continuum-index · 3 years
SmoothPorcupine's laws of information:
A portal's surface cannot apply force.
The edges of a portal cannot bend space at a rate exceeding the speed of light.
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continuum-index · 6 years
Sad day. It seems my interaction with time travelers has resulted in a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of this map. See, what happened was—and you can scarcely fix it now—someone decided that ALL of cyberspace was worth recording, and it’s not. The resulting modification tried to “semanticize” the internet such that artificial intelligence could be employed to more accurately map the past state of cyberspace. Well, that caused XML to exist, so. Not a good thing. At all. Modern cyberspace is shit, made all the shittier by time travelers trying to replicate my isolated upgrading experiments. Without making it worthwhile for me to improve, interact with, and ultimately map, cyberspace, you’ve committed a forward action against my entire time period. Kindly stop.
A simple map.
Well, this is where I’ll be keeping my notes on mapping the internet. With any luck, we’ll have it mapped long before cyberspace becomes a thing you can visit. Hopefully this map will never have to be privatized, and privacy through anonymity will continue to be a thing for ages to come.
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continuum-index · 6 years
The index is currently offline.
If you had something you were in the middle of, please continue to be in the middle of it. It would be of great value to me if you would.
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continuum-index · 9 years
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continuum-index · 9 years
A simple map.
Well, this is where I’ll be keeping my notes on mapping the internet. With any luck, we’ll have it mapped long before cyberspace becomes a thing you can visit. Hopefully this map will never have to be privatized, and privacy through anonymity will continue to be a thing for ages to come.
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continuum-index · 10 years
Irrelevant information exists.
Someone should create an example of informational irrelevance.
To be continued...
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continuum-index · 10 years
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continuum-index · 10 years
All information comes in two parts: The information itself, and the reason someone felt this information was relevant enough to share.
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continuum-index · 10 years
Hooooooooly shit that was annoying/a lot of work.
So basically, news media is total bunk. Their lists are neither comprehensive, complete, accurate, or pretty much anything other than blatant advertising for their partners. This isn't a bad thing. It just happens to be absolutely useless to the rest of us that want a comprehensive list of actual crowdfunding sites and services. As opposed to loans, consultants, and other forms of fake "crowd empowerment."
If I accidentally let one of the fakes in, let me know.
Regrettably, there were a lot of sites doing great things but were not providing free and open creation of a crowdfundable project, so I couldn’t list them here. Hopefully this index idea will catch on and other types of lists can be compiled, but at this stage I can only do this one task.
I'd love to be able to highlight any given service, but ultimately, all I can really do is advocate to literally everyone to go through the list and see what kind of ideas you get seeing how amazing the emerging crowdfunding market it.
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continuum-index · 10 years
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