Max C. Artsborn
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 15 days ago
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It's my 4 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 20 days ago
When you try to steal the food without permission
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 30 days ago
Meet, Diego
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Diego is a Diceratops, and he is a soccer player in the world of sprunki. His design and noise are inspired by the one from incredibox's Brazil. He is enthusiastic to play soccer with using any skills he uses. Also, he plays soccer together with Leo, a lion who joins his team. His dream is to become a famous soccer player in the sprunki world.
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 2 months ago
Hello, I am Ahmed, from North Gaza.
I need your help if you can 🙏🏻💔
My family and I live under bombardment, hunger and displacement for a whole year, so ask for your help, if you can, every help will make me and my family happy. You can donate €10 or 25€ to save me and my family
Please don't skip that 🙏🏻🙏🏻💔
Actually I do not have money for donation yet, but I will pray to Allah so your life will be saved from Israel's attacks. Therefore, you will not worry if I can not. InsyaAllah
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 3 months ago
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Another halal memes
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 3 months ago
Ketika kamu menggambar makhluk bernyawa (termasuk manusia dan hewan), dan kamu lupa baca hadits larangan menggambar (makhluk bernyawa)
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Ketika Allah menyiksa kamu atas menggambar (makhluk bernyawa)
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 3 months ago
Drawing in Islamic Law
In the Islamic law, we shouldn't draw living beings (including humans and animals), because Allah only creates them in the real world. For preventing creation of living beings being created by Allah, their limbs should be removed. While, Imaginative creature (including anthropomorphic creatures, robot, etc..) can be drawn freely dan flexibly, because they aren't created by Allah. So, drawing imaginative creatures is mubah. However, there is the ono of the animals that's haram, including pigs. Therefore, all of the anthropomorphic animals is drawn permittedly except for pigs
Menggambar dalam hukum Islam
Dalam hukum Islam, kita tidak boleh menggambarkan makhluk bernyawa (termasuk manusia dan hewan), karena Allah hanya menciptakan mereka (Makhluk bernyawa) di dunia nyata. Untuk menghindari penciptaan makhluk hidup yang diciptakan Allah, anggota tubuh mereka harus dihilangkan. Kalau makhluk imaginasi (seperti makhluk antropomorfik, robot, dan lain-lain), mereka digambarkan secara bebas dan fleksibel, karena mereka tidak diciptakan oleh Allah. Sehingga, menggambarkan makhluk imaginasi itu mubah. Namun, ada hewan yang tidak termasuk karena hewan dianggap haram dalam Islam, yaitu babi. Jadi, semua hewan antropomorfik boleh digambarkan kecuali babi.
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 4 months ago
"إذا ركبت دراجة نارية أو سيارة بعد شرب الخمر، فسوف تتعرض لحادث كبير، وسوف تذهب إلى الجحيم بسبب أفعالك."
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Whoever drove the vehicle after drinking the alcohol was the commonly big sins whenever people noticed. Sometimes, someone was victimized in the deadly race tracks in hell after drunk and driving. The demon of the driver named Velocicrushus, a racer demon who replaced legs with deadly cars, a large hands, and a helmet racer.
A man named Richard Longsburg, a business man who always worked in the office. However, his taxes was higher than previous ones. Richard started to loose all of the money to increase the tax. Due to the breaking his economy, his wife was divorced to make better her life than before. Richard started to drink too much alcohol while he was crying. The butler noticed that he was the only man who broke his heart.
At nighttime, he became a drunk and couldn't control himself to do anything right. However, he tried to go to home by a car, but that was too dangerous when he was alcoholic. However, it was too late. He completely drove crazily and felt drunk while driving until his car was crashed immediately
In the hell, he woke up and trapped in the race track before racer devils approached him by the cars. The fearsome championship racer, Velocicrushus, was going to crush him into bloody souly flat. When it approached him, he was crashed and squeezed until his organs were pulled out. No one could protect him from that demon.
In summary, drinking alcohol while driving is the worst thing that could get accident during alcoholism. So, we mustn't drink alcohol when you lost the job.
