curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
How to Deal with Study Burnout
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As students in this day and age, it’s quite common for us to juggle rigorous academic responsibilities and overwhelming extracurricular activities. As a result, we might feel burnt out. But what exactly is burnout? 
Burnout is when you feel physically and mentally exhausted as a result of constantly lacking the energy required to fulfill the demands of your studying.
Burnout can be broken down into three parts:
Exhaustion is what causes you to feel tired all the time and unable to concentrate. You could also get sick or have trouble sleeping.
Cynicism or depersonalization is when you feel disconnected from those around you, e.g. your friends and family.
Inefficacy is a decrease in productivity, efficiency, or quality of your work.
How do you know if you have burnout?
Symptoms may vary, but they include:
Being unable to absorb new information
Intellectual exhaustion
Decreasing academic performance and productivity
Feeling like you need to prove yourself
Making yourself work even more, even though you’re exhausted or being unwilling to study further
Neglecting your needs
Long term fatigue
Showing disinterest in things you normally enjoy, e.g. hobbies or friends
Denying that something’s wrong with you (may manifest in the form of aggression)
Avoiding social interaction
Feeling empty and depressed
What can I do to fix it?
Here are some short term solutions for dealing with burnout.
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1. Take a power nap Power naps are life changing. They help you recharge your energy and get you ready to start working again. They also improve learning, memory, creativity, alertness, and mood. I would recommend napping for 30 minutes at most, because anything more will lead to a longer sleep session.
Optional: drink coffee before your nap - something that takes a short while to consume like a shot of espresso - so that you’ll feel alert and revitalized afterwards!
2. Take a shower A cold one will wake you up, but a warm one will calm you down. I suggest starting with warm water, then ending with cold water.
3. Exercise Whether it’s playing soccer or doing yoga, the important thing is to get moving! Exercise releases endorphins or happy hormones that help you combat stress.
4. Run a quick errand This will help take your mind off things while also getting something done! You’ll also end up walking, which is technically a form of exercise.
5. Call or visit a friend Sometimes what we’re lacking is social interaction, and hanging out with a friend definitely helps. Whether it’s providing you with a distraction or giving emotional support, your friends are always there to help you. Plus, science has shown that being with friends reduces your cortisol (stress hormone) levels.
6. Eat a snack Preferably a healthy one. Eat something with proteins, vitamins, and fibers to boost your mood. Here’s a list of mood boosting foods.
7. Surf the web This requires A TON of discipline, but it’s definitely a game changer. Surfing the web is one of the most relaxing things you could do. I personally look for a good laugh during my study breaks, so I’d watch a comedy or scroll through memes to get those happy hormones up and running.
8. Do an activity you find interesting, e.g. a hobby We all need happiness in our lives, and our hobbies are perhaps the best way to find that joy. You could sit down with a page turning adventure, or go outside and shoot hoops, or listen to a podcast, or even bullet journal, as long as you’re having a good time.
9. Listen to music Music is one of the ways we gain energy, so I always make time for it during the day. However, you should choose the right music, because not all the music you love is going to make you feel energized. For me, it’s pop punk with hard hitting beats, thundering guitars, and really upbeat, enthusiastic vocals. Some of you might be energized by mellow music with dreamy vocals that make you feel like you’re floating in the clouds. If you choose the wrong music, you might just end up feeling sluggish and drained.
10. Get some fresh air Your brain needs 20% of the oxygen in your body. Fresh air brings more oxygen to your brain so that you can think more clearly, feel less tired, and concentrate more easily.
How do I make sure I don’t get it in the future?
Avoiding study burnout in the long term has a lot to do with our study habits - as well as our daily habits. We need to make sure that our bodies and minds receive the things they need, and that we aren’t overworking them.
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1. Study a little at a time Break up your notes into smaller, more easily digestible pieces and learn a little at a time. This way, you’re not overwhelming your brain, and you have time to let that new knowledge settle in.
2. Time management Having a good study schedule is crucial in preventing burnout. You don’t want to force yourself to work at your slow hours. Aside from that, you definitely shouldn’t leave things until the last minute, and sticking to a schdule will help you pace yourself. Here’s a post I wrote on How to Make an Efficient Revision Schedule and How to Beat Procrastination.
3. Get enough rest I cannot stress enough that sleep is so important for you. It improves your cognitive functioning and also enhances your mood, making it less likely that you’ll get burnt out. Make sure to take power naps, too, if you feel like you need them. 
