commischefchris · 4 years
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Hey Guys! It's that time! Savor The Passion has been getting more calls, messages, jobs than I can handle on my own or even with one other. With my goal being to help it's time we expand and grow. With that I'm seeking help for immediate hiring especially servers that want to talk about what they know and get paid well doing it. So if you're a server looking for a job or you know a server looking for a job where they get paid to work from home or can go out in the field if they need some social interaction, please let me know. I'll be making posts on several job boards this afternoon but I want to give my network first dibs. Special consideration for applicants residing in Minnesota. Please share this to help as many people as we can earn a living. #Sales #GraphicDesign #SoftwareDeveloper (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKMo22gFKgZ/?igshid=1qvno33owebup
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It sets the tone for the day. I've had basically the same breakfast everyday for 6 years. Eggs, Toast, Fruit. Specifically 3 eggs, 2 slices of toast with butter and fruit jelly, 1/2 orange. (Lately I haven't wanted an orange but I'm sure it'll be back eventually. The biggest difference in my eating patterns, eating before or after my morning workout. If I have fat to burn I will always wait to eat until after my session but that's a post for another day. Comment below: what's on your breakfast table this morning? Tag someone that doesn't eat breakfast to give them some great ideas! (at Bloomington, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHaM2VZnCZR/?igshid=v3ir1m1sir4i
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Don't sleep on @canva I don't know their valuation at this time, but I'd be willing to bet it's too low. #Invest #B2B (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG5__l2HMeh/?igshid=1rpt7ed73l3iy
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Lamb Shoulder Stroganoff. Why do I enjoy going to Mike's Butcher Shop so often? They introduce me to meats I would have never thought of before. #Lamb #Chef #Pasta (at Mike's Butcher Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGyC36anF-z/?igshid=fwtu2lrano13
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Ribbons of gold. Getting ready to make a lamb stroganoff. Here we go! #Lamb #Pasta #Chef (at Bloomington, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGx6jAjHzgs/?igshid=c8c18yitvzrq
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Knowing who you aren't is just as important as knowing who you are. Knowing what you don't want is just as important as knowing what you want. Find focus in your life and watch as your quality of life increases. Right now it's hard being in the hospitality industry and knowing what your future is. Restaurants are closing left and right. Kitchen robots are being built. Tablets are taking orders for us. If you dont have a gameplan the future can be scary. I've been building @savorthepassion since 2017 to help the hospitality industry. I had no idea this was going to happen, but I'm so glad it has the ability to help so many Chefs, Servers, Bakers, Cake Designers, Bartenders, Cicerones, Sommeliers, chocolatiers, sugar sculptors. If you arent sure what's in your future, want to stay in the industry but dont want to go back to the way it looks now or was in the past let's chat. Click the link in my bio, set a with me. Let's chat. #ChefsLife #Hospitality PersonalChefs (at Bloomington, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxxYocHlSJ/?igshid=1oxpk8xxma7i
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commischefchris · 4 years
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My favorite part of making friends at the local butcher shop? Getting introduced to cuts of meat I wouldnt normally try. Pictured here: Chuck Eye. #Butcher #ChefsLife #PersonalChef (at Mike's Butcher Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGqgsI3nC2l/?igshid=13tw889pz78b2
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Never stop learning. Ever. . . . . . #Entrepreneurship #GrowthMindset #Bookworm (at Bloomington, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGmk_fznPaN/?igshid=zuobfp2m8we5
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commischefchris · 4 years
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The select man, the excellent man is urged, by interior necessity, to appeal from himself to some standard beyond himself, superior to himself, whose service he freely accepts... we distinguished the excellent man from the common man by saying that the former one is the one that makes great demands on himself and the latter the one who makes no demands on himself, but contents himself with what he is, and is delighted with himself. Contrary to what is usually thought, it is the man of excellence...who lives in essential servitude. Life has no Savor for him unless he makes it consist in service to something that is transcendental. Hence he does not look upon the necessity of serving as an oppression. When, by chance, such necessity is lacking, he grows restless and invents some new standard, more difficult, more exigent, with which to coerce himself. This is life lived as a discipline -- The Nobel Life. - Jose Ortega y Gasset In short, the excellent man is so for a few reasons that ring true to his core. You will never have to wonder if this will ever change for to change this is impossible without a change of his soul. (Ladies, of course this applies to you too!) 1) He holds himself to a high standard. Something ever-beyond where he is at that moment. 2) he lives in service to others, whether they realize it or not. He has taken it upon himself to leave the world better than he found it. 3) helping a higher cause than himself is the only way life is worth living to him. 4)if he feels he isnt being challenged by the current circumstances he will create a challenge for himself to strive to reach. * * * * * * * * I know this way of life may seem like a drag, may seem really stressful but I'll tell you this, I've never felt lost in life, I've never truly been unsure of my next move and I've never been depressed. Same rings true for the very few I know to live the same lifestyle. Life gets really easy when you make it really hard. Help others. Build a growth mindset. Work towards something bigger than yourself. #Service #GrowthMindset #ChallengeAccepted (at Los Campeones NE) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGj_LTznfot/?igshid=lkrwrl4bvl8u
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Get Caught In The Moment, Not Stuck In The Kitchen. I hear it all the time, you're not sure that you can afford to have a Personal Chef at your party. You've never hired a Personal Chef before and you're kind of intimidated by the prospect, but you're tired of missing time with your family because you're stuck in the kitchen. Well here's your guide on a process of hiring a Personal Chef for the evening with me through @savorthepassion If you have any questions please feel free to reach out any time. #SavorThePassion #PersonalChef #DinnerIdeas (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGjFmsJFK1v/?igshid=zhd6j1ud0ka2