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 4 months ago
"إذا تبولت على السرير أثناء النوم، سيصاب والديك بالصدمة والحرج. ومع ذلك، إذا كنت تتبول في مكان عشوائي، فعليك التنظيف كعقاب"
"寝ているときにベッドでおしっこをしてしまったら、親はショックを受けて恥ずかしい思いをするでしょう。 ただし、適当な場所で放尿した場合は、罰として掃除をしなければなりません。"
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Like Krakenavus who killed the victims for littering into the ocean, the demon killed them with bunch of the deadly in the waves that could bite them into pieces. The Surfuro, the surfer demon who created the tsunamis with deadly sharks
A boy named Jinny, he always bullied in the class. He always threatened in the school for making something worse than other. He tried to vandalize the school and ruined everything in the school.
One day, his parents forbade him to go outside, but he tried to steal motorcycle and threaten around the territory. Jinny started to abuse everything cruelly. He started to cracked the windows and stole the motorcycle. When he arrived at the village nearly the coast, he was peeing on the wall along with his bully gangs. They cracked the arts and anything until they reached to the coast before everyone caught them. He had escaped from riots since he stole the boat.
Later, they threw the trash into the coast to make ruining places over time, and they pee into the. Suddenly, the boat was floating away, and Jinny realized that the tsunami was getting higher. He saw the demon, Surfuro, who was surfing to kill them with bunch of the deadly sharks. Jinny was shocked until his gangs were died from being eaten and drowned into the ocean.
As we are environmentalism, we know that trashes in the coast makes the beach clean. Also, we can protect the coast as well as keeping the ocean fresh from the dirty and smelly things, like peeing in the ocean
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 4 months ago
"يتعرض الناس للمضايقات الجسدية واللفظية بسبب أوزانهم، وغالبًا ما يأكلون كثيرًا أو قليلًا جدًا. بل إن المستهزئين به يعتبرون متكبرين، والمتكبرون مكروهون عند الله كثيرا"
"人々は、体重のせいで身体的、口頭でからかわれ、しばしば食べすぎたり、食べすぎたりしてきました。 確かに、彼を嘲笑する人々は傲慢であると見なされ、傲慢な人々はアッラーから非常に嫌われます。"
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Everyone was still healthy and keep their lives from getting infections. Also, many of people always kept their diet when they were obese. However, with the new demon, it could force the victims to lift the heavy dumbbell as their punishment. Muscularus, a workout exercise demon.
A boy named Danny Hilltop who always ate the junk foods until he understood what caused if he ate too much of them. Later, he grew up and his muscles were fitted to get stronger. When anyone suspiciously told other that he had in diet since he was fat, they mocked at him as their jokes.
Many days ago, he joined the muscle competition during his decision. However, his bullies appeared to the contest and said that he formerly being fat and they uploaded the photos out of him. He couldn't take longer of them, so he decided to join it without being listening to them.
When the bullies were stuck onto the floor, they couldn't get entering to the contest. Apparently, Muscularus gave them a punishment for mocking anyone and posted the pictures of the victims into social media. With the heavier dumbbells, it forced them to do exercise strictly and sadistically. Until they couldn't lift them, they were severely crashed until the blood around the hall. The God couldn't protect them due to their mockery.
Sometimes, if we are bullied verbally, keep silent to prevent more aggressive. However, if you like to be on diet, make sure we will be helped how to be on diet. In that case, don't eating too much food and junk foods that are better than healthy foods.
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 5 months ago
"يتم طرد أي شخص ينتهك قواعد الرياضة عدة مرات من المنافسة. في الواقع، من المهم جدًا الانتباه إلى القواعد الرياضية والهدف هو تجنب التسبب في المزيد من الانتهاكات."
"يايها الذين امنوا انّما الخمر والميسر والانصاب والازلام رجس من عمل الشّيطن فاجتنبوه لعلّكم تفلحون"
"スポーツのルールに数回違反した人は競技から追放されます。 実際、スポーツルールに注意を払うことは非常に重要であり、その目的はさらなる違反を避けることです。"
"おお、信じる者よ、確かに、カムルを(飲む)、ギャンブルをする、偶像に(犠牲を払う)、矢で大金を引くことは、悪魔の行為の一つである。 したがって、幸運を得るために、それらの行動は避けてください。"
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Every players of the different sports might follow the rules in each sports. However, when anyone broke the rules, they might get warned up due to the violations. Also, gambling better than the sports was commonly sins. With the demon, it could attack gambler or sports violators with the basketball strangely, named it Dunkronus.
