cyan-idle-ink · 4 years
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This shouldn't even have to be said. This isn't about politics. This is not a red or blue issue. This is a HUMANITARIAN issue. Basic human rights.
No lives matter until black lives matter.
Don't forget their names.
P.S if you are going to protest please remember to stay safe. Hide your identity (unnatural hair colour, body shape, face) and don't post on social media. Cops try to find protesters after the protests. Bring water and a fan or gloves for tear gas. Don't use contact lenses, makeup or milk for it. 💜
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cyan-idle-ink · 4 years
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I decided to turn this situation that affects us all into art to brighten up my and someby else's day hopefully. We'll make it through 💜
Don't be dumb, stay at home, and wash your hands
Take care my dudes
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
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Was looking for inspiration for a project and my hand slipped 😂😂😂 she kind of reminds me of Ruby or Meg from Supernatural. Also first time doing a galaxy with body paint!
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
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Was inspired by our little rose Aziraphale and our little snek Crowley. Damn, I got sucked into this fandom.
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
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Happy pride month gals, fellers and the ones in between 💙💛💖
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
“Dont buy pride stuff from corporations” ok but this june can we start promoting and supporting lgbt+ artists/lgbt+ artists that sell pride merch? like I don’t have a whole lot of money but fellas 👀 if youre out there..
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
I have a ton of homework and three exams to prepare for but fuck it imma watch GOT ep 5!
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
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Kobi fish!!!!!
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
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Ohana means family💜 tortured my lil brother for hours for this 😈😈😈 yea I love him....
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
Sabrina Spellman's Hogwarts house
So I've been hearing a lot of debate over which Hogwarts house is Sabrina Spellman really in. Honestly I understand the debate because she is a very divergent character. Hear me out.
Hufflepuff: she could be in lovely house because she is loyal above everything else. Like when she did absolutely everything to keep her friends happy and safe. She also values loyalty a lot. She is also very determined and hard working throughout the entirety of the series.
Slytherin: now she could also very well be in this elegant house because she knows how to be cunning. She knows how to find loopholes and trick to get what she wants. Like the time she stood on trial and went to see the lawyer. She is also extremely ambitious.
Ravenclaw: she could be in this colourful house too because when she wants to learn something about a subject she is very interested in she does everything to learn everything about said subject. She also solved her dad's puzzle with her wit.
Gryffindor: she also could be in this warm house because she is very morally centered. She sticks by her guns and she does it unless her friends' lives are in danger. She is extremely brave like when she stood up to her family, community and leaders for what she believed in.
So yea...... I don't know which house she's in. Leave your comments on what you think she is.
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
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"Come on here chérie. There are sweeter things to do in the moonlight"
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
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🎶step into my candy stooooore🎶
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
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Found this on Pinterest 😂😂😂 @thatsthat24
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cyan-idle-ink · 5 years
Follow up on the military Moana thing
Ok so what happened was that in Quebec we have a program for teens that want to try out an army environment like airforce or marines. I was proudly in the marines and I got selected by my officer to participate in an excursion on the HMS Montreal that hadn't set sail in years and was going to make port in Quebec.
So I got there with my other friends who also got chosen to be on the trip and we set sail. Little side note, when we were leaving the Old Port, our parents were all screaming extremely loudly wishing us health and safety. Oh. My. Hades. The sailors around us were snickering and during the entire trip I heard them laugh about that. Apparently theh found that extremely cute.
Going back to the story. So how the schedule worked was that for an hour we had different activities on the ship and then we had either dinner, lunch, breakfast depending on the time of day.
So after a particular activity in the lower docks we went to eat below deck and as we were seated, it was like a small cantine if you will, with sofas on half of the room. So when we sat down I just heard this very excited gravelly voice screaming "it's on guys!" And so I turned my head and I saw about a dozen marines sitting all around the TV like toddlers while Moana sang How Far I'll Go and when she ended they all started cheering and clapping and I swear that remains to this day kne of the most previous things I've ever seen.
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cyan-idle-ink · 7 years
I am proud to say, that I've seen fully grown men, military officers and marines mind you, sing with enthusiasm How Far I'll go from Moana 😄
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