#Partner Digimon✜Kain
cluelesslychosen · 4 years
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【A Chosen Child, as the name implies, is destined by the digital world to save it from an oncoming disaster with a unique digimon created to aid them.】
But what if you’re a child who has no idea where to begin and your digimon has no memory of the world he came from? No one said saying a world was going to be easy...
「Semi Selective Original Character Roleplay blog based on the Digimon Universe with Original Worldbuilding. 」 Open to both Canon Muses and non-canon/Original Muses and universes.
「 Chosen Child✜Dani 」   「 Partner Digimon✜Kain 」
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cluelesslychosen · 4 years
✜The Lost Spark✜
“Mum said her shipment is going to take a while.” Momi turns to her younger siblings and pulls out her wallet. “She’s giving you guys ¥2000 each for lunch and other stuff. Don’t spend it all at once, okay?” Dani gives her sister a silent nod and takes her share of the allowance. Riley swipes the remaining money. “What about you?” He asks “You’re not coming with us for lunch?” “I wish, I’m going to help Mum carry the resin supplies. She’s got a deadline and needs to get the  sculpt and prototypes done fast.” Momi replies, tucking away her wallet and adjusting her bag. “You two are big kids.” She tells him “Besides, Dani’s with you and you guys know Shibuya station. We’ll meet by the konbini when we’re done, okay?” “But it’s so crowded,” Dani whines to them both “Can’t we stay with you guys?”  she pleads. “I don’t like the noise.” “I mean you could,” Momi replies “But you’ll have to wait until we get on the train to get a meal.” Riley rolls his eyes at both his sisters. “I don’t want to babysit Dani.” he groans, “I always have to babysit her when we go to Shibuya!” “You’re not babysitting her! The both of you are looking out for each other.” Momi asserts herself, crossing her arms. “The two of you wanted to come so don’t be giving each other grief, okay?” Dani shrinks herself and glances her eyes away from their sister. Riley scowls, shoving his hands in his sweater pockets. Momi takes a deep breath and pinches the bridge of her nose. “Guys, please.” She begs, “It's only for a little while. Please, keep an eye out for each other. I’ll make it up to you guys when we get home, okay? We’ll text you when we’re done.” “... Whatever.” Riley scoffs before immediately turning away and walking down the hall. Dani stands beside Momi in silence before speaking up. Dani whimpers to her sister, “Did I do something wrong?”
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“No, Dani.” Momi sighs, patting her head and ruffling a bit, “You didn’t. He’s… frustrated at a lot of things right now.” Momi then puts her hand on Dani’s back and pushes her forwards, “Go on, get something to eat. Mum and I will see you guys in a bit, okay?”
Ten minutes and ¥500 poorer, Riley sits down at a bench and looks at his food. Beef Omurice. Typical of him, being a picky eater he thinks to himself. He watches his older sister across from his seating.  He could tell from here she was having trouble with speaking and asking questions.
Whatever, she could do it herself. She’s not a baby, he tells himself as he shuffles his bag onto his lap to put away his wallet. Only to open it and see the round, white form of Calumon sleeping unaware in his backpack. Oh no. Not here!
“Hey!” He whispers and shakes his bag a little to stir the creature up. “Psst! No free rides!” The Calumon opens their enormous eyes and yawns before turning and giving Riley a small wave. If this were a cat, he’d find this adorable. But this was a digimon so-
He grabs onto the creature and pulls it out of his bag by the nape of their neck and glares at them. “Why do you keep bothering me?!” he hisses at them. They simply just tilt their head with a “Luu...”
He rolls his eyes with a scoff. before he can do anything the creature immediately escapes his grip and darts for his bento. Eyes hungry. “Oh no you don’t!” He holds their head in one hand while keeping his meal in the other. “I’m not letting you steal another bite of food!”
He pauses when he feels the eyes of the crowd peering in his direction. Riley can feel the judgement radiating from them as they stared. Pressing down on him like a weight while he feels his heartbeat quicken.