You also really shouldn’t pull all-nighters. Sleep is also involved in cementing memories in your brain, so if you study a little before you sleep, you’re bound to remember more than if you studied a chapter during an all nighter.
Having trouble sleeping? Here’s a post I made about my night routine and how to get better sleep.
4. Cycle your study environments Your body and mind are bound to get tired from being in the same location for prolonged periods of time. The best way to fix that is to study in different places: at your desk, your backyard, the dining table, a cafe, a friend’s house, the library, etc.You should find a frequency that works for you. I like to switch it up every 2-3 days; some people change locations every week.
5. Eat well As I’ve mentioned before, healthy foods with protein, vitamins, and fiber greatly improve your mood and your physical health. Proper nutrition will give your brain the power it needs to push through. Also make sure not to skip meals; honestly you’ll just end up feeling terrible afterwards.
6. Take frequent breaks Let’s face it, we’re human, we’re bound to get tired from studying for a long time. Taking breaks enables our brains to digest the information we just learned in a pace that works for it. Breaks also help us focus on something other than studying, so that when we do get back to it, we’ll be ready to digest even more information.
7. Set realistic study goals You’re gonna memorize all 500 pages of your biology textbook in one day? Good luck with that. Some of you might be compulsive studiers, but this kind of habit isn’t very good for your brain or your physical health. Studies have shown that excess studying can lead to lower productivity, fatigue, and - you guessed it - burnout. In the end, this will result in lower academic performance, perhaps even in the long run. So instead of trying to study so much in one sitting or one day, break up your material into chunks.
8. Maintain your social life Wherever you lie on the introvert-extrovert spectrum, everyone needs social interaction once in a while. It keeps you sane and healthy. Go out with your friends, have a sleepover, or maybe even a study date.
9. Start the day right What we do in the morning can significantly affect our mood for the rest of the day. Sometimes we don’t even feel like getting up in the morning, or doing anything that day. One thing you should do is create a morning routine you enjoy to jumpstart your day. Here are 8 Morning Habits for Productivity.
10. Think positive When we’re feeling burnt out, it’s hard to not think negatively about everything. In reality, that just makes our condition worse. So think positively! Start small, like congratulating yourself for getting out of bed today, and then work your way up to bigger accomplishments, like finishing 2 chapters of your textbook.
11. Keep a stress diary This is kind of a new concept for me, but it’s really great. How it works is that each day, you would write down all the things that made you stressed and how they made you stressed. This will help you identify the things you’re doing that’s causing your burnout, e.g.
Too long study hours? take regular breaks
Too much time in the same place? cycle your study environment
Not eating properly? set aside time to eat healthy meals at least 2 times a day
Not doing the things you love? schedule in time for that, e.g. during your long breaks
Not getting enough human interaction? make a study group
Too much negative thinking? adopt a positive mindset (you can always start small)
Not getting enough sleep? fix your sleep schedule
And that’s all I have for you guys this time. Hope these tips will help you manage your stress and study burnout whenever you have them. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop an ask!
P.S. if any of you want to see the images in this post in better quality, click here (link to google drive)
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
MUST READ! Anyone interested in learning how to study more effectively 🌸✨
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
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Hey guys! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted,spending time trying to get set into the new semester and get a good routine together. This is what my daily routine looks like with times alternating slightly depending on class times. For me it is beneficial to have a set routine laid out, it helps me stay on track and it increases my productivity 🌸✨
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
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Good afternoon! This is a guide to how I take my notes; I hope you find this helpful! :)
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
The 5 Best Revisions Methods I Want to Start Using
Hi, guys! Whilst planning my next few months to do well on my final exams, I started researching and found a few great study techniques that are a bit underrated. Thus, I compiled a post with information about each one and all the materials you need to put them to use. These are most useful if you’ve already studied the material and are now starting to revise.
A. Feynman Technique
This method was coined by Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman. This system works by writing down everything you remember about the topic you’re currently revising in a blank piece of paper. When you get stuck, go back to your study materials. The gaps in your knowledge should be blatant after you finish. Review and simplify. Keep repeating until you know for certain that there’s nothing left out and you’ve successfully learned the topic. :-)
For this method you will need:
Blank piece of paper
B. Spaced Repetition
This method has been gaining traction for the past few years but it still doesn’t get the recognition it should. It’s fairly simple. It consists of time intervals between study sessions, which allows you store information better in your long-term memory. While there aren’t set times for when to do your next revision session, I’d recommend the one by Piotr Wozniak:
First repetition: 1 day
Second repetition: 7 days
Third repetition: 16 days
Fourth repetition: 35 days
This method can be used both through an analog system and a digital one. 