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commischefchris · 4 years
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What is your social media profile for? As a marketer you cant afford to get stuck in the rabbit hole of Social Media. Use it to learn. Study trends. See what people are talking about but dont use it for entertainment. #SocialDistancing #GrowthMindset #Marketing (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGiki0EHKiy/?igshid=yfcr6ahazyto
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Enjoy your life. This plate right here makes spending 3-5 hours a day in the gym totally worth it. That said, from now on I only get to eat sweets if I make them myself. In the meantime, I'm gonna smash these and enjoy life! (at Bloomington, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGaG9K8FhA9/?igshid=5wkz3dhcoqcq
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commischefchris · 4 years
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This is definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done. The first 3 months were HORRIBLE! I'm talking, I understood why people commit suicide kind of horrible. I wish I could say the next 410 days were easy, but I try not to lie to people. Truth is as a Chef I cook with wine. Guess what I have to consciously stop myself from doing when I smell the bottle? I see people drinking my favorite beer and I want nothing more than to feel those bubbles of @surlybrewing Furious on my tongue. I cant tell you how many times just this week I thought to myself "it's just a sip, how much could that hurt?" Then I remember how hard it was to get to where I am today. I remember how slippery that slope is. I remember the feeling that made me stop drinking in the first place and how badly I DO NOT want to feel that again. Then it passes and I make it just 1 more hour without a drink. They say take it day by day. The truth is if you can just keep winning the moment, win that momentary impulse to put the bottle to your lips that alone is reason to celebrate. Never mind your first day, first week, first month first year without a drink. Just get past the next moment you want a drink. Then do it again. That's how you succeed. Tiny wins stacked on top of each other over and over again. #AlcoholFree #CarpeDiem #ChefsLife (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYb-AInzGM/?igshid=unomqqoflc25
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Hey Everybody!  Nice to meet you! I'm Commis Chef Chris Founder of @savorthepassion where I'm working to make ordering a Chef as easy as a pizza. I'm likely not the best Chef you'll ever meet, but I'm very knowledgeable in most things where the business aspect of cookery is concerned. I'm really good at making connections with people they normally wouldn't make. If there's anything I can help you with (connection you're looking to make, kitchen question you have, book recommendation you'd like) please, don't hesitate to ask! Stay Passionate! #SavorThePassion #ChefsLife #Intro (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGVwIKWFogs/?igshid=gb33gvtlmfsb
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commischefchris · 4 years
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You shouldn't relate to this photo. But if this hit you like water bubbles in the fryer of your soul then I know a few things about you. 1) You're a Chef (I capitalized ts for a reason.) 2) You're hurting right now. Sure, for a change you have time with your loved ones, (maybe even a little too much if we're honest.) But now, you probably don't have a job. Or if you're lucky enough to have a job right now, you you still don't get to spend time with your loved ones! I've been in the industry since 2004. I've lived within 1 hour drive of my mother's house and yet I still only got to see her for her birthday around 5 times. Looking back that was for two reasons. 1) I didn't appropriately value my own time. 2) Neither did my employer. Four years ago I began working as a Personal Chef and building @savorthepassion to help other Chefs do the same. Now I see my family on THEIR schedules. I have time for dates with a little cash too. I go to @loscampeonesgym as often as I want where I workout with like-minded individuals. I cook for & with people that appreciate my care of the craft. In short: I spend time with the people I want to and ONLY the people I want to. How does it feel? It beats sleeping in my Pontiac Grand Prix again I'll tell you that. But seriously, imagine how you think it feels...better. Better because it shes like fine wine. As you make memories you get to reminisce on later you gain more to be thankful for. Anyways, that's enough rambling about my experience. I want to help you build your own. Your own following. Your own future. Click the link in the bio. Schedule a meeting. LET ME HELP YOU. #SavorThePassion #ChefsLife #Growth (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGVt9AuHtr-/?igshid=1pwo3hlffcnv7
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Clarity is a requirement. In June I took the @clickfunnels One Funnel Away challenge to learn the system. This concept I got from @stevelarsenhq . We've all tried to sell people and failed. Chances are we appealed to need that wasnt the pain point of the person we were speaking to. When it's not your dream customer this is easy to do. You may think that you're marketing isnt vague. You're constantly talking to the same people you think. But are you? You spend so much time discussing how you can help them in any number of areas. But how can you be sure you're talking to them appropriately if you dont know your painpoint. You can choose any one of them. But the trick is. You must choose ONE. Do you promise your customers wealth? Do you protect your customers health? Do you empower your dram customers relationships? Any one of them can be successful. But you must choose one. With Savor The Passion we sell relationships. We offer out clients and opportunity to strengthen their relationships with their loved ones when they rely on us to cook their meals and clean their kitchen while they spend time with their families. For our Chefs we offer an opportunity to meet clients that appreciate their skills and spend more time with their loved ones. If relationships are important to you click the link in my bio, schedule a meeting and let's chat! #RelationshipGoals #PersonalChefs #DinnerIdeas (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGN4ND9DJqI/?igshid=1j4sn683t0zss
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commischefchris · 4 years
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Growth is never found in comfort zones. Take chances. End that relationship. Pick up that microphone. You can never find out how amazing your life can be if you dont get out of your comfort zones. #Life #Growth #Dreams #Relationships (at Bloomington, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGM-NkFDSau/?igshid=sxw5kft9ja7
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