The Fellowship of the Blade Game 24 Recap
After taking a ferry down the Styx, our group landed in the Gaping Maw. They were met on the shore by 15 Manes which they made quick work of. Torinn cast speak with plants and discovered there were more enemies South of them. It turned out to be two foul Bulezau. After a short baqttle Melody was diseased by their barbed tails. Torinn cast lesser restoration to remove the wasting ailment and the group continued on. They discovered a cult fanatic who said he was from Azzagrat and had come here by mistake but he would show them the way to Azzagrat. He asked their business there and Despair told him they were just travelling adventurers looking to see the place, a lie of course, and he believed her.They turned northward following the fanatic and soon came across another 25 Manes. Most of the group took out one or two of the horrid demons but Torinn's use of the call lightning spell blasted the remaining contingent to an early grave. Following the path they found the portal to Azzagrat. They found themselves in the capitol city of Zelatar which was thronging with people engaged in various activities including debaucherous acts. Where will their adventure take them next? We will see next week.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Game 23
After returning to the farm, the group discovered three adventurers awaiting them. They told them that they wished to join the guild. Torinn diplomatically said they would have to stay at the farm until the group finished some errands up North and would grant them a decision afterwards. The group had decided it was time to build a guildhall and needed to secure a land deed, so, to Kingsland they went. After meeting with the king, they purchased the deeds to several adjoining plots of land that abutted their farm adding another ten acres to their holdings. They then sent word to the former Black Hand gang to get started on securing lumber and building the hall. Next they went to the local blacksmith to try and lure him into their service. The smith politely declined but pointed them to one of his apprentices who was ready to strike out on his own. The boy looked to be seventeen but, after seeing samples of his work, was posessed of a skill greater than his years. The teen negotiated well and a deal was struck. The guild would send word to him once construction was complete and he would join them at the guildhall. The guild was not finished yet, however, and began sowing a rumor throughout the city that they were in need of a healer capable of producing healing potions for their personal use as well as to offer for sale at their guild's store. Now, with their business complete, the Fellowship of the Blade headed North and East to the Inn in the Woods. Despair still owed Benny a favor and she was determined to make good on it. The rest of the Fellowship wouldn't let her face this new challenge alone. The guild entered the inn, exchanged pleasantries, and ordered food and drink. Benny then gave each of them a scroll. The scroll contained a dossier on an infernal agent named Akta that Zariel believed may have gone rogue. Their mission was to find her trail in Azzagrat, assess her threat level to the devils' spy network, and either retrieve or terminate her as the needs dictate. Benny showed the group downstairs, returned their equipment, and brought them to a portal. He said it would take them where they needed to go. Entering the portal, they emerged on Avernus near the river Styx where an Arcanaloth awaited their arrival. Here we leave our adventurers until next time.
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Out of the frying pan...
The group had finally made it to Zariel who seemed to know they were coming. She had a contract written in Infernal which would exchange their souls for passage. Ander skillfully renegotiated the contract in which the Fellowship would assist Zariel and her devils whenever assistance was asked of them and fight a year in her war when summoned in exchange for passage. Zariel agreed. Moving on they came across several demons which the group dispatched with some difficulty. Further down the path, They were approached by an Erinyes who demanded payment for passage. The group gave her 5000gp worth of precious stones despite being asked for only 4000gp worth with the promise that next time they would be less willing to negotiate. They came across a devil inn in which they had a meal, swapped some war stories and were directed to the portal to the next layer. Continuing, they were met with the rulers of the next layer of hell, who proclaimed that their presence was unnerving to the residents. Ander agreed to return to the material plane and complete the ritual. Returning to the material world, Ander discovered that they had only left for about ten minutes, even though they had been in hell for three days. It had seemed like a lifetime to the group. They moved on to the altar which was being guarded by another Erinyes. Ander attempted peaceful negotiations but the group was repeatedly threatened. Negotiations turned to aggression when Torinn lost his patience and attacked. The battle was short and the group succeeded in defeating the devil with no life lost. They decided to make camp and await the silver dragon's arrival as he may find the ritual of interest. The dragon arrived a few days later and agreed that seeing the ritual had his interest piqued. Ander stripped himself of armor and his shirt and whipped himself brutally, using the last of his strength to pour his blood into the altar. A voice came to his head instructing him to give the ritual tools to the dragon and weakly he pushed them toward the mighty beast. Barkoris administered a healing potion to soothe the wounds of his comrade. Torinn then used a healing spell and gave a second potion. Ander again heard the words of Pelor whispered in his mind. The ritual was a success. Ander was elated and once again felt at peace with the world. His powers restored the group decided to take another rest before returning to their homestead in the center of the continent. Next time they return home and Despair will have to answer for her contract with Benny. What favor could a devil need of a tiefling? Will Melody allow Despair to leave without her again? What of the rest of the group? Will they be willing to let her face this alone? We shall see next time.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Game 22 pt. 1
The group found themselves in the middle of a bunch of imps and spined devils. When the group tried to talk to them all they got in response was " meat, fresh meat". The imps looked at the group like they were thanksgiving dinner. When Barkoris attacked an imp the whole group of imps flew over to Ademais and attacked him. Seeing him as the weakest link of the group. When Ademais started to die the group of imps of started to eat him while he was still alive. The rest of the fellowship of the blade made quick work attacking and killing off as many imps and spined devils as they could while they were eating Ademais. Once the imps and spined devils were gone the group noticed the creepy little girl was sitting near a chest. Ander went up to her and started talking. Again her answers were not really answers at all. The group came across two chests that they were able to kick open. Inside they found a bunch of gem stones. They were told that these stones were money in hell. After picking up their loot they came across a huge hole made of fire. When asked what it was they were told it was a door to the next part of their journey. So the group jumped into the hole only to end up on a bridge. Looking up Ander saw a pit fiend. The 聽Pit fiend jumped down and spoke to Ander. Asking Ander what they wanted. Ander said they were just passing through. The pit fiend told them that鈥檚 fine and the group went on their way.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Game 21
Following the bloody battle that brought an end to the two enemy houses of our heroes, the group slipped off to the pub for a celebratory round. Their celebrations were abruptly cut short however, when the third and only remaining merchant king came to congratulate them, only to reveal that this drew to a close a plot that he had been carefully twisting for 200 years. He told them that the contract had been a forgery created to cause this very war. The deal with the Yuan-Ti had been naught more than a sham created by him as he had cultivated a relationship with the tribe for all these years. He then made an offer to purchase their establishment at twice the cost it took to build it and informed the group that he had no interest in the goods or services offered there so they were free to take them. After some debate the group countered by asking for the cost to ship their goods and prostitutes as well as the cost to build a new establishment. The shrewd merchant fired back agreeing to pay to ship their product but that the price on the building was more than ample for them to rebuild elsewhere. The bargain was struck and the team was given thirty days to prepare to leave. The group looked then to Ander for final guidance. The man was ashen and shaking. He sweated profusely. Ander stood and left silently. Despair and Barkoris followed after hoping to glean some insight into the young cleric's mindset. They found Ander in the southeastern corner of Runinsberg, prostrate and praying. The man slowly stripped himself of his heavy armor. His white silk shirt was then removed and neatly folded. His back was interlaced with hideous scars of varying ages. Despair was obviously concerned by this showing of years of