constupidity · 6 years
Submit Anon: Kids like these are the reason Voltron gets a bad rep
My group and I went to Colossalcon last month and we pretty much planned to cosplay from Voltron: Legendary Defender all weekend plus some back up costumes. My group consisted of My hubby as Shiro, BIL was Keith, My BFF was Lotor, and I was a fem Lance. If I had a quarter for every time we were bothered by Klance shippers, we would be going to this con free of our own money.
Some of them just made dumb eye rolling worthy comments while one group really PISSED. US. OFF.
We were told to die, that we’re pedophiles, that Klance is Canon therefore we are invalid, the Keith cosplayer slap my butt when we were at the water park because it was funny and canon (which it isn’t). My poor husband and brother-in-law were harassed because Sheith is “incestuous” and Klance is Canon King and their Lance cosplayers went and kissed my brother-in-law without his consent. My BFF was being harassed because Lotor preys on Lance in the fandom and because he’s cosplaying as a master manipulator therefore my bff was a master manipulator. All three of them were told to stay away from me because lol Klance is Canon. At one point that same Keith cosplayer came up to me and pointed their fake knife at me. We were all peeved. The Lance who kissed my brother-in-law had the nerve to be offended when he was angry and told the cosplayer off. That Lance cosplayer even went below the belt to say my brother-in-law was homophobic and transphobic. Fun Fact: My brother-in-law is a Post Op transgender man who is engaged to another man!
As we were headed to our room to go change out of our swimsuits and into our BNHA costumes, a couple people stopped us for photos. Not a minute went by and we got photobombed by that same Voltron group who bothered us at the water park. Two groped my breasts, one groped my husband’s crotch, another LICKED my bff’s face, and (surprise, surprise!) that Lance cosplayer kissed my brother-in-law on the mouth. All the while a the Pidge in their group laughed and egged them on. The people who asked for the photo were disgusted, WE were disgusted, and by standers not involved were disgusted. One thing led to another and the photogs and the Voltron group were fighting over which ship is better: Sheith or Klance. My group took that opportunity to cheese it! Like Fuck this shit I’m out! We ran away from them faster than Usain Bolt on Cocaine. After we got changed we told staff that we were being harassed by a voltron group. Turns out we weren’t the only Voltron group who were harassed by them!
It’s been a month after the incident and even though we laugh about it now, we are still haunted by that psycho group and hope and pray we never see them again!
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constupidity · 6 years
Hey I have some massive dirt on some shady dealers room venders that have been screwing people over for years. Would that qualify for a submission on this blog?
Yes, send it. We love exposing shitty dealers.
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constupidity · 6 years
Good advice for ANY meet and greet. 
If you’re part of the mysme fandom going to Otakon con, especially for seeing the Cheritz Team and the VA’s, I want to extend a plea for everyone to please be respectful! It’s been pointed out that this is the first time the team is coming to the States for a con, so we want to all give them a great impression so they can be encouraged to possibly come to more cons in the future!
- Remember that the voice actors are Not their characters. If the character they portray isn’t your favorite, please please still treat them with respect regardless. They’re human beings just like you and me, and I know for certain that none of you would want to be talked down to publicly, so please try to be respectful!
- Along with that, please don’t breach into inappropriate territory. Whatever they have planned, you still need to treat them with the utmost respect. Not only is there a high chance of young ones being around, but no one wants to hear a fan drop innuendos about what they would do to so and so’s character, or witness a fan try to touch anyone inappropriately. 
- Please don’t actively try to start a live-action ‘discourse’ session. We all know there’s some characters the majority of the fandom dislikes, that there’s disagreements on some endings and if so and so ship is canon or not- Look. They don’t know everything that goes on in the fandom, and you don’t want to ruin a whole event because a crowd of fans have gotten into an uproar over discourse. If you don’t like the arguments online, try to steer away from it IRL.
