cluelesslychosen · 2 years
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The Rookie Leagues!
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cluelesslychosen · 2 years
“Fighting over things that don’t matter.” it replied, not looking over to the newcomer. Why would they? It wasn’t what they thought to see, what they wanted to see  “Never looking at the bigger picture, where they will end up.”
It grabbed a stray bit of data, watching it deteriorate at a rapid pace as they rubbed it between their flickering fingers.
“Thinking their feelings matter…”
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“Feelings… Feelings are something that I don’t think people can control.” The newcomer replies back. “Well… no. Maybe some can. But feelings… Feelings are like a lightening bolt. They strike at a moment’s notice, never hitting the same spot, blinding you and always leaves something behind.”
The other figure seems to watch the entity corrode the data in their hand before speaking. “You can’t really predict it because it happens in the moment. How can you see the bigger picture… without looking at the after images left behind?”
He looks at his own gloved hand for a moment. “It can’t just be humans, can’t it?”
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cluelesslychosen · 2 years
Another voice speaks within the corrosion. A smaller, more youthful voice. "What makes you say that?" they ask the entity as their own data begins to materialize into a more tangible shape. Form similar to the entity's but details differentiate from each other. The newcomer's form is stable in comparison but flickers in this foreign environment.
Within the deep seed of data within his core, one singular entity slightly decayed in its presentation sits among the corroding data.
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They tilt their head, lips mouthing words without a singular noise come out .
“Humans…don’t change do they?”
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cluelesslychosen · 2 years
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[Support my Ko-fi here!]
I figured I’d post this here since It’s been a while since I have new Commission images.
I will draw many characters hanging out or holding hands for the price of money.
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cluelesslychosen · 2 years
OH my god it’s been a loonnnggg time.
LIFE UPDATES: Got a second job! I moved out of parents! Still working on a personal project! I also Take Commissions through Kofi!
That’s about it
I may be more active in the future because digimon brain worms are active
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
__ @cluelesslychosen - Con’t from Here
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📶 –  :: The male approached slowly, though this one had been wearing one of the dyed camouflage rain breakers with a pair of desert wind style goggles on his neck, underneath had been a different story with black clothes with many pockets the male looked like a wanderer; keeping his arms hidden away but the smile he wore was friendly, he tossed a few coins onto the rack “no sense in being tough kid ive seen it all- dealt with just as many been there too many times myself, comes with the territory.” 
    As the male passed by- he halted and turned to face the kid definitely older but the glimpse of a Digivice attached to the collar of his jacket glinted in the light as he slipped a hand on his hip with a grin, a totally ‘i got you’ posture to his mannerism “So you don’t have money true, at least from what i can tell-” the male shrugged “but sometimes you have to get that money yourself, make that living ya know” he relaxed, then realized the kid hadn’t quite been what he’d expected “you didn’t run so that means you got some virtue in you still, otherwise you’d be taking off- all for a little tiny fruit” his head tilted just slightly “since it’s paid for now you can run off but think about what i said huh?” 
    With that, he turned slipping his hands into his pockets and started to walk off, hoping his words would encourage some thing in the boy. 
He stayed standing where he was, still and trying not to make eye contact out of shame of being caught. His eyes catch onto the digivice attached to his jacket and promptly looked away from that too. He didn’t particularly enjoy how the young man was speaking to him, like he didn’t know that you need money to live and you need to earn it. He could feel he was genuinely trying to be helpful but it just rubbing him the wrong way. Like his teachers back home. “I’m not stupid!” Riley turns around to look at the young man when he’s walking away. “I know how money works, you know! I’m not two years old!”  
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
Reblog if you are willing to write in-depth, significant, and valued FRIENDSHIPS.
There is so much focus on romantic/sexual relationships lately. Friendships are incredibly important for characters too, and deserve as much love and attention as romantic/sexual relationships.
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
The window the digimon peers into was small, almost like a little camping cabin. There wasn’t really any light aside from a few electric lanterns. A few Small bodies bundled under some blankets, just obscured enough to not see details.
