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we’re all just growing up & moving on with our lives
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“cover me up and know you’re enough”
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we are all people and throughout everything going on in the world, we tend to forget that. With modern technology and the mixture of political beliefs, greed, death, wealthy, poor, unpopular opinions, job security, trying to get the best degree, best college admission, best car, best smartphone, cultural indifferences, disaster, media, and etc. it all distract us from the simple fact that we are all people. we are all capable of so much if only we would all stick together we’d move mountains. life moves so fast already with everything constantly changing around us and if only we would take the time and breathe for a minute we would realize that we are all just people. people trying to live a life worth living and people trying to provide a future for their kids and be there for their loved ones. people just trying to live, laugh, and love because we are only here for so long. we are all filled with so many different attributes such as consciousness, reason, morality, thoughts, emotions, love, DNA, genes, traits, background, and so much more that engulfs every inch of our soul. people become beautiful when they learn to never judge others and to strive to spread nothing but love and happiness to others. we are all people and people need to start treating each other like a person.
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it’s the nights like these where I think to myself that you’re the one. you’re the one I want to have a family with, you’re the one I want to have kids with, you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. you’re the one.
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“love's always been sink or swim so i won't
say it's over just as it begins
so tell me it's real
Just tell me it's real”
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love isn’t always easy and sometimes love is a choice. I choose you and I choose to grow with you and love you even when you can’t seem to do it yourself.
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yeah, I guess it goes like this. see the thing is I never wanted to sit on the sideline and watch as chaos engulfed the air around me. I’ve always wanted to be the one trying to make the situation better. it all started ever since I was little I dreamt of the day I can become a first responder. I knew from day one that I wanted to work for 9-1-1 and become someone that can be sent in to fix problems in the world. I’ve seen some of the ugliest things learning and growing up interning around my police department and I am forever grateful because it made me much more appreciative of the things around me. I’ve always been someone who dramatically left my heart open for the general public and that is why I love people. We are all capable of so many amazing things and we all have different stories and we are all on a different chapter of our stories and I really want to protect that. I want to protect the good people so they can go home every night and see their loved ones. That being said I also want to go home and see my loved ones. I wish people would understand that we are human too just like them. I know as I grow and progress and truly get into my career field deeper that there’s going to be days where I’m working 12-hour shifts or overtime trying to fix situations that are terrifying other people's lives. I’m going to work holidays and I’m going to miss out on some of the most crucial moments of having a family because I’m going to be out there protecting other people’s families. I would lay my life down so another person can go home at night and continue their story and one day I’m going to have a beautiful wife and a couple of kids and that decision is going to challenge me. I’m going to want to come home every night to my babies and my angel but I know deep down if something happened at work I would jump right in without even thinking just to save someone’s life. See even though I want to become a police officer it doesn’t mean that I want to shoot people or kill people. Are there bad cops out there? Absolutely. There are bad people in every profession but I for one refuse to be a bad cop. The majority of cops that I know are truly amazing people with some of the best hearts and souls out there. I want to help people every day that I’m on the job and my biggest fear is that someone won’t be able to look past my uniform and into my heart and realize that I’m just a person just like them and they might take me out of this world. I want to be there for people when they are having the worst day of their lives and try and fix it and make it better. I want to take the bad people to jail that threaten the lives of the people around them. I don’t ever want to lose that human emotion or human factor when it comes to this career field because then this career field will become a job and being a cop is not a job. I want to be a medical first responder, peacekeeper, counselor, therapist, all of these different things I can be as a police officer and I can be those things for all of the future people out there that one day is going to be counting on me. I want to be the person running in when everyone is running out and I want to be there for them and help them. I want to raise my right hand and take my oath to protect the ones around me that I love and I want to be sent into the light and the darkness and try and fix everything out there in my community and I’m just now learning that I can’t save everyone out there and I can’t be in every place when evil takes over. I know I’m going to see some of the ugliest things that people should not have to see but to me, it’s all worth it because all of these things would be someone else’s story and I don’t want it to be an ugly story. I want to be that heartbeat out there trying everything I can to change the situation for the better. I want to be the change that I want to see.
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baby you’re impossible to not love. I truly do mean that. you deserve love and you deserve to be happy and you deserve to be able to fall asleep at night not wondering what you mean to someone. I really can’t begin to understand how you weren’t taken already or how someone wasn’t already madly in love with you because you are such an amazing girl and everyday that I get to love you is an absolute privilege and I will never ever take it for granted. I will never take you for granted. I will never take this for granted babe. you have my heart and I have yours and I will do everything I can to take care of yours and fall deeper and deeper for you
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“i love you so much. you have such a hold of me. i’m not going anywhere. i will always try my best to make you happy & make you feel loved. that is my number one goal when it comes to you”
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you’re perfect to me .
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you show me that other people will still appreciate you and love you even when you’ve been through hell and have felt broken for the longest time. take a chance
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it can happen in so many ways. for some, it may happen slowly and gentle while for others it can happen very fast but regardless for who it may be, when it does happen it happens pretty hard and the blood rushes through your body and your heart sinks in a little bit and you still go for it. you still let that person in and you just fall deeper and deeper until there’s no turning back. so settle in and enjoy the ride.
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love is one of the most beautiful and hardest things someone will ever go through and it’s scary. the way two souls can just connect and become everything to each other. so many risks so much to lose but we still open up and fall so hard
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I miss you
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It’s heartbreaking how two people can go from everything to nothing in a second. From all the dinners together, slow dances, late night memories, all the good old days of nothing but pure laughter, adventures, late night cuddles, falling asleep next to each other, and everything else to only end up being complete strangers. It’s the saddest thing.
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“It’s 11 pm and your hair is wavy and you got your cute glasses on and a long sleeve shirt and you might just be the most beautiful thing ever”
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no..even though it’s england and i’m so excited a part of me doesn’t wanna go ): it’s so crazy that all of this happened in one weekend. i’m so glad it happened. i’m gonna miss laying my head on your chest and wrapping up all around you. it’s gonna be so hard because texting just isn’t the same and i’m gonna wish i could just see your face and hug you in person all the time. i always wondered if this would happened but i never actually thought it was going to, especially like this. you made this weekend feel like two seconds.
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