- There’s a chance they might run out of the merch they bring, do not yell/cry/fuss at them for it. More than likely, they’re going to bring as much as they can, but there is a limit to this, unfortunately. I know it might be heartbreaking to not be able to get the merch you want, but that doesn’t give you a free pass to guilt or berate the team. They’ve mentioned they’re going to open online sales as well, so if all else fails, you can try ordering on the site as well as an alternative!
- I know some plot elements aren’t amazing, but don’t try to publicly berate them. I know the game isn’t perfect, I know there are some themes people are upset about, but you don’t need to slam in with rudeness and try to fuss at them publicly. If the subjects are brought up, try your best to stay civil and calm. Arguing or yelling won’t get you anywhere, and it might end up making the event awkward and strained, or even make them feel unwelcomed if people are downright fussing at them rudely.
- Please don’t slam them with DJHIG/other memes like it. I know, sounds like a huge buzzkill, but would you want to travel to a country you haven’t visited before to excitedly talk about the game you created/helped bring to life, only to be constantly ‘memed’ on and everyone ignore the actual story you spent so long trying to make? Let’s make the most of whatever event they have planned, and try to talk to them about the game itself rather than the jokes it produced, if the opportunity arises!
- Treat!!! Other!!! Fans!!! With!!! Respect!!! This is a given, but I don’t care who has who as their fave, or if they’re cosplaying a character you don’t like- Treat others just as you would want to be treated!!! Do not harass anyone over a video game!!! You wouldn’t want to cosplay your favorite just to be yelled at by someone who hates the character you’re dressed as! I don’t care if it’s a villain or side character- Be kind to others!!!!!!!!
- There is indeed rumors of a rally going around outside of the con. It’s going to be near the white house, if they do decide to do it, which will be a mile away from the con. This rally has been dangerous in the past, so please stay away from it whenever possible. That’s it. Just stay away from it, please. 
More information on it Here  
Otherwise! Please just try to prep yourself for a con! Remember to stay hydrated, pack well, and not get overheated! This con is going to be during some hot weather, so be careful with your outfits/costumes and make sure they’re not gonna burn you up! Take care of yourselves!!
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constupidity · 6 years
Submit Anon: Anime North Comic Market Staff Bully Artists
These people who run this shit show just keep getting worse every year. I asked a question--could my partner come in and help me set up and then leave. I have a disability and carrying things on my own is a problem. I bought her a con badge, but since it was a “second artist” I did not have a “helper.” I was told no, the “main artist” of the table would have to help me set up. I didn’t know this person. I just paid the full cost of the table so s/he would share with me. Because CM is so stupid, people get the tables and then essentially “resell” them by getting “second artists” to pay the entire table and even some of their travel expenses.
Anyway, I showed up with my partner to set up and the staff were really rude and unhelpful. They refused to let my partner come in, set up, and leave. They wouldn’t help either. They were rude and told me if I “didn’t like the rules, I would lose my badge.”
Sounds like these awful people have been running this for years but no one shuts them down. 
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constupidity · 6 years
Submit Anon: Don’t Touch My Display or Steal from Me
Last month I vended for the first time in an artist alley. Although it was a very small event, I made over $150! It was really great up until around 3:00pm. I was chatting with my table neighbor when i saw a couple of cosplayers hit my display and laughed as it fell over. I had 2 of those wire storage cubes stacked together and they all had plushies in them. Obviously i went around my table to pick everything up and I heard “Sorry, didn’t think it would fall over”. I wanted to be mad but I had to get my stuff back on my table as fast as I could. One of them “helped” pick my stuff back up. Then my table neighbor behind me yelled PUT THAT BACK. I turn around to see the other cosplayer with my pink coupon book in their hand. That little coupon book was my bank.It held my day’s profit and change. Basically that little coupon book held what I could cover my materials and time spent on my wares, my food for the day, and my lyft ride home. And these two tried to take it from me. I will forever be grateful to the other artists who saw and heard what happened and stopped these two from getting out the door. I got my bank book back and also found out that the person who was “helping” me almost stole $45 worth of my good which included acrylic charms, small plushies, pins, and led bracelets. I’m glad the police weren’t involved but I am still so ashamed that people like this exist.
