corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
A small, white parachute with a package attached falls from the sky. Inside the neat cardboard box is a little porcelain doll version of Toraido, the Second Noah of Judgement. ~S.S.
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The fat man watched the little package drop, wondering what’s inside. As the box reached his hands, he pused away the parachute, carefully opening the cardboard box.
"My, my~♡ What could possibly be in this, I wonder~?”
However, the gift inside didn’t make him feel just as pleasant. Pretending he didn’t see it, he threw the box over his shoulder and walked away, whistling.
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
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  “You know what? From now on, I think I’m going to call you Mister Christmas.” 
  Hello dear friends and roleplayers of D.Gray-Man fandom!
  As I think you have guessed, it is that time of the year again! Winter is approaching rapidly and so is Christmas! It seems that is about the time for a Secret Santa to appear for each one of you~
  The rules are pretty simple:
You have to reblog this post if you wish to participate
Likes do not count.
Entering will end on 29th of November at 12:00 p.m. +01:00 UTC.
This is for all DGM canon characters, but OCs with a DGM verse, or OCs set in the verse can participate as well.
Your askbox must be available and anonymous messaging enabled. This is very crucial.
I will be using a generator to pair everyone up, so the pairing will be completely random.
Be respectful. If your muse is not of the kindest character, then warn the mun you will be interacting with, so they can be prepared!
Message the person as often as you can! An important part of being a Secret Santa is to bring the holiday spirit with you!
Masks will be taken off on 25th of December!
  I will arrange the pairs as soon as possible, and if you have not received the url of the person you will be the Santa of until the 6th of December, then please message me!   If I do not respond in 36 hours or am unavailable, please contact:
lavibun / bacon-of-hope (the second in command) or
shonn-e (the supporting personnel),
  who both have access to me 24/7, and/or are competent to help you out, in case of trouble!
  Lets do this!
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
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639 notes · View notes
corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
// Guidelines page is up.
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
Metamorphosis | Closed with teezingnoah
"Eeeaaaarrlll!!!!" A small figure in a fluffy skirt ran into the room and threw herself to the arms of a fat man. "He is back! Joyd is baaack!!" As the child lost herself in a wave of laughter, the Earl of Millenium reached out to the red phone beside him and dialed aa short number.
"Haaaiii~ Oh! The one near the old town? Gorgeus~!"
After placing the phone back, the fat man gently held Road and put her up on her feet before taking a pink umbrella from the place it hid from its Road-tama. He opened it and put it up his head with a big grin. "Fu fu fu~! Let us take back our old and new friend, nee~♡"
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With a blink of an eye, he was slowly gliding down with Lero, down to a small weat field; he aimed the point where he could see a dark figure lying on the ground. The sun shone into his eyes and he landed a few meters away from the figure, pushing up his glasses, he took a few steps towards the newest member of his family.
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
The man nodded, agreeing her words; humans were boring indeed. Music and dance, however, amused the Earl too much for him to keep his mortal neighbours away. Her words on accepting the invitation made him giggle once more with excitement. Surrounded with the Noah, this young lady would surely be more accepting to his questions and maybe other offers, regarding her identity and their future. For now however, Adam stopped himself from thinking too far. "Oh, I sure hope we are seen as a delightful family, my lady-- My two brothers, my dear niece and nephew and their mother." He smiled, genuinely, and continued. "My sister in law cannot usually join us due to her illness, but I believe the rest of my family would enjoy your conversations."
"Oh?" The maiden couldn’t help but chuckle lightly at his words, playing along as she tried to wrack her mind for who this man could possibly be. Raising a feminine hand, she waves off his words casually as a smile adorned her features. "Surely, your secret is safe with me." she assured in a honeyed tone, "After all, not many of them can even hold a decent conversation. They’re quite boring, if you ask me." At his humble invitation, her curiosity only stirred and grew further. Arching a brow, he inclined her head slightly to visibly show her curiosity in her offer. "How kind of you, Adam. I’m sure what would be quite a treat." she paused, raising her fingers to her lips once more out of habit, "Your brothers, you say? Makes me curious to know more about your family~."