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Too many eyes, he can feel their thoughts. He needs to go. He has to go. He needs air. Disregarding Calumon he shoves his meal in his bag and begins running from the bench and down the hall. Confused at his quick exit, Calumon floats on the spot before chasing after the boy, concerned. “Psst-” Dani pauses from her purchasing process, about to pay for her lunch when Kain whispers. In his Kyaromon form he fits in his partner’s backpack without others noticing. “Dani!” he whispers, “Dani, Riley's running off!” Uh-oh. Dani gives an apologetic bow to the cashier and places her meal down. “I’m so sorry, I’m not hungry anymore. Have a good day-” She turns and launches after her brother in the ever noisy crowd. The noise made her vision buzz but she pushed past that as fast as she could. Losing her brother in Shibuya would be a nightmare. She couldn’t let her parent’s down again. Riley runs. He ran past the crowds, not paying attention to where he was going. Soon enough, the sounds of people faded and the sounds of his footsteps echoed off the corridors. He takes his deep breaths in the cool air and as he recollects he realizes where he is. A corridor that was in preparation for a remodel. This hall was open but no one was using it. He rubs his face and leans against the plywood wall. Finally… Calm. “Caluu!!” Or not. The little digimon toddles over and rests on Riley’s shoulder. He scoffs trying to pull them off but their tiny claws cling onto his sweater. They let out a rather defiant “No!” in response and he lets go. Huh? They’ve never… spoke before and that caught Riley off guard. The digimon clung on with determination, fear and… concern? Why was he picking up concern? He stares at the little creature for a moment before replying. “Did you… talk-” Riley’s eyes widen for a moment when that familiar tell-tale feeling returns. Pins and needles shot up his legs and then his spine. The pressure building in his head as he grabs onto it. Calumon clutches onto the boy. They make concerned noises for Riley as he tries to steady himself. The lights in the corridor all begin to flicker in intervals. He squeezes his eyes shut. The wind inside dies to a whisper and the temperature plunges. Not freezing but it feels cold and wet like a late autumn rainstorm. There's silence. “No-No, just breathe, breathe-” Riley mutters as he tries to ignore everything. Until the sound of rushing water hits his ears and eyes snap open. Water rushes out from the other side of the tunnel, freezing cold, dark water. The warm lights turn a sterile white. His breath is visible as he tries to calm himself down but finds himself failing in every aspect. The episodes before were bad but never like this. This was different. Completely different! “W-What the hell is going on--” “Child… Oh, Child...” The voice creeps into his ears like a squirming worm. The word carried on a struggling breath. Lungs water-locked and gurgling. It paralyzes him, legs refusing to move as he feels his stomach churn. He knows he needs to run but that voice- He turns his head towards the rushing water. 
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Three, large red eyes pierce through the darkness ahead. Before the rest of it begins to slither out the darkness. Sharp teeth glimmer in the lifeless light in a grin full of malice. His voice hitches in his throat. Body frozen, terror overriding every function. Before finally, finally he-
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Dani’s digivice begins beeping in her sidepack as she runs down the hall. Kain pops his head out and jumps from Dani’s backpack, digivolving into his Impmon stage. “I got a bad feeling about this Dani!” He calls out as he runs beside her. They both round a corner and see the unfinished corridor. A terrified scream sounds from the corridor. A scream they both knew well enough by now. “That’s Riley!-” Dani charges into the tunnel with little hesitation. Kain hesitates but follows, Evolving once more into his Wizardmon state. They run through the hall as fast as their legs can go. The lights flickered, hurting Dani’s eyes. With each flicker the lights grew cold, the corridor grew longer. Space warping. Shoes splashing into rising water. The current makes it harder to traverse.
