crackingheart · 2 months
I just want someone to jiggle my balls, man 😔
I’m bored so I’m gonna write sum funny.
“Can you jiggle them?” Toji (this is a joke btw)
You were alone with Toji. After everybody passed out once the party died down. Toji was still under the influence, but you were kind’ve sober.
Toji grabbed you into the restroom where you too could have some more privacy. Smashing his lips into yours, all you could taste was alcohol. But if it was his tongue, you didn’t care.
He pinned you against the bathroom wall and you were overwhelmed by his large presence. He stops and sits down on the closed lid toilet. Taking off his pants, then underwear he looks at you.
You were pooling down there but the air became thick. His eyes were fixated on the skimpy dress you wore at the party. You got on your knees but before you could do anything he asks.
“Can you jiggle my balls?”
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crackingheart · 2 months
Angel Eyed Husband
Gojo Satoru x reader
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sorry it's another angst, I love writing angst. Anyway enjoy :)
"I don't know what you're talking about, babe." Gojo attempts to hold your hand but you pull it away. Tears fill your vision and you look at him, with distrust. You try so hard to push the tears away, biting down on your own teeth, making your gums hurt.
"Of course you'd say that, you don't know the result of your actions." You look away from him hoping he doesn't notice the failed tear dripping down your chin. But even if he didn't see it, he heard it in your voice. "And even if you did know the result, you wouldn't admit it." You're voice cracking even more.
Gojo stands there, silent. Wondering, where did all your trust in him go? Your patience, even the way you looked at him, was it gone forever? Just because he's been busy taking trips, were you really that lonely?
"Yes, I did take some trips, but baby I'd never cheat on the love of my life. I wouldn't ever do that." Gojo emphasized whenever he said "ever". He continues to beg and plead for you to believe in him. He feels his knees get week and he hears his voice shaking. He's panicking, he doesn't want to lose you.
Your tense guard becomes soft. You find yourself getting lost in his words and your own mind. Looking at the situation you started makes you cry even harder. 'I always make a mess of everything,' you thought.
"I... Satoru, I need some time alone please." You say walking away. Usually you would beg for time with your husband, but now you just want time away from him. To go back into the familiar environment of being alone.
Gojo feels his heart tighten in his chest when he hears you call him, "Satoru." It's always some pet name that he loved so much, but now he realizes how much his absence affected you. He reaches his hand out. He wants to talk more, he doesn't want to stand by knowing his wife is going through a hard time, because of him.
He opens he mouth to say something but no words come out. 'Let it be, she needs time.' He thinks. His blue eyes start to sting with tears whenever you close the door to your shared bedroom. His hands pull his hair, yes you and him fought, but it never got this bad.
His breath gets heavier and louder. Ringing, mixed with the sound of his heartbeat, fills his ears. 'What if I lost her.' Is all he can think about. The tears streaming down his cheek are for you. This all happened because he worked too hard, to give you a life you deserved. He never looked at it like you did. His mind was just circling around you.
You lay on the bed snuggled in covers. Hugging a stuffed animal he got you years ago. It was now covered in tears and even some snot. Your pillows were wet and so were your covers. You feel a sudden migraine coming to disturb you more. And if you listen closely you can his Satoru's breathing outside the door. You're unsure why you even said you needed time alone. Being alone was the last thing you needed, but Gojo didn't know that. If he did he would hold you in his arms till the world ended, but you "need some time alone".
Gojo sighs in defeat and walks away from the door. His footsteps fill the eerily empty house. It usually is silent, but this silence is clouded with hate and distrust, so much that he feels like it's suffocating him. He needs to escape this corrupt house, he needs to escape his mind. But before he can grab the keys to his car, he stops.
You hear his footsteps fading away, but then they sound like they're getting closer. You take a deep breath, unsure what you're even gonna say if he knocks on the door. And that's what he did. You hear three knocks on the door, and his voice is so sweet and charming.