One of the simplest techniques to implement spaced repetition while using paper flashcards is the Leitner system. First, you decide how many boxes you need for your system. Each of your boxes represents a different study time interval:
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Every flashcard starts out in Box 1. When you get a flashcard right, it passes to the next box. If you get a card wrong, it goes back to Box 1 – even if it was on Box 4. This makes sure you are constantly reviewing the materials. Remember to devise a calendar with the dates and boxes you need to revise each day. 
For this method you will need:
Boxes or simply different colored rubbers to differentiate the piles
If however, you prefer a digital method, Anki is the best option for you. It is available online, on both Windows & Mac and there’s also an incredible practical app. It uses the spaced repetition method while taking the trouble of having to hand write hundreds of flashcards and remembering when to study each one.
Simply create an account, then a deck in which you’ll add your flashcards. The app and website allow you to add images and/or sounds to the flashcards. Customize them all you want. Once you’ve finished, save them and check the app every day to revise the flashcards of the day.
For this method you will need:
Anki app (iOS, Android) and/or website
C. Past Papers
I’ve been guilty in the past for not using this method. I got so caught up in my perfectionism that I didn’t even want to try. I learned, though, that getting things wrong is not a sign of failure and that persisting until you get it right is the real strength (and discipline) you ought to have. Do not let your procrastination and/or perfectionism prevent you from learning your weaknesses on a topic and not reach the grade you were hoping for.
Time yourself while taking the test and then correct your answers with a different colored pencil/pen so you can differentiate between correct and wrong answers.
For this method you will need:
Past papers
D. Teach someone
This method is really helpful if you have oral assessments and/or your professor uses the Socratic method in class. You can practice your speech and knowledge all at the same time. Find someone who’s willing to listen to you talk about the topic you’re studying. Even if no one’s willing, you can still explain the matter to an object in the house. Don’t get embarrassed by this! While speaking, you’re organising your thoughts and only when explaining to someone else can you really assess your knowledge.
For this method you will need:
Your voice
Someone/Something who loves you very much
E. Proper sleep & exercise
Yes, I know, these aren’t revisions methods. But as helpful as the previous systems were, they won’t work if you aren’t sane in body and spirit. It’s incredibly important that you rest. Teenagers (13 to 17 years old) ought to sleep from 8 to 10 hours every day, while young adults (18 to 25) only need 7 to 9. You should also get fresh air and exercise. This helps with mental alertness, concentration, an efficient memory and a positive mood. Stay hydrated throughout the day. & please, don’t skip meals! 
For this method you will need:
Proper sleep (x, x, x, x, x)
Exercise (x, x, x)
Healthy diet (x, x, x, x)
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
How I Make History Timelines
oml so I was halfway done making this post but my computer crashed and so I have to do it all over again :’-)) but HEY GUYS! this is how I made my history timeline. THANK YALL SO MUCH FOR 150+ FOLLOWERS!! 
Step 1: Plan Your Timeline
Write out the years and events you need in your timeline on a separate piece of paper. You don’t have to elaborate here. This is just for reference later on so you don’t miss out any dates and to plan out your space.
Step 2: Name your Timeline
I did my timeline on a blank A5 notebook in landscape, but you can do whatever you prefer. Give your timeline a name eg. the chapter it’s from or the main event. This is for easy reference later on. Next, place your ruler in the middle of the paper and draw 2 lines on each side of it. Leave some space at the end of the lines as you will draw an arrowhead there. Draw another arrowhead at the start of the 2 lines. It should look something like this:
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Keep reading
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
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Just got back from Tampa, Florida and I had an amazing time. Weather was great and company even better 🤞🏽🔐
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
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 Hey my lovely gems its @gemsttudiess here (the new account for @disneygirlstudies) back with another giveaway! 
These are my favourite revision essentials from my favourite revision shop! Obviously, to be a studyblr you don’t need nice pens or paper, but I find that it makes encourages me to revise more, so I hope this giveaway acts as an incentive in the way it does for me! 
 What you’ll win:
Beige A4 lined notebook  
Black A4 grid paper book 
Black A5 unlined spiral book 
Beige A6 unlined spiral book 
Beige A6 lined notebook 
To-do list pad 
Six black 0.5 muji pens 
One red 0.5 muji pen 
One blue 0.5 muji pen 
A little message from me and other little things <3
Rules rules rules:
Must be following me (as its a thank you for my followers) and preferably be active i.e. ask me questions, tag me in stuff, reblog my stuff.