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
The cold touch in his hand forced a giggle he was trying to keep in. Oh, this was not the touch of a simple human being, it was the opposite of the empty touches those shells had. This was definitely the skin of something tempting, something the old man hadn't encountered before. He had made up his mind to figure out what... it would take time, of course. They had time. He shook his head to Saeko's words. "I am sure you are a delight, madam-- keep this a secret between you and I, but most of the families around this settlement are pretty dull for my taste." Slowly patting his fingers on the cane, he added. "The next time, if you would give us the honour to be our guest, me and my brothers would very gladly keep you good company, my lady~"
Taking into account his seeminlgy polite behaviour, the demi-god decided to mark him off as someone who wasn’t a threat to her work— so long as she played her cards right, that is. Eyes darting towards his hand for a split second, she returned the smile with her own, reaching a hand out to shake with his. Her hand was probably chilly to the touch — after all, in her current form, she was merely taking the shape of a human, was she not? Her smile only turned into one of amusement at his sincerely kind words. "My my, surely, you jest." the female mused, "I don’t believe we’ve met before— Ah, I tend to avoid gatherings at high society’s. I suppose you could say I’m the opposite of what they consider the ‘life of the party’, so to say."
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
The dark haired man tilted his head, his smile growing wider. Observing her fair features as she talked, he passed the cane to his other hand, and reached out gently, opening his hand in an inviting manner. "You can call me Adam, my lady." Keeper of the Asylum, huh. Surely, this could be the reason of the raise of his work in this town. If so, what an enjoyable ally would the beautiful woman make. "Have we possibly encountered before, may I ask? I enjoy throwing balls in my humble place for the high society but I am sure I would remember such a remarkable lady as yourself."
Saeko noted the excitement that was practically oozing out of his aura. The strange sensation of this man was making her cringe internally — something about him was off, different even, if you may. What bothered her the most, is that she couldn’t exactly pin-point it, either. It didn’t seem as if he were a god — nor a demi-god, at that. He seemed almost human. That is what struck a few chords of uncertainty within her. Arching a silver brow, the bluenette hummed as she gave her response. "Mm? Why, of course, sir." the demon-lady replied in a silvery tone, removing her hand from her face to dangle at her side. "I am Saeko. Keeper of the Asylum. Who might you be, my good sir?"
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
The demonic aura that was all around the lady was attracting his curiosity, as he walked closer to the lady with a more polite smile. "Would you care to honour me with your name, my lady?" he prompted, amber eyes locked on the indigo. The excitement for the new possible toy was boiling inside his chest -- it had been a pleasurable encounter, indeed.
"My, my... Look what we have here~!" The black haired man bowed theatracally in front of the woman, with a big grin on his face. "What a pleasure~"
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Blinking curiously at the stranger, the demon-like lady tilted her head slightly to the right, her indigo hues glossed over with a silent curiosity. Who was this person..? She sensed something… interesting about him. Raising a finger to her bottom lip, Saeko allowed her amusement to appear on her face, pale rose lips curling upwards at the corners. “My… Certainly the pleasure is all mine.” she hummed, watching him very carefully.
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
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The Earl waved his hand. "Forget about work now, it can wait -- It's rude to leave company for work anyway, ne~?" His eyes widening behind his glasses, he added, with a lower voice. "How have you been doing, Mana-kun~?"
"Ew, what are you doing here."
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"Oh, my~ ♡” The man with the top head grinned widely with the sight of an unexpected company. "Well, I was on my way for some usual business, but it sure is a joy to be meeting you on my way, Mana Walker~!" 
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
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Tilting his head to the side, the Earl looked at the woman, giggling. "I can ask you the same question, my dear~ However, we both know the answer~!" Enjoying the company, he sat beside Alma, placing Lero on his other side.
Corpse-puppeteer​ has hallunicated Lotuses
.: [♛] :.—————— - :. The woman frowned at the approach of the other. The one who had caused the fighting between Kanda and her. Her body tensed as she glared at him. “Why are you here?”
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
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corpse-puppeteer · 10 years
"Ew, what are you doing here."
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"Oh, my~ ♡" The man with the top head grinned widely with the sight of an unexpected company. "Well, I was on my way for some usual business, but it sure is a joy to be meeting you on my way, Mana Walker~!" 
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