A man named Brian Longward, a professional football player in Great Britain. Brian was excited to play against other team opponents. He practiced football before the football match was about to begin. However, the coach told the other teams, and he said that there was a problem in the stadium.
Someone was trying to make the prediction about the team's scores. Although, who made the prediction had been gambling. Brian tried to way beating the opponents without the following the weird rules. Luckily, the team's strategies was more powerful. Many days later, the football match was beginning, and the team was prepared.
Later that, the match was ended with Brian's team won. However, a gambler who made prediction had ruined. Then, his data had been taxed out due to the gambling overused. When he went to the hell, he saw the Dunkronus who dribbled the basketball. When it approached him, it hit his face with a basketball by throwing it until he died from being tortured
People should respect what according to the other or follow the rules. This isn't about sport story, but this has the conclusion that gambling isn't good for the economy as well as cheating.
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 5 months ago
"يزود الله البشر بأنواع مختلفة من الحيوانات للقتل والأكل. وحتى طريقة ذبح الحيوان المأكول لا يمكن أن تكون عشوائية، وحتى لو لم يذبح حيوان في سبيل الله، فيحرم أكله. قد يتم قتل بعض الحيوانات من أجل الغذاء، ولكن بعضها محظور."
"ولكن من قتل حيوانا بإفراط ولا يرحم لعنه الله بالحيوان الذي يريد قتله."
"アッラーは人間に殺して食べるためのさまざまな種類の動物を与えます。 たとえ食べられる動物を殺す方法であっても無計画であってはならず、たとえ動物がアッラーの名の下に屠殺されなかったとしても、それを食べることは禁じられています。 食用に殺される動物もいますが、禁止されている動物もいます。"
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Everyone often loved animals for the rest of their life, and they always protected them from pollution. However, someone had been killed because they had hated the animals. As the zoophobia demon, the zoologist explorer demon-like beast, Zoocrampus. Zoocrampus had the sharks on his hand, a lion on his torso, and the eagle as his face. His roles was to punish anyone who hated animals to get revenge on them. He cursed anyone to get punishment with brutal animals who wanted to get revenge.
A girl named Eliana Zonia. She was living in Great Britain when her father when to the Africa. When she grew up, she went to the Africa just like her father, and she explored to the Africa. She saw the beautiful biomes in the Africa, and she took the picture. However, she strangely confused where the animals go. Although, Eliana continued to travel until people of the Africa noticed that the animals had been killed massively.
When she was the journey, she reported to the everyone to stop killing animals in the Africa, making animal abusers stop killing them. She spent to write the journey and posted the articles that she wanted everyone to stop killing animals and protect them. Suddenly, when she heard the notification on her cellphone, she found out that who killed the animals was Alex, her friends who always hated animals.
When she went to the police officer, she met Alex what happened to the animals that she loved. When she met him about that, he said that he had been sick to be distracted by the animals. When the zoophobia demon-like beast, Zoocrampus, Zoocrampus sent Alex to hell, and Eliana saw and was shocked that Alex had been kidnapped by the demonic beast. When Alex was sent to hell, Zoocrampus prepared to give him a punishment by sending brutal animals to kill him as their revenge. Alex was stomped, was bitten, was slashed, and more until he died from being killed by the animals. Eliana ran away from the police station when she saw the demon who wanted to kill victims next time.
Animals are loved by everyone who wanted to protect ecosystem from not only pollution but also decreasing animals for killing them. So, let's make a peace between humans and animals to prevent ecosystem crisis.
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 5 months ago
"إن الله يبغض البليغ من الإنس الذي يشذب لسانه كما يشذب البقرة لسانها."
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Sometimes, that people used the bad words always got the bad luck. However, someone who was attacked by the demon who played skateboard. The Streetdeath, the skateboarder demon who always heard that anyone had said the bad words.
A boy named Marco Marquez, a descent from the family from Mexico. He always learned Spanish and listened to the news from neighbor county of the US. However, Marco had changed his life when anyone were gamers. Marco tried to play video games, but many of the players always used the swear words. In that case, he should leave the game immediately and try to find way better.
