Our Only Limit Is Imagination
336 posts
You are only as grown up as your imagination is small. Breathe life into it, as you do your own lungs. An imaginary world, a character---only you can rob yourself of them. Remember what it was like to arm yourself with a stick and a hat that was too big, but you saw a sword and a helmet. Remember what it was like to play in your backyard or your room, but what you believed was there was lava oceans and rock islands. Hold on to that creativity. Nuture it. Let it thrive. Never forget your first best friend wasn't a person at all. But a character in a book, a movie, a play, a tv show. Hold on to them. Share them. Love them. Because they are only as real as you believe them to be.
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
coinoperatedbird · 4 months ago
icons for Rebecca 'Reb' Standing Bear or Eliot Spencer please. Reb is Devery Jacobs and Eliot is Christian Kane
Here and Here Thank you so much!
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coinoperatedbird · 4 months ago
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Requested by​: @ifyoucatchacriminal Actor:  Devery Jacobs Show: Reservation Dogs Caps: Taken by me Icons amount: 100+ Icon type: 100x100 | psd | sharpened For use by: @ifyoucatchacriminal ONLY unless they state otherwise :) Credit to OP / reblog / like : not required. Icons: click here to begin download
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coinoperatedbird · 4 months ago
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Requested by​: @ifyoucatchacriminal Actor:  Christian Kane Show: Leverage [ original series, seaon 5 e 1-3 ] Caps: Taken by me Icons amount: 100+ Icon type: 100x100 | psd | sharpened For use by: @ifyoucatchacriminal ONLY unless they state otherwise :) Credit to OP / reblog / like : not required. Icons: click here to begin download
note from a bird:
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Thank you so much for your continued patience with me and the 98453 things that keep getting in my way. Rebs icons are on the way!
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coinoperatedbird · 5 months ago
dropping in the request for some Tabby icons please! from Class of 07
TADA! again thank u so much for the request and the help you gave me and mine. srsly. ur a beautiful gem. and if i could reach i would give you such a squeeeeeeeze!!!
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coinoperatedbird · 5 months ago
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Requested by​: @tabbyrp Actor:  Emily Browning Show: Class of '07 Caps: Taken by me Icons amount: 300+ Icon type: 100x100 / 200x100 | psd | sharpened Additional content: screen caps For use by: @tabbyrp​​ ONLY unless they state otherwise :) Credit to OP / reblog / like : not required. Icons: click here to begin download
**note from a bird:
Thank you so much for your request and the help you gave me and my family. I hope these serve you well and I will have more for you in the future because this SHOW omg lol.
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coinoperatedbird · 6 months ago
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*Neil . . . . . . . . oh dis about to get long and unfriendly...
Second of all - did you get tired of harassing the H.P. RP community and come here looking for attention? wat the actual fuck my guy? fuck off. im not responsible for Neil**'s actions anymore than Pablo's responsible for them. so take that entirty and fuck right the fuck off with it. preferably very far and away from me. like...the bottom of the the grand canyon. how you get there is entirely up to you. now...
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Ok that that bit of the ugly is out of the way...lets move on to the other part of it.... Third of all-- two hundred years? are you a flat earther too? like i mean on top of being an entire tit stuck to a dick? TWO HUNDRED YEARS? How fucking uncultured you are, dear. Like so uncultured that i'm slightly afraid for those around you with your kind of lack in awareness of knowledge. srsly a two second google search would have shown you this...(please see below)
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Now in case you also aren't aware of how centuries work...the 17th century covers from the year 1600-1700. (also a fun fact you could google but im saving you the time aren't i just so nice.) And so like last I checked in with the laws of mathmatics....1700 subtracted from 2024 equals 324. So even if we assume the story of little red cap started there and did not originate from any other earlier tale that's still---124 years more than your 'guess'. which is seriously all i can think of you did. guess i mean. had u done ur research clearly we wouldn't be here regarding that part of your ugly statement.
But let's talk about that for a minute yea?
10th century 900-1000 Little Red Cap was first told as an oral tale.
Taken from Google for ease : (Many scholars believe the story originated as a spoken folktale among European peasants as early as the 10th century.)
Now you might say oh that's vague there's no proof how can you prove it all they did was talk, blah blah blah. Go have a sit down with a literary historian, they're much more equipped to explain that to you in a way you would understand. yes i really just told you to go ask someone else because i can not in fact bring my iq down to ur level to explain it to you. its a flaw. im aware of it. i apologize.
Moving on, lets assume u've now had that nice chat with that extremely more qualified and patient person than my self historian. That out of the way we're heading into the next issue with ur nasty wee words...
the 10th century aka 900-1000 is still quite a bit more than 200 years before the 19th (thats 1800-1900) by around what 800 years give or take? and even further from where we are now which would be...2024 minus lets call it 950 for fairness....that's 1074 years again give or take a little. so what do you think that means? did you work it out? you got it? that's right! the story of little red cap and the big bad wolf is approximatly one thousand and seventy-four years old. good job!
