clarysgooding · 3 years
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“Right, brother, of course,” That did make more sense but then again he didn’t presume to know anything about her family. He raised an eyebrow, “I wasn’t aware it was something you needed his permission for,” He added. He didn’t have a chance to hear her reply. He probably heard the chanting before she did. He didn’t recognise the spell but he didn’t imagine it was anything good. When he stopped, he waited for something to happen. It was the screams that drew his attention to the appearing figures. He didn’t looked panicked but he felt himself react immediately. the dead coming back was never good for an immortal, “Sorry, Clarissa,” He said, biting down on his wrist and pressing it to her mouth to feed her his blood, “Looks like you’re out of time,” Before she could respond again, he snapped her neck and caught her as she fell. He pulled her to a safe space, an empty shop just off town square. Perhaps it was meant to be manned but the chaos must have cleared it. He needed to get some supplies. Blood for when she woke up, perhaps some talismans to keep ghosts away. So he left her there. If someone found her, they’d take her to a hospital probably if they didn’t figure things out from the blood around her mouth but hopefully he wouldn’t be gone too long and would get to her before she woke up or anyone found her.
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clarysgooding · 3 years
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Everett immediately started looking for his sister when the ghosts appeared. The only ghosts that haunted him either weren’t dead or had been human. He didn’t imagine Clary was in any immediate danger but he wanted to make sure she was okay anyway. He’d noticed her walking in a certain direction a few minutes before and headed that way. It took him twenty minutes - and running through five ghosts - but he eventually found her, “No, no, no, no, no,” He all pleaded as he fell to his knees beside her, “Clary?” He asked, already feeling his eyes brimming with tears. He held her face gently, tilting it ever so slightly to check for injuries. He couldn’t feel or hear a pulse, “Clary no, please wake up,” He begged. Everett couldn’t find a cause. She hadn’t been stabbed, shot or slashed. No bones seemed to be broken. Aside from the lack of a heart beat, the only thing that was off was some dried blood around her mouth. Was it magic? Had she tried to take someone’s and they retaliated with a spell? His vision blurred as he inspected her. He was so caught up in the idea of losing her that he missed it at first but his instincts kicked on and his heightened smell caught that something was off. The blood wasn’t hers. She didn’t even smell like Clary anymore, she didn’t even smell like death. Unfortunately, he’d been around it enough to know. So what was happening to her? Just as he was trying to figure out, his sister opened her eyes, “Oh my god, Clary,” He pulled her into a hug, tears streaming down his face, “But how…” He still couldn’t hear a heart beat, “How are you alive?”
It was a weird sensation being brought back, and for a moment, she was in a state of confusion. She could feel herself in a hug with her brother, but that’s when she realized what was going on. Her senses were in overdrive, everything was so loud, but his blood pumping in his veins was the loudest, drowning out all of the noise around her. She was so close to him, she could just... no... she pushed herself away from her brother. When she pulled from him, her fangs shifted back. She scrambled more away from Everett, scared that she would do something she’d regret, feeling so out of control. She realized that Erik had turned her. “That motherfucker,” were the first words out of her mouth. 
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clarysgooding · 3 years
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Erik moved to walk in stride with Clary, “Have you spoken to your… cousin yet, Clary?” He asked, knowing it probably wasn’t cousin but he didn’t care enough about things these days, “I’m eager to begin your training. See how powerful you really are.”
“Brother,” Clary instantly corrected, sternly. “And no, not yet,” she replied. “I do want to take you up on your offer, I’m just trying to find a way to like tell him ‘Hey, by the way I’m going to take up an offer to become a vampire, cool with you?’ without it sounding like that.”
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clarysgooding · 3 years
“Oh, I get it now,” she shook her head. “I saw your brother earlier and had no idea what he was dressed up as. You guys are the Addams’ kids or whatever. I saw a Morticia out there earlier.” @clarysgooding​
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Clary shrugged, taking a drink of the halloween drink she had ordered. “I don’t know who the Morticia is, but Everett was the one to come up with the costumes.”
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clarysgooding · 3 years
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clarissa gooding as wednesday addams from the addams family ( with everett moore as pugsley addams )
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clarysgooding · 3 years
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“What you got there, Wednesday?” Everett asked, peering her his sister’s shoulder to try and see what she was holding, “Anything interesting?”
“Oh, uh, Erik gave me this amulet,” Clary replied. “It’s made for siphoners, so that I don’t have to siphon magic from other people like I usually do.”
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clarysgooding · 3 years
Isa smiled nervously when she noticed the only empty seat in the bar was near Clarissa. “Okay, be cool,” she whispered to herself as she approached the bar. Sitting down next to the girl, she smiled, “Hey. We didn’t literally run into each other this time.”
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“I guess we’re moving up in the world,” Clary replied, giving a slight shrug. She took a drink from her whiskey. “I didn’t think I’d see you here.”
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clarysgooding · 3 years
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“Your mother clearly doesn’t see the true power you possess. Do you know what it normally take for a witch to remove magic from a powerful object? Everyone else relies on the elements, anncestors, celestial events. You can do it in a simple touch. That’s power,” Erik smirked, knowing he had caught her attention, “Well, I could give you my blood and die. Witches generally lose their power when they’re turned into vampires but not you. You will have a constant flow of magic. You’ll have all the power.”