"Baby please, can we talk about this..." Gojo finds himself begging more. All he wanted was to hear your soothing voice again. If it means seeing you, hearing you, or even being in your presence, he doesn't care if he has to get on his knees and beg.
You don't respond. The silence catches both yours and his tongue. The silence feels like forever, an eternity. "Please...." Gojos voice is small and weak. You feel yourself crying more.
"Yes, please come here. Please, let's talk. I want to see you, feel you, hear you. I don't want to be seperated anymore." But those words never left your mouth. That's just what you wanted to say, but you never said it. Why? You didn't know, you didn't enjoy this, not at all. But you didn't do anything to change it.
Satoru doesn't put up a fight anymore. The silence is all he needs to leave. He tried to stay, he wanted to, but you neglected his presence. At least that's what he thought. So he grabbed his keys and rushed out of the house.
He couldn't stand living like this, so he decides to go ask for some time off at his job. He thinks it's for the best, even if he loses some money. So what, at least he won't lose you. Right now it feels like you already lost your love for him. He just hopes that's not the case.
You lay in your bed, just staring at the ceiling. Wondering where it all went wrong. Thinking of the good times you had with Satoru, your husband. How great your wedding was with him, the time he proposed. Whenever he bought you flowers.
But enough with the reminiscing. It's time to get out of your bed rotting, and depression. You take a long shower, and change into some black formal clothes. You pick up your hair, and do light makeup. Trying to look somewhat presentable. Covering your puffy eyes and lighter shade of skin from not going outside anymore, with makeup. Today is the day you see Satoru, for the last time.
You grab your keys and get into the car that once smelt like him. The smell has disappeared now. You can't stop replaying that night in your head. Your trust issues were something that was more than a habit, you couldn't break it even if you tried. And that's why he left that night and never came back.
You arrive and grab the note cards with what your gonna say in your hand. Everyone is there, dressed in black. His family and your family. Everyone stares at you when you go up to say your eulogy, you were his wife after all.
Before you came your mom told you that the funeral was going to be hard. But you didn't think it would be this hard. There were so many pairs of eyes on you but as you search and search you will never see his ocean blue eyes again.
They're gone forever and you're partially the one to blame. You continue to glance at his resting body in the casket. His eyes are shut and his smile is gone. His skin is chillingly pale and cold. All those nights to stayed in the bed hoping he's come back but he never did.
You screamed and cried, blaming yourself for his death but that didn't change the outcome of his death. He died alone thinking you, his one and only true love, hated him. And that makes you feel worse.
You prayed and prayed and one day you did trick yourself into believing this wasn't your fault. But when you approach his body, you start to feel ashamed. Unwanted, like you didn't belong here. Nobody knew what happened and why he was driving to his work place. Only you knew.
When you found out he was trying to take some time off for you, you screamed and fell onto the floor crying even more. This man was one of a kind, and he'll never be back. Because of you.
You attempt to gather yourself together, just this once, so you can say your eulogy.
"My dear husband, was a kind man. He was out going and he had a big heart..." Your voice cracks and you feel yourself growing heavier with guilt. "He always looked out for me and the people he loved. Truly a selfless man always trying to do what's right. I...." Your voice gives out. You're so afraid of the pressure. "I miss him...." Looking into the crowd, everyone was crying.
You swear for one second you can see him, smiling at you. If you knew that your actions would cause you to lose the one and only man you couldn't live without. You would've let him through that door. You would've talked it out with him. You would've cuddled him until the end of time. But you never know when it's yours or someone else's time right?
You stepped off and away from the microphone, mumbling under your breath, "I can't do this anymore". Walking up to his body, not wanting to stop looking at him cause this is the last time you'll see him.
After the funeral you break down into your car. He left all of his memories with you, leaving you alone in this world. He was the strongest and now without him you feel like your at your weakest. Most vulnerable right now, and most sad right now.
The things you would do if you knew that night would be the last time you saw him alive. You regret everything.