physical abuse. It was only then, when Ander pulled a cat of nine tails from his bag that they realized that Ander often went off by himself, seemingly for prayer, and was clearly inflicting physical pain upon himself. Ander held the brutal whip out ti Despair. He said that he was responsible for the deaths of innocent people and he must atone for his sins. He asked Despair to beat him until he passed out or passed on. Despair was reluctant but Ander reminded her of his private promise to her and begged her to repay the favor. Despair took the cat of nine from Ander and set to her grisly work. Stroke after stroke landed brutally on Ander's back but never once did he waver in his prayer. Despair finally broke with the man just a hair from death and threw down the whip. Ander looked up at the young tiefling pleadingly and reminded her of her promise in a choked whisper. She again drew back the cruel whip and landed a final blow and Ander succumbed. He was lifeless and bleeding profusely but Despair was at his side in a breath stabilizing him. Despair dragged the man back to their establishment where Torinn was informing Melody of the bargain. Torinn was deeply concerned as Despair gave him a quick recap of what had transpired. Torinn set to work immediately trying a healing spell from his repertoire. The spell failed so Torinn administered a healing potion. Again there was no change in the broken man's condition. Ander was still losing a lot of blood so again Despair tried to attend to him. First she attempted to wash the wounds but his bleeding was so profuse that as fast as she cleaned them, the stripes again pooled with his blood. Despair then stitched the wounds adequately if inexpertly. There would be scars from this. Ugly and angry ones. But at last Ander was out of the woods. Despair stayed by Ander's side until at last he had strength enough to awaken. Ander was deeply concerned. Usually during this ritual, Pelor would come to him and explain his crimes and how to atone. This time he remembered only darkness.Barkoris and Ademais immediately set to searching for a priest of Pelor for an explanation but the search proved in vain. It was decided the pair would return to the mainland to find a priest for answers. When one was not immediately available the ranged northward. Finding a low ranking priest they finally got an answer but no easy solution. The man told him that Pelor had forsaken Ander for his crimes and that atonement may be beyond what the man was capable of granting. There may be hope yet however, from a high priest of Pelor. Furthermore, one such as this could be found at the monastery where Ander grew to manhood in the Illuskan region. Barkoris and Ademais thanked the priest who promised to pray for Ander's salvation. They turned again south and made haste back to Runinsberg with the news. Back in the hedonistic town, Ander was slowly and steadily recovering. A plan was formed to wait until their time was up so Ander could heal then the group, prostitutes and goods in tow, would go back to the farm, stopping to have the friendly priest attempt to help their comrade. The effort proved fruitless, however. Ander left to be alone for a while. Despair again approached her friend asking about his health and mental state. Ander confessed to her that every day for sixteen years he heard the voice of his almighty god whispering to him. Now though, there was only silence. He hadn't felt so alone since he was left at the monastery all those years ago. Despair offered to help him gain comfort in a pint of ale and the soft bosom of a local painted lady but Ander cited that if he was to atone for his misdeeds, he must continue to adhere to his vows. The group continued onward to the farm to plan their next action. With that, my story will temporarily come to a close. No spoilers but big surprises await next time.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Game 22 (The first step)
The party traveled to Anders home town in order to find out what he has to do to get back into Pelor's good graces. Ander now knows that Pelor is still hearing him he just is no longer talking to him. That alone has given Ander hope. When the group arrived in Anders home town the first thing Ander did was go to the altar and pray. Once he was done he noticed Bran was also praying. Ander approached Bran and warmly embraced him. Bran asked Ander what he was doing there. It had been years since they last seen each other. Ander explained his dire situation. Bran then told Ander he would have to travel to the town where their elder was. Only their elder would be able to tell Ander what he would need to do to achieve his goal. Bran gave Ander a map with the elder's location on it. Bran also instructed the group to go to the shop in town to gather any thing they may need for their journey.聽
Once in the shop the group became aware that this was no normal shop. This shop offered anything anyone could ever need. It made their own shop seem like nothing. Ander suggested that the group inquire about rings of protection. For reasons unknown, Ademais the new guy to the group took it upon himself to speak with the magical item merchant about the rings. The merchant told Ademais that one ring would cost 550 gold pieces but, if he got five of them he would drop the price to almost half. Ademais got excited and quickly told Torinn about his amazing deal. Torinn didn't think this deal was all that great. Torinn offered the merchant 1,000 gold pieces and a scroll of spiritual weapon. The merchant gladly accepted this new deal and each member of the group got their own ring of protection.聽
The group now knowing that this journey they were about to embark on would require them to leave behind the comforts of their wagons. Just about everything the group owns are on those two wagons. Now they realize they must each carry what they will or might require. Torinn was approached by a barmaid asking if he would like anything to eat or drink. Torinn being a dragonborn said he wanted a huge slab of meat. The barmaid told him to sit at a table and would have the butcher bring him some meat. The whole group sat at one of the smallest tables they could find and Torrin enjoyed his huge piece of bloody meat.聽
After eating the group went to inquire about some warm clothes. The map Ander had showed they would have to travel through some cold terrain. While asking the clothes merchant about her wares Torrin went back to the butcher to ask if he had any animal hides he would be willing to part with. The butcher said he did have a bear hide he would give him but only if Torrin would buy one of his daughters pies. Torrin was more than happy to ask the girl for her pie. Torrin loves him some pie. He even told the girl he would like two of them and a spoon to eat them there with. The girl gave him two pies. The first one was filled with just about every kind of meat one could think of. The smell alone made people nearby run away and vomit. Torrin ate that pie like it was the best thing he had ever put in his mouth. Ademais got very pale and turned green around the gills watching Torrin eat this girl's pie. The butcher was so impressed with Torrins pie eating skills that he gave Torrin not only the bear hide but also a deer hide. For reasons unknown, the rest of the group had to have some of this girls pie as well. Ander and Barkoris got lucky they were given sweet fruit pies from the girl. Which they ate with vigor. Ademais went back to the magic item merchant to inquire about a robe of useful items. The merchant was more than happy to show him this robe. Ademais then had to ask Torrin for the money. Torrin said sure he would buy it for him if he ate one of those girl's pies. Ademais was given a very rancid fish pie to eat and Torrin enjoyed watching him try to eat it. After eating their fill and buying some warm clothes the group took off to the town of Temptation.聽
Before the group even set foot in the town they noticed a creepy little girl reading a book. Ander walked up to the girl. The creepy girl greeted Ander by name. Ander noticed the girl was reading a book and inquired about it. She told him it was a journal. Ademais noticed the journal was written in Infernal but not knowing how to read that language he was unable to know the contents of it. Ander knowing how to read and speak Infernal asked if he could look at the journal. The creepy little girl told him no. With that she told the group she would see them soon and then vanished into thin air. While all of this was going on Torrin spotted a busty blue dragonborn female. When he approached her she threw him down on the road and mounted him. Torrin being the slut he is was more than happy to go along for the ride. Ander noticed his elder walking towards the group and quickly made his way to him. After a quick embrace Ander told his elder what happened to him. His elder told him that in order for him to hear Pelor again he would have to retrieve two items. A cat of nine tails and a wooden bowl. Once he had those items he would then have to make his way to Pelor's altar where he would have to whip himself with the cat of nine tails and collect his own blood in the bowl. Once the blood was collected he would have to pour it into the hands of the statue of Pelor. His elder warned him that the items were in two different places and they each are guarded. He marked their locations on Anders map. The location of the bowl was right there in that town. Somewhere in the tavern. The cat of nine tails was located high up in the mountains they had just traveled through to reach the town. The group thought it best to go after the cat of nine tails first.
