Deda and her attempt to swim
44 posts
21 year-old costume design student. This is my art blog - due to ongoing projects mostly fanarts and a sprinkle of OCs...? And uses Tumblr as an outlet for her inner fangirl
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cosiamdeda · 6 years ago
Let me correct my statement:
The writers of Code Geass are sadistic b*tches.
See you after my mental breakdown, when I'm finished with the series.
First post after 2 year hiatus:
Code Geass S1 Ep 22 is complete sh*te.
See you next month. Bye
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cosiamdeda · 6 years ago
First post after 2 year hiatus:
Code Geass S1 Ep 22 is complete sh*te.
See you next month. Bye
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
When you’ve got so much to say about the new snk chapter, but exams next week don’t allow you to get distracted... Aaargh
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
The current state of my workspace. 
Under the piles of paper are even more books. But research is almost done! Two weeks to go!
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
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The Blacksmiths
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
I just finished the second ep and the parallels between piloting the Franxx and sex is, for my taste, a little bit too much shoved in your face. 
But I actually really like that the kids don't really seem to know the concept of sex as we know it and that it is seen more as a “mechanic” act and a necessity. Especially with those references to botany (like that the children are bred, that the partners are called stamen and pistil and that the mechs are named after flowers), you can really see the society’s rather cold approach to the whole subject. Although I like the idea that in spite of all that the pilots mostly react like normal humans to the connecting part, I don’t really like the portrayal of it. It’s... well, awkwardly over-sexualised (but well... it’s anime).
I just hope that they are going to do something meaningful with it and doesn’t stay with “we’re deep, ‘cause metaphors” and the end the anime is just hollow (because Kiznaiver is a little bit like that).
Long story short: I’m still on the fence about franxx. I don’t know if it is a deep show with fan service or a fan service show trying to be deep.
So the people who seem to be saying that darling in the franxx is just a show about specializing characters that show boobs and ass for fan service seem to be missing the point .
The whole point of the show is to demonstrate how true cooperation and unity can only be displayed by people who can truly trust one another even at their most vulnerable. Sex can be seen as another allegory or metaphor for how tha show protrays it, as you can only really trust someone with that kind of intimacy if it’s someone who you’re really compatible with.
Saying that it’s just a fan service show just kind of devalues the themes it’s trying to convey. And it’s pretty boring when when you think like that too because the show is kinda beyond that.
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
midnite dressmaking by JUNKU NISHIMURA Via Flickr: Making kimono is a work of patience.
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
On Mr. Waititi’s sense of Aesthetic
I’ve been marathoning interviews of my favourite people in the film industry the last couple days (since I’ve got a real nasty flu again hooray!) and I just have to say:
I love that Taika Waititi has such a great sense of fashion and aesthetic. There are directors who still low-key (and sometimes not that low-key) dismiss the costume department and think you just put some clothes together and that’s it (which you don’t and sometimes a contemporary piece can be much harder than a historic piece).  Or maybe that is a phenomenon that only happens in theatre productions and on sets, it is a whole different story since I’ve never worked on a movie set.
But with Taika Waititi I’ve got the feeling that he knows, that costumes are extremely important for characterization and pays a lot of attention to it... Or he just works with brilliant costume designers. Either way that’s one reason why I love his films so much. 
And above all, he is such a charming and funny person and seems to be such a cool guy to work with/for.
Long story short: I am such a big fan of him and I’d love to work on his set someday, even if it’s only being the assistant of the assistant of the assistant.
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
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The To Do List
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
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Happy New Year!
I wish everyone all the best in 2018
I was with my two best friends from childhood when the clock struck midnight.
With whom did you spend the start of the new year?
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
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Ren Suzu
Suzu is the third youngest child of the clan and the older twin. Her duty is to protect the head of the clan and she is proud to be chosen to guard her beloved Big Sis.
She is head-strong and very outspoken, sometimes to a fault. What she hates most is, when her family gets hurt or experience injustice. She loves to compete with others and takes pride in being the fastest runner/fighter in the family. 
Due to the many shenanigans, she does with her twin brother, they are called “the twin tornado” by their family members.  But since she worries about other people’s opinion, she often stops her brother from going overboard.
She always wears the hair clip she got from her late mother.
[preview][Keiko Rika]
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
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The Blessing
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
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The Swap
@automaticinternetyouth here is a little Christmas gift from me to you!
I guess we got each other :)
@personasecretsanta2k17 thanks for the great idea!
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
A little Update:
Sorry for not posting anything. After that back incident I got a really bad flu and now I’m a little bit stressed out since I have to catch up a lot of work for Uni and my theater project.
I will start posting again during the Holidays!
So stayed tuned :)
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
Hi Guys,
Just wanted to tell you: There will be no new character chart this week (or generally no post until next week probably). I don't know how I did it, but a muscle blocked (...? Is that the correct English expression?) between my shoulder blade and spine and it's slowly spreading over my whole body. I can still move, but well... It's limited and drawing is really hard right now. So sorry guys! But when I'm better I will post two charts at once!
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
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Keiko Rika
Rika is the third oldest child. She is an apothecary and the “Mom” of the siblings. Loves to cook (since it’s like chemistry) and adores horses and dogs. She can keep a cool head in stressful situations but is totally helpless when there is family drama or she is emotionally hurt. Harmony is very important for her.
The big case she’s always carrying is her mini-laboratory with all sorts of herbs, chemical ingredients, and tools. She fights with a spear, which she stores in a seal on her wrist when she’s not fighting.
Note: The art between the different character charts might be a little bit inconsistent since I’m still figuring out the coloring and brushes for the final comic
[Preview][Ren Suzu]
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cosiamdeda · 7 years ago
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The Clan
So... *heavy breathing* This is a preview of my MC for my Naruto AU Fan Comic.
I’ve been prepping a while and I’m not quite done yet (still need to design some characters for the first couple chapters and finish the story outline)
But I guess I’m ready to release the character charts of the main characters and a plot synopsis.
This AU has been on my mind for a couple of years now, but I think I’m now ready to realize it.
So in the next couple of weeks, you will get to know the Ryuumoto clan.
[Keiko Rika][Ren Suzu]
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