my favourite ways griffin mcelroy has been described:
by his brother
you look like if hepatitis was a person
you look like a carpet fucked a nerd
by the internet
looks like what you'd find if you googled "pictures of a normal man"
looks like god only used middle sliders when making him
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honestly some of y’all want a significant other so badly and can’t understand why you can’t find one, but have no sense of boundaries or healthy expectations of what a relationship is like. in a committed long-term partnership you get left on read, you wait for texts back, and you can forget about each other when you’re busy. sometimes you fall asleep without saying goodnight and sometimes you’re too caught up to text each other before 6pm. that’s how it is. thinking that you can’t be deeply, beautifully in love and still wait more than “1.75 hours” for a text back is such an unhealthy and unreasonable expectation of what love is, and you shouldn’t be in a relationship if you can’t allow the other person to exist on their own apart from you. if you’re projecting your anxieties and insecurities onto a partner who doesn’t even exist yet, then you aren’t ready for one.
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sometimes depression is so scary because you stop being able to achieve any sense of fulfilment. a huge part of being human is looking forward to things and having treats, goals, rewards, outcomes that you strive towards. if you don’t have those things it can be really, really hard to find any sense of purpose. having depression is asking yourself what do i want to eat, what do i want to watch, what do i want to play, what do i want to listen to, what do i want to do, what am i looking forward to, what’s driving me to keep going, and having the answer be a resounding ‘nothing’
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we are already living in the cyberpunk future and i know this because within a span of 3 days we went from this tweet:
to thousands of people making phony images and replying to them with their passionate desire to have them as a tshirt to overload the bots with nonsense and junk and send out warnings to shoppers like this:
and now we even have people replying to pictures of baby yoda with “i want this on a tshirt” knowing how ravenous disney is being with copyright in hopes to get the stores taken down altogether
i dont know what it is about stuff like this and the whole turn mei into a symbol of hk protesters thing but, its really reassuring for some reason
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It’s human nature to desire unrestricted access to mozzarella sticks
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I am the gatekeeper of the whole LGBT community and you must answer my riddles three before you may pass!
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me @ me: STOP buying dice
my goblin brain: only god can stop me. your feeble human heart has absolutely no chance. i want the rainbow ones
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An open letter to all journalists, researchers, or curious boomers who all seem to be baffled as to why millennials are more depressed than previous generations
We’re broke and the world is falling apart around us. I’ll elaborate on each contributing factor.
We’re broke: Wages are not keeping up with the cost of living. If we can find a job, it’s usually minimum wage, and more than half of the money we earn goes to rent and bills. Wonder why millennials aren’t buying/killing x, y, z? We don’t have the money to buy that thing or do that activity. Sorry fabric softener.
College was a lie: Most millennials were told that going to college would ensure that we would be in better standing than if we didn’t and that taking on loans would be fine because our increased income would make them easier to pay off. Since that isn’t the case, now, most millennials are straddled by crazy amounts of debt that prevent them from buying cars and houses.
We still feel like children: Because of the aforementioned economic issues, we can’t take the steps in life that are considered to be things adults do. A lot of us are still financially dependant on our parents for either housing or stray bills because our low wages or debt keep us from moving on to the next stages in life.
Political unrest: Because we’re “snowflakes,” or we care about the planet and each other, we’re at a fundamental disagreement with how the political climate is developing. We can see the suffering that companies inflict on workers and the environment. We see policies that are meant to keep a system that is not working in place. We see politicians who are beholden to banks and companies and not the populous.
We’re unable to seek medical help: Most of us don’t have insurance, so we are forced to grin and bear it if we are hurt or sick. This also applies to mental illness. If we can’t seek treatment, our health is only going to decline. This is seen by how our generation is predicted to be the first where we don’t live as long as our parents.
Social media is not causing depression: If anything, we are escaping to the internet to ignore how bleak our lives are and how dire circumstances have gotten. Sure, it’s stressful to see the world implode in real time, but we can laugh at our problems together (see: memes).
We have lost faith in the system: We know no one is going to save us and that change cannot come from the inside. The only options are that things are either going to get worse or everything is going to collapse.
The fact that you conduct study after study and write think piece after think piece and still can’t figure it out means you have never talked to an actual millennial. Sure, this is all anecdotal, but we’ve got a lot of anecdotes to share.
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