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conventionally-average · 4 years ago
The Plight of a Hero (BNHA fanfic)
Deku stared at the zombie’s Master in the morbid room. The light emanating from the screen provided little comfort to him and with every minute that passed, his blood ran a bit colder.
“I-I need to talk to you again. I’m here to make another…”
Deku took a deep breath, as he went against his previous resolve to bring the words out of his mouth. “I’m here to make another deal.”
“I assumed as much. You want to be able to save -”
“Don’t. Don’t act like you know everything.”
“Am I wrong?”
Silence filled the air as Deku refused to speak.
“You know the price will be heavy.”
“I don’t care. I’ll do whatever you ask of me.”
“Even kill?”
Deku stiffened at his question. He knew that even if he talked big, killing was the one thing that he couldn’t do... not to others at least. But if he was pushed to it… if that was what it took... Deku nodded, not trusting his voice. Master chuckled at his sudden change in posture, knowing full well that he wouldn’t be able to do it. Not without the proper training at least. But even still he continued.
“You are aware of the fact that there are infinite timelines?”
“And that you’d have to be immortal to save even a fraction of them.”
“That means I’ll have to give you two very powerful quirks-”
“I don’t want any quirks.”
“...I see. How do you plan to execute your plan then?”
“In my world, we were able to create a portal with the help of you and two other girls, La Brava and Hatsumi Mei. If we can reach them, it would be possible to create an upgraded version of what I went through.”
“And your immortality? How do you plan to go through multiple universes without ageing?”
“I’ll ask the girls to create an extension to the device so that I’m aware of which universe requires me to intervene.”
“Bright mind Deku. Well, considering that the device would be a great addition to us, I’ll keep the deal short: I want your quirk in exchange for immortality-”
“I don’t want-”
“Just because the quirk lets you live forever, doesn’t mean you’re not prone to fatal injuries. When you’ve completed your mission, and our end of the deal, you can either take your own life or come to me.”
He didn’t want a quirk. It was because of quirks that he made these deals with the devil. Yet Deku shut his mouth.
“And I want you to protect Shigaraki in every timeline, helping him bring the Age of the Villains.”
Deku looked at Master with horrified eyes. He could easily give up his quirk, he had trained to fight quirkless after all. But serving Shigaraki? After everything, he had done? His loyalty didn’t mean protection, but now he had to make that decision.
“When we grow up, do you think we’ll become heroes like All Might?!”
“Pinky promise!”
“We’ll be number one heroes together!”
“The Wonder Duo!’
“Quirkless Deku.”
“Pray for a quirk-”
“Swan Dive off the roof-”
“I couldn’t let you die.”
Gritting his teeth, Deku made a painful choice. He knelt to one knee and kept his head bowed down, his tears threatening to flow out of his eyes.
“I accept your conditions, Master.”
Master grinned in satisfaction, as he held out his glowing red arm through the screen. Deku took off his left glove and shook it with his, biting his tongue to not scream at the searing pain. He pulled away, to see a ‘2’ branded on his palm. The deal was done, and his fate was sealed.
The school bell screamed as a chill ran down Midoriya’s spine. He looked back only to see Mineta packing up his books in his bags. Unable to pinpoint the source of his discomfort, he scratched the back of his neck as he too began packing his books to go back to his dorm.
Over the days, Midoriya was able to bring back a sense of normalcy into his life. It was aided by his friends, who made sure to look out and reassure him whenever he felt down. Midoriya was grateful for Momo and Mei especially, who created a long-term, durable anklet with a tracker implanted within that could withstand the harshest of situations. It put his mind at ease, and he was finally able to relax.
Until now.
He found himself unable to go back to his dorm, afraid of what it held for him. So he stays in the kitchen, cooking a varied number of dishes with whatever food they have left.
“What’s wrong Midoriya-kun?” a concerned voice calls out to him. Midoriya turns around in shock to meet Asui, who was looking over him.