The cat of nine tails wasn't just being guarded it sat in the hoard of an adult silver dragon. Ander approached the dragon with caution. He knew that silver dragons are good but they do protect their treasures. The dragon asked him what they were doing in his lair and Ander explained that he needed his cat of nine tails. The dragon laughed and told him that his problems were his own. He wasn't about to give up one of his treasures. Ander then offered the dragon the wooden bowl they have yet to get. Ander asked to borrow his cat of nine tails and in return would give the dragon the bowl. The dragon said he would let them borrow his treasure for one week. If it was not returned along with the bowl the dragon would then hunt down the entire group and kill them all. He also stated to the group that he would then take their bodies back to his lair and they would then become part of his hoard. Barkoris agreed for the group. Thus sealing their fate if they did not return in one week. Ander showed the dragon on his map the location they would meet at being Pelor's altar. With that being done the dragon told them to leave his lair and the group went back to collect the wooden bowl.
Once back in the town of Temptation the group entered the tavern also known as the house of reflection. Ander went up to the bartender and asked if he knew where the bowl was. The bartender told him yes the bowl was here. Ander asked him where in here it was and the bartender again said it's just here. Seeing as he was going to get no more information out of him Ander then walked up to a barmaid and asked her the same question. The barmaid pointed to a stone wall behind Ander and told him that the bowl was just there. Ademais, Torrin, Ander, and Barkoris all walked up to the wall looking for any clue about the bowl. After a few minutes Torrin noticed a door. The door wasn't locked and the group walked in. They found themselves in a circle of stone. In the middle of the room was a chest and lone figure. The door that was once behind them vanished and the figure held out his hand and said聽 "token". Ander produced the cat of nine tails and the figure released a Hellfire Orb. The lone figure was a Death Knight. His orb killed the group except for Torinn. The death knight held his hand out again and again said "token" Torinn weakly tried to hand him a bottle of聽 wine. The death knight struck Torinn with his longsword finishing him off.
The group awoke and they saw the creepy little girl from the town again. She closes her book and walks up to them and greets the group. She then tells them that she did say she would see them soon. She points at Anders hand which is now holding a stone with a rune in it. She says do not lose your token. That is the only way the death knight will give you the bowl. Ander puts the token in his armor ensuring that he can not lose it. She then tells the group that in order to get back to the bowl they must make their way through the nine layers of hell. Ander says so we are in Avernus right now. The girl smiles and says yes. Ander then asks who she is and she responds that she just works for a friend. A friend they will meet soon enough. She then tells the group that in hell their money means nothing. The currency in hell is gem stones. So if they find some one or something that has anything they may require they should know they only deal in stones. She then warns the group that not every creature they see will attack them but most are sure to. Ademais looking around and seeing a lot of fire asks the girl how are they able to make their way through the layers. She replies they just have to follow the roads. The group then decides it is time to start their trip through hell. They walk away from the girl who just shakes her head and opens her book back up.聽
A little ways down the road the group encounters a semi large group of imps and spined devils. Ander pulls out his holy item of Pelor. The imps laugh and comment about the group looking yummy. They start to surround the group. All the while licking their lips and looking at the group like they are thanksgiving dinner.
