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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
Congress just gutted your privacy protections
Congress just gutted your privacy protections. And if the Trump team has its way Net Neutrality will be next.
Hours ago, House Republicans voted to throw out the broadband-privacy rules the FCC passed last year. These important protections were designed to prevent your internet service provider from selling your personal data (such as your web-browsing history) to advertisers and other companies without your consent.
This matters for two reasons:
1. The people who voted for this dangerous resolution care more about pleasing companies like Comcast than they do about serving you.
2. These rules were built off the landmark Net Neutrality rules we won at the FCC in 2015 — and now those protections are in danger.
The broadband-privacy fight is this administration’s first attack on the open internet. And now that they have a win on their hands, they’ll be pushing for another.
But protest works. Pushback works. In the last few weeks people like you have flooded congressional offices with thousands of calls. And those calls are scaring elected officials. The broadband-privacy votes in both chambers were close and we’ve seen the effect that calls, petitions and protests are having on other issues like health care.
It took 4 million of us speaking out about Net Neutrality to win last time around. It will take even more to save it now.
It won’t be easy, but if we build enough power we can win again. 
by CC
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
39 busted in alleged scamming hack in Staten Island, NY.
39 people, both men and women from ages ranging from 18-25 were indicted Wednesday, May 3rd for “credit card scamming.” 
According to police the investigation behind this case has been ongoing for 17 months. Police claim they became suspicious of the crime from pictures and videos posted on social media by many of the suspects. 
These peoples were allegedly posting content of themselves flashing money, on trips and in expensive cars. 
The case was finally cracked after a girl who was trying to join the scam was questioned by authorities. 
The story spread like wildfire across the internet and social media. 
“They were stupid, I would have kept it off social media!”
“If people didn’t make sh*t so hot everybody would be good.”
“Thats what they all get. Thieves!!!” 
some staten island residents even began to make this claim:
“So that’s why I’ve been getting so many fake page request?”
With a lot of people sharing the post and commenting in agreement.
We all know that the government is snooping around in our personal lives, our phones, laptops and social media, but does that make it right?
I mean YES! These people obviously didn’t plan their scheme too well, but for police to admit that the investigation has been ongoing for 17 months based on assumptions through social media? I think that is a little absurd. 
Where is the line drawn when it comes to privacy?
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
A journalist is a citizen. Who informs other citizens, as free citizens need. Some are killed doing it. I’m grateful to many who inform me.
Steve Inskeep, host, NPR Morning Edition, via Twitter. (via futurejournalismproject)
A journalist is just another human, risking their safety for news, honest news. A journalist is working all hours of the day and night just to inform those around the globe. “Some are killed doing it,” sad but true. Many journalist take big risk when going out to report certain stories. A lot of people with power do not want society informed on real news, so when honest journalist try to report these stories, they usually face consequences. That is where the beauty of freedom of the press and the bravery and dedication in a journalist hearts comes in. It is all worth it. 
by: CC
(via comlaw370)
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
Thoughts from the anonymous..
“To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be place under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”
RB by Chantise Colon
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
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Because human rights organizations and journalists are not allowed to enter West Papua. and because of the Indonesian suppression of free speech and the press the West Papuan struggle for independence is one of the lesser known such struggles. Few people know or care about the human rights abuses and suppression of the indigenous Papuan population by Indonesia, and in the case of the Netherlands I would say this is especially shameful. 
After Indonesia gained independence from the Netherlands it also claimed West Papua with the promise to allow them a referendum later on about independence. This referendum was held in 1969 and was a complete sham, but was still recognized by the UN. The KNPB or the West Papuan National Committee is the peaceful branch of the West Papuan liberation movement. Many of the leading KNPB members have been murdered by Indonesia. The West Papuan National Liberation Army is the organization engaged in armed struggle against the Indonesian occupiers.
In this documentary undercover Al-Jazeera journalists visit with the leader of the KNPB to pay some much needed attention to their struggle.  Watch the documentary here: [video]
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
by Chantise Colon
Dear College Students...
1. There is no such thing as “my truth”. There is only the truth.
2. Freedom of speech is more important than your feelings
3. Your feelings dont matter when it comes to discussing facts.
4. You dont have the right to impose your will on others.
5. Someone saying something you find offensive is not equal to violence.
6. Criticizing a religion is included in freedom of speech.
7. Being opposed to homosexuality is included in freedom of religion.
8. Social Justice is corruption of justice.
9. The concept of a “safe space” is garbage. You are an adult. Please be able to handle an offensive thing like an adult.
10. Taking tax money from Peter and giving it to Paul is theft.
11. You do not have a right to anything that involves you taking something from someone else. Ex. Health Care
12. Socialism is garbage.
13. People accused of rape have a right to a fair trial.
14. Encouraging concealed carry and self defense is not victim blaming.
15. You dont have a right to “feel safe”.
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
Let me break it down.
Free Speech.
by: Chantise Colon
Short version: Freedom of Speech means you have the right to open your mouth and say what you think/feel/believe, without the government shutting you down/throwing you in jail for speaking.  It does NOT mean anyone is obligated to a) give you a platform, or b) listen to anything you say.  
If someone punches you because you piss them off, that’s assault.  It has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech itself.
or, as m'friend Mo puts it in more specific detail:
Everybody… we need to talk about Free Speech. More specifically, we need a refresher on what it *is* and what it is *not*.
The “Alt-Reich” (aka Alt-Right, aka literal Neo Nazis and White Supremacists) have been working hard over the last few years to redefine what Free Speech means. Let’s be clear:
Free Speech: ✅ the constitutional right to not be punished by the government for your words ✅ the constitutional right to peacefully gather to express your views without government intervention
NOT Free Speech: 🚫 the right to have a platform 🚫 the right to be heard 🚫 the right to speak without negative consequences 🚫 the right to be respected for your views 🚫 the right to not have other citizens drown out your speech 🚫 the right to have your opinions published on a website
Notice how these latter “rights” imply that all speech is valuable and worth hearing. They imply that it isn’t right for citizens to be outraged when someone says something harmful.
