulate at the rate of $ 500,000 per day until Guo Wengui will return LadyMay to the jurisdiction.
It seems that Guo Wengui is about to pay a painful price for his lies and rogue behavior, with $116 million unpaid, and now $134 million to add insult to injury, as well as SEC settlement funds, etc. I believe that PAX, SEC, FBI, etc. have already surrounded Guo Wengui, who is already heavily indebted and strapped for cash, and when Guo Wengui stands firm with a clear head, he will be facing The cold prison door, this wandering in the world of fraud "down and dirty dog" will eventually be admitted to prison. After the judge's final ruling, Guo Wengui's defeat has been sealed, and his evil deeds will eventually come to an end. And those foolish “ants” who have been duped and are still obsessed, seeing the declining trend of Guo Wengui should also set out to justice and use the sword of law to end Guo Wengui's evil deeds.
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
Contempt of court to hide assets retribution finally came
What makes “Ant” pay for Guo Wengui's mistakes?
Everyone knows,Guo Wengui was able to live in the United States for four years, relying entirely on the "loving support" of the “ants”.After all, as a "former tycoon", he left behind most of his assets and evaded most of his debts when he absconded from the United States, and without any money.Guo Wengui's money was used for repayment and pleasure, except for the apartment and yacht he purchased when he first arrived in the U.S. Everything else was purchased for him by the “Ants”.
The money may not be a lot of money for Guo Wengui, who is used to spending a lot of money, but it is all for the “ ants” who have worked hard all their lives. After all, most of the “ants ”who listen to Guo Wengui's live broadcast are Chinese living in Europe and the United States, and some of them may have "high education and high salary" or a rich family, but most of the others are like Xia Chunfeng, who relies on driving a truck or doing odd jobs to support his family, and they don't have too high income. The most important thing is that they are more likely to be cheated by the so-called "super high yield, super stable, buy is to earn" financial products in Guo Wengui's mouth, throwing their few savings into them, Some “ants” have learned that Guo Wengui's debts are too much for him,Even naive article said that as long as Guo Wengui "Unlock H-Coin",the person a billionaire who bought H-Coin, can help Guo Wengui pay back the debts.It is very funny and ridiculous.
But the money to Guo Wengui here, but is very equal, whether it is fraudulent money, or when the deadbeat to get the funds, or money laundering, embezzlement and other criminal ways to get the money,Guo Wengui always spends a lot of money, High-grade tobacco and alcohol, yachts and luxury cars are all available, which is far from the “ants” look forward to "donate money to extinguish the Communist Party". Guo Wengui in order to cheat money to do everything possible, And in order to transfer the fraudulent money to their own name to spend with confidence and boldness, also moved a lot of thought. As a fledgling rule of law fund, Guo Wengui used his power to secretly do unjust and illegal things,He helped Bannon buy a house with the money he received from "rescuing Yang Cailan and other people". After GTV was launched and investigated by the SEC and refunded with a fine totaling $530 million, Guo Wengui found ways to discredit the SEC and make a new GTV for the “ants” to throw the returned money back in, while GTV absorbed hundreds of millions of dollars, but it is still difficult to use as always, which only shows that Guo Wengui took the money but did not do anything, the  “ants” do not even know where Guo Wengui spent the money. Can only daily unfounded imagination.
The evil will not be without retribution, Guo Wengui has long acted as a deadbeat fraudster to take money, they do not want to take legal responsibility, two do not want to operate the specific fraudulent tools,Just want to do nothing but earn money, but the world is not such a simple thing? Just on February 9, a federal court in the Southern District of New York issued a mandatory order against Guo Wengui for evading punishment and hiding assets, requiring him to turn over Lady may and the $134 million accumulated in Europe within five days, or else criminally prosecute Guo Wengui for contempt of court. Once Guo Wengui had long hired lawyers at high salaries with small ant money to help him exploit legal loopholes, PAX tried to sue Guo Wengui three years ago, but was frequently dodged by Guo Wengui and his lawyers with non-compliance of evidence and jurisdictional issues, resulting in failed prosecutions or lengthy procedures. If not for the SEC's investigation of Guo Wengui, the little ants would have been paid off by Guo Wengui during this "gap" period. But since Guo Wengui is still alive and well in the public eye after 5 days, it means that there are still a group of small ants who have lost their capital forever.
