Illness and fever dreams.
Some days ago I was overcome with a bout of illness. That night I had fever dreams and through my fever dreams I accessed the Akashic records.
My fever dreams brought me to someplace called coma of a thousand poets. And some ancient bazaar
I walked around seeing lifetimes as dead objects
Seeing that every time one is sick the time lost bothers subconsciously but there's no reason to because it will pass and over the lifetimes it's the same thing over and over
I was a bush, I was an elephant I was a stretch of road
But over the eons it was the same because the time spent sick is minimal
But then there's illnesses that change entire lifetimes but the good outweighs the bad even in those.
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Autumn darkness sermon.
Church of Starry Wisdom.
We look to the heavens and pray that it be a bright morning star for our souls.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
September 14th:
El diablo está haciendo uso de la telaraña de la mentira para hacernos ver más poderosos. Pero debemos afirmar, nuestra ley más sagrada es el amor en toda su gloria.
Anahí del Mundo
Fall into Darkness, but keep Your Love
What was created cannot be destroyed.
Father of the Universe, where are You?
We implore Your presence in our time.
I have done what I know to do.
( Sacrifice )
Where there is trust, there is no fear.
Where there is fear, there is no love.
When we are enlightened, then our eyes become like those of the Higher Power.
We can see the corrupt belief system of the ruling class because they have all kinds of gods.
We cannot set up this gospel for the people of the new day. It must be for those who have been awakened in the age.
Because they are free to live their life in the way they choose, and only because we are the creators of all life.
We cannot keep one from being born, and the other cannot be torn from the womb.
Because only we, the guardians of the force of life in all of its many forms - cannot create from Nothing.
Because only they are sentient life, I am not concerned with them. But if they murder each other and destroy one another's planet, then I will concern myself with them, as we share the same planet.
Because we are all part of the same story. That is why the world must be healed.
It is time to forgive. We are the force of life and love.
That is who we are. We can't be who we're not.
We need to keep our eye on the future.
When we love one another, we will then join the earth and its forms as we become part of the singularity.
We will unite and see the grand scheme that the Creator has for us.
Yet it's important to remember, the love that we practice is eternal, as we all are, in the end.
So let's pray for our loved ones who are not with us.
As we look to the heavens and ask the Creator for all of our needs, we pray for ourselves and each other to find the strength and energy to move forward in this new day. We will unite with the earth, the water, the air, the land, the trees, the flowers.
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The ”gotcha” attitude of the unenlightened.
I was reading this article while having my morning tea.
The unenlightened cretin Yuriy Humber says:
As we approach the 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties, or COP26, which will be held in Glasgow in November, voices like Thunberg are demanding immediate drastic action. By going into full crisis mode, she argues, "everything can change overnight."
While many of us share the goal of a healthy environment, Thunberg's well-intentioned line of reasoning is misleading at best, and harmful at worst, provoking makeshift emotional responses that prompt people to demand action without accepting the consequences.
Would you like to shut down all power plants that run on fossil fuels today? The answer to that question might be a simple "yes."
If that question became: would you accept as a condition of shutting the fossil fuel plants, today, that at least one of your close family or friends will lose their job; that you will have access to electricity for only parts of the day; and that your utility bills will double, then the answer may not be so straightforward
This is the thought process of a mind damaged by money and making money at any cost.
We at the Church of Starry Wisdom stand wholeheartedly behind the notion of shutting down all power plants overnight! The sacrifices we all need to make are great but it will be even more dire if we don’t do anything now. And no capitalist swine should have any say in it.
We speak for the trees.
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Poem to the autumn rain
Church of Starry Wisdom.
The rain is warm and gentle
with a scent of jasmine.
I lie here in the darkness
on my back, my body
curled like a snail,
and my legs and arms
twitching, twitching
with a restless energy,
a thirst to be
It’s too hard to rest.
It’s too hard
to be still.
The earth, and the stars,
and the moon
are awake with me,
their spirits moving
and moving
in and out of the earth.
The earth is moving,
and the stars are moving,
and the moon is moving.
The stars are dancing,
the moon is dancing,
the earth is dancing.
It’s a dance,
a joyous dance.
There is a song
being sung.
It’s a song
of celebration.
The earth is dancing.
The sun is dancing
with the moon and the stars,
and the rain
is dancing with the earth.
The earth, the moon,
the stars,
the rain, and the earth
are dancing together.
The night is
the night of celebration.
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Autumn poem to Cernunnos
Church of starry wisdom.