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crackingheart · 2 months
Loser Megumi x Popular y/n
You already know this is gonna be an angst muheheh ;) (normal highschool au)
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People are the worst. And what’s even more worst is how you let them control you. See, falling in love is bound to happen. You just didn’t expect it to be him. Megumi, the “loser.”
It all started when one day you forgot you had homework due. You searched desperately for answers and megumi noticed your worried face.
Your eyes connected with his and in that moment it felt like heaven.
“I have the answers, need them?” Megumi said while slightly smiling at you. Did he feel it too? Whenever your eyes and his met, did he feel it too?
“Y-yes please! Thank you so much.” Fumbling your words makes you feel even more embarrassed. You copy down his notes in a heartbeat.
The bell dismissed us and we were going to part ways but you grabbed his shirt out of instinct. He looked back at you shocked.
“Can I have your number… just in case I forget my homework again?..” your voice sounding nervous. His gaze never left your eyes and he grabbed a marker and paper. His number, then he gave it to you and smiled.
After that your mind was a mess, you were sweating a little too. Your friends pull you aside. Mai and Momo lecture you about what they witnessed.
“I can’t believe you even wasted your breath on that loser! You know you deserve so much better.” Momo said, Mai nodding her head. We were the trio on our cheer team. You were the cheer captain of course.
“Deserve better? Like who?” You put your hand on your chin.
“Gojo, duh! He’s the best football player and he’s a total cutie!!!” They both squeal. You roll your eyes. Of course they would say Gojo.
Once the school day was over and after practice you went home. You grab the piece of paper from your pocket and text megumi.
Heyyy you up? - you
Hi, yes.
He was dryer than you expected but whenever you and him talked and texted more he became comfortable. A few weeks went by and you and him were still talking.
Omg we should see this movie together! - you
Sure I’m down. When? - gumi
This weekend??? - you
Okay that’ll doo! - gumi
That day whenever you and him when to the movies. He surprised you with flowers.
“Flowers? For me!” You look at him with pure happiness in your eyes. He nods his head agreeably. You jump up and hug him tightly. You feel him tense up and turn red. “You’re so sweet gumi!!” Gumi was the nickname you always called him.
That day he asked you to be his and you said yes. You and him were dating secretly but people at school still made it a rumor. This rumor brought down your reputation so you had to do something. That’s when it clicked. Gojo is popular, so if you show everyone Gojo and you are friends. Maybe that’ll bring your reputation up, right?
That’s when everything went downhill.
Megumi watched y/n across the hallway. He watched as her friends surrounded her talking and laughing.
He always felt this pit in his stomach when he saw you surrounded like that. How Gojo would walk up to you obviously flirting. And you flirted back.
You saw megumi from across the hallway. Feeling a pinch on your heart when you see him. Gojo grabs your chin moving your eyes away from him.
“Hey gojo. Not now, I’ll be back, promise.” Gojo lets go of your chin. His eyes follow you as you chase after megumi.
“Megumi! Wait please!” You say while slowing your pace when you reach him. His eyes were cold and digging into your skull.
“Wait and watch you flirt with Gojo?” His voice is soft but you feel his anger.
“He means nothing to me I swear. This is just an act. We don’t even talk to each other outside of school.” Your voice fumbles some trying to admit you have zero feelings for the blue eyes man. Megumi just stands there staring at you. Your hands attempt to grab his hand but he snatches his hand back.
“I can’t do this anymore y/n.” His words struck a cord in your heart.
“What…what do you mean. Please don’t leave. Don’t give up on me, I love you I swear I do!” Your eyes widen and you feel a tear ruining your makeup. Megumi looks away once you start tearing. He grinds his teeth together.
“I can’t stand seeing what’s mine being touched by another man.” His voice trembled with anger. You felt guilt in your stomach but before you could talk, he interrupted.