Reblog this as an entry, likes are only bookmarks 
You can enter as many times as you like but don’t spam your followers(!!!) 
Its international because I love you all and realise very few are lucky enough to have Muji!
The deadline is August 1st so they’ll arrive in time for new school terms!
I’ll use a random number generator to help me pick the winner.
Not necessary but feel free to tag me with #studynshine so I can see your work too! 
You don’t have to be a studyblr to enter- maybe these supplies help kick start your new studyblr!
Feel free to follow my Instagram at @gemsttudiess - I’m still in the process of setting this up though and it wont count as an extra entry.
 *Disclaimer* I’m lucky enough to be able to work enough jobs to save up enough money to do these giveaways- I work hard to save up and be able to give back to you all for all these years of the support I’ve received! Please not hate x
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
🌼 ten little good habits 🌼
♡ these are ten small habits i’ve picked up that have brought a little bit more joy into my life ♡
💧 drink water first thing in the morning!!! water wakes you up and is also another great way to start off any day. it’s really important to stay hydrated throughout every day, so drinking water right when you get up starts your hydration journey.
🛌 make ur bed!!! making ur bed is a wonderful way to start off your day.
📝 set a small list of to-dos!!! think of a couple things you want to achieve for the day and write them down.
📖 plan your week!!! you should have a slight idea of what your week will look like. it’s always okay if you plan your week and don’t complete everything: other things in life will happen and it’s okay.
🛏 wash your sheets and pillows!!! you have to keep those clean so that any lingering germs will go away. not only will your sheets and pillows be free of bad germs, but so will your skin.
🙏🏼 meditate!!! even if it’s just for five kr ten minutes. clear your mind and all of the negative thoughts that may be forming a storm cloud in your brain.
✏️ write in a journal!!! if meditating isn’t your thing, journalling is a great way to clear your mind and it’s on paper.
📚 read a book!!! reading is nice when you want to escape the real world and want to take a step into the life of someone else, or learn something new.
👥 talk to a friend or family member!!! this doesn’t seem like a big deal because you might do it all the time, but it’s important that you don’t lose connections to the people you love the most. make sure they know you care about them and that they care about you. a few minutes of talking can create a strong foundation for a healthy relationship.
📝 write down good things that have happened to you today!!! even if a day seems stressful, there are always little things that make you smile. write them down and remember then.
bonus: write a thank you note to someone who has impacted your life positively. you don’t ever have to show them this letter, but writing this thank you note will help you appreciate this positive person in your life.
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
top 5 videos that make me want to study
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hey guys, on my instagram i asked if people wanted to see videos that motivate me studying, pushing my limits, and most important help me stop procrastinating. so here is my top 5 videos, hope you like them! (instagram: thomreads)
video number one: The ABCs of SUCCESS - Amazing Motivational Video for Students, Studying & Success in Life
video number two: Grey’s Anatomy, Cristina Yang: “Be unstoppable.”
video number three: Legally Blonde - I’ll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be!
video number four: Michaela Pratt | That’s My Girl (How To Get Away With Murder)
video number five: From FAILING STUDENT to ROCKET SCIENTIST - The Motivational Video that Will Change Your Life
bonus video: Rory’s system to study her finals (Gilmore Girls)
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
Studying Abroad
Courtesy of @jbens1017
Background on me
  I figured I should let you know some background on me first since everyone has different experiences. My name is Jessica, I’m a cis woman and I was 21/22 (I had my birthday while I was there!) when I studied abroad in Madrid, Spain through an exchange program. I am from New Jersey, USA. I was a Psychology major with a minor in Spanish. While there I lived with a homestay (a local family).
  I don’t have many so that’s why I’ll talk about this first.
Personally the number one thing that should and will concern many people is the money. Living in another country just doesn’t sound cheap, and sometimes it’s not. I was going to a private college in the states and that was expensive and the program I was in required that I still pay my home university’s tuition (so it was a lot haha).
As a woman, I felt that I needed to be more cautious than say the male students. It was a new environment, new culture, I didn’t know anyone, and just different expectations for women then I was used to back home. I would say that the world seems safer for men but while I was abroad, I noticed a lot more female international students. I think as long as you keep aware of your surroundings and make some friends, this disadvantage to women would almost zero out.