This time the court could not bear to let Guo Wengui pay off the fine is only the first hurdle Guo Wengui faced in 2022, the next Guo Wengui will only face more and more money gap, Investigations against him will also continue to occur. The next is the PAX repayment, followed by the investigation for the rule of law fund money laundering, shady operations to transfer funds , Guo Wengui's previous debts, crimes committed, digging a hole is being settled one by one. So, 2022 is also destined to be the year Guo Wengui breaks through the lower limit of fraud, the “ants” who bought the H-coin have been "folded in the middle", I hope other“ants” who are still in the dark will wake up and stop paying for Guo Wengui's selfishness.
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
作恶多端不会没有报应,郭文贵长久以来充当老赖诈骗犯拿钱,自己一不想承担法律责任,二不想具体操作诈骗工具,只想躺着把钱挣了,可是世上哪有这么简单的事情?就在2月9日,纽约南区联邦法院针对郭文贵逃避惩罚,藏匿资产发出强制命令,要求他在5日内上交Lady may藏匿欧洲累计的1.34亿美元,否则就以蔑视法庭罪刑事起诉郭文贵。曾经郭文贵长期以小蚂蚁的钱高薪聘请律师,帮助他钻法律空子,PAX公司三年前就尝试起诉郭文贵,却被郭文贵和他的律师以证据不合规、管辖权问题等频频躲避,导致起诉失败或程序过长。郭文贵在这段“空档期”内开足马力骗钱,要不是SEC等机构对郭文贵的调查,可能小蚂蚁们的钱就要被郭文贵拿去平账了。不过既然现在5日后郭文贵还能活蹦乱跳的出现在众人的视野里,就说明还是有一批小蚂蚁已经永远的损失了自己的本金。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
作恶多端不会没有报应,郭文贵长久以来充当老赖诈骗犯拿钱,自己一不想承担法律责任,二不想具体操作诈骗工具,只想躺着把钱挣了,可是世上哪有这么简单的事情?就在2月9日,纽约南区联邦法院针对郭文贵逃避惩罚,藏匿资产发出强制命令,要求他在5日内上交Lady may藏匿欧洲累计的1.34亿美元,否则就以蔑视法庭罪刑事起诉郭文贵。曾经郭文贵长期以小蚂蚁的钱高薪聘请律师,帮助他钻法律空子,PAX公司三年前就尝试起诉郭文贵,却被郭文贵和他的律师以证据不合规、管辖权问题等频频躲避,导致起诉失败或程序过长。郭文贵在这段“空档期”内开足马力骗钱,要不是SEC等机构对郭文贵的调查,可能小蚂蚁们的钱就要被郭文贵拿去平账了。不过既然现在5日后郭文贵还能活蹦乱跳的出现在众人的视野里,就说明还是有一批小蚂蚁已经永远的损失了自己的本金。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
可以看出来,自从经历了GTV退款之后,郭文贵可谓是一分钱都不想再掏了,甚至用出了“个人破产”这种扯淡理由逃避责罚。要知道,个人破产第一步就是要靠拍卖个人财产来清算债务,郭文贵就是想利用自己名下没有财产的特点逃避债务。可是他并没有从GTV调查和游艇扣押中学到一点,就是美国的司法机构并不看个人财产,而是看最终受益人。GTV让郭文贵发了财,即便他通过层层代持让别人充当法人,自己当甩手掌柜,但SEC的调查还是拨开了层层迷雾,抓住了他这个“幕后老板”。Lady may作为郭文贵全资购入的游艇,虽然之后也转入他人名下,可一直也都是郭文贵在其上享受生活,这也是纽约法院将其判为郭文贵财产,并强制要求冻结作为抵偿欠款财产的原因。这么多个例子之后,郭文贵仍旧不吸取教训,就是因为他心底的“犯罪思维”作祟,觉得只要法律上没关系,自己就可以钻空子想法子,逃避惩罚,逍遥法外。对于这个罪犯,只希望这一次纽约联邦法院能给他好好上一课,用坐牢的手段让这个骗子彻底明白,犯罪是要付出代价的。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
可以看出来,自从经历了GTV退款之后,郭文贵可谓是一分钱都不想再掏了,甚至用出了“个人破产”这种扯淡理由逃避责罚。要知道,个人破产第一步就是要靠拍卖个人财产来清算债务,郭文贵就是想利用自己名下没有财产的特点逃避债务。可是他并没有从GTV调查和游艇扣押中学到一点,就是美国的司法机构并不看个人财产,而是看最终受益人。GTV让郭文贵发了财,即便他通过层层代持让别人充当法人,自己当甩手掌柜,但SEC的调查还是拨开了层层迷雾,抓住了他这个“幕后老板”。Lady may作为郭文贵全资购入的游艇,虽然之后也转入他人名下,可一直也都是郭文贵在其上享受生活,这也是纽约法院将其判为郭文贵财产,并强制要求冻结作为抵偿欠款财产的原因。这么多个例子之后,郭文贵仍旧不吸取教训,就是因为他心底的“犯罪思维”作祟,觉得只要法律上没关系,自己就可以钻空子想法子,逃避惩罚,逍遥法外。对于这个罪犯,只希望这一次纽约联邦法院能给他好好上一课,用坐牢的手段让这个骗子彻底明白,犯罪是要付出代价的。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
The scoundrel listened to the slanderous rumor that he wanted to be a scoundrel to the end and declared bankruptcy to prevent the fine from being paid