That statement is true. well done. but that literally has jack to do with when or where we think his story first got spoken. We know it was a spoken story because it was passed down for ages in other countries that the grimm brother's never visited and yet those people knew the story without every having heard of the grimm brother's book let alone read it. so explain that. can you? i can. its very simple....
all we know is that's as far as memory went. aka that's as far back as the last story teller said it was. let me try to put it another way that's easier to follow... Story teller #10 (for 10th century) - he tells the story...but where did he get it from? the story teller before him. and where did that story teller get it from? most likely the story teller before her. and while that story teller may not have enjoyed the tale and there fore did not tell it often her replacement perhaps did like the story but never had a chance to tell it to anyone but his replacement. and that one (#10) took his master's grief of never having gotten to tell it and told the story many times over his life.
so what does that tell us? that tells us that the story of little red cap and the big bad wolf COULD REALLY HAVE originated hundreds of years prior maybe even thousands. We honestly do not know how old oral stories could be because there is no actual way to tell when the story was first woven to pay for a spot by the fire, or perform there duty in the tribe, etc. srsly we don't know. all we can know is however far back human memory goes, and what we find in stone that's survived. that's the only history that's concrete and funny how not even that is because its the victors that write the histories and the victors always put themselves in the best light they can manage.
Its one of my favorite topics! why? because there's just so many gosh darn wolves in irish mythology and it kinda irritates me how often they're looked over and forgotten. did you know that ireland actually used to HAVE wolves but they were hunted to existion? did you know that? DID YOU?! No? GOOGLE IT.
Now a super COOL thing about wolves and ireland...(see below)
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yea they were actually seen as GOOD things back then. do you have any idea how loved Luka would have been back in the day? just seeing him was a sign of blessing. his pawprints left in the mud under ur window sill a sign of great fortune because he accepted ur gift. do you really not understand just how far he fell? he was the favored servant of a favored and feared GODDESS u uncultured swine. bright and beautiful and terrible. and he was twisted into this half life creature with no end and only the dark that hears him all because of a fucking MISTAKE. because immortal servant or not he'd been human once...and humans error. Fourth and final - - "2 dimensional half assed villain"
you've clearly not read a shred of anything regarding Luka and his background or read a single one of his rps, at all. how do i know? because my rp partners wouldnt lie to me. they've protected me from liars before and fuck u very much but im gonna trust them over ur greyed out glassy douche bagged ass.
The Big Bad Wolf as I protray him in my own mythological universe is not a fucking villain. he is not a fucking hero either. he's fucking tired is what he is. and so am i. so fuck off and fuck you.
TL;DR : let me utterly frank...this hill is not a hill i will die on. this hill is a hill i will slay everyone else on. period. Luka is MINE. i made him. i fashioned him as i saw fit. and he will use the fc i fucking decide to use. i dont give a shit what your opinion is. go get help.
tellin' my ass i should be ashamed. bitch u wouldn't know shame if it ran you over with a mack truck. fuck off.
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coinoperatedbird · 7 months ago
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It's my 9 year anniversary on Tumblr
oh this is neat...they actually tell u...but also me dying laughing because ive been here waaaaaay longer than this. just not with this blog which i made way later to just dump all my projects on lol. whelp here's to nine more years just maybe we'll see. Later Internets!
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coinoperatedbird · 1 year ago
Crow Edits [ OPEN ]
as some of you know I love making things for my friends. rp blog promos, rp icons, status banners, aesthetics, etc….well i have decided to open that up to basically anyone and everyone. [ not just my writing partners and friends ] so here’s the skinny if you would like something (along with linked examples)!
Promo Edits for Roleplaying blog Graphics
example 1
example 2
example 3
example 4
example 5
example 6
example 7
example 8 [duo promo]
Icons [ no psd or no water mark ]
i complete these in sets of 50 so please send a separate ask for every set you would like. if you have a particular episode/movie/etc you want me to use for these i need this information up front. other wise i will use what's easiest to find. please feel free not to give me credit for these types of icons. use them however you would like. repost / reblog it matters not to me :)
Icons [ with psd and water mark]
i complete these in sets of 50 so please send a separate ask for every set you iwould like. i make icons in either 100x100 format OR 100x200 format. please specify which you want. if you have a particular episode/movie you want me to use for these i need this information up front. other wise i will use what’s easiest to find. if you want a specific color scheme to the icons i need to know what that is as well. please ensure you give credit to me for this type of icon. that means reblogging the post i create for them. no reposting or claiming you [ or someone not me ] as having done the work of cropping/editing.
online/offline/lurking/drafts graphics
example 1
example 2 [ half and half gif/stills ]
example 3
example 4
these are exactly what the title says more or less. they’re edits you can post to your blog to announce what your status currently is / what you're up too. [ these do not have to be gifs if you just want still backgrounds i can do that. it was just all my examples were mostly with gifs. also these don't have to include your muse’s face. i can just as easily use still aesthetics ]
answer to ask banners
example 1
example 2
example 3
banners to head any asks that you answer. these do not have to be gifs. they can be a still image if you prefer.
aesthetic graphics
example 1
example 2
example 3
color schemes will need to be provided by you in ask/dm. if none is provided I will use colors from your rp blog and/or any other rp blog involved if the aesthetic is for a ship.  so be sure to provide me with the other muse’s blog url/muse face when the aesthetic is for a ship.