Marco went walk quietly, but he heard someone who said the bad words. Streetdeath appeared and spoke to him, "Keep swearing". However, Marco didn't like to say the bad words, but some bad guys tried to bully him. They said the swear words until he couldn't take it anymore. Once he saw many skateboarder demons to block around him, they shouted, "Bad words". Later, he finally said the bad words but sadly was crashed by the skateboard. Although, he was faint before he was beaten by them, they were arrested by police.
If you are a good believers, don't say the swear words better than normal words. They are not good and make someone being enemy of us. So, keep your hearts and speak from swearing.
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 5 months ago
"فالأكل والشرب والحقن بكل ما يضرك حرام عليك."
"الستيرويدات ليست مخدرات، لكنها أكثر خطورة على الرياضيين. ومع ذلك، يتم استخدام المنشطات تجريبيًا فقط من قبل خبراء الصحة وعلماء الكيمياء"
"ステロイドは麻薬ではありませんが、アスリートにとって��より危険です。 ただし、ステロイドは健康専門家や化学科学者によって実験的にのみ使用されています。"
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Sometimes, athletes used steroid to increase power ability without taking any risk. However, the steroid could be seriously dangerous when anyone they used. With the demon, that would hit anyone after using steroid. Spikustroid, a volleyball player demon who approached to attack victims when they using the drugs.
A man named David Strongman. He always went to the gym, but he didn't enjoy power to the challenge Olympic 2024. When he met the doctor and used the steroid to increase his strong ability, he became more powerful to beat everyone.
Many years ago, he had beat the world in Olympic 2024 and got collecting all of the medals. However, his muscles became weakness by deflating his body which everyone mad at him and rematch the game. However, he got fainted and heart attack until he passed away.
Later, he had entered to the hell. Grim reaper called, "Spikustroid!". Spikustroid tried to beat David for cheating on the sports for using the steroid. Spikustroid smashed the volleyball to hit David's head until his was exploded repeatedly until the day of the judgement.
If you want to get stronger and beat anyone, don't use the steroid which it's bad for the athletics. So, let's stop using steroid to keep our life alive.
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 5 months ago
"ويرى المؤمنون ضحايا يتعرضون للضرب على يد شياطين جدد تكون آثارهم مثل الملاكمين. قال: يا أيها الملك ما أصاب سكانا شيطان جديد. أجاب الملاك: " أعرف ما هو الشيطان الجديد، لكن المعذب هو شخص قام بضرب الممتلكات حتى تم تدميرها بالكامل"."
"信者たちは、ボクサーのような効果をもたらす新たな悪魔に殴打される犠牲者を目撃している。 「天使よ、何という住民が新たな悪魔に襲われたのだろう」と彼は言いました。 天使は「新しい悪魔が何なのかは知りませんが、拷問を受けている被害者は宝物を破壊されるまで叩きつけながら暴れまわった人物です」と答えた。"
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Anyone who wanted to do anything could wish to tell what they wanted. However, sometimes they were berserk to destroy any precious property if their parents ignore. When they finally got the new something important, he would get a bad luck from the God. Punch-o-crushus was the boxer demon who always punched anyone after being ignorance of the parent's opinion
A teen-age boy named Xavier Biltmore. He always wanted to buy something cool to make more friends. He wanted to ask his parents to buy a motorcycle, but they ignored his wish, because he didn't have a driver license. Continuously, he repeatedly asked his parents until he became berserk and destroyed everything in his house. So, his parents decided to buy a new motorcycle but they had ran out of money. When he rode it anywhere unless he wore the helmet, he was immediately crashed by a car and not careful accidentally.
When he was died, he was sent to the hell, because he had done impatiently and cruelly. He saw the infamous boxer demon, Punch-o-crushus, crashing him with the deadly boxing gloves and bleed his head repeatedly until the rise of the apocalypse appeared.
Sometimes, we always wish through imagination and want to ask our parents first, and the importance is to respect them without taking impatient.
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 5 months ago
"أولئك الذين يدخنون في كثير من الأحيان عندما يكونون في سن المراهقة سوف يصابون بالسرطان"
"تم اختطاف كل ضحية من قبل أحد الشياطين الطائرة المتوجهة إلى جزيرة مجهولة. فقال المؤمن: إنهم من الشياطين الذين يعذبون الضحايا الذين أحرقوا القمامة بالكامل حتى لم يبق منها شيء."