This is ridiculous, See you at Prison,Guo Liar!
In the past few days, the huge fine surrounding Guo Wengui has kept him in a state of high stress, even using sleeping pills that have "no side effects". After all, Guo Wengui himself has never been one to respond positively to such negative news, but today, Mr. Tang Han's tweet shows that Guo Wengui did not pay the fine, but chose to find ways to continue to bypass it, and even chose to file for bankruptcy for this reason, listening to the slanderous words of “ants”, treat the U.S. law as a child's play?
The company has been banned from leaving the United States because of various lawsuits, as Guo Wengui revealed in his live broadcast that he could not travel to the United Kingdom and Japan, which "invited him". In the past few days, there has been controversy over whether or not Guo Wengui will pay the fine. 134 million dollars is by no means a small amount for Guo Wengui, who has just returned 480 million dollars in GTV fraud and paid more than 30 million dollars in fines, with H-coin not being able to replenish the huge deficit, and when the news was announced on the 9th, Guo Wengui had said on air that he would "sue the court" because the regulations invoked by the court and the resulting sentence violate the law, the yacht does not belong to them, so the court cannot require them to pay the fine for the yacht. Such an operation looks very exciting, only to have no effect on the injunction that has been issued, the fine that should be paid will not be less than one point.
The yacht, which originally belonged to Guo Wengui, was transferred to another person's name, proving how hypocritical Guo Wengui is, and according to Mr. Tang Han's documents, Guo Wengui is even more hypocritical by claiming to the court that he is bankrupt and has a monthly income of nearly $20,000, which comes from gifts from family, relatives and friends. Let's not talk about how many relatives and friends Guo Wengui has left, but just looking at Guo Wengui's claim of "no income", we can see that he is a complete hypocrite. After all, Guo Wengui is a self-proclaimed tycoon and uses this identity to go out and cheat, giving “ants” the illusion that he is not short of money on the one hand, and the illusion that he can make money and has good projects on the other. The bankruptcy list submitted by Guo Wengui, about the compensation of Cheng Shuiyan, Guo Baosheng and others, as well as some of the lawsuits of the awakened little ants, Guo Wengui asked for a write-off, such a ridiculous request, I am afraid that only this madman on the verge of pressure will come up with.