“And I can’t even do anything about it! Because of this stupid reputation thing that you have!” He pulled you and him into the janitors empty closet. “I’m losing my mind here y/n!” Megumi holds your face with his hands. His eyebrows curl and he looks like he’s on the edge of crying. This breaks your heart. Maybe this all isn’t worth hurting someone else.
“Megumi I..” megumi interrupted again.
“What’s more important? Me or your reputation?..” his hands squeezed you jaw slightly tight. You’ve never thought about that.
“Look, I can stop talking to gojo, just please don’t go.” Your hands brush against his on your face.
“Not enough. I can’t handle being a secret anymore… it’s not just gojo. I can feel so many lustful eyes on you it drives me insane.” He says then breaks eye contact. You hands leave from his and you have trouble deciding.
“I can’t decide Gumi! Don’t make me decide please!…” you say begging him. You feel tears come out your eyes. He presses his lips together and starts to leave out the door. But before he leaves he stops.
“I wouldn’t have gotten with you if I knew this is what it’ll be like.” Then megumi leaves leaving you alone in the bitter cold closet. He’s right. He didn’t sign up for this. But you couldn’t afford to lose it all.
Being alone makes you realize a lot of things you wouldn’t with distractions. You really are a terrible vulnerable person. You let what people think and what they say control you so…easily. More tears streamed down your face not caring if it ruined your makeup. You had no one to talk to and no one who would understand you.
Before you could clean yourself up you see the door opening. White hair and blue eyes stare at you.
“Are you okay y/n? I saw you come in here with megumi.” He picks up your body from the cold floor. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.” He grabbed you and carried you to the bathroom. No one was in the halls because class started. Luckily no one was in the bathroom too. Gojo stood outside while you fixed your makeup.
Once you were done you left the bathroom to find Gojo. He grabs you jaw and looks at you. But not the way megumi looks at you. No, he looks at you lustfully.
“So, you know how I just helped you? Can I get something in return?” He says closing the gap between you and him. His lips part and a huge smile appears on his face.
“What, no!” Quickly you pull away from him and run off to your next class. You didn’t care whether you felt something for Gojo or not. You just wanted to be left alone, at least for one day.
This is the class you have with megumi. The class where it all started. You walk in and everyone stares.
“Why are you late Y/N L/N?” The teacher says while eyeing me.
“I lost track of time..” you say avoiding any kind of eye contact and you take a seat next to megumi.
Megumi doesn’t say anything to you, he doesn’t even acknowledge you. His eyes are lost in thought. You tap his shoulder.
“Hey?.. I’m sorry about earlier..” your voice is still trembling from the janitors closet.
“It’s whatever.” Megumi says not even looking at you. His voice was cold and he was dry like whenever you and him first talked. This made your heart squeeze. Fuck you can’t take it today.
After the bell rang he didn’t even wait for you. The entire class period he didn’t look at you. It was like you and him were strangers again. Mai and Momo were there waiting for you, but you couldn’t handle them today.
“Sorry Mai and Momo, I’m not feeling good. I’m gonna have to leave early today.” You said not looking at them while you all walk and talk. They both look at each other confused but decided to brush it off.
“That’s okay let us know when you feel better. Bye I hope you get better girl.” Mai said and momo waved. You called your mom to come pick you up and within two minutes she came.
The whole day went by and it was night. You texted megumi so many times. No response.
Megumi im sorry - you, 3:45 pm
Gumi??? - you, 4:02 pm
Ignoring me won’t solve anything please talk to me. - you, 4:56 pm
I’m so worried. Are you okay? - you, 5:34 pm
Is this cause what happened in the janitors closet today? - you, 5:51 pm
I love you… - you, 6:37 pm
Goodnight I’ll see you tomorrow - you, 9:55 pm
You thought everything would be okay right? You never walk in the hallways alone, you always have someone by your side. This time it was Gojo. He would make me forget about megumi even if it was just for a second.
Walking into the classroom you share with megumi, you don’t see him? In fact you don’t see him anywhere during the day.