"犠牲者はそれぞれ、未知の島に向かう空飛ぶ悪魔の一人によって誘拐されました。 信者は「彼らはゴミがなくなるまで完全に燃やした被害者を拷問する悪魔の一人だ」と語った。"
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Anyone saw the something that could fly through to the sky when they didn't know what that was. However, someone was kidnapped and sent to the terror of the islands by the devils who were commanded by the skypilot demon, Aerocrampus. Aerocrampus was the professional skypilot demon who travelled around the earth to hunt some victims who were smoking or burning the trash to create ashes. He liked to smell it, and he tried to command other devils to kidnap them
A 15-year old boy name Miguel Portelino, living in the Mexico. He was enthusiastic of smoking, alcohol, and more. He didn't repent to the God, because he was atheist. Other atheists worried about his activities, but he continued to do bad. When he was aggressive, he threw the alcohol with fire to the house, trash, or even cars, or anywhere. Also, he tried to hijack any planes, transportation, and more due to his alcoholism.
Suddenly, something appeared to approach him. When he thought that was a bird or planet, he saw the devil who tried to kidnap him. Miguel was kidnapped and was sent to the dangerous islands. The devil released him from the sky, and he saw the pilot like demon who liked to smell smoking. Miguel was scared to have anxiety. He tried to escape, but there was no way to let him escape. Aerocrampus started to kill brutally by taking him a bite or threw him to the spikes and impaled
Being smoking doesn't have any risks, but the importance is to prevent it and keep our organs alive. Also, we should keep the air resources clear and preventing from the pollution.
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countryanthromorphicmrrf · 5 months ago
"والسّارق والسّارقة فاقطعوا ايديهما جزاءً بما كسبا نـكالًا مّن اللّٰه واللّٰه عزيز حكيم"
"كانت هناك عدة مجموعات من قراصنة الشيطان الذين أتوا من بحر الضباب وحاولوا إجبار الجاني الذي قطعت يده على السقوط في البحر المليء بأسماك القرش الرهيبة. قال المؤمن هم قراصنة الشياطين الذين يحبون تعذيب الناس الذين سرقوا الأموال."
"霧の海からやって来た悪魔の海賊団は、手を切り落とした犯人を恐ろしいサメが跋扈する海に落とそうとする集団だった。 信者は「彼らは財産を盗んだ人々を拷問するのが好きな悪魔の海賊だ」と語った。"
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The demon appeared with couples of the demonic pirate crews who tortured the doers whose stole the properties like money, treasure, and more. Captain Marcus Hellicus was the pirate demon and had 99 pirate crew devils who tortured someone whose stole property
A wealthy man named Jack Wealthmore. He was the richest person among of his workers. He professionally job in the office whom had the best office in his life. However, the taxes was given to the everyone in the office by the grand boss. Jack was shocked due to the increasing amount tax. His tax was higher than before, he would be fired if he didn't pay the tax. He tried to work harder, but his salary was just less. So, Jack became a madness and had a full of the anxiety to the tax. Although, he tried to find a way, so his tax could be payed.
He went home and found the money from the treasure. He also sneaked the neighbor's house for stealing the money. Once he had stolen, he ran by a car to the office for paying the tax. Suddenly, the trucks approached his car that was going to be crashed. His car was sent to the river, and Jack was drowned down. Although when he woke up, he saw the among of the pirate crews that were devils. He saw the demon pirate that he suddenly arrived. "Arrg... You have a bad time", said Captain Marcus Hellicus. Jack was scared, but the devils cut his hand off. Hellicus went to the deadly island with full of the deadly creatures. Hellicus forced Jack to jump down onto the ocean that was full of the dangerous shark. Hellicus said, "Are you going to be live or died from deadly shark". Hellicus threw Jack onto the ocean, and Jack was dead due to the stealing property.
In conclusion, stealing property can be a risk whatever feel about it. Officially, thieves can be arrested due to the stealing property like gold, money, etc.. Also, the government bans being criminals due to not respectful and injustice.
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