Here ends our first day in Avernus. Will the Fellowship of the Blade become a meal of the first devils they come across? What will happen to them? Will Ander ever be able to hear Pelor speak to him again?聽
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The Fellowship of the Blade game 21.5
On the way to the farm Melody started getting headaches. Once the whole group made their way to the farm Melody started spending most of the day by herself wandering all over the farm. One morning Despair went looking for her and found her in the sheep field lost in thought. After Despair sat down next to her Melody asked her how she felt about her. Despair thought it was pretty obvious how she felt. Melody has always been hers. Hell she has killed people over the woman and she would do it again. But if Melody needs to hear the words she will tell her. She tells her that she loves her and she has always been hers. Melody tells Despair she has something important to tell her and that by telling her this she might never want to talk to her again. Despairs tail starts to twitch knowing whatever Melody has to say it is not going to be something that Despair likes. Melody drops that bomb that she has all of her memories back. Despair, remembering what Ander told her is worried. She asks if she remembers what happened after she died but Melody tells her no, that part is fuzzy. Relief goes through Despair. She knows it could be harmful if Melody remembers where she was ripped out of. Melody then goes on to tell Despair that their Guild Leader came to her with a get rich quick plan. This plan would require someone to be a fall guy but that the Guild would spare no expense to bring that person back from the dead. Melody agreed to the plan on the condition that she and Despair would be free after. He being a greedy little man said of course, only Melody couldn't tell a soul about the plan. Despair is beyond pissed at this news. She takes Melodys hand and tells her she does not blame her for any of it. She was only trying to get them to be free from the Guild. No, Despair blames their former leader and his lackeys for this. No one should ever have to do what Melody did just so some dick could get rich quick. Melody then drops another bomb on Despair and asks her to marry her. Despair doesn't miss a beat and says of course. Despair goes off to seek out Ander while Melody goes to town to buy dresses. Yep she wants Despair to wear a damn dress :gulp:
When Despair goes into Anders room she looks at his back. She worries about infection because Ander is not able to heal himself and spells Torrin has tried have failed. His back must heal on its own but the wounds almost killed the man. Those scars will forever be a reminder to Despair that he almost died at her hands. Killing people has never bothered Despair but she likes Ander. He is family to her and Despair doesn't harm her family. She protects it. So she inquires about his mind. Ander hasn't been himself in a while. He informs her that he feels alone. That his God is still not talking to him. Despair doesn't know what it is like to have another in her head but she does know what being lonely is like. She did spend many months feeling all alone in the world after Melody died. Despair asks Ander if he will marry her and Melody. Of course he agrees but he tells her that he doesn't know if his God will bless the union because he hasn't spoken to him. Despair tells him she doesn't know his God so his blessing doesn't mean anything to her. She only cares if Ander blesses it which, of course, he does. Ander then asks if Melody has gotten her memory back. Nothing gets past that man. Despair tells him that she remembers her life before she died but not of what happened after she died. He tells Despair she may or may not ever remember that, only time will tell. Ander goes on to tell Despair that he has received a raven back and that their Guild leader has escaped prison. This news pisses off Despair. He goes on to tell her that he has a large bounty on his head. A hundred thousand gold for his capture dead or alive. Despair tells Ander that she doesn't want him found or killed. He needs to answer to her for his actions. Ander gives Despair the perfect idea to seek out Benny and ask him if he can help locate him. Despair sends a raven to Benny asking if he will meet with her because she has an offer for him he might not want to pass up. Benny himself shows up on the farm.
Despair asks Benny to take a walk with her because she wants to ask him something but doesn't want the others to overhear. They may not like what is going to be said and, lets face it, this doesn't have anything to do with them at the moment. Despair asks Benny if he is able to locate someone from her past and remove a bounty they have. To keep tabs on him until she is ready to give him the justice he deserves. Benny loves revenge and agrees as long as Despair goes to the Inn to help him out with something after the whole thing with Ander is resolved. Of course she says yes, but she also asks him for one other thing. She asks that he find someone who can protect Melody while they are gone. She knows Melody wants to come along but Melody is Despairs weakness. She will always choose to save her over anyone. And, lets face it, right now the main worry needs to be Ander and how to fix him. Benny says he himself will look out for Melody. Benny draws up a contract for Despair. It says the terms of the deal and if you fail to come to the inn and complete your end of the bargain he gets her soul. Despair signs it. She has no worries about Benny getting her soul. She knows she will go to the Inn when this is all over. Benny assures Despair that he will guard Melody and if she needs Despair for anything Benny will be able to reach her. Before he leaves her Benny says, say hi to Zariel for me. She's an old friend. Then poof he is gone. Despair has no idea who the hell Zariel is but it does not shock her that Benny already knows more about their journey then they do. He is a devil after all who knows what all they know.聽
After the meeting with Benny Despair seeks out Melody. Melody has returned once again from town and hands Despair a bag. Despair tells Melody that she needs to ask her something important and explains to her that she needs her to stay behind at the farm. Melody agrees to remain behind and tells Despair to open her present which she does and Despair removes a white gold ring. She tells Melody to put it on her. Once the ring is on her she hears Melodys voice in her head. Not only that but she feels her stomach flip flop and her body becomes hot. Despair has no idea what to make of this and Melody explains to her that these rings allow them to talk to each other and they are able to feel what the other one is feeling. Despair has never felt these things before. Despair seeks out Ander again because she is worried about sharing these feelings through a ring. Ander explains to her that they each feel love different. And that Despairs feelings will not scare Melody.聽聽
Despair goes back to where Melody is sleeping and wakes her up. Ready to get married and start this new chapter in their life together. Melody informs Despair she has another surprise for her. They eat a simple breakfast of fruit and bread then Melody gets up when there is knock at the door. Despair is on high alert and reaches for her weapons. They are always close. Hell she even sleeps with her daggers. Melody returns but she isn't alone. Melody walks in with two women in their forties and a pixie the women are holding cases and the pixie is flitting about Melody's head chattering about how perfect her hair is. The women are all smiling and one takes a double take at Despair and says, you weren't kidding when you said she was black as midnight. i can work with this though. Melody introduces the women as Agatha, the one that commented and Elena the pixie is Scubble. Melody says Agatha, she's all yours, Despair be nice and do as she says. She's a professional.
Melody, Elena, and Scubble all leave and Despair hears them a few moments later at Ander's door.
