countdelaflu-blog · 7 years
Hums under his breath and shakes his lower body just enough before noticing it. Continues to move his head to side to side, making all types of passionate faces. 
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
"There's a tendency of yours that makes you charming." They're not going to explain.
This confuses the fighter. A tendency? Him, charming? He just had to ask, he needed to know. Can’t blame a boy for trying.
“Is it the way I talk? Some people say I talk funny... but I don’t think I talk funny. Maybe it’s the accent, but isn’t mine just normal? I mean, yeah, there are so many people coming from different places... most fighters have this thick Russian accent? They come from the colonies, but they still speak English super well, sometimes even better than me, and I can only tell where they are from for the accent. So it could be the accent? I think there is French people in here too, I’d love to have them speaking something in French to me. I heard it’s the language of love, but I never understood why. Is it because it’s soft? I once heard someone say something in French in TV, but I didn’t feel it was like... super soft or that felt like love. German, for me, it’s the language of love, but it’d only because it’s my mom’s mother tongue and she used to sing to me in German when I was little? So that, for me, that’s love right there. A mother’s love can be understood no matter what language, right? Oh! Then does that means that every languange is the language of love? No, wait... that was just my idea there. What was the... oh yeah! Charming, huh? I doubt that biting my nails makes me charming, so... won’t you tell me? Maybe I could try to improve that tendency? Oh, but what if I become too aware of it and it loses its charm? That would be terrible, like... like this time when someone told me they liked the way I said something, and then I tried to copy myself because I never really paid attention before and... and then they said that it was gone, whatever I did wasn’t there anymore. I ruined the thing they liked. So it’s better if you don’t tell me, but thanks for letting me know. I... I know I’m not very smart when it comes to social interactions, I still don’t know what’s wrong with me? I mean, I don’t know what to do to make people like me but I guess they just... don’t hate me? So that’s good? And it’s nice to know that something I do it’s charming.”
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
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weird but cute haha xx
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
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John Karna
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
me, with tears in my eyes: time to make a joke
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
imagine not hating yourself
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
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ISS Symphony
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
hello hello 
this post is to let you all know, those who are still around to read it, that i am currently under a lot of athos muse and that i want to transform this blog into a better version of itself, so expect some changes! also, if you’d like to interact, i’d love to too!
so either like this post for a random ass starter or just come talk to me about plots!
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
"Kids at school are bastards. They were probably jealous that you were friends with a kid like Billy Myers and decided to make you feel bad. Your dad's a dick, and you can love someone without being in love with them. But being gay isn't bad right, doesn't mean you're a fairy. Otherwise me and Ee are the biggest fairies. Giant princess-y fairies. Sparkles following along our gay asses and shit. Kids are assholes bro, you're cool."
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It was hard to imagine Porthos and Erebus in pink dresses with pointy hats and sparkles all over... but that didn’t make them any different from what they were, and Athos had always tried not to think about that. Their sexual preference made him uncomfortable -just like everyone else’s that represented everything he had  been taught was bad through mockery and physical hurt, but theirs were what bothered him the most because he really admire them. He told himself over and over again what his navigator had just told him: being gay isn’t bad, and love is love in every form of it, but it would take him a lot more to just be able to shake the bad feeling off of his head.
“Y-yeah, you are right. Thanks. I’m not really cool, no... not really, no... I... I will go get some coffee. Want some?”
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
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“I’m Athos! Porthos’ fighter! You know, the big guy who is always with Phobos? I bet you know Phobos, at least... he isn’t the best example of friendly person... but I can’t ask Porthos to not be his friend, seeing that maybe he’s his only friend? But I don’t like the way he influences my navigator. Not that I am his father or anything, he can do whatever he wants and meet whoever he wants, he’s a really good man and I am very lucky to have him as my partner. I am not as famous as you, of course, but I am hanging in there. We met a few times on the Mess hall? But it’s ok if you don’t remember, we didn’t get to talk too much at all. Where did you say your bunker was? For a second there I almost headed towards mine. Easy there, baby steps, like they say...”
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     Was there some sort of unwritten rule not to strangle someone who was trying to help you? Pretty sure that was etiquette. Or whatnot. If he thought he could handle another kick in the anywhere he might be inclined to smack the back of that head and risk it. Better to just…let him ramble. Lifting his arm to sling over the other, he shuffles to his feet, whimpering softly when his thigh closes on a sore ball.