“Doesn’t feel like it sometimes,” she replied. His preposition peaked her interest. “And by that you mean, I would become a vampire.” There was a part of that that interested her, but there was one thing that held her back, her brother.
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clarysgooding · 3 years
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“Aha, well if immortality, old age and trauma brings mystery then I’m a triple threat,” Erik replied with a wicked grin, “Weird things? Dear naive witch, this room is your history. You want to know something about me? My mother was a witch. I was meant to be one, as were my siblings. Then were forced to be immortals and that gift was taken away from us. I’ve spent my life learning everything I can about witches, collecting artefacts, researching them and protecting them. I bring them here to keep them safe from being lost to history and myth. I train witches who fascinate me or are in need and occcasionally - ah here we are,” He paused as he lifted the amulet out of a glass case, “Occasionally, I gift what I have collected to very special witches. I guess this time, that’s you,” He still smiled and held it up for her to see, “This amulet hold infinite power. Created by an ancestor of my mother’s for siphoner witches such as yourself. You recite a few words, start your spell and hey presto, you’re got magic.” He explained and handed it to her, “The words you need to say are on the amulet itself. A little tedious to have to do that first but soon, you’ll have it down,” He paused, pretending to hesitate, “Of course, there is one easier way…”
“Damn, you got me with that one,” Clary replied. “All I got was a shitty father and a mother who was kind of disappointed that her daughter didn’t have any magic of her own. Special witches? Wow, Blackthorne, no need to flatter me or anything.” Clary took the amulet, looking at it. “Easier way? Putting me through some kind of test or something?”
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clarysgooding · 3 years
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Erik placed his hand to his chest in apology, “Please excuse me for being so formal, Clary,” He said, putting emphasis on the name as he repeated it, “I will but I need to show you the artefact first in order to explain how it works,” He pulled out the key for the room and unlocked it, opening both doors for them. He chuckled, “Mystery comes with immortality,” She may understand that soon enough, “Welcome to my magical treasure trove. The amulet should be over here, feel free to have a look around while I retrieve it.”
Clary walked around, looking at all the treasures that Erik had collecting throughout the yers. “Mystery comes with plenty of other things too, trauma, old age,” she commented. “I barely know anything about you besides that you’re a Blackthorne, one of the original vampires, who has an interest in collecting some weird things. Is there a common thing among this stuff?”
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clarysgooding · 3 years
closed starter - clary & astra ( @astragrimsbane​ )
Clary looked over at the other when she sat near her. “Can I help you Astra?” she asked, eyebrows raised.
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clarysgooding · 3 years
closed starter - clary & isa ( @isasantiago​ )
Clary was sitting at the bar enjoying a whiskey. She saw Isa and of course the only open seat at the bar was next to Clary. Clary sighed, taking a drinking, whispering “fuck” into her glass. 
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clarysgooding · 3 years
closed starter - clary & everett ( @immcrtalsx​ )
“I know how this looks,” Clary said when Everett saw her on the ground. “I’m looking for my bracelet, y’know the one with the amethyst from my Mom. I took a nap on the couch, so I’m pretty sure it’s gotta be around here somewhere.”
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clarysgooding · 3 years
closed starter - clary & mark ( @nctural​ )
Clary jumped when Mark spoke behind her. “Jesus Christ, Hexner, one of these days I’m going to accidentally punch you if you keep scaring the crap out of me.”
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clarysgooding · 3 years
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“Clarissa,” Erik said in greeting as the woman entered the library where he’d asked her to meet him. He had been doing his research on the woman to figure out if she really was worth his time. the fact that she was here meant that she was, “The talisman I talked about it just in the artefacts room, follow me,” He continued, pulling an old key out of a drawer behind he front desk and starting to walk.
Clary cringed when Erik said her whole name. “It’s just Clary,” she insisted. “Are you going to explain how this works fully now that I’m here, or are you in love with keeping this stuff a mystery?” Clary asked, raising her eyebrows as she followed Erik. “You are a mysterious man, Blackthorne.”
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clarysgooding · 3 years
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“I wouldn’t do that. If I was outside, I’d be home,” Everett wasn’t one to hang about. He raised an eyebrow, “You already did? From who?”
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clarysgooding · 3 years
“It doesn’t matter,” she shook off Clarissa’s apology. It didn’t matter what the woman did… Isa would always keep her near her heart. She could get by with a little less magic if she needed to. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Seeing Clary was hard. It reminded her of the time she spent on the surface… great times that she’ll probably never have again now that she was in line to be queen. Things were so awkward between them because their relationship was left unfinished. Isa was pulled back to the water when it was the last thing she wanted to do, ending a lot of relationships she had on the surface. “I was just looking for Emilia but I don’t even know if she’s here.”
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Clary thought about leaving Isa to go find Everett, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it, especially after what had happened to the other mermaid princess. “I’m looking for my brother, I can uh, help you look for Emilia too if you want.”
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