the-corrupted-lotus · 10 years
neaxwalker replied to your post “Hey Babe”
Omg is that Sharon Rainsworth for fem!Alma? She'd be a perfect fc for her. ^^
>>Yes, black-order-exorcists gave me the icons and it had a few of her in them, and I think they blend really well with female Alma since Female Alma icons are hard to come by, I might make more to add to the collection ;u;
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shethatcamebeforeold · 10 years
Welcome followers!
"Bonjour! I'm not sure why your 'ere, to be entirely 'onest. But its nice to 'ave you regardless."
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"And by the way, 'as anyone seen my little brother?"
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actual-cross · 10 years
neaxwalker replied to your post:{*cracks knuckles. Prepares to make Lukey cry...
{*laughs wickedly* PREPARE YOUR FEELS.}
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neaxwalker-blog · 10 years
broken tag test.
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scarred-pierrot-blog · 10 years
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"Why don't you do me a favor and get out of my head you ass?"
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bookmanpanda · 10 years
Ah, what a familiar face—familiar enough to shock the old man, at least.
“Neah. Can’t say I’m not surprised to see you.” Act as if there’s nothing wrong with this. “Never thought I would see your face again. Seems many things have been going on as of late. Doing as well as possible, I presume?”
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a-renwoka-blog · 10 years
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Smells like a fanfiction smut scene starting.
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actual-cross · 10 years
{*cracks knuckles. Prepares to make Lukey cry because AAAARRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTT.*}
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charcoal-palms · 10 years
neaxwalker replied to your post://* Pardon my disappearance - me and mom tried...
Oh dear gods are you all right though? xD
//* Yes, me and mother are quite well, don't worry haha~ Everything was quickly adverted and we called the Gas Emergency service, and it all ended well!~
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pxilia · 10 years
#; Nea#-spits out water-#Or /family/#aka /twin brother/#aka /MANA/
♠ Yes, I believe we understood what you mean.
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exorcist-of-light replied to your post: It’s funny to me because out of my fol...
[[I’m busy atm but I really wanna role play with you!]]
Ahhhh, that's great to hear! I had sent something to your other OC already, though I'm not sure if you received it~! Being honest, I've wanted to roleplay with you for a while, too!}}
neaxwalker replied to your post: It’s funny to me because out of my fol...
-raises hand slowly-
Same to you! I would love to roleplay with you at any time, and have wanted to from the time I followed you~! Whenever you'd like to start something, I'd be up for it! ;u;
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mil-disculpas · 10 years
|| Ok seriously, i want to draw Neah and Eir together even though i can't draw couples
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the-corrupted-lotus · 10 years
neaxwalker replied to your post “”> I want ships with Alma, so I can get feels over them, and be able...”
{{ -sighs in the distance as I rp only Noah's and one Bookman apprentice- OTL }}
>>We can try something, but my alma doesn't like Lavi's as soon as he hears them address Kanda as Yuu, and he has an hatred towards noahs for the whole Alma arc. We don't ship anything with our characters do we? ;A;
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unofficiallylavi · 10 years
//Okay…this is probably a bad idea considering neither of you know me…but I love this ship. The way you two portray it when you roleplay, at least what I’ve seen in my feed of you two roleplaying, is fantastic. You two create real chemistry between the characters and I admire your writing styles. I also may or may not have had no ideas on what to write for Lavi ^.^ So, ignore this long explanation of why I’m posting this and read…\
Golden orbs withheld the deranged flame of the Noah of Destruction; porcelain fingers digging through thick layers of chocolate locks, the nails of these fingers boring into the skin of the scalp viscously. The young Noah, Neah, was forced to his knees as formidable jolts of agony made their way through his being, exasperating him to the breaking point of his sanity.
At this point, Neah’s mind was so jumbled that he nearly lost sight of the covetous reasoning for his constraint. Though it pained him greatly, he feebly looked over to the figure in the corner.
Willow irises glistened in anguished tears, the owner of the eyes staring hopefully at her less-than-quiescent partner. Eir sucked in a quivering breath as the furious gold of Neah’s eyes met her own. There was no going back, she understood this. He had finally snapped. She had to leave, it’s what he wanted, but she remained still.
Her heart ached far too much for him. She could not leave the man she loved, no matter how much he demanded it. The lovers had gone through far too much, the interrogations, the sneaking around, the fights, the peaceful nights together, to give each other up over such a matter. At least, that was her opinion.
Eir had never feared Neah nor the mysterious and deadly power he adhered so deep within himself, but watching his skin fade from the familiar ivory to the graphite gray of the Noah and hearing his distressed cries allowed her mind to wander to possible instances.
She shook her crown of cinnamon strands, snapping from her foolish imagination. She desperately opened her arms for him, taking slow and cautious steps.
Neah stared at her, astonished by her lack of fear. Of course, he never wanted Eir to ever be afraid of him, but even Neah was a coward to his dark side.
Neah hugged himself, his face dipping as he did not want to show his face to her.
“Eir,” His voice shakily called out, “Leave, please!”
“I won’t!” Eir stubbornly replied, her feet shuffling forward.
“Leave!” Neah pleaded once more. “I don’t want to hurt you! Please don’t give me the chance to!”
The movement stopped from Eir, tears beginning to be shed.
“You idiot! I know what risk I’m putting myself at! I can’t leave you, I won’t!” She cried, managing to hold back the injured sobs her body desired to release.
She pushed off the ground, dashing the rest of the distance to her love before dropping to her knees. She trembled as the sickening aura of the Noah surrounded her, but gathering Neah’s face into her hands, pulling it up to meet her eyes.
She forced a frail smile as her eyes met his tear-filled, but delirious orbs. Her petal lips parted as she spoke the four words she had said to him multiple times, but this time, the words were engulfed with all of her being.
“I love you, Neah.”
The words had barely left Eir’s lips when Neah pulled her into the last kiss. The kiss was gentle and tender, but passionate and loving, everything the couple was.
Upon the release of the kiss, the two embraced each other, the both sets of arms wrapped tightly around the other partner.
Eir buried her face into Neah’s button down, white shirt, tears beginning to bleed through the thin fabric. She could feel his forced breaths and the sound of his heart beating so unevenly made her feel useless. Her confession of love did nothing to help Neah, nothing at all. She couldn’t do anything…
In return to her action, Neah rested his chin lightly on her head, his fingers pulling through her hair with some difficulties. He was growing weaker, and he couldn’t hold on to his sanity much longer. If only she would leave; He wouldn’t feel so guilty. He knew that trying to talk her into leaving was a futile mission. She would go with him. He would surely kill her after the transformation. He would be forever burdened with the guilt. She would never go away.
“I-I’m sorry…” He whispered as the darkness began to close in.
The lovers closed their eyes, fear rocketing through them. Their embrace held until the dark consumed them, tearing the two apart forever.
//Eh…sorry if this is nothing like the actual characters…I tried…\
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