cookiedoughentity · 1 year
If you aspire for better in life, start living as if you already have it. Do what you can until you can do better. If you wish to be pampered and treated like a queen, pamper and spoil yourself now. Plan self-care days and buy yourself nice things from time to time. If you aspire to have expensive things and live in luxury, save your money, invest, and make smart money moves as the rich and affluent people do. Want to be a wife? Carry yourself like one. Soon, your dreams manifest into reality.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
Praying that this manifests for me. God willing.
My future self is in a high-rise apartment, in my long silk robe, face mask on, wine glass in hand, surrounded by sweet floral candles while overlooking the views. Cheers🤍
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
You are the prize. So act accordingly.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
For one month make every decision based on your dream self. The hottest, most successful, happy version of you. Would that person make excuses? Would they not be taking care of them self? Would that person watch tv on the couch all day, or scroll mindlessly on their phone all day? Would that person allow others to disrespect them or prioritize others? No, they wouldn't. Start acting like the best version of yourself. Like the person you want to become for 30 days straight and see how much your life will change.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
start a business. get a degree. learn something. create something. build something for you that helps other people. do it once, do it forever. whatever you want to do. but you were not put on this earth to make $10 an hour working for a billionaire who cant spell. create the life you want and dont settle for less. tap into your potential and become the best version of you. personal fulfillment is personal. no one and nothing can give it to you. when you know your worth you realize these things. you are not tired. you are just doing too many things that dont fulfill your soul.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
There are people who know less than you, who aren’t as smart or gifted as you, doing the things you want to do… simply because they believe in themselves. You deserve everything you want. You can go after everything you want. You deserve it now. You don’t have to struggle to have these things. They are yours waiting for you to go out and get them. You are just as deserving as anyone else. You just haven’t accepted that you deserve these things.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
Halle Berry's white dress in "Their Eyes Were Watching God"....
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
Even on dreary days, the birds still chirp it seems....
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
Don't get attached and don't get distracted.
We have a mission.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
This came at the right time because.... 😗
Stoic mindset
1. Your happiness is your responsibility.
2. Everything is temporary.
3. We are social beings with a social duty.
4. A philosophy of life must be lived.
5. Happiness is not found in superficial pleasures.
6. We are social beings with a social responsibility.
7. Structure your goals so they become attainable because they are.
8. Be attached to nothing.
9. If you are too scared to lose it, you shouldn’t have it.
10. Associate with people who can improve your life.
11. Accept what cannot be changed.
12. Avoid materialism. Live simply.
13. Do not consider yourself a victim.
14. Live below your means.
15. Maximize positive emotions. Minimize negative emotions.
16. Do not let emotions control your life.
17. Be proud of your achievements but don’t be arrogant.
18. Be disciplined.
19. No quick fixes. Put in the work and do it right.
20. Don’t put yourself in a box. Be open minded and hold yourself to the same standard you hold others.
21. Do not judge a book by its cover.
22. Avoid drama.
23. Learn to forgive. Do not become the pain you feel or the people or things that hurt you.
24. Be there for the people you love.
25. Educate yourself.
26. Give yourself the chance to learn from everyone even when you disagree.
27. Think for yourself.
28. Demand the best for yourself.
29. You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence is a habit.
30. Be as you wish to seem.
31. Every obstacle is an opportunity.
32. The more you value things outside of your control, the less control you have.
33. Once you start looking for outside approval you have already compromised your integrity.
34. You become what you give your attention to.
35. The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
Work on yourself if you want everything else to work out for you.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
Tried my hand at a Red Velvet cake for the first time.
It was a bit small, but it tastes very good!
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
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My cat Macaroni was hit by a car and broke the head of his femur off in his hip socket. He’s got road rash and needs an FHO surgery to fix it. Currently on gabapentin and onsior until surgery on Thursday. He is my BEST friend and it is killing me seeing him in pain struggling to do everyday things. Surgery is estimated at $1593.20-$2074.20. Ive never had to ask for help like this before but he means the world to me and I would do anything for him. Thank you so so much in advance and I wish may y’all have a wonderful year.
Havent tried setting up a GoFundMe because it takes days to get the funds and also has some fee. We wanna avoid as much fees as possible so im attaching my paypal below instead, just please send your help as a friend/family so that no fee will be deducted.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
Reminder if you want something but you shy away from it because you think it’s too big or too good to be true.... start affirming “I’m comfortable receiving big, I’m comfortable being super wealthy, I’m comfortable receiving tons of money, I’m comfortable living a luxurious lifestyle, I’m comfortable being taken out on luxury dates, I’m comfortable being treated like a Queen”.
This is another way of calling it in and feeling better about what you want when affirming.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
Please let me have something like this....
Owning a grand piano is one of my lofty goals.
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cookiedoughentity · 1 year
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✨Top ingredients that stimulate collagen production in the skin
These ingredients are naturally occurring either in our diet or as part of our Genes/DNA (Amino Acids). Ingredients that help to build our collagen are also formulated to hydrate our skin but also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin to firm the skin and keep it youthful-looking. You may add these ingredients in serum form to your skincare routine to help reduce the look of wrinkles and fine lines and also hydrate and soften the skin for a supple look.
✨Amino acids
✨Vitamin C
✨Copper peptide
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