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crypticmushroom · 1 day ago
holy shit!!! i’m moving at incredible and unbelievable speeds!! chapter five of my franken-stan sequel is up RIGHT NOW for you to read and enjoy!! 
major thanks to @pinefamilycatsau for her help on this chapter!
now, digest it through three stomachs like a cow!! GO READ!!
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crypticmushroom · 1 day ago
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it slipped  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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crypticmushroom · 4 days ago
The Selfish Shellfish AU - Masterpost
Hi! I’m Shanklin Pinington!
Are you sick of sad stories that make you cry over Stan?
Then what you need is the Selfish Shellfish AU! The Selfish Shellfish AU won’t give you stangst. I repeat it won’t give you stangst.
(It gives you stangst.)
The AU
a short summary *
(* = silly stuff that has little to do with the actual AU)
miscellaneous asks
they never visited, oh no why did they never visit?
some thoughts on Filbrick
the adults messed up, now what?
the Stan-o-War
flawed characters and how this AU came to be
what about Gideon?
gleeful about Mrs. Gleeful *
okay, but who killed Filbrick? - read the tags and find out
a song rec! *
happy end in weirdmageddon?
the Comfort Anon Saga, aka ENTER SOOS
comfort anon gets jail time *
SOOS! -or the op accidentally writes a fic
roadtrip with Soos but this time there's a Shanklin in a Fez
fishing for an AU name
anon is way too good at this
op gets bullied into fishing *
op admits defeat *
a fishy selfie *
anon drops an angsty fish drabble
The Sad Selfish Shellfish and the Curious Case of the Deadbeaten Dad * - or we finally have a name!
we have a name, time to celebrate *
THERE ARE FICS! by @emiliens
part one and part two
how I killed my father
Disclaimer: I only ever meant to post this little AU idea to get it out of my system so it can haunt someone else for once. Turns out I only managed to succeed in one of my goals.
There is no fixed plot I have in mind, just a lot of different ideas and sometimes incoherent thoughts. If you like something you read, you are more than welcome to cherry pick it and make up your own story. Have fun!
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crypticmushroom · 8 days ago
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MORE!! @aroace-get-out-of-my-face
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crypticmushroom · 10 days ago
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WOAH NEXT INSTALLMENT IS OUT?!?? Uh oh Stanley, turns out your current “employer” is some kind of magic portal person… The apprehension is valid considering he doesn’t know this person well… It’s also looking like Fords search has gotten a bit more complicated…
Mx Lottie cannot read a room.
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crypticmushroom · 10 days ago
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crypticmushroom · 13 days ago
hey, i don't work here by tom cardy but martian stan <3
i have a vision
i’ve listened to a lot of tom cardy’s stuff but i don’t think i’ve heard that one yet! will be back soon
… you have a beautiful, beautiful vision, anon
this whole song is so stanley pines core that i wasn’t sure at first what you were referring to, until i got to the line and. omg yes yeah absolutely i gasped aloud. tom cardy is a legend and ty for showing this to me
@aroace-get-out-of-my-face if you haven’t heard it. that ONE LINE NEAR THE END. i could see him say it.
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crypticmushroom · 15 days ago
Classic Monster Family AU
(don't come at me with this au name this is just a place holder, maybe)
A crack Taken seriously au that combines Billford (its more platonic partnership tbh since I do NOT know how to do romance) and Frankenstan squish together
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So Stan Died before things ever goes bad between Bill and Ford. Ford find out, He has a mental breakdown and Bill convince Ford he can help him bring back Stanley if he finished the portal, Out comes Weirdmagedon but Ford couldn't care less about that because STANLEY'S BACK!!!
...but he is...Different.
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No matter! Its only natural if one came back from the dead they will need some help, just like a Coma patient. Stanley just need a lot of rest and a lot of rehabilitation after his rebirth and Ford (along side Bill (Reluctantly)) will help him for as long as what Stanley recovery takes. Ford is going to take care of his Baby brother and give him all the love and protection he deserved.
(while also sheltering Him from not only what the world has become but also what Ford did, Stanley will hate him if he know what he did, He will not find out the moster his brother has become- he will not he will not HE WILL NOT-)
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The Crack part came from Bill, Stanford, and Stanley light hearted shenanigans. and Bill realizing he still have Maternal feeling in his 2d turn 3 dimensional equivalent of a heart for this rebirted stitched up meat sack that is his devoted partner twin Brother. He will denied it and disintegrate you on the spot if you point this out to him.