“I’m fine” Midoriya responds, with a tight smile gracing his lips. He’s not fine. He was, but not anymore. How can he not be fine without a reason? It makes no sense. How could he even begin to describe how he feels? It’s almost childish how he swings from one emotional state to another. I mean, it’s truly pathetic-
Asui grabs Midoriya's hands and gently places them on hers. “Stop. Breathe with me.” Midoriya doesn’t realize he had been holding his breath until Asui says that. He does what she says, relaxing him. “Thank you,” Midoriya states, and he goes back to cooking. Asui doesn’t leave however. She takes a place next to Midoriya and starts cutting the vegetables he had set out.
“You don’t have to say anything. I’m here.” And with that Midoriya breaks, his eyes unable to hold the tears that came from his eyes. Asui gently rubs her hand against his back in reassurance and then proceeds to cut the vegetables. Midoriya appreciated that he wasn’t prodded or babied after his break down. A pleasant silence ensued until the rest came down to eat.
“Woah Midoriya-kun! That’s a lot of food-Oh, hey Tsu-chan! Did you guys make this for all of us?” Kaminari exclaimed as he drooled at the sight of the feast. Midoriya chuckled at his reaction, glad that at least one person was happier and more carefree than he was.
“Of course.” Lie. “Dig in! I may have gone a bit overboard so there’s plenty to go around!”
Kaminari doesn’t wait another second as he grabs a plate and starts piling on more food than Midoriya thought a person could consume. Just as Kaminari was about to take some cold soba, a hand came between him and the soba. “Kaminari-kun, finish what’s on your plate and then come,” Todoroki says curtly, staring icily at Kaminari. Kaminari backs away to the couch, giggling at Todoroki’s reaction. Mina and Kirishma join in as they sling their hands-on Todoroki’s shoulder, making Todoroki blush even more in embarrassment.
Soon, a line was created; more students came in, talked, had seconds until eventually, everyone was full and tired.
“Just so you know, Midoriya and I will NOT be cleaning up.” Just as Midoriya is about to protest, Asui glares at him sternly. He smiles, raising his hands in defeat. “So fight between yourself on who’s doing what.” Silence. From behind, a small hand shoots up and yells “NOT IT!” The group bursts into life, as they argue with each other about who does what, never getting malicious in any way.
Midoriya smiles at this scene. He could only wish for his future to be as lively as it is now. He sighs, sinking into the couch, drowsiness finally catching up to him.
A/N: I've added this story on Ao3 as well! I'm going to post there first so that I can get feedback on my rough drafts. As always, the story is also on Wattpad.
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conventionally-average · 4 years ago
The Plight of a Hero (BNHA fanfic)
"Just pray that you're born with a quirk in the next life, and take a swan dive off the roof!" Kacchan laughed as he exited the classroom with his ‘friends’, almost missing the utter look of devastation on Deku's face.
Something snapped in Deku that day. Although he was crying and shaking from fear, he was tired. He was so, so tired. Maybe... maybe he should just give up.
Those emerald eyes glistened with tears, his frail shoulders quivered and as he slowly looked back at Kacchan, Kacchan saw a chilling expression devoid of emotion. Deku looked like he was dead.
He was dead.
Deku's eyes shot open as he woke up to reality, panting heavily on his bed unable to move. He was covered in sweat as his red eyes were decorated with dark eye bags. He was tired. He was so, so tired. As he calmed down, all he could do was wait.
"Wait for me."
Call 1-A as numb as you'd like, but with the number of incidents and encounters they faced with the villains so far, they couldn't be bothered to care about what yesterday meant. They were more concerned about Midoriya, who seemed to constantly look around, waiting for someone to appear. Bakugo on the other hand looked considerably calmer, which also worried them, but they decided it was much better than Midoriya's paranoia.
The day passed on, but before lunch could even arrive, both Bakugo and Midoriya were taken out of class by Aizawa, who was clearly bothered by their shift in personalities.
"Out with it," said Aizawa, his hands crossed and face tensed. Bakugo and Midoriya looked at each other in a distressed manner. Bakugo spoke out first.
"We think it might be future Deku who's either lost his memories of U.A. or has been brainwashed by the League of Villians. Possibly a combination of both."
"Or they could be someone from our childhood who is strangely protective over me." Midoriya chimed.
"Or they could be-"
"We are quite aware of the possibilities, problem children, but I want to know why you both are so bothered over it."