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constupidity · 6 years
Submit Anon: Two Short Stories
Have a few kinda bad experiences from cons (our one ex-friend trying to make us leave comicon only 10 minutes after we arrived cause her phone died, due to her watching netflix for the whole 2 hour drive might be the worst) but my most recent one was at midwest fur fest…was in the same room, some creepy overweight guy joined in our game of sentinals and insisted on shouting everything, max volume, in my face. I never said a word to him the whole time, he kept going on like a loud speaker about how great his character was. He also did nothing to help the game.
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constupidity · 6 years
Submit Anon: Working a Panel with a Pedophile
One: Just a warning, while there isn’t anything too bad in here (nothing like rape, or inappropriate touching.) I want it to be clear that there are some touchy subjects.
Two: Not every adult at a Con is a predator I’ve met some wonderful adults at cons, and disgusting monsters should not take away their credibility.
Okay so, I went to a small local con in my state. My state is Alaska (aka: very rural) so naturally we don’t have a lot of conventions. And every year among the 2-3 conventions I am able to attend here, there is Senshicon. I was 14 when this happened. To set up the stage, my friend (let’s call her Darla because I don’t want to give out real names), and I were a part of this conventions cosplay chess, and with one of Darlas friends went to pick up our badges a day early after the final cosplay chess practice. There we met (I am not using a fake name because people deserve to know at the least his first name) Dakota. Now Dakota was one of the guys we had in Cosplay chess, he was 21-23 I believe, and was a homestuck cosplayer. While in line we talked a bit, and I agreed to fill in the role of Kankri, as their original one had dropped out. (Also sorry for the footnotes but this is not an attack on the homestuck community or the comic, please separate them from this monster.) And after I agree my friend Darla is glaring at me, and whispers to me, “you know he got banned from Yuki-fest right?” Now mind you I hadn’t gone to this years Yuki-fest, and had no idea who this man was, or what Darla was talking about. But low and behold, the man was banned for inappropriate conduct with minors. This included kissing a 13 year old, and while waiting in line Darla noticed he’d been checking out our 12 year old companion (both of these people one of Darlas friends) on the lips. He was a legal adult at this time. Now I assure my friend that it’s fine, as there was to be other people on the panel I doubted anything would happen, but my naivety got the best of me in this situation.
Now I was generally a pretty safe person, I wouldn’t have just willingly been left alone in a room with him, and suspected nothing would happen, which thankfully was right. (bless the lord for cellphones) walk home to our hotels, get stuff ready, fall asleep, and we head to the con. Fast forward a few hours of walking, and purchasing things from vendors, and it’s almost time for the panel. I go up to the group (who has my costume because I didn’t come prepared with one and only had black dress pants) and ask about the sweater, and horns. They say it’s at the hotel, and then Dakota begins to set out, expecting me to follow. Originally I thought Sarah (someone I also knew from cosplay chess who was a doll and bought me over watch prints) was coming with, but by the time I realized she was not coming, my little brain decided it was too late to back out, and began to panic. Bad move, I know. Immediately I’m texting Darla who is waiting for the arrival of her friend, and I am panicking, and Darla is back, I get on the phone with her as i stall. (Mind you me and Charles were doing some sort of square dance routine where I’d move away, and he’d move closer. While I know isn’t confirmation of malicious intent, my panicking mind did interpret it that way.) So I keep Darla updated, we go into the hotel room, and I immediately lock myself in the bathroom. Only opening the door to get the sweater, before closing and locking it as fast as possible again. And out of now where Darla brings this fucking party of people, one of them had a baby with them. It was the ultimate relief. On the way back Darla walked with me, where he continued to add a cherry on top of the pie and insult a close cosplay friend of ours.