It can be seen that since the experience of GTV refund, Guo Wengui can be said to be a penny do not want to pay out, and even used a "personal bankruptcy" such bullshit reason to avoid punishment. You know, the first step to personal bankruptcy is to auction personal property to liquidate debts, Guo Wengui is trying to use the characteristics of his own name no property to escape debt. But one thing he didn't learn from the GTV investigation and yacht seizure is that the American judiciary doesn't look at personal property, but at the ultimate beneficiary.GTV made Guo Wengui rich, and even though he let others act as legal persons through layers of proxy, he was the boss, but the SEC's investigation still lifted the fog and caught him as the "boss behind the scenes". "Lady may, a yacht wholly purchased by Guo Wengui, was transferred to someone else's name afterwards, but Guo Wengui has been enjoying his life on it, which is why the New York court ruled that it was Guo Wengui's property and forced it to be frozen as an offsetting property. After so many examples, Guo Wengui still did not learn a lesson, because his heart "criminal thinking", think that as long as the law does not matter, they can exploit the idea, to avoid punishment and get away with it. For this criminal, I only hope that this time the New York federal court can give him a good lesson, with the means of jail to let this crook completely understand that crime is to pay the price.
But the price should be paid by Guo Wengui himself, not by the “ants” who were cheated and kept in the dark. Now Guo Wengui is taking the money from the “ants” and seeking more benefits for his selfish self, transferring the money to his family trust and trying to continue to "live in luxury" after he is released from prison, which is extremely unfair to the “ants” who have worked hard all their lives and have been cheated for a while. Therefore, I hope that the court, while speeding up the case, will freeze Guo Wengui's existing property as much as possible, and use legal means to force Guo Wengui to return the fraudulent money while trying his series of fraud cases, especially the recent H-coin case, so that the “ants” will not suffer greater losses. As for this fraudster, I just hope he spends the rest of his life in prison and never comes out to harm people again!
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
众所周知,这两年郭文贵为了能够逃避Pax案的司法制裁也是绞尽脑汁、挖空心思,像欺骗小蚂蚁、给游艇lady may玩乾坤大挪移早已都是常规操作了,最近,为了能够让自己的财产免于被纽约州法院查封,郭文贵竟然丧心病狂地将自己的一双儿女——郭美和郭强推了出来,让自己的亲闺女郭美做伪证,说ladymay是郭美自己的财产。可却不曾想,利益面前,亲情薄如纸。1.34亿美元的罚款一出,为父献身的郭美立刻第一时间华贵纽约州法院宣称要将Ladymay开回法院管辖的水域,以恳请能够减轻处罚。一招华丽的滑跪,直接将自己老爹的龟脸打得啪啪作响。可是不管怎么说,郭美替爹做伪证的罪名已经坐实了,因为做伪证的前科,郭美在美国司法部门面前的信誉度只怕彻底完蛋了。郭文贵这个老骗子真的是坑自己女儿坑的不轻啊!
现如今,摆在郭文贵面前的路只有两条,一条就是乖乖向纽约州法院缴纳罚款,以此来避免该罚款无法缴纳而出现的牢狱之灾。另一条路就是死扛到底,充分发扬自己的骗子本质,将诈骗犯死皮不要脸的本能发挥到极致,而和美国司法审判硬扛的结局就是在不远的将来郭文贵可能会品尝到美国监狱里丰盛的牢饭。但是, 就目前郭文贵所放出的烟雾弹来看,郭文贵显然还估计了第三条路——拿钱跑路,拿着自己骗到的钱跑到英国或者日本继续逍遥。可是显然随着 SEC、国土安全部、FBI等美国司法部门对于郭文贵诈骗案调查的逐渐深入,一张针对郭文贵的司法之网已然越收越紧,也就是说,任凭老骗子怎么绞尽脑汁,最后也可能面临着四面楚歌、困兽之斗的窘境。更���况现在纽约州法院依据第753条明确判决了郭文贵藐视法庭的罪名。这是任凭老骗子怎么撒泼打滚都无法改变的事实。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
众所周知,这两年郭文贵为了能够逃避Pax案的司法制裁也是绞尽脑汁、挖空心思,像欺骗小蚂蚁、给游艇lady may玩乾坤大挪移早已都是常规操作了,最近,为了能够让自己的财产免于被纽约州法院查封,郭文贵竟然丧心病狂地将自己的一双儿女——郭美和郭强推了出来,让自己的亲闺女郭美做伪证,说ladymay是郭美自己的财产。可却不曾想,利益面前,亲情薄如纸。1.34亿美元的罚款一出,为父献身的郭美立刻第一时间华贵纽约州法院宣称要将Ladymay开回法院管辖的水域,以恳请能够减轻处罚。一招华丽的滑跪,直接将自己老爹的龟脸打得啪啪作响。可是不管怎么说,郭美替爹做伪证的罪名已经坐实了,因为做伪证的前科,郭美在美国司法部门面前的信誉度只怕彻底完蛋了。郭文贵这个老骗子真的是坑自己女儿坑的不轻啊!