Silence hung in the air, as the mood became morbid.
"I don't want to be a villain."
"I don't want Deku to be a villain."
Midoriya whips his head towards Bakugo, shocked to hear his reason. 
"...what?" Bakugo bit.
"N-nothing, it's just I didn't expect you to-"
"-to care? Ya, I get that."
"No! I just mean you're emotionally constipated so-"
As the pair continue to bicker, Aizawa smiles slightly. "What a bother." Aizawa sighs in thought. 
"Midoriya. Bakugo." The duo freeze as they look towards Aizawa.
"I want you both to go meet the school counsellor after school ends and schedule appointments for the next 6 weeks. I don't care if it's together or separately or something in the middle; you need to realise that regardless of what happened, you cannot let these feelings hinder your performance. They put you at great risk. Do you understand?"
Both Midoriya and Bakugo nod. As Aizawa escorts them back, he says "If that person truly is Midoriya, there is a chance to help him... because Midoriya isn't a villain."
The duo nod their heads and make their way to class. 
“What the fuck...?” Deku whispered as he looked at the T.V, which was playing the U.A Sports Festival. His eyes focused on Izuku, his mind in disbelief. Izuku wasn’t quirkless. He had a quirk. A strong one at that, as showcased in those fights, a quirk so powerful that multiple pro-heroes had to stop one of his fights. Years of bullying flashed through Deku’s mind, as his chest filled with a nauseous feeling. 
“What are you gaping at?” Compress asked as he took a seat next to Deku, his eyes travelling Deku’s line of sight. Deku quietened instantly, clearly uncomfortable with the other man.
“Ah, Midoriya Izuku… of course.”
Compress was met by an icy silence from Deku, a clear sign that questions were highly discouraged. Yet he continued.
“Why are you so enamoured with this boy? From what you’ve said-”
“If you don’t want to die, I suggest you shut up.”
Another silence descended upon the two, somehow icier than before. Compress sighed, annoyed by Deku’s attitude towards the LoV.
“You know Deku, your act may be well thought through when interacting with others, but I can see right through it. It has holes, and it’s very obvious because guess what?” Compress giggles as he comes up close to Deku’s ear from behind.
“You haven’t even laid a finger on me yet-”
In the blink of an eye, Deku grabs Compress’ shirt and throws him over to the floor. He pins Compress against the ground as Deku’s red eyes bear into Compress, who gasps at the sudden jolt of pain and fear that runs down his spine. 
“It was on the Master’s order that I spare your pathetic life for that zombie boss of yours. Of course, he never said anything about hurting you.” Deku takes out a knife, pressing the cold metal against Compress’ throat, nicking it and allowing blood to drip down to the floor. 
Swallowing his ego, Compress nodded at Deku to show he understood his threat. Deku let go of him, and he swirls his knife back into its sheath. Compress looked at the back of the masked villain, despising him with every step he took away from him. He absolutely couldn’t understand how such a despicable guy managed to make a deal with Shigaraki’s boss.
A/N: Also on Wattpad under “The Plight of a Hero” by PariLola!
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conventionally-average · 4 years ago
Help me get custody of my 10-year-old younger sister, who is currently with a ped0phile. My full story. 
If possible don’t ignore this, 1 reblog can save her.
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conventionally-average · 4 years ago
The Plight of a Hero (BNHA fanfic)
"...I need to speak to your Master," Deku stated to Shigaraki as he pushed his way into the room.
"It's not like I can do anything. Do what you have to-"
The door slammed in Shigaraki's face before he could finish. Rage bubbled within his body as he scratched away at his neck. He had to stay calm. Master sent him for a reason, so he has to stay calm.
Why did Master send him? Why him? Why are you here?
The lights from the T.V. flickered to life, lighting the room with a cold white wash, showcasing the very man Deku met before.
"The man from my future-you- told me he was sending me back. Into the past. Why the hell are things different? Why the fuck am I in U.A? By this point, I would've-" Deku stopped himself, his eyes widening, and looking down on the ground.
"If I were to send you back in time, it would've been either by a portal or a quirk. Either of which would have a side-effect. Surely you're smart enough to figure it out on your own."