Apparently everyone knew about Dakota, hell this had been even labeled as a, “Dakota situation.” All in all the panel went fine, and after the con he had inherently been reported to the police, and the con makers had been contacted. What happened to him after that? I don’t know. All I know that that was one of the most scary things of my life. And that I’m not without fault either, considering I’m the one that went with instead of making an excuse to leave, too scared of confrontation. I left out a lot of other minor details because I’ve rambled long enough but I think the been points made.
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constupidity · 6 years
Send Us Stories
Send them. We need them. Have a few in the queue but its looking thin. 
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constupidity · 6 years
Omg i missed this blog welcome back :0
Thanks we missed you too!
Send us some con stories!
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constupidity · 6 years
Submit Anon: Super Danganronpa Creeper
Hello, first time submitter here! This story is way back when Super Danganronpa 2 was still huge, I think around 2014?
My friends and I were all super into this game from the translations online, and decided to join this big group of cosplayers for a photoshoot. I was dressed as the bunny teacher Monomi for reference. When we got to the shoot, most of everyone was already there. We decided to do a small shoot of just the SDR2 characters together since they were already all there.
A few people came up to take pictures besides our official cameraman. One of those guys instantly starts focusing on the Hiyoko of our group, not getting pics of anyone else there. For context, this character looks like a younger kid while still being in high school. The character is also supposed to be really mean and sadistic, but the cosplayer herself was a little shy.
The guy taking her picture starts asking if this character is really shy and cutesy, and we all laugh and say, “Oh no, she actually really mean!” After that he walked away, no other pictures or sticking around for the actual photoshoot.
I didn’t think anything of it at the time, as i wasn’t very observant and try to see the best in people. I only thought about it after the con and began to have a horrific thought; Was that guy taking pictures of her for nefarious purposes? I have no proof of this, and still don’t to this day, but I can’t help but think about it from time to time…
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constupidity · 6 years
this may sound like a stupid question, but regarding the no cosplay rule at disneyland, are young children an exception? Or do they have to follow the rule too?
Anyone on a CHILD TICKET (under 10) is exempt.
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constupidity · 6 years
So reading through the blog as it's been awhile since I've been here and I saw the thing about how adults shouldn't cosplay characters that makes me sad as I'm shy and autistic cosplay has helped me be more comfortable as I can meet people who like the same fandoms as me and the statement using Harry Potter as an example makes me mad as I was a kid when Harry Potter first came out so the whole that's our thing doesn't work with things like Harry Potter
Fuck, anyone can cosplay anyone. Don’t let some idiot SJW morons tell you that you can’t dress up like a character you like because of your age, race, disability, gender, etc. 
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constupidity · 6 years
Submit Anon: Why I Left the Hetalia Fandom
Be forwarned, this tale is a long one. Sorry if this story is all over the place. If any readers recognize these people, do not go after them. Real names will not be used in this story, so we’ll call these “Hetalians” in question:
*”Ludwig”, a young woman who Oliver had/has feelings for.
*”Oliver”, the star of this tale, and the ringleader of a cosplay group.
*”Matthew”, the oldest member of the cosplay group, and the only other male besides me. We were very briefly a thing.
*”Feli”, me, the one who had to put up with all this. I’m autistic, and have some sensory issues; I also don’t usually catch typical “cues” right away.
*”Francis”, and “Kiku”, two of Oliver’s sympathizers, friends, and members of her group.
*”Tino”, a Finland cosplayer who honestly was kind of bossy.
I first met these Hetalians when I first started out cosplaying. It was the Saturday of a certain con that I met Ludwig, who, while an attractive woman, I only saw as a friend (remember this as we go on).
We chatted on Tumblr for awhile, and one day she asked if I was going to the Hetalia Day meetup that year. Not knowing about it until then, I said yes! Because of course I wanted to expand my circle of friends, and if these would-be friends have the same interests as me, then that makes it a hundred times easier.
So the day of the meetup came, and so far, everything was fine. Ludwig came about an hour after I did, and unbeknownst to me, and brought a friend of hers along. This is how I met Oliver.