     “Fuck… Who the hell are you anyways?” He looked familiar, and he swears he’d remember anyone who talked even half this much.
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
"Athos. Buddy. Kiddo. Bro. Everyone knows you're not gay. You don't have to keep reminding everyone. It's cool, no homo, all bromo. Ok bro? Chill."
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“I am NOT! I am not, but maybe they don’t know? They keep asking me gay things and try to make me look gay and I’m not? No one messes with you, Porthos, you don’t understand... dad always told me I was a fag and the kids at school called me a fag too? And my brother said some nasty things about me that weren’t true! I never tried to kiss Billy Myers, ok? And I am not in love with him! I never was! He was a really smart person who just happened to talk to me a bit and... and then he told me he couldn’t talk to me anymore because I was gay and in love with him. I liked him a real lot, alright? But I don’t think that’s love, that’s just called friendship! I think I’d know when I am in love with someone, mostly if they are a man, right? But I won’t fall in love with a man, because I am not a fag, I am not gay, I am not queer, I am not the queen of fairies like they called me! And these people think I am! But I am not and I have to tell them so they can actually understand, Porthos!”
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
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“He is? Do you think it’s maybe because I went into his room again last night? He didn’t seem to be too mad about it, though, he never does... have you ever seen him mad? How is he when he’s mad? Or bored? Or just... just annoyed? Do you think he’s annoyed at me? When I get really tired I don’t really know how I end up in his room, and waking up next to him isn’t that bad for me, but maybe it is for him? Do you think he doesn’t want to sleep together anymore? I mean, no homo, broski, amirite? But sometimes I just get really cold and having someone else in the bed with me it’s like... like just right, you know? What do you say?”
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Hemera stared at the tsunami of words that the other fighter was building up to unleash on him and for a brief moment, the blond considered how quickly he could get to the air lock to blast himself out into space, but instead stood his ground trying to numb himself from the onslaught of words.
“Athos– Athos— ATHOS!” he tried to interrupt before he started gaining momentum, “Have you seen Erebus?  I could have sworn he was looking for you.”
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
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“Wow, that’s a really cool taskname! What does it mean? Which character of history or old tales is it? Porthos, my navigator, told me that Athos and Porthos were two of three... three or four musketeers? It took me a while to actually learn that word, it’s such a funny and hard one, isn’t it? But they were like soldiers? So that’s sorta really cool, right? Yours sounds like a disease, but many times I learn that the disease has the name of the one that discovered it? So maybe Pollux was the one discovering the... uhm... the chickenpox? When I was a child I had it and when mom told me the name I thought it was a sort of food? Because it sounds like food, right? Don’t you think? Did you have it when you were a child? A really bad case of it? That’s why your skin is like that?”
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「 “..Pollux.”
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countdelaflu-blog · 8 years
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Cain owing him? Yes, please.
“I am breathing, otherwise I’d have died a long time ago... some people say I developed a new pair of lungs so I can go without doing it for a while but that’s not true? Porthos sometimes listen to me when he has the time, and Erebus too? And some other people that can only stick around for short periods of time, since everyone is so busy? Being busy is good, keeps you from thinking unnecessary things, amirite? Mostly when you are in deep space and you are fighting these extra large bug looking aliens and knowing you could die at any given moment away from your home and family... well, that sounded really depressing, and I think it is, but there is no reason why we can’t keep ourselves positives, right? Here, let me help you, I won’t talk much I promise. But hey, did you know that long ago people wouldn’t believe in aliens? And would call crazy to those who did? Amazing how there were so many things we didn’t know back then and we still don’t know right now? Are you ok there? Can you walk? Don’t be shy, get a hard grip ok? I can take you.”
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     Okay. He’s instantly regretting his decision to let this guy help him, but he did have the good sense to bring ice. Several times he opens his mouth to tell him he could make it on his own now, but there was no opportunity beneath the onslaught of words. Jesus fucking Christ, who gave this kid sugar?
     “Whoa, easy there, breathe. You…don’t get to talk much do you? Just kinda store that all away for a wandering ear? Might wanna warn someone next time, y’know? Just…get me to my room and I’ll owe you one. Without all the chatter.”
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