ANY and ALL pictures/gifs I use of muse faces strictly belong to the original franchises/companies/living person who’s face it physically is/etc. I don’t own them don’t come at me pls. ANY and ALL stock pictures i use come from:
ANY and ALL templates used are marked on each edit via link and/or text OR the template is by delishious.
i do these as i am able too. sometimes it will be quick other times it might take me a couple days.
and how I will ensure you get what you ask for:
when you're request is complete i will post it to this blog. I will both @ your url as well as tag your url on the post. i will also send you an ask letting you know it has been posted. i will do this because tumblr as we know likes to eat notifications. :)
i’m n o t charging for any of my edits. i expect nothing from anyone who makes requests. however IF you would like to donate towards my time and effort…you may do so via my donation station. [ this is listed under my 'link' page as well on my blog. ]
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coinoperatedbird · 2 years ago
October can’t come soon enough
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coinoperatedbird · 2 years ago
it feels like eighty-four years since this show’s first season was seen by anyone...and i’m still not over the set work. I would STILL do sketchy shit to own Eleanor’s office doors. only some people will understand HOW sketchy. and only some people will sincerely laugh their asses off because they were present for the initial rant i went on the first time we saw those beautifully crafted sons a bitches...
and also like agreed...Toby Stephens’ acting is flawless per usual. 
i feel like we don't talk about mr stephens's acting in this scene enough
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coinoperatedbird · 3 years ago
there are like five rules to life and those rules are
1. eat 3 meals a day
2. always have a non alcoholic drink with you
3. never trust anything you think about your life after 8-9pm
4. do a little something for urself every day
5. interact with a Beast at least once a day (human, feline, canine, lizard, bird, etc)
and the secret 6th rule:
6. if you can't do all of those rules, just do the ones you can
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coinoperatedbird · 3 years ago
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Ship edit request from @kit-just-kit featuring @ronmanmob
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coinoperatedbird · 3 years ago
pu.ti.n  ≠ russia
russia  ≠ pu.ti.n
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coinoperatedbird · 3 years ago
Would You Like Something?
So as some of you know I love making things for my friends. RP Blog promos, rp icons, status banners, aesthetics, etc….well I have decided to open that up to basically anyone and everyone.
So here’s the skinny if you would like something (along with linked examples)!
Promo Edits for Roleplaying blog Graphics
Example 1 |||  Example 2   |||   Example 3 |||   Example 4  |||   Example 5Example 6   |||   Example 7  |||   Example 8 (dual promo)
Icons [ no psd \ no water mark]
Example of 100x100 |||  also available in 100x200 (same height its just wider)
**these come in sets of 50.
**please only request one set per ask.
**if you have a particular episode/movie you want me to use for these i need this information up front. other wise i will use what’s easiest to find.
**please feel free not to give me credit for these. use them however you like :)
these are exactly what the title says more or less. they’re edits you can post to your blog to announce what your status currently is.
Example 1 |||  Example 2 (half and half gif/stills)  |||   Example 3   |||  Example 4
(these do not have to be gifs if you just want still backgrounds i can do that. just all my examples were mostly with gifs. also these dont have to include ur muse’s face. i can just as easily use still aesthetics)
Banners to head any asks that you answer (if your jam is to answer asks in new posts as opposed to posting the original ask)
Example 1  |||   Example 2   |||  Example 3
(these do not have to be gifs they can be a still image if you want/prefer)
color schemes will need to be provided by you in ask/dm. if none is provided I will use colors from your rp blog and/or any other rp blog involved if the aesthetic is for a ship.  (so be sure to provide me with the other muse’s blog url/muse face [when the aesthetic is for a ship] in your request)
Example 1 |||  Example 2  |||  Example 3
ANY and ALL pictures/gifs I use of muse faces strictly belong to the original franchises/companies/living person who’s face it physically is/etc. I don’t own them don’t come at me pls.
ANY and ALL stock pictures I use come from PEXELS, PIXABAY, STOCKVAULT, VECTEEZY, and/or UNSPLASH.
ANY and ALL templates used are marked on each edit via link and/or text OR the template is by dalishious​.
Speed and how I will make sure you get what you asked for:
I do these as i am able too. sometimes it will be quick other times it might take me a couple days. when you’re request is complete i will post it to this blog. I will both @ your url as well as tag your url on the post. I will also send you an ask letting you know it has been posted. I will do this because tumblr as we know likes to eat notifications. :)
as I stated above, i’m n o tcharging for this. i expect nothing from anyone who makes requests. however IF you would like to donate towards my time and effort…you can do that at my donation station.
Your Neighborhood Coin Operated Bird,
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coinoperatedbird · 3 years ago
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coinoperatedbird · 3 years ago
Being a writer is either:
1. writing until your fingers fall off
2. idk how to form a sentence
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coinoperatedbird · 3 years ago
well it looks like the sketchily promoted post+ has gone live... and to that i have only have one thing say:
the legal trouble uninformed people could/will get in using this is STAGGERING. and by legal trouble i mean things like : being fined / losing your gov financial aid /  GOING TO JAIL.
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