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also Stanley Has a pet Axolot Name Frilliam, why would Bill allowed it? because Stanley asked for it for some reason
(Stanley never really express any outward interest in...ANYTHING really- and if this is THEM trying to communicate with Stanley there not much Stanley really can do with it how his mind and Body currently is. He is not a treat to Bill. At the very least, he can inconvenience bill by just being sad, and A Sad Stanley means a distracted Ford and thats a big nono)
plus, a happy Stanley means a happy Ford and He can entertain him self with his new little buddy while Bill and Ford take care of other serious matters that his reanimated brain cannot even comprehend
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The serious part comes from Stanley slowly regaining his independence and situational awarness. realizing what fucked up soap opera he managed to get him self in to and plans to break out of his confinement with the Help of his Talking animal friend. He may not be as sharp and mobile as he use to before his major injury before he was dead . and His Talking Friend will help him escaped this place
and maybe, just maybe, safe it
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crypticmushroom · 16 days ago
"The assistant"
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First post
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crypticmushroom · 19 days ago
Stanley Pines will never know a life of comfort , and I will never be able to do this again holy moly this took so long
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crypticmushroom · 21 days ago
Gravity Falls Stangst Fanfiction Recommendation Master List
Here are some of my favorite Stangst stories that I’ve read, re-read, and collected over the past few years.  Some are old ‘classics’ while some are new or still updating. They’re listed in alphabetical order by title for easier searching.
The list will be updated periodically as I find great new stuff. Newly added stories are labeled with a ++
***Please read any tags/warnings before reading, as some of these stories may deal with upsetting topics and situations***
Short and sweet (under 10k words):
A better nightmare by eeveelotions A Better World by Metaphoricaltigers A Fortunate Stroke of Serendipity by heartfeltword a second twin by anonymous A Trip Down Memory Lane by Deanwinchestersgirl4 …And Count To Ten by impish_nature and you are paranoid in every paragraph by mackdizzy Bacardi by twinkinu Back in Time by mythomagicallydelicious Bad Habits by carbonatedblood Bad Thoughts by Cali_brate Barely Breathing by corvidcall (anathema15) blame me when there’s no one left to blame by anistarrose Bridges Burned by angellteeth Broken hearts, broken minds by Crazycatscarmen Broken Toys by logicalbookthief   Butterfly Effect: Branded by TheAngelofFate Casual affection by laudanum_and_wine Casual Observations by MotherOftheUniverse Change Comes All At Once by IrenkaFeralKitty Change of Heart by LogicalBookThief Choice by FriendlyCybird Dark by EvenAtMyDarkest Deadly Omens by IconicAnemone Death of Me by DarkwoodWolf Die Schatten Werden Länger by emjam Drift Away by Rymdunge Emergency Contact by madwriter223 Ever-newer Waters by dorbee Family Meeting by Windsett Fear of the Dark by Thesnadger feels like we only go backwards by WDW Finding the Right Frequency by impish_nature Five Bells by Spaceless_Sea Ford vs His Family by detectivejigsaw give me some time, I’m living in twilight by Base12 Hate Vs. Anger by MintGreenMare He Himself by asbelow He Let Go by mythomagically-delicious Heaviness of Heart by Leesbian Hello, Nightmares, My Old Friend by artsymeeshee He’s Not Dead by Koraesdoodles Hide and Seek by Crazycatscarmen Hold by MotherOftheUniverse I Imagine He’d Find it Violating by MotherOftheUniverse I Want to Come Home by Angelia Dark If it’s broke, don’t fix it by detectivejigsaw Illusion by anistarrose I’m So Sorry by Keleficent Imaginary Friend by Logicalbookthief Impulsive Acts by BuzzCat  Incandescence by pessimisticvirtuoso Intellectual Adequacy by paperjamBipper It deepens like a costal shelf by howevernot It’s Okay by Halogalopaghost (Lartovio) Just in Time by verysorrytobother Legacy by BethKerring Like Father Like (Adopted) Son by jacky-rubou ++ Limbo by emjam Long-Distance Call by LogicalBookThief Lost and Found by rubyflakes Lost on the Desert to Die by verysorrytobother Make Me Believe Again by fex_libris Maybe Spit Some Blood at the Camera (Just Say Alive) by Voidfish memory smackdown by untrustworthyglitch Mindscape and Memories by RandomNoodleDish molecules wrapped in silk by moroodors More Than Just the Spare by LogicalBookThief Necessity and Desire by mythomagicallydelicious Needing/Getting by GraboidFarmer Nightmare Town by Giroshane  No by Tired TM No Brother of Mine by brook456 No Need for Tending by Cutiebat Not To Be Blamed by ambigiousgelpens Nothing’s Even Wrong and it’s sequel by FriendlyCybird  Of Ending Summers and Endless Stars by EpitheicalPseudonym Oh Brother, My Brother by monkeyihihji On a Small Craft Somewhere Out in the Arctic by thesnadger Oneshots Collection by pessimisticvirtuoso Onyesha by ArtsyMeeShee / pessimisticvirtuoso Pet Humans by thesnadger Photographic Memory by impish_nature Pitt Cola on the Porch by Oh_Mellow Plans made and executed (Only to be foiled) by Crazycatscarmen Playing Pretend by Lizzy322 Pulling My Weight (In Gold) by Cyane putting the dog to sleep by parsnipit Quietus by optimisticvirtuoso Real Men (Don’t) Cry by Nicnac Regrets by AgentPrettyGuy Remorse by RadioactiveDeLorean Salt Water in my Veins by a_solitary_marshmallow Scourge by XxDecipheringGravityFallsxX Self-Starvation by detectivejigsaw