“Riley?!” Dani called out through the tunnel. Pause. A Scream. Running faster, filled with trepidation they move. As fast as their bodies can through the raging current. The scream gets louder. A blinking of lights, they reach the scene. Almost frame by frame. Riley is trying to dodge the digital monster’s limbs, splashing around in a panic. Calumon hides in his hood and cries out in fear. Claws grip onto his waist and he screams again. His eyes catch onto Dani’s, reflecting the fear and terror back. Kain moves without thinking, pulling his staff from his cape. A large fireball crashes into the squidlike demon. It roars in agony, clutching onto it’s face as fire takes it. Seeing this opening Riley bolts, trying to use the current to gain any semblance of speed. It feels as if a few feet are miles. His legs can’t seem to take a proper stride and he fumbles hard through the knee deep waters. “Riley!” Dani shouts at the top of her lungs, out stretching both her arms to him. She runs forward to him, not caring if Kain screams at her to stay back. Only keeping her brother safe mattered to her. Riley stumbles forward, water in his eyes and head pounding. He sees Dani running towards him. He forgets his resentment, his anger, his fear in this moment and he cries out for his big sister. Arms reaching for her. “Dani!”
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So close. 
But they don’t reach. A tendril shoots from the darkness and wraps itself around Riley. Both Riley and Calumon are  wretched backwards. Riley’s goggles sent flying. Dani helplessly watches as her brother gets pulled away into the darkness. What she thought was darkness. What was a darkened tunnel was in actuality a rift of some kind. Seeing this, Riley struggles hard against his captor. As hard as he thrashes it’s not enough, only getting one arm free. He continues to reach for Dani in desperation.
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“Dani! Help me! Dani!” He begs with tears forming in his eyes. The darkness consumes both the digimon and Riley. They disappear. Dani stands there, arms outstretched to nothing, water disappearing and air returning. But in her shock Kain jumps forwards. He holds out his hands and yells out, in rage. “Give him back, you Monster!”
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 Magic sparks from his hands and he pulls his hands apart. The closing rift jerks with resistance. The Wizardmon struggles to hold the portal open. “Go Dani! I’ll follow you!” He yells back at his partner, still frozen. “Go! Now!” His words break Dani out of her paralysis. Her eyes drift to her brother’s goggles. With a nod she steels herself, takes a deep breath. Dani grabs onto Riley’s goggles. She had to get Riley back! She shouts in her mind and runs full speed and jumps through the rift. The moment Dani leaps through, Kain releases the portal and runs right behind her. 
It feels like static, cold static. It’s hard to move limbs, hard to see. Hard to breathe. Riley feels the void around him getting more and more cold. The humanoid creature continues dragging him and Calumon down. He swears he hears it laughing at him. Speaking in a language he doesn’t quite understand but he can tell what it’s thinking. It’s in the throes of victory. He has a child, he’s won. His master will praise him. Like hell he will!
He uses his free arm to hit the tendril as hard as he can. He didn’t care if the impact would shoot pins and needles down his arm “Let go of me!” He screams into the dark, hitting as hard as he can. Calumon clings to Riley before they hop off and begins to try and remove the tendril’s grip around Riley. A futile effort as the squid like monster snatches Calumon in his oversized arm. “PEST!” it shouts as it’s claws start crushing the little digimon. Calumon in turn cries out in pain from the bigger digimon’s grip. Hearing the tiny digimon cry out in pain seemed to awaken something in Riley. Something he can’t understand but he runs on instinct.
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“Don’t--” Something feels like it’s burning in him. “You--” Something that he let go from deep within. “Hurt--” At this moment he didn’t care about the need to hold back. “Her!” There was no one else here. It was do or die.
His fist hits the digimon, burning white light sears the digital flesh of their captor. He screams out again in agony.  Holding this child was like holding a glowing hot stone. They try to bite through the pain but it's too much. The white light completely overwhelmed his body. Like a star in the dark and as intense.  Grappling onto the sea demon’s arm he screams out one last time. “Let us go!”
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The light radiating off of him almost becomes flame like. White hot and incinerates the limb of the digimon. Data disperses as the light burns it’s arms away, running up and burning the left side. The digimon screams in complete agony to the point it rather drop its prey or die. It chooses self preservation. It darts away into the digital sea. It sounds like it’s screaming for forgiveness from someone but Riley can't make a word of it. His vision is going blurry.