Agatha looks her up and down gravely, then says all right, undress so i can fully see what i'm working with. Despair tells her no. She will not undress in front of her. The only people who will ever see her undressed is Melody and the poor soul who will wash her dead body. Despair isn't a prude she just isn't one to put her body display. The woman says ok and sets to work making grumpy Despair look her best on her wedding day. she pulls out some makeup. she orders her to contort her face this way and that as she paints her gently. Once she's done she holds up a mirror to see her work. She managed to bring out features she didn't even know she had even though the makeup is just a hint here and there. Her eyes sparkle like liquid silver pools, her cheekbones are just highlighted, her lips are still black but shine as though wet. she then tells Despair to put her dress on and inform her when she is ready to be laced up. The dress is beautiful. the bodice is tooled chestnut brown leather and the skirt is emerald green silk slitted high on her thigh so she can access her daggers easily there are also two leather scabbards designed to strap to her thighs that match the bodice. The front of the bodice is cut low to show off some tasteful cleavage and it's sleeveless to show her arms. Melodys dress is patterned after Despairs but is made of white silk embroidered to match the tooling of her leather. After they say their vows and kiss a man steps forward from the crowd they've never seen before. he removes his cloak and spreads a pair of golden wings. He says Ander, Despair, Melody, I am Helial, voice of Pelor on this plane. He has heard your request and gives his blessing. Ander, this is your first step down the road to redemption. Do not falter and you will be once again accepted. He then disappears.聽 Ander whispers, he still hears me. The local innkeeper shouts half price drinks at my place tonight. Melody, Despair, your drinks are on me! Despair runs over to Ander and grabs his face, she is beyond excited for him. His God wants him back but he wants Ander to fight for him. Fighting is something Despair knows well and it is something she is very good at. She tells Ander she will stand by his side and help him fight for his God.聽
That night at the Inn everyone except Ander and Despair drink their own body weight in cheap ale and watered down wine. Despair knows that if she takes even one sip she will drink until she passes out. She is beyond nervous. She has never truly been with Melody. Melody on the other hand has been drinking and she keeps looking over at Despair and smiling. Torrin bumps into Despair and tells her that she better take her bride up to their room or he will do it for her. Despair kicks his chair out from under him and he falls onto his back laughing and spilling his ale on himself. Despair then walks over to Melody and picks her up and starts to carry her upstairs to their room. Melody giggles as they walk away. The next morning Despair wakes early and goes down stairs to get some food for Melody. She knows she will wake soon and that woman is always hungry when she wakes up. Down stairs she isn't shocked to see Torrin and Barkoris are still awake and drinking at the bar. When they see Despair Torrin walks up to her and asks her how her night was. Despair only looks at him her face giving away no emotion. He then asks if she had to use her tail to get the job done. Laughing he claps her on the back and Despair punches him in the face. Knocking him over once again and walks out hearing both men laughing.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Game 20
We find our heroes relaxing in the local tavern. But ho, a mysterious stranger arrives at their business asking Melody where to find the fellowship of the blade. Melody seems suspicious but directs him to the tavern. There the stranger again asked after the now famed guild. His serving wench pointed them out faithfully. Quietly, he ordered some food and observed from afar. Torinn decided to play a practical joke on Despair by having his wench give a drunken fop her favor in her stead. The inebriated man staggered to Despair and made several unwelcome passes at her, much to her chagrin. Finally, Despair had had enough. She stood and cast the thaumaturgy cantrip making her voice boom over the din. The man was taken aback, staggered backwards and fell. He crawled away as fast as his stupor would allow, trailed by the raucous laughter of Torinn and the applause of Barkoris. Despair did not find the joke humorous but let it pass with naught but a sidelong comment. It was then that Barkoris took notice of the stranger and approached him. He asked the half elf who he was. Ademais Stormwind was his reply. Again Barkoris pressed the man asking what his business was here. He said he was looking for the fellowship of the blade. Why? Asked Barkoris. I'm looking for work, said Ademais. Barkoris turned then to Torinn and in the language of dragons said laughingly that this puny half elf thinks he can join our guild. Surprisingly, the man said in draconic that he was not so puny. Ander then took notice of the stranger and approached to investigate. Barkoris suggested the man be tested by Ander and Torinn recommended that it be performed out of doors. Grimly, Ander stalked outside followed by the remainder of the guild and this stranger. Outside, Despair asked the man where he was from and Ander was surprised to learn he was of his people. Ander explained to the man that he bore him no particular ill will but his mettle must needs be tested. Ander asked Ademais to unleash a spell upon his body claiming that he could readily withstand it. Ademais cast chaos bolt which barely scratched Ander's armor. Ander recognized the spell as one which Raaessar had cast many times. He commented on the wisdom of this spell choice and approved the man gravely. Retiring back inside the bar the group shared cups with their new member but soon Despair and Barkoris made known their thirst for adventure. Despair called her servant to her and requested she locate such for them. She immediately retrieved the two rejected contracts from but a few days past. They immediately rejected the one to attack the Yuan-Ti tribe as this would jeopardize their alliance with them. The second was to commit arson against one of the merchant kings' holdfast. This one intrigued the group. They pored over the document looking for clues as to who their employer was in this endeavor. The handwriting apparently belonged to the selfsame man who, just days prior, had tried to get Despair to murder Ander. They eagerly decided to accept the contract, relishing the opportunity to beleaguer their apparent rival. After finding the home in question, Ademais suggested they first relieve the man of some of his possessions before setting the building ablaze. The group was well pleased with this plan. Despair retrieved Melody to defeat the lock on the door but first Ademais requested they err on the side of caution and check for magical interference. Sure enough, there were two such magical wards on the door and each window. Despair dismissed Melody, not wanting to subject her dearest friend and unrequited love to potential harm. Torinn cast dispel magic upon the door which removed one ward but not the other. Now stymied, Ademais decided to switch tactics. He approached the home owner and attempted to cast charm person upon him. Sadly, the spell failed and the noble was immediately aware that an attempt had been made to enchant him. Ademais spent a few long awkward minutes trying to come up with an explanation for his actions, finally deciding to lie and say he was attempting to negotiate lower prices for himself. The merchant king believed his apparent mistruth, rebuked him harshly and sent him on his way. He then poured derision on the remainder of the contingency before turning his back to them signalling a close to the discussion. Outside, Ander proposed yet another change of tactics. He pointed out that the two men in regards to this contract were apparent allies but should the subject of the contract be made aware of it, they may turn on each other and eliminate two problems at once. The group agreed to the wisdom of this plot and Ademais set himself to the task. Ademais showed the man the paper and confessed what he was truly trying to do. The man was obviously stunned by this discovery and enraged. He stormed home and locked himself within. The group again retired to the inn but after only ten minutes the town alarm bells tolled loud and urgent. The fellowship determined to return to their own holding to secure it against incursion but outside they discovered the two factions in an all out war with one another. The battle raged for twenty minutes and when the dust cleared the blood soaked street showed none to be left to claim victory. Ander's plot had worked with immaculate and pragmatic perfection. The group then looted the bodies of the dead finding many valuable treasures as, unseen by all, a man smiled broadly. Another string cut. Only one loose end to tie off. What hand did this mysterious party play? Who even was he? Next time he tips his hand and will make an offer that refuses to be denied. The plot thickens, the pulse quickens. Next time.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Games 18.5 & 19