(Quick side note before we continue: I’m the type of person, who even non-romantically, if I’m comfortable enough with a person, I hug, hold hands, etc. willingly, as I otherwise don’t particularly care to touch other people.)
So Ludwig and I head from one pavilion to the other (the meetup was at a rather large park), and as we’re walking, holding hands as we do, we suddenly hear this girl yell at us, and despite being nearly a foot shorter than me (I’m 5’7”, she was like 4’8”, I think?) nearly pulled me to the ground, with such force that I nearly did lose my balance! Now I’m not the assertive type at all, nor did I really understand at the time why Oliver did that to begin with, so I back off a little for the time being.
In fact, I nearly forget about the incident until almost a year later, when Oliver volunteered to pick me up to take me to A-Fest, since I couldn’t (and still can’t OTL) drive, and get me to my hotel. We have somewhat of a decent conversation on the way there. Mostly about other cons we’ve been to previously. Oliver also brought up about Ludwig and how “she was the best thing to ever happen to [her]”. And suddenly her behavior at the meetup made sense to me. Or, it sort of did, I would end up needing a few more hints that came when we picked up Ludwig so we could all go get our badges together, and so I could get checked into the hotel I was staying at.
So among all other things I had with me, a video camera was one of them, because I wanted to (and would still like to) try out the whole “vloging” thing. As soon as Ludwig is in the shot, however, Oliver snaps at me saying “Don’t film my woman!”
I was taken aback, because since when was she your woman? It was established prior to picking her up that Ludwig is only interested in men (cis men, specifically), and that she already had a boyfriend. And there was certainly no polygamy involved. Yet, this whole thing was still going over my head.
Anyway, I get checked in, and even though I booked the hotel room, Tino, who I was unfortunately rooming with, starts acting like she’s the boss. She snapped at me when I didn’t look her in the eyes, even though that’s something I’m not comfortable with (eye contact is very distracting to me), she wouldn’t let me go to sleep until four in the morning, and that was only because I had started shaking and crying from behind so sleep deprived. And because she prioritized con so much, she barely let me eat, or bathe, or brush my teeth. Except maybe one time each, each day? If even that? And despite bringing four characters to cosplay, she only allowed me to wear one! One character, two outfits, the whole con! And she forced me to go to the rave with her; I don’t go to raves, or as I like to call them “sensory overload imminent”, so just imagine how well that went…
There was an incident where I had accidentally left my video camera and my mom’s camera that I was borrowing at the Hetalia photo shoot location; I did get them back a day later (thank you whoever dropped them off at lost and found!), but at the time, I was really upset about it, and Tino wouldn’t let me go look for them, and I ended up having a meltdown because of that, and from being bossed around, and from being so sleep deprived. Did she care? Only because she wanted to get back to con going! Hell, a random passerby was more concerned than she was!
Neglecting her health bit her in the ass on the last day of con, however, as she caught con plague. I don’t wanna say that she had it coming, but she did. And when my shenanigans with her ended, in came Matthew.
Now, at this point, I barely knew him from online, along with past cons and meet ups, but I soon found myself spending Saturdays with him. From there, we became fast friends over the course of a year. He got me into a few other anime titles as well, yet when I tried to get him into my favorite games (since I do mostly prefer video games over anime), he wouldn’t have any of it. He even called Kirby “a video game for babies” once when I wore my Kirby t-shirt!
(Also, funny thing: even though he’s older than me, and owns every Nintendo console, he can’t get the Koopalings’ namesakes correct! That’s like, Nintendo 101 stuff, too!)
Despite this, I somehow managed to develop feelings for him (and I still don’t know why). We went on, maybe three dates at most, before calling it quits.
And Matthew, if you are reading this: Yes, I will admit I was very immature then. I will also admit that arousal is an emotion that I am not 100% familiar with. It was a very confusing mess I should have left you out of. In those regards, I apologize for giving you any unnecessary stress. That is all I will apologize for.