"Either way, does it really matter? All you want to do is save someone, right? Take them back to your reality, and look after them? Do that. After all, time is money isn't it?" A cold laugh erupted from All for One's mouth, making Deku shiver in fear.
“So? Where is he?” Kuroguri asked cleaning the bar top with a wet cloth as Deku came out of the room, his usual composure lost.
“Well, he's right here of course!” Deku bit sarcastically as his crimson eyes glared at Kurogiri.
“ do realise I only let you go because you said you’d bring back a student, right?”
“You do realise that what I do is none of your business, right?”
“You were sent here at a price. Surely I don’t have to remind you of that.”
“The price being my service, ya I know. But that’s in my world. What I do to achieve my personal desires in this world is none. Of. Your. Business.”
“You mean your future? Our future eventually?”
“I meant what I said warp face. It seems I have been transported to a different timeline, and less further in the past than realised. I’m only staying here ‘cause of that ‘Master’ guy. Otherwise, stay out of my way unless asked. The sooner this can end, the better.” Deku spat, as he went upstairs towards his bedroom.
“Despicable, isn’t he?” Dabi exclaimed as he came out of the shadows to the light. Kurogiri only nodded as  silence spread across, only to be broken with the occasional sound of wiping.
“At least we know our plan will work. I mean it’s only a given if it led him to be a villain.”
Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose. "So let me get this straight... a man wearing Midoriya's tattered costume, with a mask on his face broke in with a loud noise, without alerting any security measures put into place, hugged Midoriya, tried to kidnap Bakugo which led to him hurting Kirishima and left through the warp villain? And he specifically said, 'I'll fix everything soon?'"
"He directed it to Midoriya-kun specifically, Aizawa-sensei." chimed Iida. Aizawa sighed in frustration as he went around the room and gathered their point of views on what had happened. The class looked back at a distant Midoriya and Bakugo in a worried manner.
"...What did he say to you Kacchan?" Midoriya asked hesitantly.
"..." Kacchan opened his mouth, then closed it, as if it wasn't worth bringing up.
"I don't know if you saw it or not, but he hugged me. Desperately."
"Good for you."
Bakugo looked at Midoriya who turned his head away from Bakugo; his eyebrows were knitted in worry, his hand on his mouth as he stared into the ground. The bloody nerd was thinking about saving Deku.
" you think it's you? Or rather it's you from the future, I guess?" Bakugo asked Midoriya.
"...I'm not sure. He looks similar to me in certain ways, but most of the costume- or rather my costume- covered his facial structure. He had red eyes like Kirishima and a burn scar similar to Todoroki. It's like a weird combination of Kirishima, Todoroki and me, strangely enough… if it was me, why would I refer to myself as Izuku? Why would I think of myself as quirkless if I was from the future? He also seemed to have a relationship with you, Kacchan. The only other thing I could think of is some sort of quirk incident-"
"So when he came back, all he could remember was my interactions with you?"
"It's only speculation- "
"Oi problem child #1" Aizawa called out to Midoriya. "It's your turn." Midoriya nodded towards Aizawa and stood up.
"He seemed to focus in on us and ignore our friends Kacchan... 
“I know.”
“...he hurt Kirishima-kun," whispered Midoriya.
"...I know..."
"You need to tell Aizawa-sensei Kacchan. Our friends could be in danger."
"Just… shut up Deku," Bakugo said, with no real malice behind his words.
Midoriya walked away, Bakugo facing his back as he walked further from him. Bakugo sighed in frustration, tired of everything that had happened.
All he wanted was one day of peace.
A/N: Check out this story on Wattpad as well!
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conventionally-average · 4 years ago
The Plight of a Hero (BNHA fanfic)
It was quiet in the common room as Momo, Uraraka, Iida and Midoriya sat down in the common room studying their subjects. Usually, Midoriya would release the silence by his (adorable yet borderline annoying) muttering, and allow for a tensionless atmosphere to talk casually and finish their work. Yet today, there was no muttering, only an awkward silence that seemed to stretch on for ages, as Midoriya concentrated on his work only to stop when he was stuck. Uraraka had had enough.