Despair took some time to get to know her rescued slave girl and it turns out, she actually is Melody brought back from the dead. Despair decided to buy her a gift to help her remember who she was. The two strong boxes and masterwork locks were going to cost 700gp so rather than ask the group she decided to take a side job for the money. She received three contracts, one of which was to kill Ander for 15000gp. She approached Ander about the contract who laughed it off. Shortly thereafter Ander disappeared. The group rallied immediately and tried to find him. He was nowhere to be found and nobody appeared to have seen him. Returning to the tavern, Despair is given a note that said if they wanted Ander back they would come to the docks at eight p.m. At the docks, two men approached Despair with Ander between them, stripped of all of his equipment. Torinn and Barkoris were hidden and snuck up on the men. They dispatched the first one quickly while Despair tackled Ander to the ground, protecting him. The second man they captured and attempted to torture him for information, but he held firm unto death. Returning to the tavern, they questioned the servant that brought Despair the contract on Ander who pointed them to a servant to one of the merchant kings. The servant was put on his heels by an angry Despair asking him about his master. The servant promised a meeting and the group retreated to their business. Shortly after, the merchant king approached with guards in tow. The man denied any knowledge of the kidnapping of Ander but was obviously lying. Torinn attempted to intimidate the truth from the man shaking him and one of his guards to their core. The fellowship of the blade attacked dispatching the guards quickly and taking the nobleman prisoner. They forced him to bring back Ander's things as well as extorted the 15000gp bounty out of him. Despair bought Melody her presents who took to them like a duck to water. Inside the boxes Despair put two flowers and the rest of the money from Ander's bounty. There we leave our group until next time.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Games 17 & 18
The fellowship of the blade were on their way to their farm when they heard screams erupting from the forest beside the road and decided to investigate. Following the sounds the came to a large clearing across which was a cave entrance guarded by two kobolds. Above them three urd sat dropping rocks on the guards, hence the screams. Torinn called to them from across the clearing. The kobolds and urd advanced quickly on him but seemed to worship him almost as a deity. After some discussion the kobolds explained that their dragon had turned to stone and requested the aid of the companions in reviving it. The fellowship agreed and entered the kobold cave. The cave was a labyrinth of tunnels meandering through the mountain. Finally they descended deeper into the cave where they met a flumph. It looked like a floating jellyfish with eyes on stalks. It approached Torinn wrapping its tentacles around his face and speaking directly into his mind and through him. It warned them of dangers ahead. It's warning bore immediate fruit as the party came across two duergar sitting in ambush for them. But where were the other six their subterranean friend warned them of? They were using their ability to become invisible waiting to attack. The party defeated them but took heavy damage so they decided to take a long rest before moving on. During their rest they found a perfect stone replica of a young white dragon. This must be the dragon the kobolds worshipped. They also found a large hole in the ground leading farther down. The group pushed Orianna in and sadly, she did not survive the fall. The group then followed via a rope and were in a small but well lit chamber. There was no enemy immediately in sight but Despair finally spotted the beast. It was a deadly medusa. The fiend's gaze made short work of Ander and Barkoris. Raaessar fired many magic missiles while Despair unleashed flurries of crossbow bolts. Finally, Despair too fell victim to the fearful gaze of the monster. However, a well utilized spell from Torinn finished the beast off. Among her hoard Torinn found a scroll of greater restoration which he used to revive the dragon. He then sought out and purchased more scrolls to revive his comrades in arms. At this Raaessar decided to part with the group. The group left and visited their farm and then their goods store where they took some time for some well deserved r&r. What adventures lie ahead? We shall soon see.
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An apology
Sorry fans, I鈥檝e been having technical issues with Tumblr and I thought I鈥檇 finally resolved it but then the app ate three posts so I posted them again and finally got them to take but now they鈥檙e out of the proper order. First world problems amirite? Anyways guys thanks for your patience and support.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Games 15 & 16
Their task completed, our heroes of the fellowship of the blade returned to Runinsberg spoils in hand. They met with their contact who, it was now revealed to be one of the evil Yuan-Ti, rewarded them with the gratitude of the tribe in the forms of protection against their raids as long as they remained aloof to their affairs and a beautiful ceremonial dagger. After some upgrades to their gear, the group decided to establish another business; a combination brothel and trade goods store where they intended to stock some of the valuable finds they came across whilst questing. Soon after breaking ground, the three merchant kings, rulers of Runinsberg, approached them with seeming kindness. They offered assistance with their new business in exchange for the group to exterminate the Yuan-Ti scourge. The heroes flatly declined. It was then that the kings began making thinly veiled threats. Upon meeting no further agreeability from them, two of the kings departed. The third offered them an alternative offer. In exchange for harrying the other kings, he would offer support. The group considered this offer for but a moment before agreeing and departed for the King鈥檚 Bar to discuss how to accomplish this goal. They wrote a note to their new-found benefactor asking for the lay of the political land and were directed to his man servant, a red dragonborn resplendent in full plate armor. He revealed that it was no secret that the richest of the kings had the local police force, a group of sell swords, in his pocket. Realizing the local militia would be a problem for them, they laid out a plan. They would contact the Yuan-Ti and ask them to lead a massive raid against the enemy plantations whilst our heroes took a few farms belonging to their patron. A few days later, they were told to be ready in just under a fortnight. While waiting for the raid, Despair was exploring the docks. She came upon a sailor who struck a prostitute hard in the face. When the girl looked up, it was the face of Melody, 聽Despair's departed unrequited love, that looked back at her. Despair reacted by peppering the sailor with crossbow bolts then went to look after the girl. The girl was terrified, she recoiled at Despair as though she were a venomous snake, backing down the docks. Torinn came forward but Despair shot a look at him that backed him from the girl whilst she herself shied further away. Ander arrived on scene, presenting his holy symbol of Pelor and healed the girl. Despair tried again in vain to comfort the girl but she was too afraid to speak. Torinn, at the bidding of Despair gave Ander a gold coin to give the girl who misunderstood the gesture and prepared herself for Ander to be serviced. Ander gently told the girl that that was unnecessary who then began sobbing again. Just then, a ship's captain arrived and grabbed the girl roughly by the face asking "What have you done with my whore? " Despair removed the man's hand from the girl and replied that they had saved her from being accosted. He sneered "Who cares if a two copper whore gets hit?" Despair threw him roughly to the ground. The captain stood and drew his cutlass but before he could make another move Despair put two bolts into him, killing him instantly. Despair, as gently as she could, offered the girl her freedom but the girl kept saying "I am yours now". Despair sent the prostitute to their new establishment to clean up and eat and offered her a legitimate job. Soon after, the day of reckoning came. The Yuan-Ti amassed an army to burn the marked plantations to ash. The heroes found no resistance in their task of torching the few plantations of their benefactor, much to their surprise as they hadn't told him their plan. The next day, the the kings approached them with fury. The group denied any involvement until the foremost of the trio began cursing them in elven. Barkoris and Torinn watered the ground with their blood, killing them. Nobody else seemed willing to continue the fight so the third king took his leave. Their business concluded, The six brave men and women began traveling back to check their farm. On the way, Barkoris heard intermittent screams coming from the distance through the forest. Upon investigation, the group found some kobolds being harried by several urd. After much debate it was decided that Torinn would make their presence known. The kobolds advanced on the party warily and asked them their business. Then asked for help. Their dragon was turned to stone and the kobolds wanted them to fix it. The group agreed and, after being given bone necklaces marking them friends, entered their cave. Here the story ends for now. What secrets do this cavern hold? We shall see next time.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Game 9