Separation Anxiety by factuals-fanfics should’ve just held my tongue by howevernot ++ Shut Up by eeveelotions Siren Song by mythomagically-delicious Sixer by Keleficent Smile Like You Mean It by Logicalbookthief Somehow – Someday by Callipraxia Sooner or Later by twinkinu Spill It by pessimisticvirtuoso ‘Stanford’ Pines by impish_nature Starving Works by PorcelanaRota Stay With Me by Keleficent Stone Cold Crazy by Alverrann Suffocating by CrownedAnxietyAttack  Suffocating Part 1 & Suffocating Part 2 by saddle-up-dipper Ten Years by Runs_With_Wolves1 The Bouncer by sherlockfreak The broken pieces smile by Crazycatscarmen The Defective Twin by Elysianhyena The difference between holding and gripping by detectivejigsaw The Different Path by Bill_Cipher666 The Guttering Candlelight of a Tired Soul by 3HobbitsInATrenchcoat The past and the future by crazycatscarmen The Phoenix in the Birch Trees by anistarrose The Weird Old Man (who kinda looks like dad) by MotherOftheUniverse This Is What Dreams Are Made Of by fordanoia tie a noose around your mind by Word_Adict Tough Love by hattafan2593 Treading Water by phoenix (PrettyRedEyes) Two Sided by littleoptimistme Unless I Be Relieved By Prayer by thesnadger Untitled (sequel to Long Distance Call) by snapback-gravity-falls We Must Not Look at Goblin Men, We Must Not Buy Their Fruit and its continuation Growing Up Is Optional by logicalbookthief ++ Week Two – Travel by FriendlyCybird Wherever We Go… by IncomingAlbatross Wherever We Go by AlexTWDgr01 Who We Are, Who We Want To Be by BadonKaDank Wishful Thinking by Raven Darkwood year of atonement (busywork 1) by transmascdreamxd You’re Home Now by Keleficent You’re (Not) My Dad by MotherOftheUniverse Your Heart’s to Big For Your Body by MotherOftheUniverse
Epic Length (10k+ words):
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crypticmushroom · 24 days ago
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I actually really like my design for the AXOLOTL’s human form- I hope I made it pretty nonconforming cuz I feel like as an omnipotent godlike amphibian being, I figure Mx. Lottie can be whatever they like. They’re supposed to give off witchy wine aunt vibes, with a dash of grandparent-like disconnect. If that also makes sense. I know this is procrastination, but I do have a decent idea of what’s gonna come next in the 3 Buck Stan AU. Baby steps people. Baby steps.
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crypticmushroom · 25 days ago
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The night after Stan Pines loses his brother he dreams of galaxies and Axolotl’s. When he wakes he will not remember it, will not recall the knowledge given, the wish granted, but that doesn’t mean that it never happened, the new day came and even though his brother is gone and his burn should hurt, pain seems far away and just for a moment, stuck between dreams and reality Stan feels safe.
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crypticmushroom · 27 days ago
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Lol I thought he had an actual rat tail and the image of Stan becoming the rat king was the first thing that came to mind so I drew it
Thinking of Stanley with a rat tail. It's a mix feeling here...
On one hand, man is hot in any way but in the are you doing Stanley? *cuts it off and keeps it in my chest pocket* disgusting
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crypticmushroom · 27 days ago
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Gravity falls au where everything is the same except Ford got stuck in a dimension where everyone spoke in old-timey English for 5 years and he adopted their way of speaking to fit in and can’t stop so he constantly sounds like he is in one of Shakespeare’s plays and no one can take him seriously because of it
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crypticmushroom · 27 days ago
hi dont mind me you just liked one of my posts and i was like "oh does this person have pickle rick as their-" and i zoomed in and its fucking stanley pickles
apparently i just scrolled through your entire blog um my apologies for hardcore stalking you i just needed to make sure you didnt have takes i dont like anyway fuck you for that goddamn pickle i hate that so much(/lhj /pos)
Thank you so much! Honestly I do the exact same thing way too often ngl. PickleStan was the product of severe sleep deprivation at like 3 am and I too have a deep loathing for his existence but like a train wreck in motion I cannot look away from my unholy creation, he haunts me
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crypticmushroom · 28 days ago
When Stanley had been given the job he wasn't sure if they were serious but...well...a job comes with money or something right? Maybe he should've asked what they were paying him with-
"You want me to what?" He asked the looming dark figure
"Be Death" it said
"Be deaf? What- why?" Shocker was they meant Death, apparently Stan had been living like a dead person so that made him perfect for the job.
Not that he liked it but it did give him some sense of purpose... A comfort in his chest that perhaps all the things he messed up, had broken or destroyed on accident was simply this fate of being Death manifesting.
At least that's what he told himself as he knocked on a door of some wooden shack. He could feel the soul of whoever was beyond the door and, while he is able to guide sound into the afterlife, he has permission to try help those who are yet to lay their heads for enternal slumber.
"Who is it?! Have you come to take my eyes?!" Well, he wasn't expecting his twin dying to see him (literal, unfortunately)
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