Once you got home you texted megumi more.
Gumi where were you today?
Just to find out you’ve been blocked. You went on every social media platform that had megumi on it. “No user found..” your curled your body into a ball and cradled yourself. Each sob being louder than the next. Were you really a bad person?
You stayed up wondering what would have changed if you had just cared a little more. Once the dreadful morning came, you got ready.
You walked into the classroom again. Your eyes shooting at the shared seat hoping to see him there. But to your surprise he wasn’t…
The next day, to the next. Everyday was dreadful without megumi. If you had noticed how much you loved him you wouldn’t have let him go.
One day you heard a rumor. And you walked up to the man spreading the rumor. Gojo.
“What did you say about megumi?” You ask stabbing daggers into his eyes.
“I said he transferred schools. You would know that if you just looked at his insta.” Gojo said so carelessly. No idea how much this crushes me. Did he transfer cause of me?.. You couldn’t take it anymore. All the nights without hearing his voice. The dead basically gone flowers he gave you. You not feeling his heavy presence when he sits beside you.
A tear drops down your cheek in front of Gojo. Oh no. Quickly you run into a bathroom stall. You let all the tears flow out like the janitors closet incident. Ever since that day you lost him, life has been hard.
You pray that one day he’ll come back. And whenever he does you’ll never let him go. You’ll do anything just to have him back. But he’s never coming back.
Once you cleaned yourself up. Some thinking made you come to a conclusion. You might as well work with what you have now. So you walk up to gojo.
He looks at you confused whenever you wrap your hands around his arm.
“Hey gojo. What am I to you?” You say looking up to meet his blue ocean eyes.
“Just a cute girl why?” Gojo says looking back at you. Of course he would say that. You let go of his arm and walk away. The tears coming back.
Megumi would’ve said something about your personality then as a bonus your looks. Megumi loved you on the inside first then outside. But you were too blinded by other peoples opinions to notice that.
You walk into the same janitors closet, the last time you saw megumi. You sit in there reminiscing and skipping class.
“I just want to keep on loving you megumi. I’m sorry just please come back.” You say into the empty closet. Hoping that megumi would appear out of thin air. But of course he doesn’t. He’s gone forever and it’s your fault.
You never know how much you love someone until you see them go.
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crackingheart · 2 months
Autocorrect with jjk men
Sorry if your name is abby ;(
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49 notes · View notes
crackingheart · 2 months
When y/n finds a bra that isn’t hers. (Hashiras only)
I have iguros text messages but it only allows 10 images. ;-;
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crackingheart · 2 months
Real 😞
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crackingheart · 2 months
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Angst & fluff
"Did I give you permission to talk?" With one move my boyfriend's hand connects with my face. I've gotten so used to this it doesn't make me cry anymore. How long has it been? One year and a half. "You're dismissed, get out of my sight you ugly witch." I obeyed like a dog. I walked out his room and shut the door to give him peace. I'm not so sure why I wasn't his peace.
He used to be so sweet to me. Until I caught him cheating and I threatened to leave. The time I caught Jack with my best friend Sophia, I cried harder than I ever did before. I told him I'll leave him and he got aggressive. He told me if I ever left he'd do worse things to me. So now I've been stuck, and scared.
"Y/N get your ass in here now!" I take a deep breath and I walk into his room he kicked me out of not too long ago. "You know how much I love you right?" He tells me, getting up from his spot on his bed. His steps growing louder as he gets closer to me. "Say something damn it!" He raises his hand and I flinch.
"Yes! I know how much you love me..." I plead hoping he doesn't hit me again.
"Good girl. Now put makeup on that ugly face and get ready. We're going out tonight." He shoos me away with his hand. Despite his insults I feel sort of happy that we're finally going on date. We haven't went on one since he cheated.
I apply makeup trying my hardest to cover bruises on my face that he left. Then I wear a fitted dress, and some heels. I do my hair then I leave the room. I see Jack waiting for me.