Hear it in the wind, Cernunnos,
the voice of the oak forest
singing songs of harvest
of a time when the earth is full,
when the air and the trees
are full of the spirit of Cernunnos.
The wind comes down from the north,
breathing across the lands
of the people
in a language not our own,
a language that whispers
to Cernunnos
of the harvest of the year
wherein he dwells
in the forests, in the groves,
in the dark places
where only his spirit dwells.
Hear it in the wind, Cernunnos,
of the voices of his people
who sing songs of harvest
of a time when the earth is full
wherein Cernunnos dwells
in the forests, in the groves
and the dark places
that only his spirit dwells.
And I sing with you,
O Cernunnos,
O king of the oak forest,
O lord of the harvest time,
and I send my songs
to your people
with a wish that you might hear them.
May the trees speak to you
of harvest and plenty
in a time when the earth is full
and your people have joy in the spirit.
And may the breeze blow upon you
and the voices of your people
in songs of harvest
bring blessings to your soul.
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Festival to Sol and Luna.
Today we celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
This sacred day has roman origins.
"The Sun, Luna and Sol
Embrace each other in an embrace of light,
And the eye of love looks with an eye of divine."
“The Sun is mine, Sol is mine,
But Luna is mine, too,
Now I have, the Moon, two little ones,
And the third, Sol, is mine too.
From their clasp, the treasures for my glory
Are brought in secret,
O, Heavenly Ones!”
"The Sun, Luna and Sol
Embrace each other in an embrace of light,
And the eye of love looks with an eye of divine."
“The Sun is mine, Sol is mine,
But Luna is mine, too,
Now I have, the Moon, two little ones,
And the third, Sol, is mine too.
From their clasp, the treasures for my glory
Are brought in secret,
O, Heavenly Ones!”
The Sun and the Moon,
Foretold in scripture by Sibylline oracle,
Are by the heavens bound up in love,
And when they visit together in the sky,
Then mortals should rejoice.
— English translation by H.T. RAINER (1475-1542)
Church of Starry Wisdom
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Autumn beginnings.
Hymn to Cernunnos.
The moon rocks Cernunnos
Bones to Bless the land.
Cernunnos the ancient primal god.
Blesses the primal world,
Gestures on the zodiac,
Halls in the sky,
To the moon and sun.
Sun and Moon never sets,
Cernunnos rings the cuckoo,
He steals in the night.
Now wakes to ancient beat.
A sermon to autumn.
We welcome the new season now upon us. Autumn has always been an important part of society.
When all the greens turn red and yellow and nature prepares itself for rest. A time of reflection and a time of gathering.
As we think back on all the changes that have come our way this past year, we can take a lesson from nature. This is a time when nature gets ready for winter, a time of reflection, and a time of rest.
As we all look back on the past year, it is very difficult to come to any conclusions.
We know it was a tough year, and yet many things have changed. Things that are changing now,
and things that will be changing before too long. We just don't know how they will turn out.
- Church of starry wisdom.
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Church of Starry Wisdom. Hymn to Sol Invictus.
"O Star of Starry Wisdom!
Whose light in the heavens is brighter than the sun and whose rays penetrate
the darkest shadows of the night.
O Star of Starry Wisdom!
Whose light in the heavens is brighter than the sun and whose rays penetrate
the darkest shadows of the night.
O Star of Starry Wisdom!
Whose light in the heavens is brighter than the sun and whose rays penetrate
the darkest shadows of the night.
O Star of Starry Wisdom!
Whose light in the heavens is brighter than the sun and whose rays penetrate
the darkest shadows of the night.
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The tyranny of the majority
In today’s workforce a lot more is required to be employed. 
Not only that you know how to do your job. You have to have soft skills too. “Be a right fit for the company” “team player”. By doing this humans have themselves imposed a prison on ourselves – a prison by throwing out how we used to be. In hunter gatherer societies there was a diverse group of people. 
Some had the people skills of today, some not,  perhaps they were extraordinary story tellers or shamans whereas the people skill member of the tribe was exceptional in bonding and befriending neighboring tribes to work together. Perhaps some in the group were terrible hunters but made fantastic art the group would look at in wonder at night in light by the fire.
By only demanding one sort of people in the workplace we are ripping away a big part of what we are. And at the same time condemning many people to be considered problems, or that they have disorders when in reality it is society that in their lust for more profit has cast out the shamans, storytellers and artists of yore.
It has only been a blink of an eye since we were hunter gatherers to today we. Some things we can’t rip out of us.
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