While that whole tangent with Matthew was going on, Oliver decided to start an Another Color Hetalia (better known as 2P) cosplay group, and roped as many of us in as possible. Even though I was assigned a character, I never even got around to starting on the costume, which was for the better really.
It was during this, I learned once and for all that Oliver thought I was trying to steal Ludwig. At Hetalia Day 2014, we were all there, but when I went up to Ludwig to try and say hello to her, some other Hetalians, who I presume were some of Oliver’s cronies, stopped me from going up to her.
“I just want to say ‘hi’!” I said.
“Are you sure about that, Feli?” one of them asked. I just walked away totally confused, wondering what I said or did. I reached two conclusions after the meetup:
1. Oliver must not really like me that much. 2. She thinks I’m trying to steal away Ludwig, even though I have no reason to.
I unfriend her online not long after, but I was still a part of the cosplay group. For some reason.
Anyway, in November that year, there was yet another cosplay meet up I wanted to go to. However, there was no way I could get there myself, as my mom, who would normally take me to these things, would be working on that day. So I ask Francis if she, or anyone else going, could come and get me that day. I ask her at least twice, and she completely ignored me. The day of the meetup comes and goes, and I end up missing it. I told Francis it was mean of her to ignore me, and some friend she was to just forget about one of her friends (in summary; I forget the exact words I used), and unfriended her.
The next day, Oliver messaged me, telling to “say [I’m] sorry to Francis.”…Except Francis was the one at fault, not me?? I never apologize, since she deserved what I said.
One day on Facebook, our cosplay group (yes, I was still somehow a member!) was debating on having an Ask-a-2P Panel, and which con to have it at (since each of our 2015 con schedules were different all around). The main concern was having everyone at the same place at the same time. I took this problem seriously, and decided to make a suggestion.
Now, you know how in theater, every actor has an understudy (aka, a ‘back-up’ actor of sorts to practice alongside the main actor, in the case they need to fill in)? I thought, since Hetalia is a popular cosplay, especially this AU in particular, finding understudies wouldn’t be a problem at all. Plus, it would guarantee we would always have a complete set! That’s how I made sense of it.
Now, I didn’t expect everyone to agree, but it was still an idea worth keeping in mind, at least. Evidently, Oliver didn’t think so. She snapped at me for even thinking of such an idea and was all “don’t ever say again!” and I’m like Bitch, chill out. It was just a suggestion!
I forget about the incident for awhile until 2015, and Ikkicon both come along. I’m waiting in line with Matthew for our badges, when he says it.
“Feli, apologize to Oliver when you see her. ‘Cause that wasn’t cool. This panel/group is like her baby!”
Oh my lord. It was just a freaking suggestion. It didn’t help I was already irritable with other things going on during that time. Now they are going to dump this on me, too? It took all my self control not to snap!
And after that con, I finally ended up leaving the cosplay group. Not because I hadn’t started on my costume, or because of my con schedule, but because I disagreed with Kiku on a headcanon.
Because I didn’t agree with everyone else on some stupid headcanon, nearly everyone in the chat (sans anyone who was offline at the time) gained up on me until I finally snapped at them, told them off, and left. I got one last message from Oliver, but didn’t bother reading it. I blocked her, Francis, Kiku, and Ludwig on Facebook.
Think that’s the last of it? Think again!
Fast forward to A-Fest 2015. I’m having second thoughts about going because of last time. Matthew insisted I come anyway (mostly since I was rooming with him, and owed my share). Now prior to this, I was 90% sure he said he was going to come get me on his way to con. So imagine my shock when he says he will not be picking me up, but is picking up Oliver. I tell him off, decide I’m not going to con. But a mutual friend says they can come get me. I reluctantly, and regretfully, agree.
I end up spending little to no time at the con itself. Matthew got con plague on the first day (haha!). Half the time, I debated whether or not to call my mom to come get me and take me home!
After that con, I find out from Matthew that Oliver “has nothing against me” (as if!) and “wanted to talk to me during A-Fest” (yeah, right!). Unfortunately for her, I want nothing to do with her, or the fandom for that matter, anymore.