Another day of adventuring for our heroes. They have finally made it to Hogswallow Farm, their holding positioned a few miles west of the town of Cassington which lies near the center of the Isle of Kings. There they met the farmer who lives on and tends to the farm, Mel, and his wife, Mel, as well as the farmhand Lonnie. After only a cursory look at the farm it was plain that the place was desperately in need of attention. Farmer Mel claimed that with but ten gold he could put everything to right. The party took care of the financials themselves and after two weeks hard work on the farm they realized the number was much smaller. More on the order of just a handful of silver. When confronted, Mel spluttered out a variety of excuses as to why the number would be much higher but two of the rescued slaves from the bandit camp were farmers before they were captured. They pointed out what was already obvious to the guild, Mel was trying to con them. Ultimately, Mel and Mel were asked to leave and they did. With the farm now tended to the heroes spent some money on expanding the house to accommodate their farmhands, wives, and Torinn's clutch of four eggs laid by his proud lady wife, Renkla. A month of tending completed, our adventurers returned to the road. Stopping in to the tavern in Cassington, the group learned of a strange group of bandits operating south between Cassington and Thimbledown. These miscreants only robbed the richest merchant caravans but didn't take gold or jewels. Instead, they would take food, cloth, iron, and other trade goods. Barkoris believed these people were in some sort of trouble and was determined to help. After a day's travel, the group was set upon by a vicious band of demons, the leader of which bade them join him or die. The group refused and the first wave of small demon Manes came at them. Torinn cast the spell Call Lightning and destroyed the closely packed group in a single shot. His shock troops destroyed the leader, an Armanite, moved forward and unleashed his mighty Lightning Lance attack. Torinn and Barkoris were caught in the blast but both skillfully dodged taking only a fraction of the damage. Ander cast his Spectral Weapon spell but did no damage. Despair launched a small volley of crossbow bolts from her two hand crossbows doing a small amount of damage. Raesaar was unable to hit with his mighty Chaos Bolt. Again Torinn called forth the lightning doing damage to the Armanite but this time the Armanite moved into melee range and lashed out with claw, hoof, and his fearsome serrated tail. He left Torinn and Barkoris wounded but Despair moved around to the treeline to keep out of range of these mighty attacks. Ander moved around the large enemy so as to flank him and pressed his advantage using both the Spectral Weapon and his mighty mace. A third exchange of blows with Barkoris being knocked unconscious and bleeding out, Torinn was severely wounded, Ander managed medium damage to the enemy allowing Despair to deliver the killing blow. The party was left licking their wounds but alive as they pressed onward. A few days ride later, Despair and Barkoris spotted a group of men hiding in the trees. Barkoris bade them come out and one did. A large man of about 6 feet 2 inches and very solidly built, handling a greatsword as one would a dagger. He insisted the party simply move on and pretend they hadn't seen them. Barkoris insisted that our adventurers were here to help. The man decried that they could help best by leaving. Negotiations seemed to be going south and a scuffle was threatened but then Despair spoke up asking to speak with the leader. The man eventually gave in and, blindfolded, they were taken to the inner sanctum of the bandit party. The Black Dagger encampment was unlike any other bandit camp in that it was firstly very large and secondly largely populated by wayward peasants. The leader of the camp, Sveina, greeted the group almost jovially but barely hiding a deep sadness. She explained that they were only stealing what the forest did not easily provide so they could survive. She felt the weight of responsibility for these people who had lost homes and businesses and had no one to turn to for help. The group tossed out a few ideas including providing supplies from their own farm but finally settled on helping the band of thieves to go straight and turn the encampment into a logging town. They resolved to find some woodcutters and sawyers who would be willing to help and bring them back to the camp. Here ends our tale for today. How successful will our adventurers be? Time alone will tell.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Game 7
Another huge day for our heroes!
After returning to the king for more work, our heroes were told of a string of mysterious disappearances. The good king asked that they look into it and that they bring along a young tiefling rogue named Despair. Her ebon black skin and silver eyes shone with pride at her selection for the task but while she joined the group, she made it known that she did not immediately trust them. Barkoris shot back that the feeling was more than mutual but they put it aside to start on their mission. They decided that a good first step would be to check the sewers but before they could go a merchant approached them flashing a badge identifying him as a member of the mysterious group The Balance. He implored them leave town and "let nature take its course" but the group decided that this was not something they could ignore. Down in the sewers Torrin heard mysterious chanting echoing faintly through the dark tunnels. Following the sound they came to a crossroads and followed the chanting deeper. After a few twists and turns and with the chanting echoing louder in their ears they began to see strange blue flashes of light. Cautiosly they approached its source and were met with a blinding burst of light. A strange woman dressed in robes turned on them proclaiming they were too late as she had summoned a shadow demon from the abyss. Her words were cut short however as the demon ripped her heart through her back and devoured it. The battle was short and decidedly one-sided as our heroes massacred the foul being sending it back from whence it came. Searching the room they found a horde of treasure taken from the various corpses that littered the place. Ander stood over the summoning circle and entreated Pelor the sun god to sanctify this unholy place. Somberly leaving the sewers they returned to the king who met them with shock that they had returned so soon. His shock quickly turned to awe as Barkoris recounted the tale of what had happened. So grateful was the king that he offered the deed to a farm some ways away that was revoked from a noble in debtors prison for tax evasion as a prize, provided the heroes registered as a guild. The newly formed guild, entitled "The Fellowship of the Blade" took possession of the farm and decided to head to The Inn in the Woods to celebrate. News of their victory had already reached the inn and they entered to a raucous round of appreciative cheers from the patrons who plied them with drinks in exchange for their tale. Barkoris, not trusting the contracts required to utilize the inn's services opted to wait outside while the rest of the party were given many rounds of drinks and many stories of their own dealings with demons. It was during these exchanges that Despair came to realize that the name on the contract, which seemed unpronounceable to the group, was Benny's infernal true name. Benny is in fact a devil. With this knowledge in hand it was safe to surmise that all of the bar's regular patrons shared his infernal heritage. One of these patrons offered his services to ensure the profitability of their new farm but the party politely refused. Despair excused herself to sleep outside with Barkoris while the remainder of the party booked a suite to sleep in the lap of luxury. Ander, Raaesar, and Torinn awoke to star treatment as their armor had been tended to, and their clothes washed and pressed. In their personal common room, a lavish breakfast had been served which was filling and refreshing. Saying goodbye to the inn once more, the party turned southward to find their new farm and see to it. Along the highway the party heard a ruckus away in the woods. They parked their wagon and followed the sound until they came to a clearing surrounded by many traps. In the center of the clearing was a bandit camp replete with a death dog and three poor souls taken as slaves. With surprise on their side, the party began systematically attacking the bandits. 