On the contrary, Free Speech PROTECTS every citizen’s right to express themselves without GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE.
Free speech does *not* mean that you have the right to spew hate, and endanger folk without dire consequences AT THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE. If you come to hurt our people, we will stop you, each and every time. It may be with words or soft action, but by no means does that mean we will ever shy away from the use of force.
Folks, when you say “all opinions matter”, you end up supporting the most privileged folks. who already have the loudest voices. This helps further the “Alt-Reich’s” White supremacist agenda, and they know it.
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
My privacy or Your story? by: Chantise Colon
In the United Kingdom, is arguing whether or not their European convention on human rights,  article 8 which protects the peoples right to privacy, outlaws article 10 which protects the rights of freedom of press. According to the article: Privacy and free expression are two of our most important rights, both guaranteed by the Human Rights Convention: Article 8 – Guarantees the right to respect for our private and family life, Article 10 – Protects our right to free expression. My personal opinion is, Article 8 should unquestionably outlaw, Article 10. One’s right to privacy should be respected no matter the circumstance. However, as I journalism major I remember asking my reporting and writing professor the rules for privacy when it came to the media. I came across a picture of a young female on a new article and it was evident that she did not want to be seen, but because she committed a crime her human rights to privacy no longer matter. In a situation as such, I will have to agree that the freedom of press does over power ones right to privacy. However, in this article they mention a story about two undercover journalist sneaking into an unconscious patients hospital room for pictures that were later publicized for a story. This is down right, and blatant disrespect and this is where the UK’s Article 8 shall over power their Article 10.
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
Free Speech: Do You Know What it Is?
Short version: Freedom of Speech means you have the right to open your mouth and say what you think/feel/believe, without the government shutting you down/throwing you in jail for speaking.  It does NOT mean anyone is obligated to a) give you a platform, or b) listen to anything you say.  
If someone punches you because you piss them off, that’s assault.  It has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech itself.
or, as m'friend Mo puts it in more specific detail:
Everybody… we need to talk about Free Speech. More specifically, we need a refresher on what it *is* and what it is *not*.
The “Alt-Reich” (aka Alt-Right, aka literal Neo Nazis and White Supremacists) have been working hard over the last few years to redefine what Free Speech means. Let’s be clear:
Free Speech: ✅ the constitutional right to not be punished by the government for your words ✅ the constitutional right to peacefully gather to express your views without government intervention
NOT Free Speech: 🚫 the right to have a platform 🚫 the right to be heard 🚫 the right to speak without negative consequences 🚫 the right to be respected for your views 🚫 the right to not have other citizens drown out your speech 🚫 the right to have your opinions published on a website
Notice how these latter “rights” imply that all speech is valuable and worth hearing. They imply that it isn’t right for citizens to be outraged when someone says something harmful.
On the contrary, Free Speech PROTECTS every citizen’s right to express themselves without GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE.
Free speech does *not* mean that you have the right to spew hate, and endanger folk without dire consequences AT THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE. If you come to hurt our people, we will stop you, each and every time. It may be with words or soft action, but by no means does that mean we will ever shy away from the use of force.
Folks, when you say “all opinions matter”, you end up supporting the most privileged folks. who already have the loudest voices. This helps further the “Alt-Reich’s” White supremacist agenda, and they know it.
(This statement was expropriated and edited (and edited again) to be used by citizens) All power to the people!
Copy and paste please!
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
Does her logic on ‘Hate Speech’ contradict the rights of freedom of speech? Freedom of speech means being able to express any and every thought you wish to. If it is hateful it may be harmful, but does it make it a crime? 
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
Trump threatens to cut funds from Berkeley CA after violent protest.
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
Red Light, Green light, 1.2.3 ..
Let’s talk rights of freedom of speech on college campuses, this time in the UK,
“Britain is in a dead sprint trying to catch up to American universities, and the problem is that [the U.S.] is protected by the First Amendment and they’re not.” 
In the article,,  the limitations of freedom of speech on college campuses are discussed. Greg Lukianoff, president and CEO of U.S.-based Foundation for Individual Rights in Education told fox news that Britain is trying to catch up to American universities , and the problem is that Britain is not protected by the First Amendment like American Universities are. 
Colleges in the UK follow a red,yellow,green light method called the traffic-light system when dealing with  freedom of speech. Red meaning, being the worst, marks a prohibition on a certain type of speech; yellow, prevents speech from being too provocative; and green marks a “clean bill of health”.
Only 6 percent on universities are free in the UK. 
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
Don’t feel ‘free’ enough?
I came across this video a couple of days ago on face book. A video of a North Korean women who has escaped and made it to America to tell her story. Her story was very hard to listen to it, and had my eyes watering. 
She talks about the conditions in North Korea: poverty, no freedom, dictatorship and just blatant isolation from the ENTIRE WORLD!
She shares with us how North Koreans do not even have freedom to speak. As a child this women’s mother would tell her that she was not able to even whisper, in worries that the leader would punish them. “I believed it so much that I began to think our leader could read my mind.” 
In North Korea citizens only have access to ONE television channel, are not allowed to speak to one another, not allowed to make international calls, or use the internet, and if a citizen is caught doing so up to three generations of his or her family can be punished. 
This young women escaped society in her country to come live a free life in America. 
While many of us in America complain about the limitations we may have here and how unfair things can be, be grateful that we have the luxury of tasting freedom, changing our channel and being able to communicate with one another. Being able to be HUMAN! 
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comlaw370-blog · 8 years ago
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