“M-Ma’am-” A young voice speaks up. It was dark with only the moon illuminating the area. Wind rustling in the trees almost carried it away with it but it manages to stay around.  Perhaps it would take a moment to locate where the voice came from but if the demon digimon would look down she could see a rather small, big bright blue-eyed Wizardmon practically shaking in his boots. “Y-you -u-uh can’t be here.” He stammers out “Uh- P-Private property??” They were very unsure sounding but trying their hardest to seem brave. His big eyes glowing under the night light while he rings his staff in his hands.  “P-Please leave?” He asks her politely. He was trying to be quiet enough to not wake up those in the house despite wanting to call out to his partner.
🌟 —      How awkward it is to feel pair of eyes or more against her back. Glowed hands withdrew from the window glass she had been spying through. Turning slowly around to face the spotter. Shrug is followed with a laugh, as if she had just been caught doing something, and now trying to hide it. Well, it wouldn’t be far from the truth. 
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   “ I was merely looking around. ” || @cluelesslychosen​
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
☯ -  We’re not mutuals but I want to be ♠ - I want to chat with you more ooc Ω - I have questions about our current thread ♣ - I want to drop our thread but still write with you ♥ - I want to ship our muses  ♦ - I have a question about your rules ☮ - Wild card! Any message you want to give on anon!
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
"You know you're going to have to pay for that." (Cadan to your choice) (jest-at-destiny)
His hand froze in place when the voice calls out on his poor thieving skills. The boy hadn't even pulled his hand into his makeshift cloak to hide the fact he stole a fruit from a stand not even 10 feet away.
So he stands there in a panic and not looking at the young man behind him. He's very tempted to run but judging from the voice, this person would easily catch up in a few strides.
"... Do I look like I have any kind of money?" The kid asks, not looking back at Caden.
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
ღ : What sorts of plots/characters/scenes do you have the most difficulty writing, and why?
A have a very hard time writing romances and tend to just write platonic relationships. When ever I do I really have to stop and think how it would work to seem convincing. Since I'm Aro-Ace af I don't really have a life reference to go off of. lmao.
I'm also very bad at writing actual evil but complex characters? I noticed I have a lack of them and my repertoire and that makes me have a big think.
Still won't stop me from trying because fun.
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
♀ : A trope you catch yourself falling back too often?
Just you find a group of friends you find yourself falling back on as well as allowing yourself to be vulnerable. People you can trust with your weaknesses and respects your boundaries. People that can give you the comfort and care you need but also know that sometimes they have to step back to work it out on your own.
It's my crack. Can't get enough.
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
Roleplay related mun memes!
😡 : Worse role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
✿ : Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
웃 : An existing character you’ve played in the past that you miss?
ツ : An OC you created that you are proud of?
유 : A role-play related instance that you regret/are ashamed/not proud of?
♂ : Do you have a role-play/writing routine? If so, what is it?
♀ : A trope you catch yourself falling back too often?
☿ : A trope you dislike?
✍ : Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.
✉ : On average, how long does it take you to write a reply that you’re pleased with?
❅ : Advice to non-role play blogs that want to get started?
✔ : What drew you to the character you currently play? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?
☯ : Greatest challenge to writing your character?
✘ : Any head canons you’d like to imply on you character but know they wouldn’t fit?
✯ : A head canon someone else has inspired you to adopt?
➳ : Do you prefer writing on your own, on tumblr/a forum, or on an IM platform? Why?
▲ : What sort of information do you like to see on someone’s role play page that helps you determine whether or not you would want to write with them?
▼ : Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?
♫ : Are there parts of your own personality that you reflect onto your character? How do they work?
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
✈ : What do you think is your reputation in your role-play community?
⌘ : Where do you get some of your inspirations for plots/head canons? Offer an example, if possible.
ღ : What sorts of plots/characters/scenes do you have the most difficulty writing, and why?
☂ : Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way, and explain how.
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
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cluelesslychosen · 3 years
Waking Up Sentence Starters
“Come on sleepyhead, time to get up.” “Good morning starshine, the earth says hello…” “Oh hey, you’re awake!” “What day is it?” “I had a dream about you…” “Have I really been asleep for that long?” “Wait, is it nine PM, or nine AM?” “I don’t even remember falling asleep.” “I don’t wanna be awake.” “No, I’m still sleeping, go away.” “When did I even fall asleep, anyway?” “Can we just go back to sleep and never get out of bed ever again?”
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