clitor-i-a · 4 days
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i don’t know who this woman is. but these two nameless photos of that i think are both of her have shown up in two separate threads of photos of lesbians, a month apart. and i picked them out to attach to without even realizing it was the same woman at first. and i am hopelessly attached to her
edit — her name is asia. both photos were taken by chloe sherman in san francisco, in 1996. [x] [x]
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clitor-i-a · 4 days
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the butch/femme scene of 1990s san francisco by chloe sherman
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clitor-i-a · 4 days
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“Dykes and Their Cars” by Chloe Sherman
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clitor-i-a · 13 days
female separatism isn't necessarily possible for every woman to do immediately, but I think steps towards it are.
if you can't control if men come on your property, restrict where they go- have your room off-limits if you're in an apartment. if your social circle has men in it, organize a "girl's night" where you can congregate without men around. read books only written by women for a few months. refuse to sit through songs or movies with misogynistic themes. if you can't shop at women-owned businesses, due to cost or availability, start leaving good reviews for female staff and encouraging management to promote them. recommend other women for jobs if your employer is hiring. talk to your female coworkers about sexual harassment laws. learn landlord-tenant laws and tell your friends to do the same- some US states allow you to break a lease w no penalty if fleeing domestic violence in some cases. know where you can get free menstrual products, where women's shelters and clinics are, and let other women know.
none of this is full separatism, and a lot of it isn't separatism at all, but they're all steps that can be taken.
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clitor-i-a · 25 days
Butch Lovin' Artists Masterdoc!
have you ever mourned the lack of easily findable butch art on the internet? today is your lucky day... for I have begun to make a master spreadsheet of artists across the interweb that draw butches
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there's an ok amount on here for now mostly consisting of my mutuals and their mutuals... but it is a lot of work to sort through and find more. thus why I recruit you. SUBMIT ANY BUTCH-DRAWING ARTIST (including yourself) and they will be added to the spreadsheet. together we can end this butch shortage. just take my hand.
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clitor-i-a · 1 month
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Source: The Butch/Femme Photo Project , by Wendi Kali
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clitor-i-a · 1 month
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made a lesbian version of that one Gerard Donelan comic
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clitor-i-a · 1 month
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clitor-i-a · 1 month
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Source: The Butch/Femme Photo Project , by Wendi Kali
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clitor-i-a · 1 month
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Source: The Butch/Femme Photo Project , by Wendi Kali
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clitor-i-a · 1 month
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Source: The Butch/Femme Photo Project , by Wendi Kali
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clitor-i-a · 1 month
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Lydia Pettit (American, 1991) - What Lies Beneath (2023)
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clitor-i-a · 1 month
Alcoholics Anonymous/12 steps is so inherently insidious and predatory towards women who struggle with addiction. Misogyny, rape culture, unequal power dynamics, and the literal patriarchy thrive in AA. There is a reason why AA is overrun by men.
I’ve heard stories from women who want to get sober and attend these meetings, only for the men circle them like fking sharks. Men offering to be a woman’s sponsor, and then trying to manipulate her into sex. This is so prevalent in the culture of AA, that getting a newcomer woman to have sex with male members is called the “13th step.”
God forbid if you call out this behavior, because 12-steppers will accuse you of “taking inventory” or straight up gaslight you and say That doesn’t happen. Meanwhile, they struggle to retain female members because AA attracts problematic men, and the program ultimately fails to address the nuances that go into female alcoholism/addiction.
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clitor-i-a · 3 months
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Lesbian Love, from the archive of Soviet prison tattoos.
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clitor-i-a · 3 months
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Strange town where men aren’t wanted LESBIANVILLE, U.S.A. — that’s what they’re calling Northampton, Mass., population 30,000. Some 10,000 gay women live in the area. Welcome to Lesbianville USA - a bizarre town where so many women love women you can even find them cuddling and kissing on Main Street! The place is listed on maps as Northampton, Mass., but here are just some of the reasons why it got its nickname: • Some 10,000 gay women live in the town or nearby. • The newspaper publishes announcements of same-sex engagements and “commitment” ceremonies on the same page as weddings. • A popular lingerie shop hosts an annual lesbian night. • One book shop sells “Just Say No to Men” buttons. It also has a lesbian fiction section and a sign telling men to browse elsewhere. • In bars and restaurants, women hold hands across cozy tables and dance cheek-to-cheek. • A monthly newspaper lists events such as a lesbian town meeting, plus get-to-gethers for older lesbians and “Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays” • About half the town’s 245 businesses are owned by women, although not all are lesbians. • There’s a yearly Lesbian Home Show - where men are NOT welcome. • Even the graffiti is gay! On a railroad overpass near the center of town someone painted: “Fern & Lisa 4-ever”
“Lesbianville, USA”, The National Enquirer, April 14 or 24, 1992, photo via Reddit
Read about the history and aftermath of the article here.
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clitor-i-a · 3 months
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South Korean feminists
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clitor-i-a · 3 months
so a few hours ago I saw a woman post that she lives in a rural area and sees how tired the women in her area are and wants to know what to do to help them. and unfortunately I didn't save her post down to reply to but while I was biking thought of one answer which is, basically,
a friend of mine did a once-every 2 months barbeque, where each time she invited the usual crowd and asked them to bring sb new. She started with two coworkers (I was one of the coworkers). She made it really clear that it was okay to bring new friends, and the reason she gave was, "that keeps it from being boring!". if women wanted to bring a male friend, she would be like, "it's just more fun if it's just us girls, yanno?"
you don't use radfem language, you don't lecture, you don't explain, you don't try to do anything, you just, literally hang out with them, build connections, build relationships. women are naturally helpful to each other, and you'll start seeing women helping each other, and sometimes, late into the evening, someone might tell their story, and everyone will learn something.
now my friend did this in a city, but in a small enclave in the city, where a lot of people knew each other's business. and people would snark about the women's barbeque, but it wasn't really interfered with, it was just women having a beer.
anyways, this is how you begin. how the story goes from there depends a lot on you, on your community, the women involved etc. but at least, at the very least, you're creating a moment of lightness and solidarity in at least a few women's lives, and that is worth something you know? sometime's it's worth everything.
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