“Deku, what’s wrong?” Uraraka asked in a gentle yet firm tone. Midoriya was startled as he looked up to his friends staring at him with worried gazes. He smiled brightly to convince them, only for his voice to betray him.
“W-what do you mean Uraraka-chan-?”
“Don’t give me that Deku. Tell me what’s wrong. Or at least tell me how you are feeling. You haven’t been yourself since this afternoon.”
Midoriya continued to smile, but as he looked at them, his smile slowly dropped into a frown, revealing his true feelings. 
“I’m just- I’m just on edge ok? I haven’t told Aizawa-sensei about what I saw cause I thought it wasn’t that important, but I feel like I should.”
“You should tell him then,” said Iida, placing his hand on Midoriya’s shoulder to comfort him.
“It’s not like he’ll be able to do anything though. We’re already in a place with high-tech, impossible to hack security measures. If there really was someone there, the alarms would’ve rung, just like when the media broke-!”
“Midoriya-kun, remember during our test? When I was against Aizawa-sensei with Todoroki-kun?” Momo interrupted, gaining Midoriya’s attention.
“At that time, I was insecure about my fighting style and quirk. Todoroki-kun encouraged me and told me to trust my instincts. That was why I was able to capture Aizawa-sensei with Todoroki-kun. I’m telling this to you as a friend and a hero; trust your instincts. Even if it isn’t a big deal as you say.” 
Midoriya quietened down as he understood her. She was right. As a hero, if we don’t trust our instincts, we end up risking everyone’s lives. Midoriya shook his head in understanding, and stood up to leave the room. Midoriya looked back to them before exiting.
“Thank you guys, I really appreciated that.”
Midoriya was about to run through the halls of the dorm to contact Aizawa-sensei before he heard a loud bang from the boys dorm area.
Midoriya's heart was beating wildly, as he rushed to see where the commotion occurred. He saw Kaminari, Todoroki and Kirishima looking towards the purple fog that leaked through, consuming the front of his dorm room door. 
“Kaminari, call Aizawa-sensei NOW. Stand back, everyone.” said Midoriya, as he cautiously approached the door to open it.
Todoroki grabbed Midoriya’s shoulder. “Are you sure that’s the safest thing to do?”
“No. But I’m trusting my instinct.” Midoriya whispered as he smiled warily at Todoroki. “Now stand back.”
And with that the door opened, making the purple fog rush out of the door, blinding Midoriya temporarily. The room was dark, the moonlight shining from Midoriya’s window and the hallway lights as the only sources of light.
A silhouette of a young man could be seen through the purple fog, his features seen clearly with every passing minute; his eyes shone brilliantly with cold and unforgiving strength through the haze, confusing the students who were present.
The man scanned the area, locking his eyes on Midoriya.
" How in the world?"
Everyone present was stunned in silence. The man was tall, with burn scars decorating his right eye and a visibly muscular build. What was striking about him was that he was wearing Midoriya's hero costume, only more tattered and worn out, as if it was made of normal material. His hair was covered with the costume's hood, and his face was hidden behind a black mask.
"Answer me. How in the world are you in U.A.?"
Midoriya flinched at the man's tone. It's as if he was truly shocked at how Midoriya managed to come to U.A. 
"If you are who I think you are, then you should know the answer," Midoriya stated firmly.
"All I know is that you're quirkless and-" A look of pain washes over the man's crimson eyes. Todoroki and Kirishima went into defence quickly, preparing to protect Midoriya as more students came around, surrounding the room in the hallway.
"Who are you?"
"Deku. I go by Deku." The students stand shocked, unable to understand the true meaning behind his words. There was sadness behind those words. 
Deku shook himself to reality, as he approached Midoriya, hugging him desperately. Midoriya stiffened himself against Deku, who was on his knees as he cuddled closer to him, bringing his face closer to Midoriya's neck.
"You know, I've been meaning to do this for a long time now..."
Todoroki, Kirishima and now Iida who had just arrived along with Uraraka and Momo became more disturbed at this progression. As more students came, they began breaking into murmurs. 
"What's happening?"
"Why are there two Midoriya's?"
"Is this another attack?"