Now, I’m not saying everyone in the Hetalia fandom is bad, but these ones in particular really ruined it for me. I guess the only good ending here, is that I am no longer affiliated with those people, and have since found new interests with fandoms that are billion times better!
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constupidity · 6 years
We’re Back Bitches!
just in time for con season. have some stuff that’s been submitted since we went dark.
-Mod X The Newest Mod The Bestest Mod
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constupidity · 7 years
Okay look I love yuri on ice and believe yuri and victor are a thing but I wish people stop bullying people who think otherwise I mean come on it's just a show stop brow beating people for not going with the ship I had to deal with this back in the day when I said I didn't like EdxMustang
People hating on anyone for their fandom choices (ships, head canons, art, fic) is totally stupid. Unfortunately, Tumblr breeds stupidity in this regard and half this site needs an enema about this shit. 
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constupidity · 7 years
Hey, I sent an ask before regarding the team skull as regarding changing the pronouns on the matter where it says "her" to his; I want to share the story (since i was the host) but I'm a male and I can't until I feel comfortable it's changed. Thanks.
Everything is posted as it is submitted; mods do not edit anything. If you want to submit a rebuttal, go for it, and state that you prefer male pronouns which the original storyteller did not include.
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constupidity · 7 years
Submit Anon: Cons Are Not Babysitters for Your Children
Conventions are not babysitters for your children. No, random congoers do not want to babysit your child for an undetermined amount of time while you go off and do something else. No, con staff (who are not part of the daycare management or any other child care services) do not want to watch your child nor are they able to. A convention is not a place for your child to just roam around willy-nilly.
Your child could get hurt by either another child who was let loose by their parents, by an adult, or in general any accident that happened. Yes, this includes at conventions such as Babscon, Bronycon, etc. Any convention is not automatically safe for children. Even at conventions revolving around things such as MLP are not giant daycares for your kids.
It is also illegal to randomly leave your child somewhere. It is called child endangerment for anyone who doesn’t know. Most, if not all conventions have rules regarding minors and many state that any minor under the age of 13 - 16 cannot walk around without a parent / guardian. Even though they may not get into any trouble, whether it be being “caught” by con-patrol without their parents or otherwise, it is still a rule and it is there for a good reason.
Yes, even though this is a “family friendly” convention and has programming + things to do for kids, there are still mostly adults here. Yes, your kid may see a skimpy outfit, or hear some swearing, or in general hear or see things that aren’t entirely kid friendly. No, the people are not breaking the rules or intentionally trying to corrupt your kid, they’re just trying to have a good time. Unless they’re actually breaking convention, federal, state, or local rules, no they are not doing anything wrong. If your child is absolutely too young to hear / see this, maybe it’s better to not bring them to the convention or go to a convention that has stricter rules on what is or isn’t allowed. This isn’t hate towards you or your kid but just the truth.
Also, if a child comes to you and says that someone has been following them, trying to grab them, feeling unsafe, etc. it is against federal law and against many state laws to not call the police or get authorities involved. No, it doesn’t matter if you want to “protect their privacy”. No, it doesn’t matter if you “are afraid of the police”. No, it doesn’t matter if you “want them to make a decision for themselves and respect that”. Whatever you reason for not getting the police / authorities involved, it is illegal. It is illegal for the same reason that it is illegal for teachers to not report signs of abuse, even if the kid asks them not to. Even though you are not a teacher or an official mandated reporter, it’s still illegal. If you don’t want to be directly involved, at least take the kids to con patrol or the hotel staff and inform them what is happening.
No hate towards you or your kid, but please parents… or anyone who is bringing a kid to a convention, please take care of your kid. Other convention goers are not there to babysit or look after your kid. Conventions can be dangerous for even adults and probably even more so for minors. No one wantsthem to be hurt, traumatized, or worse but we also don’t want to be put in a compromising position by having to watch after someone else’s kid. If you want to leave your kid for a few hours, leave them with the convention child service / daycare.
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