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I need help :(
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♥  Send a number! ♥
Have you thought about what will happen to your Candy’s relationship with their crush once highschool is over? 
If your Candy were a dessert, what might they be? 
What does your Candy’s backpack look like? What do they carry, outside of their notebooks? Do they tend to forget their schoolwork? Is their bag decorated with pins and/or keychains? 
Does your Candy have any tattoos? Would they like any? Of what? 
Does your Candy have a phobia of some sort?
What is your Candy’s greatest fear? 
What has been your Candy’s greatest regret thus far? 
Is there someone your Candy dislikes outside of school? Why?
Has your Candy ever taken a particularly memorable vacation, or short trip? 
Recount a noteworthy incident from your Candy’s childhood. Try and make it specific! 
Does your Candy have a favourite T.V series? 
Is your Candy cautious, or do they tend to be more rash? 
What is the most prominent thing that comes to mind when your Candy thinks about their parent’s relationship? If they had only to learn one thing from their parent’s relationship, what would it be? 
What is your Candy most motivated by? I.E spite, pride, greed, ambition. 
What does your Candy do when upset? Do they have difficulty talking about their problems? 
Your Candy has been granted 3 wishes, what do they wish for? They can choose to make only one money related wish. 
Is there something your Candy has never shared with anyone?
Has your Candy disappointed someone they loved, and never been told about it? When has your Candy last dissapointed someone? 
Is there something your Candy is certain they never want to do again? 
Take this test for your Candy and publish their results.
♥ Bonus questions ♥
21. Does your Candy participate in any extracurricular activities? 
22. Does your Candy have any pets?
23. Choose 3 songs that your Candy might have on their playlist!  
If you have multiple candies, do these for as many as you’d like!
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I have sinned
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winged skull logo
lo quise hacer yo misma, no se porque xD
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ROFL Serisoulsy LysanDEER ?! xDD I was just given that link with tumblr posts about Mcl and such Ahahhahah so funny, i love you xDDD LysanderXdeer… I thik he’d be offended =x
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Seamos realistas, si Corazon de Melon fuera real, y estos dos tambien
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Nathaniel seria Paul Butcher (oh dios si)
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Castiel seria tio que sale en Super Escuela de Heroes como Warren Peace 
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Lovely portraits of Victorian teenage girls from the 1840s-90s
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Okay, so we’re going to get a new design for My Candy Love and Episode 31 is well advanced !
I hope that the new design will be a bit more mature/neutral and less girly.
I’m also happy that we finally have some news from ChiNo, I was a bit worried for her…
Link to the original post : http://www.amoursucre.com/forum/t81564,1-un-petit-mot-de-chino.htm
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Reasons MCL boys are crying:
Found out swans can be gay and thought it was really nice: Lysander
Hungover and saw a picture of a piglet: Lysander, Alexy, Kentin
Waited until it was dark and pretended to be the babadook: Kentin, Armin, Alexy
The fluffy bunny escaped from an arctic fox in a documentary: Lysander
There were no biscuits in the house: Nathaniel, Alexy, Castiel
Remembered swans can be gay: Lysander
Tried to hold their hand when they weren't expecting it: Lysander, Kentin
Cooked them dinner after a long day: Castiel, Nathaniel, Lysander
Watched a video about a dog: Castiel
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(photo by TechnicallyRon)
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Wow, this is amazing!♡
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The Scooby Gang
yes i keep scanning pages from the MCL manga and making BTVS references shitty comments about it
i colored it myself so please do not repost or use without credit
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Nuuii: Pos zii!! :“v
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He’s fine.” Rosalya barked with a smile on her face.
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hot for teacher (੭ु˙꒳˙)੭ु⁾⁾*✭
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MCL - Funny mode on.
Armin as a kid
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Nathaniel as school’s student body president
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Ken during military school’s training
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Dake as a kid
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Kissing Nathaniel when he’s studying 
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Candy cleaning the science room because of Amber
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Candy’s mum giving her the trophy because she doesn’t want it
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Castiel in middle school going through that akward teenage phase
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Wasted Armin and Alexy back from a party
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Alexy cleaning his bedroom
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Candy looking everywhere around the school for someone to talk to
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Nathaniel being weird at home
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Candy crying over her Ironing Board status
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Frightening Ken talking to every boy making Candy cry
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Lysander trying to find inspiration
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