All of my classes were in Spanish which I am not fluent in, that’s on me but this really could mess someone up. I did fine though because they had us take a placement test and put us at a level we would be ok at. It’s just something to be aware of when you are looking to study abroad in a country that doesn’t speak your language.
So I was older when I went so a bit more mature (even though I would have loved to have been their earlier or longer). I was in good physical and mental health when I went but this could definitely pose a problem for someone else. I had to take the metro/subway to school and I did a lot of walking all over Madrid and other cities. Also, there will come a time during studying abroad where you just break mentally. It could be the stress or frustration of living in a culture so different than your own or it could just be you miss friends or family even if you love your host country. I think knowing that it is bound to happen and being prepared for when it does was super helpful. It is so common and it was nice to know that I had made friends at my host university that would totally and whole-heartedly understand what I was going through.
  Learning a language (Anyone who goes to a country that doesn’t primarily speak their native tongue will start to learn the language no matter the level you start out on. Being immersed into that culture and only hearing another language will only bring your skills in that language up)
Back to money real quick. So yes I said that my tuition was high but because I chose to live with a homestay, I saved a little money. The homestay was actually way cheaper than the room, board and meal plan at my home university.
My host family was amazing! I learned a lot through them and since they only spoke Spanish it gave me even more practice with the language. I don’t know if this is common but my host mom cooked 3 meals a day for me (sometimes more haha she was a great woman), she did my laundry and would change the sheets on my bed. I really didn’t have any house duties and that was great considering I had homework to do in another language.
Other international students offered me a chance to learn about other countries (I met a few girls from south korea and a girl from england and many others) but also it gave me a chance to reminisce about the states and take a break and talk English.
Time - Management and Organization skills go through the roof. There is a lot of paperwork that goes into studying abroad and you need to make sure you get everything approved on time. It felt a bit like I was running around campus to get all the signatures I needed but it really paid off in the end. Once you are in the new country those skills come in handy to do assignments and explore the new country. I was traveling almost every weekend and that took a lot of time to plan with friends or to plan transportation.
Seeing the World! Coming from the states to Europe was huge! It wasn’t the first time I had been away from home or even been to Europe but it was the first time that I would actually be living in a new country for an extended amount of time. Traveling was my main motivator. So Spain is split into 50 autonomous communities kind of like the 50 states in a way, each has a history, culture and atmosphere all their own. I had the opportunity to visit 11 of those communities! That’s one fifth of the country, I can’t even say the same for my own country lol. I also got to visit Morocco and Portugal while I was there and man I wish I had gone to more countries. Flights were so cheap, once you’re in Europe that is.
How could I forget the food! Amazing new foods to try! I am not a picky eater in the slightest and I was always down to try the local grub. I think food really opens your eyes to what the culture holds as important. Do they value heartiness and comfort over nutritional value? Do they value taste over presentation? Are the foods mostly to take away or are they sit down meals? There is a lot to be learned about a culture through their foods. Spain had some bomb food!
  Adjustment Back Home
  Ok the food adjustment coming back was hard. I had eaten all these fabulous dishes and then I came back to the dining hall. It’s not that the dining hall was bad but it wasn’t Spanish or cooked by my host mom. It was sad when they would try to serve paella and I had eaten paella in the city where it had originated, Valencia.
Also the language adjustment. I had gotten so used to thinking and speaking in Spanish that I had to reboot my brain to English. I found that since my time in Spain I have been forgetting English words for things. Lol now I sound like an idiot when I can’t remember what something simple is called in English. I did take one more Spanish course when I came back to my home university and I was happy to be using my skills but since then I feel like my skills are slipping because I don’t have anyone to practice with.
My friends had to adjust. I just wanted to talk about my experience and they got bored of it quickly. I applied to be a study abroad ambassador at my school so I could talk with prospective students about my time and answer questions they might have. This really helped give me an outlet for talking about my time in Spain because I loved it and I wanted to share that love with others.
The travel bug has bitten and there is no cure. I want to see more of the world. I got a small taste and now i want more. It’s like the more you see of the world the more you know that there is so much more to explore, I think there is a quote like that, but it is true. Since my semester abroad, I went to Peru to do some service work and I got to see Machu Picchu, I just recently went on a trip where I visited Prague in the Czech Republic, Munich and Berlin in Germany and London in England. My next goal is France.