"Put on a jacket you slut." I sigh walking back into my room to follow his orders. When I walk out he leads to the car. The sun is pretty much set, perfect for a nightclub.
We arrive and Jack doesn't even look at me. He dashes away to go find some other girls to flirt with. I walk to the bar defeated, but Jack is a little close by to keep an eye on me.
"Can I buy you a drink, little lady?" I look to my left to see a handsome tall man. He has ice white hair and magenta eyes. He's also very fit. The air between us is thick and I realize he's waiting for me to respond. But is it okay to talk.
"Are you talking to me?.." I say loud enough for only him to hear. His lips curl into a smile and he says.
"Of course! The gorgeous girl sitting next to me." Gorgeous? I haven't gotten a compliment in so long.
"Sure, it's Y/N, just order me whatever you get." He looks at me strange. Then he laughs.
"You're a strange one aren't you, here have my number. I'm Tengen Uzui." He gives me his number on a piece of paper and I tuck it into my pocket. "Two shots of whiskey please." He says to the bartender. His smile is contagious and I feel myself smiling too. But every good thing has to come to an end.
"Who the fuck is this Y/N." I know that voice all too well, Jack.
"Sorry! I'm sorry!" But my pleads weren't enough, he punches me right in front of Tengen Uzui. I tumble out of my chair and I see Tengen get up. He's so much more taller than Jack when I see them side by side. Tengen grabs Jacks wrist so tight I can see Jacks hand tremble.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Tengen voice sounds so heavy. I know Jack is scared. Fuck. I know once we get home I'll get the worst punishment ever. I better end this now or else it'll get worse.
"Please Tengen stop!" I get up, rushing towards the scene.
"Why are you defending this dude?" His voice is concerned for me. But when he sees tears in my eyes he lets go. His body is pressed against mine and he whispers in my ear. "Text me if you need a place to stay." It sends shivers down my spine and he walks away.
Jack gets up and pulls me by my hair. He drags me into the car. The drive home was heavy and silent. I could tell he's thinking of all the ways he could torture me. He presses his foot on the gas pedal hard. We're home and he kicks me inside.
"Now you've done it!" He punches me and pushes me onto the ground. Kicking me repeatedly as I beg for mercy. "Stay here until I decide what to do with you, bitch." And like that he leaves me there on the floor to drown in my tears and blood.
‘Text me if you need a place to stay.’
Quickly I pull out my phone trotting toward my room. I put Tengen number in and I text him.
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My fingers tap against my phone shakily fast. He said he’ll pick me up in 10 minutes. Great.
Ten minutes is more than enough for me to pack some clothes. It feels like a century before my phone buzzes and he said he was here. I sneakily run out of Jacks house into Tengens nice car.
I throw my stuff in the back seat and I break down crying. I see Tengen staring at me.
"Do you want me to go in there and beat him up?" Tengen says through gritted teeth. I could tell he was furious. His hands were turning paler on the wheel.
"I don't care. Just hurry up and drive far from here." I say through hiccups and tears. He swallows he's guilt down and drives off. The car drive was silent. But it wasn't the silence in the car with me and Jack. No, it was comfortable silence. I could see the house where all of my trauma started fading away as we drive.
I rest my body in the seat ignoring the cuts and bruises on me. It seems Uzui notices how bad he hurt me. He slides his hand against mine and he brushes his thumb on my palm. It calms me down a bit.
We pull into the driveway of a wealthy house. It was clean on the inside and I felt like I was the only dirty thing in the house. Suddenly I feel myself getting lifted into the air. Uzui picks me up bridal style.
"Tengen stop that I'm heavy." I say looking away. To my surprise he starts laughing.
"Pfft no you're not. I could carry you with three fingers." I can't help but smile at his comment. Jack could never pick me up, not like he ever tried.
Uzui carries me to the restroom and sits me on the closed lid toilet. He starts the tub with warm water for my soreness. While the tub is filling up he goes through drawers searching for something.