"What the FUCK is going on?" Bakugo screamed as he made his way to the front. Deku's eyes immediately morphed into surprise, then to disgust, finally settling to nonchalance.
Bakugo stopped when he saw two Midoriya's standing in front of him. "Da fuck's this? Why are there two nerds in the building?"
"Well, isn't this interesting?" Deku danced around Bakugo in a jovial manner, an indescribable look gracing his eyes. Deku grabbed Bakugo's hand roughly and twirled him into his arms, holding him tightly against his body, his face inches away from his ear. Bakugo struggled in his arms cursing at Deku, until Deku held a knife against his throat, making everyone around them ready to attack and Bakugo still.
"What the fuck do you think-???"
"Judging by your reaction, you hurt him... didn't you?" whispered Deku.
Bakugo stopped, tensing his body. 
"Get off him!" Kirishima yelled as he hardened his arms to attack Deku.
Deku sighed in response.
Todoroki froze the ground towards Deku and tried to trap him in his ice as Midoriya and Iida sprinted for Bakugo, pulling him away just as a purple mist consumed Deku. Deku let Bakugo go and jumped away from Todoroki's attack, making Kirishima miss. Deku took the opportunity to elbow Kirishima underneath his right rib cage, making the red-haired kid choke in pain. He made a final farewell to Midoriya. 
"I'll fix everything soon."
A/N: You can also check this story out on Wattpad!
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conventionally-average · 4 years ago
The Plight of a Hero (BNHA fic)
"Are you ready?"
"...Just pull the lever. As long as I get what I want, I'll ensure my debt is paid."
In the quiet room, a deep, sinister laugh erupted from the man. As he pulled the lever down in a swift motion and blue electricity cracked across the room, the younger villain couldn't help but wonder what his past would bring.
"If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them next period. I'm taking nap"
The students of Class 1A could help but chuckle at their teacher's routine. As the yellow bag consumed Aizawa-sensei, the class livened with chatter and excitement. Midoriya, a boy with forest green hair and emerald eyes was surrounded by his friends, Iida and Uraraka, around his desk. 
"Iida-san, could we go over integration once more? I'm still stuck on how to use the reverse chain rule effectively with sin and cos." Midoriya asked the uptight boy with glasses.
"Of course! Perhaps we can all study together in the common room at 5? I still need to revisit chirality. I understand the basic concepts, but the application is so much more complicated."
"Honestly, I could use all the help, so I'm in! We should invite Momo-chan, considering she's smarter than all of us." Uraraka explained.
The trio simultaneous shook their heads. There was no denying that Momo-san was one of the smartest girls anyone had encountered. It was practically a given considering her quirk.
As Midoriya stood up to head to the cafeteria, he spotted a hooded figure standing in broad daylight, looking directly at his direction. In a blink of an eye, the figure disappeared, as if it were nothing more than a vivid illusion, leaving Midoriya puzzled. Iida and Uraraka seemed to have noticed the change in his attention.
"Are you alright Deku?"
"Hm? O-oh ya! I'm alright. I just thought I saw something strange outside the window"
"You don't think it's the villains again do you?"
"It's a possibility. I think you should report it Midoriya."
Although what Iida said made sense, Midoriya didn't want to worry the teachers unnecessarily, epecially if it was just a trick of his mind. So he nodded his head, ignoring his friends and the nauseous feeling that rose from his pit.
The day progressed as any other day would. The day progressed uneventfully. The day progressed wonderfully. 
"Did you meet him?!"
"Of course not." 
It's strange seeing the younger versions of the League of Villians, yet somehow their core personalities remained the same. Toga's personality was annoying as ever. Kurogiri kept wiping empty glasses, Shigaraki adorned his body with those creepy hands, Dabi was in his world as usual and Twice... well, he looked as miserable as always.
The clear blue river washed against the stones, making way for fish to swim in and flowers to thrive in. On that beautiful sunny day, as the birds chirped in the wind, all he could remember was a choice.
The man chuckled in contemplation, as he ruefully remembered the past.
Whatever the reason for these circumstances...
He couldn't care less.
A/N: Hey guys! IDK if anyone’s interested, but this story is also on wattpad! Please check it out if you guys are interested!
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conventionally-average · 4 years ago
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