19 posts
Crazy cat lady and an okay artist. I'll probably talk about Genshin and Undertale a lot. Or just nothing at all because I don't post much. XD
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cosmiccat09 · 4 months ago
Whoever made up the name of the phobia of long words must've been giggling so hard to themselves
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cosmiccat09 · 8 months ago
if you’re against mihoyo’s colourism, racism and cultural appropriation, i implore you to sign the petition linked below! (it only takes a second)
i also urge you to ;
refrain from spending money on ANY of mihoyo’s titles, including merchandise!
send feedback via in-game means and/or write emails to mihoyo in context of their colourism, racism and inaccurate representation.
leave one-star reviews on mihoyo’s games on play store or app store and ALSO follow the one-star reviews with written ones, again highlighting their inaccurate representation.
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cosmiccat09 · 1 year ago
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Been a while since I posted something! I'm honestly not really happy with this, it came out pretty differently to how I'd imagined but oh well, it happens. Merry Christmas, anyone who sees this! :D
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cosmiccat09 · 2 years ago
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cosmiccat09 · 2 years ago
Nilou!! 💃🌊
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cosmiccat09 · 3 years ago
I drew Yoimiya!!
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cosmiccat09 · 3 years ago
Hi, hello, would you like if we follow each other?
Hi! Sure, that'd be cool! :)
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cosmiccat09 · 3 years ago
As soon as I saw Yelan, I had to draw her :D
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cosmiccat09 · 3 years ago
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.. has this been done yet?
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cosmiccat09 · 3 years ago
I drew the Raiden Shogun :D
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cosmiccat09 · 4 years ago
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This is graphic but VERY important. I’m MF TIED of pro lifers who cannot see further than the end of their nose
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cosmiccat09 · 4 years ago
Tessa | 20 | Fontaine | Vision: Anemo | Weapon: Claymore
Tessa character post
@coolcats09​ :)
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hazels story below the cut
Keep reading
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cosmiccat09 · 4 years ago
I haven't posted in a while so here
I like Undertale.
I drew the biggest one for its 5th anniversary but didn't use tumblr much then so I never posted it but
Have some art :D
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cosmiccat09 · 4 years ago
Fire bean uwu
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cosmiccat09 · 4 years ago
Aaa hi!!
So, here's a genshin oc I made!
(This is for an event so, anyone who's seeing this who doesn't know about the event, a lot of this probably won't make sense but, you're welcome to read about my random genshin oc if you'd like to!)
Honestly I'm pretty awkward when talking about any ocs I create since I'm not that creative and kinda get worried that people may think they're weird or boring or whatever, but, I thought this event might be pretty fun so, I decided to join! :D
I.. think seeing who you would match them with would be nice since, I have no idea who my character would pair with XD
Aaaa okay so
I named her Tessa
She's 20
From Fontaine (but she moves to Snezhnaya while she's young)
She's a Claymore user with an Anemo vision!
She values trust, courage and growth!
Positivity, dogs, going out drinking, and she's a big adrenaline junkie so probably doing risky/dangerous things too lol
Simple, mundane things, being in one place for too long, entitled people
She's very laid back! Rarely gets angry and has a lot of control over her emotions. She's quite a joker and is very easy to talk to/get along with.
Ooohhhkay so-
I kinda created a lot of her likes, dislikes and values from her background.
I gave her quite a sad background. A father who cared more about his work and a mother who wasn't around very often. She got into trouble a lot and began lying/being secretive. This is why she values trust and growth, she grew to learn that lying is bad and now loves when people can trust her!
Well, her father lost his job and spent the little money left to move to Snezhnaya, hoping the change in opportunities and scenery would be a good start to getting back on track. However, he got sick, forcing Tessa to have to find a job for hersel to keep them both alive. She ended up joining the Fatui, even though she dislikes what they do, and started using fighting and the adrenaline rush from it as a way to distract herself from her stressful home life. With the money she got from there, she looked after him as best she could until he passed. She became a harbinger (idk what number, I guess I'm adding a 12th now lol) and, now with her great fighting abilities and a great amount of money, she became more carefree and relaxed. This is why she values courage, as she sees having to join such a dangerous group in order to survive and getting to the point she's at now as courageous.
Oooo okay fun facts!
1: I imagine because both her and Childe love fighting, they'd get along quite well and maybe have occasional sparring matches. I also imagine they'd be drinking buddies lol
2: She likes positivity because she's quite optimistic. She likes to believe anything is possible with enough effort, and tries to not let anything drag her down.
3: She's bisexual! 💗💜💙
4: She dislikes entitled people because of her childhood being stressful/sad. She hates when people complain about something small and silly, rather than being appreciative. Especially if it's something to do with their parents, as Tessa, as a child, tried almost everything to get her parents love and attention, and was appreciative of even the smallest things they gave her.
5: Even though she's a harbinger and works for the Fatui, she doesn't really see herself as bad. She loves fighting but hates harming people unnecessarily, and would only do so if it's needed for her job. Outside of the Fatui, she sees herself as any ordinary person.
6: Her hair is half green/turquoise type colour and half purple because of her vision being Anemo and her delusion is Electro!
Sorry this is so long aaa but I hope people like her! And I hope this is enough info for the event! :D
Also, heres a very quick and very messy picture I drew of how I imagine her :D
With a very uncreative outfit on XD
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cosmiccat09 · 4 years ago
TW// Mentions of sexualising minors, pedophilia, just gross stuff like that
AVOID @/Genshin-Sinpact
They sexualise Klee, Diona and Qiqi and admitted they enjoy writing about it and almost boast about how messed up it is so uhm
The amount of pedophilia and gross stuff on that page almost made me sick
PLEASE block them! I wouldn't suggest reporting rn since a few have and if too many do it'll clog up the system and less will get done :(
Also, if possible, spread word about this to make sure as many people as possible avoid this account. I don't want anyone to get hurt or anything from their posts. They are genuinely messed up. :/
Also if you support this kind of stuff, at all, or think it's even the slightest bit okay, block me. Don't interact with me at all. I don't care what you have to say. This sort of stuff is not right.
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cosmiccat09 · 4 years ago
I like to imagine Childe pets the dogs in Liyue..
Art by me :D
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