It was sad not seeing my study abroad buddies anymore but thanks to social media we can keep up with each other’s lives. I have actually met up with one of my friends from studying abroad since I have been back since she lives kind of close. We all bonded over being in Spain at the same time, learning and exploring together, those kinds of friendships are for life.
none of this information belongs to me but belongs to @jbens1017 they did me a wonderful favor by giving this information to me and I feel as though everyone can benefit from this! Thanks again for the wonderful information!
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
today my anthro professor said something kindof really beautiful:
“you all have a little bit of ‘I want to save the world’ in you, that’s why you’re here, in college. I want you to know that it’s okay if you only save one person, and it’s okay if that person is you”
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
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 Hey my lovely gems its @gemsttudiess here (the new account for @disneygirlstudies) back with another giveaway! 
These are my favourite revision essentials from my favourite revision shop! Obviously, to be a studyblr you don’t need nice pens or paper, but I find that it makes encourages me to revise more, so I hope this giveaway acts as an incentive in the way it does for me! 
 What you’ll win:
Beige A4 lined notebook  
Black A4 grid paper book 
Black A5 unlined spiral book 
Beige A6 unlined spiral book 
Beige A6 lined notebook 
To-do list pad 
Six black 0.5 muji pens 
One red 0.5 muji pen 
One blue 0.5 muji pen 
A little message from me and other little things <3
Rules rules rules:
Must be following me (as its a thank you for my followers) and preferably be active i.e. ask me questions, tag me in stuff, reblog my stuff.
Reblog this as an entry, likes are only bookmarks 
You can enter as many times as you like but don’t spam your followers(!!!) 
Its international because I love you all and realise very few are lucky enough to have Muji!
The deadline is August 1st so they’ll arrive in time for new school terms!
I’ll use a random number generator to help me pick the winner.
Not necessary but feel free to tag me with #studynshine so I can see your work too! 
You don’t have to be a studyblr to enter- maybe these supplies help kick start your new studyblr!
Feel free to follow my Instagram at @gemsttudiess - I’m still in the process of setting this up though and it wont count as an extra entry.
 *Disclaimer* I’m lucky enough to be able to work enough jobs to save up enough money to do these giveaways- I work hard to save up and be able to give back to you all for all these years of the support I’ve received! Please not hate x
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
This is amazing ! Can’t wait to start this routine 🌻
small habits to adopt
wake up early
drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up
meditate or concentrate on your breathing for at least 2 mins
visualize your goals for the day and for the future
make your bed 
do calf raises or squats while brushing your teeth
dry brush
take a cold shower (or end a hot shower with cold water right after for about 3 mins)
put on lotion while your skin is still damp
cleanse, tone, and moisturize your face
apply sunscreen
drink a glass of water before and after every meal
listen to a podcast/ted talk instead of music while walking or driving
park far away from where you’re going
stand up straight
look at people in the eye when talking to them
look straight ahead when walking, not at the ground
smile at strangers
stop complaining (it’s bad for your health)
bring cash instead of credit card
track your expenses
turn off notifications on your phone when doing work
resist the urge to go on your phone and observe your surroundings more
set a timer for 5 mins when scrolling through social media and stop when the time is up
learn at least 5 new vocab words from your target language every day
exercise while watching shows/videos
read at least 10 pages every day
do tasks that can be done in 2 mins right away
drink tea
prepare workout gear the night before
jot down tasks for the next day before sleeping
write down quotes/lyrics that strike a chord
spend 30 mins on a hobby
journal and write down things you are grateful for
aim for 7-8 hours of sleep
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
Wish I had a muji store near me 😫
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muji back to school vibes ✨  go out and rock that school year!
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
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26.05.18 | the calm after the storm
exams!! are!! over!! I’m actually so glad they’re over because boi no one likes exam season
I reckon I did alright in most of them, but all that’s left to do now is to just wait until results come out - there’s no point worrying about something that’s already been done and can’t be changed.
So to all those who are currently getting their marks back for assessment tasks, remember that it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get the mark you were aiming for; you will always be worthy, smart and absolutely amazing, you don’t need a number to prove that.
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curly-studies-blog ¡ 6 years
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Things to do during study breaks!
Short Study Breaks (5 - 10mins)
Go outside and walk around 
Grab some snacks
Drink a glass of water
Watch a short youtube video
Do some BuzzFeed quizzes
Read something
Long Study Breaks (30 - 45mins)
Go for a shower/bath
Read something outside
Make some food/bake
Have a nap
Clean your study space
Clean up your device
Put on a facemask
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