现如今,摆在郭文贵面前的路只有两条,一条就是乖乖向纽约州法院缴纳罚款,以此来避免该罚款无法缴纳而出现的牢狱之灾。另一条路就是死扛到底,充分发扬自己的骗子本质,将诈骗犯死皮不要脸的本能发挥到极致,而和美国司法审判硬扛的结局就是在不远的将来郭文贵可能会品尝到美国监狱里丰盛的牢饭。但是, 就目前郭文贵所放出的烟雾弹来看,郭文贵显然还估计了第三条路——拿钱跑路,拿着自己骗到的钱跑到英国或者日本继续逍遥。可是显然随着 SEC、国土安全部、FBI等美国司法部门对于郭文贵诈骗案调查的逐渐深入,一张针对郭文贵的司法之网已然越收越紧,也就是说,任凭老骗子怎么绞尽脑汁,最后也可能面临着四面楚歌、困兽之斗的窘境。更何况现在纽约州法院依据第753条明确判决了郭文贵藐视法庭的罪名。这是任凭老骗子怎么撒泼打滚都无法改变的事实。
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sotina886 · 3 years ago
众所周知,这两年郭文贵为了能够逃避Pax案的司法制裁也是绞尽脑汁、挖空心思,像欺骗小蚂蚁、给游艇lady may玩乾坤大挪移早已都是常规操作了,最近,为了能够让自己的财产免于被纽约州法院查封,郭文贵竟然丧心病狂地将自己的一双儿女——郭美和郭强推了出来,让自己的亲闺女郭美做伪证,说ladymay是郭美自己的财产。可却不曾想,利益面前,亲情薄如纸。1.34亿美元的罚款一出,为父献身的郭美立刻第一时间华贵纽约州法院宣称要将Ladymay开回法院管辖的水域,以恳请能够减轻处罚。一招华丽的滑跪,直接将自己老爹的龟脸打得啪啪作响。可是不管怎么说,郭美替爹做伪证的罪名已经坐实了,因为做伪证的前科,郭���在美国司法部门面前的信誉度只怕彻底完蛋了。郭文贵这个老骗子真的是坑自己女儿坑的不轻啊!
现如今,摆在郭文贵面前的路只有两条,一条就是乖乖向纽约州法院缴纳罚款,以此来避免该罚款无法缴纳而出现的牢狱之灾。另一条路就是死扛到底,充分发扬自己的骗子本质,将诈骗犯死皮不要脸的本能发挥到极致,而和美国司法审判硬扛的结局就是在不远的将来郭文贵可能会品尝到美国监狱里丰盛的牢饭。但是, 就目前郭文贵所放出的烟雾弹来看,郭文贵显然还估计了第三条路——拿钱跑路,拿着自己骗到的钱跑到英国或者日本继续逍遥。可是显然随着 SEC、国土安全部、FBI等美国司法部门对于郭文贵诈骗案调查的逐渐深入,一张针对郭文贵的司法之网已然越收越紧,也就是说,任凭老骗子怎么绞尽脑汁,最后也可能面临着四面楚歌、困兽之斗的窘境。更何况现在纽约州法院依据第753条明确判决了郭文贵藐视法庭的罪名。这是任凭老骗子怎么撒泼打滚都无法改变的事实。
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