"Give me your arm, this might sting a little." He applies ointment on my cuts Jack left on me. I whine in pain. "It's okay pretty girl, it'll only hurt for a moment." He continues to reassure me and I can't help but smile. Once the tub is full and my wounds are disinfected. He gets up. "I'll be back, take your time in the tub." He winks at me and leaves. I undress myself revealing lots of bruises in the mirror. I soak in the tub and relax.
"Uzui I'm done!" I wrap the towel he left for me around myself. Oddly enough I get no response. I say sorry under my breath before opening the door to his bed room. He's not here? There's clothes on the bed and a note.
'I'm out getting groceries and clothes for you. I'll be back shortly, princess ;)'
He left me some of his clothes. I laugh at his efforts. He doesn't know that I brought my own clothes with me but it's still cute. My bag is on the floor next to his bed. I pick it up and pull out comfortable clothes.
I lay in his bed waiting for him to be back. My body is exhausted and my eyes start to close. I didn't notice I fell asleep.
I woke up to breath on my head. My eyes widen because somehow I crept onto Uzuis chest when I was asleep. I feel butterflies in my stomach. But I don't mind staying in this position for a while longer. I move my hand on his chest and I snuggle into his neck. I feel his hand wrap around my shoulder.
"Good morning, how do you feel?" Uzui's voice sounds sleepy. My stomach does flips, was he awake the entire time?
"I feel great thanks to you. Is there any way I could make it up to you." I say in almost a whisper. I feel his hand brush through my hair gently.
"Don't sweat it, Y/N" He never fails to comfort me. I pull him into a hug and his eyes widen. He hesitated for a moment, then hugged me back. Careful not to touch my cuts or bruises.
"Thank you, seriously." My voice cracks as I feel myself break down. My guard slipping away. He notices how my body starts to tremble.
"I'll go make breakfast. You can stay here" he pats me on the back, his body starts to get out of bed. But I don't like how it feels when I'm alone. I miss his warmth.
"Wait. Please let me come with you." He stops midway out the door. And he smiles at me.
"Come on then. You don't have to y'know." He walks towards me and offers me a hand. I grab his hand and I start to walk. My feet and legs are sore but I'll manage.
"I want to come with you." I don't look him in the eye but I could tell he feels a little happy whenever I say I wanna be with him. He doesn't let go of my hand, and we walk into the clean kitchen.
"So what do you wanna eat, princess?" He says sitting me down on a stool. I sit there thinking what I'm in the mood for. This is so much different than what I'm used too. I've never thought for myself it was always Jack who was in charge. But I like the change.
"Eggs, bacon, and pancakes?" I question hoping he'll like it.
"Pancakes? I have a friend who loves pancakes. Her names Mitsuri." He says with a smile, looks like he's thinking about his past. I can't help but wonder who this Mitsuri person is.
"Don't worry, she's married and has five kids." He said casually. It's like he could read my mind.
"Five kids!?" I say with my eyes wide. He nods in agreement. He gets pans and food we need to cook.
While I'm mixing the pancake batter and he makes the bacon, I can't help but wonder.
"Why did you invite me, a total stranger, into your house." He doesn't respond for a moment. Until he finally shares a little about his past.
"My sister used to be in a situation like you." His voice isn't as enthusiastic anymore, more like a whisper with hate behind it. I feel guilty for bringing it up.
"I'm sorry I didn't know." And before I could apologize he stops me. He hugs me from behind.
"No need to get worked up about it, it was a long time ago. I also couldn't help myself when I say you were very beautiful." He says into my ear. A smile creeps onto my face and I don't know what to say.
"Thank you Tengen, you're attractive yourself y'know." I laugh with his head resting on my shoulder. His large hands on my hips.
"I know. But I'm just stating the truth." We stay still against each other for a while until I smell something burning.
"Uzui are you burning the bacon?"
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