聽Torinn cast the mighty call lightning spell, hailing powerful bolts on the group of ne'er do wells. Ander fired a flaming crossbow bolt on the tent of the bandit captain driving him into the open. Raaesar sadly wandered too close to the bandits and was heavily assaulted before retreating back behind Ander. The group finally brought the bandits down and decided to make camp while they decide what to do with the loot, seven horses, wagon, and lastly the slaves. Here ends today's tale. What dangers lie ahead for our ragtag collection of heroes? We shall see.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Game 14
After taking a long rest, the members of the Fellowship of the Blade moved further into the dungeon. They came upon a room in which was a massive marble statue with a cryptic message saying "show me your power". Torinn asked Raessaar to cast a spell on it and Raessaar obliged unleashing a mighty ray of frost. The statue slid silently aside revealing a door. The heroes burst through in truly heroic style encountering a terrifying nabassu in the room beyond. The Nabassau proved to be nothing more than a minor inconvenience to our heroes who unleashed their full might on the demon destroying it handily in a mere 18 seconds. After the crushing defeat of the foul spawn of the abyss, they found a cache of treasure the likes of which they were hardly prepared to receive. Searching the room more closely, 聽Ander located and opened a secret door revealing another lesser treasure therein. After backtracking a bit Despair located a door whose lock bore a relief similar to the key they found earlier. The door unlocked they found a small garden area with a tree bearing a single black fruit. The fruit appeared rotted but they plucked it down anyway thinking this was their quarry. Farther across the garden Barkoris investigated a fountain finding a fist sized reddish pink gem that he guessed would fetch about 5 gold on the open market. Pushing deeper into the bowels of the ruin, the group came across more demon spawn who fled at their approach, their leader defeated. Soon they located a room with five beholder statues each bearing eyes of different colors and an empty socket in each. Criss crossing the room, they soon unlocked the secret placing the correct gem in the missing eye sockets and getting an odd colored gem to place in the next statue. With the placement of the final gem, Barkoris' patience was rewarded with a massive diamond valuing at 5000 gold. Deeper still into the ruin they ranged finding a room with an empty chest and a mirror. In the mirror they saw the chest filled with treasure and after a short time a man appeared selecting a treasure from the chest and disappearing through the door opposite. Over and over the man came taking piece after piece until the chest stood empty. Once more the man appeared seeming to laugh mockingly at the group before disappearing through the door again. Torinn moved through the door and found another empty chest and mirror in which stood the man who again began absconding with the treasures through the door. Torinn and Despair opted to smash the mirrors simultaneously and with a soft pop they were rewarded with nothing but broken shards. Here they decided to regroup until next time. How far will their adventures take them? Time alone can tell.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Game 13
Another day of adventuring. After a short battle with the bulezau and manes, our heroes were ready to continue exploring the ruins. Turning northward, they met a mighty armanite which they defeated handily. Continuing to follow the path, they wound their way until the group came to a door. Despair strained to listen and heard shuffling and slight moans. Bursting in, they came upon a group of rutterkin and abyssal wretches. The battle was hard but after a few well placed spells and excellent strategy the Fellowship of the Blade was victorious. Continued searching revealed two treasure chests, one of which contained a fine suit of leather armor. Their progress in this direction seemed at an end so they turned southward. They came to a room with a puzzle in it wherein a key was trapped in a small maze. They were able to free the key which was carved of a single piece of a deep red stone and having a relief of a tree carved into it. 聽Making their way through the dark passageways they found a secret door thanks to Despair. Barkoris was able to figure out the mechanism for opening it and after trying to perceive any threats beyond, Torinn shoved him through. 聽They found it was a hidden storeroom of sorts, containing barrels of rotting grain and cured meats and fish. Tucked away in a corner however, was a chest that had two magical auras coming from within as discovered by Torinn's use of a detect magic spell. 聽Inside were a wand of fireballs and a rope of entanglement. Moving back to the hall they checked behind a door and found a room filled with fine wine. Back in the hall they checked a second door, from which the emanated more shuffling and moaning sounds. Bursting into the room they found six more rutterkin and abyssal wretches to match. This battle was much harder but again they emerged victorious after Orianna proved her mettle through the well timed use of her own chaos bolts. Their health low and spells depleted, the guild took the opportunity to rest and so ends our tale for today. 聽What will happen next? What does the ornate key open? Soon we shall see.
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The Fellowship of the Blade Game 12
The group found themselves at the King's Bar, a place that afforded each guest their own servant who would attend to absolutely any need. Soon a man approached them and offered them wealth and slaves if they could rid a sacred site to his tribe of an infernal incursion and bring back a fruit from the tree that grows there. The group agreed and the man swiftly left them but not before giving each an amulet to mark them as friends of his tribe. The group continued relaxing and presently noticed a tiefling across the taproom eyeing them. She was clearly an adventurer marked by her weapons and armor and presently Despair crossed the room and introduced herself. She gave her name as Orianna but little other information when brought before the group. The adventurers made it clear that while they would allow her to join them she was not trusted yet. She, like Despair before her, admitted that the feeling was mutual. The next day, the guild set out in search of the mysterious ruin with no clear knowledge 聽of where it was. Hacking through dense jungle, the group, especially Despair, grew increasingly paranoid that they were being watched. Their suspicion was confirmed on the third day when a large group of yuan-ti appeared seemingly from nowhere, bows drawn. They paused a few tense moments then one gave forth a series of hisses and they disappeared again just as swiftly. Torinn and Despair called after them in several languages but got no response. Torinn used a speak with plants spell and discovered the yuan-ti tribe was likely very large. Large enough to pose a serious threat to Runinsberg. Mustering their courage, the guild moved ahead. Now the paranoia that they were being watched was confirmed and it seemed they were being guided. finally, on the fifth day out, they reached the ruin on the far side of the island. From the outside the ruin was an imposingly large complex, 1 story tall. Inside the air was damp and cold compared to the outdoor temperature, and it was clearly occupied. Around a corner peeked Barkoris stealthily. There he found a foul bulezau and four manes awaiting them. The battle was short and the team the clear victors. But this skirmish has left them with a sense of dread as to what will come next. We shall see next time.
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