Calumon, now retreats to the boy. They cling onto his hoodie and cry out to him but he’s fading. Both in a literal and figurative sense. His eyes glaze over as the light begins to fade away. Calumon knew they had to do something. Riley saved them. They had to save him back. They can’t last here, Riley definitely can’t last here. They close their eyes and the gem on their forehead glows. Calumon doesn’t know what they’re doing but all they do know is that they had to save Riley. Bring him somewhere safe. The remains of Riley’s light merges with Calumon’s. A force pushes them upwards. Away from the darkness.  
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There's a brief resistance the closer they get to the light. Before it feels like they shattered through a glass wall. The small white digimon opens their bleary eyes. and sees now they are in the digital stream, the current of a network. Calumon feels relief before they lay themselves on the now unconscious Riley's body. They too needed rest. Unaware of what their power had done.
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Wherever they drift too, it was better than the darkness they escaped.
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cluelesslychosen · 4 years
Continued from Here:
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“How cute that digimon!!” Miyako just spotted a girl, probably younger than her, with a digimon she never had seen before. Actually, Miyako had no idea what was going on, who sent that e-mail and definitely who most of those people were.
Maybe she could interact with other people, anyway.“W-where are you going, Miyako-san!?” Hawkmon had followed her all the way, even when she had eating dubious food (”was it safe?”) “I’m here Hawkmon” she waved, and them gestured her hands to the digimon the girl had with her “Look at this fluffy-mon~” “M-Miyako-san…” Hawkmon landed next to Miyako, “Pardon, she’s quite excited today…” “I’m Miyako! And this is Hawkmon, my digimon partner. Who are you?” Dani was reaching for a drink when the other girl’s voice came from nowhere and she froze out of instinct. She opened her mouth and closed it like a fish to try and sputter out a word or two. She was just taken aback over just how direct she was in seconds.
She wasn’t used to it.
“Hello!” She blurted out finally, “Uh- My name is Dani- Nice to meet the two of you.” Dani greeted glancing aside to avoid eye contact for the time being before pulling Kain from his hiding place. “This is Kyaromon! But I call him ‘Kain’! He’s my partner-” In her nervousness her Japanese got a little choppy.
“Ah-ah sorry, sorry. you just surprised me-” she mutters before Kain takes over.
“She’s not used to people coming up to her so suddenly! but it’s very nice to meet the both of you!” he waves his tiny pawb at the two of them.
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cluelesslychosen · 5 years
If you are still taking for emotionally ompromising digimon asks: 2 & 4?
2.) How far you would you go for your Digimon partner?Dani would go to the ends of the earth for Kain. He’s practically her first best friend. 
3) What vision would BelialVandemon make you see in order to defeat you? Do you think you would be able to escape it on your own?
Something like Hikari’s. Digimon and humans at peace with the added bonus that Riley is a happy child who seems to have no fear or loathing for them. In general just a happy kid.
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cluelesslychosen · 5 years
@thedarkcharisma (x)
“That-” The young wizardmon kneeled down and pointed at the various quills in the Phascomon’s body, “is definitely not my definition of OK.” 
The wizardmon tugged on his hat before looking around. He didn’t want to leave such a small digimon stuck where they were.  “Ah- Don’t move- Wait no you can’t that was- “ 
The wizardmon tugged his hat down more for a moment to completely cover his face in embarrassment of his wording before looking up and calling out.
“Dani? Dani?!” there was clear panic in his voice as he called out. “Dani! I found a hurt digimon! Dan-”
In a second she came crashing through to the Wizardmon, stumbling a little and trying to keep her balance. It looked like she had ran here as fast as she could.
“Kain? Is that-” she started, trying to catch her breath.
The young wizardmon moved a little to show his partner the condition the Phascomon. The girl gave the little digimon a look, she’d never seen one like him before and neither did Kain. Those thoughts didn’t stay long as she kneeled down beside her partner, looking over the quills.
“Do you know who did this?” Dani asked Kain and the wizardmon replied with a vigorous headshake.
“No! I found him like this just now!” he replies, looking back down at him. He was almost too afraid to try to do anything. It looked very painful.
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