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How the hell'd you find me
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chucklee118 · 9 hours ago
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How do you make something like that "by mistake"?
How do you know what it does if you were trying to make Reversing Medicine??
Why did you leave it next to Karane instead of storing it properly? Are you trying to be an inciting incident???
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chucklee118 · 6 days ago
Of all manga to get the axe. . . still, I suppose I prefer this partial dignity to something getting dragged out.
Of course now we'll never know whether it would've felt dragged out or if the stalker, the pursuit of careers or anything else might have had good substance.
So yeah, I guess I'm a little bitter.
Nonetheless. . .
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We got this, at the very least.
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chucklee118 · 12 days ago
Take Your Shot is a ridiculously good song for a game about a rodent with a firearm
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chucklee118 · 13 days ago
Squirrel with a Gun. . .
is a really fun game.
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chucklee118 · 18 days ago
Shaggy Rogers canon talents:
Gymnastics and tumbling
Track runner
Mimicry/vocal impressions
A funny guy who wisecracks at any bad guy provided he's not in immediate danger
Race car driver
Unironically enjoy chocolate spread over things that should not be covered in chocolate (hot dogs, sardine sandwiches, the list is extensive)
not a talent, but his first toy was a garbage disposal. hence his capacity for consumption
And this is just a list based on what I remember from one old special and the few episodes I've seen
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chucklee118 · 19 days ago
Tak tak tak.
You pull out page one from your typewriter.
The sixteenth page one you’ve typed since your first attempts at writing this book three and a half weeks ago.
It joins its predecessors in a loose pile on your desk; it’s more accurate to call them drafts. Some of them are half-blank, others with only a couple lines, and a few that are almost more print than page. That besides the four separate synopses you’ve written trying to give yourself a template.
You reach to your right for your coffee, only to find that the mug has already gone from soothingly warm to just left of tepid. You could’ve sworn it’s only been an hour, but then, February in Boulder will do that.
 Past the mug, shoved into the corner of the desk flush with the wall, is the Box. The physical summation of everything that happened last summer in Wyoming.
You wonder how early is too early for a beer. The neck of a tequila bottle protruding from the top of the Box briefly beckons you.
You scoot back your chair, only taking the lukewarm coffee with you.
While you’re crouched in front of your fireplace, bundling up yesterday’s newspaper for kindling, your phone rings.
Which is weird, because you’re not expecting any calls, and you’re not the sort of person that people call up for no reason.
Bracing yourself to tell off a solicitor, you pick up.
“Uh, hello?”
“Is this Two Forks?”
“… Delilah?”
“Hey Hank.”
Hearing her voice again, slightly distorted through the phone line, puts you right back in that forest. You’d thought it was one you wouldn’t get to hear again.
Before you can even ask How are you, or remind her that it’s Henry…
“So, what’s wrong with you?”
She takes the initiative. Ever the conversationalist.
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chucklee118 · 20 days ago
"Shia LeBeouf" remains, after all these years, among the great shitposts of the Internet.
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chucklee118 · 27 days ago
You ever go digging through old documents for something and end up finding things-not remotely developed enough to be WIPs, just paragraphs of things in documents you forgot about
And think to yourself
The fuck-I wrote that????
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chucklee118 · 29 days ago
Bookmarks page for my most read fic
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chucklee118 · 1 month ago
If episode 1 is about establishing a world and introducing the protagonists, episode 2 is about establishing the dynamic between said protagonists.
Within the first minute, the episode's conflict is presented to the audience; the foreground blurring in motion and action between the opening credits, Spear enters the scene at pace in pursuit of a boar. The animation's means of expressing dynamic movement is once again KILLER, paired with the increasing tempo of the soundtrack approaching a climax as he hurls his weapon. . .
Only for Fang to snatch the prey in her jaws just before the spear lands, instead embedding itself into a tree.
While Fang mashes down the boar a bit to ensure the kill before she starts eating, Spear is fairly put off by what he sees as a kill-steal and skulks away.
Thus the conflict of the episode; the difficulties in Spear and Fang coexisting in a dynamic that is, at least on the surface, unbalanced. As well as the disconnect between how each of them defines coexistence.
Incidents keep occurring that leave Spear with mounting frustration and second-guessing his decision to exist with Fang at the end of the first episode: she steals his kills, eats first even when he manages to land the kill first, her breathing when she sleeps sounds like a small engine
and does she ever shit.
It doesn't help that he's still very much grieving the loss of his children, and that his new, tentative partner is of a similar species to that which killed his family.
Certain aspects are simply things one gradually becomes accustomed to with time, but by and large the primary problem is that Fang and Spear each seem to be attempting to exist independently. As in, Fang hunts, eats and sleeps, and Spear just happens to also be there; the only distinction being that he's a creature she's elected not to kill.
Tension mounts and mounts in Spear, manifesting in him behaving and being drawn far more. . . well, primal, his illustration leaning more toward primate and primitive as he vents his frustration, until Fang yet again steals a kill and the two of them end up trading blows.
The rain pours, lightning flashes and thunder booms as the two of them teeter closer and closer to a line they can't return from.
Quite literally; their fight brings them to the very edge of a massive, moving wall of snakes. Slithering and hissing around each other, thematically red as the mist that preceded the alpha rexes from the first episode. A symbol of the broiling tension that's followed them throughout the episode.
A single misstep further, and the pair would have been inviting death.
And in that moment, they realize as one; they don't want to get any closer. They may not know how they'll survive, but the first step is fleeing.
A flash flood overtakes them, bringing the snakes with it; they are left awash and forced to navigate the river of snakes to survive.
The largest snake, the monster of the episode, dies off screen, and Spear and Fang demonstrate their first effective communication of the episode under pressure as the river's current pushes them toward a waterfall.
Using the snake's body as a rope, they each take an end and split themselves between a rock sitting at the precipice of the waterfall; the difference in their body weight again illustrates the inherent difficulty of their shared existence without effort on both sides. Fang dangles over the edge, hanging by her teeth to the snake while Spear struggles to grip his end and prevent her huge body from falling.
For all that Fang's heavier, the fact is that when Spear's grip inevitably fails without proper purchase, he's the one who has farther to fall. Thus taking on far more damage than Fang in the descent, head bashed against the jagged rocks in the pond at waterfall's base.
Fang brings him ashore; retrieves the point of his broken spear as a means of amends.
Having traversed the initial tensions between them and resolving themselves to truly coexist, we see Spear astride Fang as he was at the end of the first episode; hunting together, eating together. . .
and, as Spear kills a stray snake that nearly puts Fang in a panic, protecting each other.
And thus, their dynamic for the duration of the show is established.
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chucklee118 · 1 month ago
"Uh, Fred. Like, og-day is ick-say."
Fred blinked. Shaggy may have been the only one in the group fluent in Pig Latin, but everyone in the gang knew that phrase off the top of their heads. A quick downward glance was all it took to confirm Shaggy's report; it certainly explained the incident of only one Scooby snack instead of three.
"What's that, son?" The sheriff asked.
Fred scrambled his brain for something to say, even as he searched his pockets for the keys to the van and tried to wrap up his handshake with the dean.
"Oh, it's just an inside joke," Daphne explained with one of her winning smiles; interjecting seamlessly to take Fred's elbow as an excuse to free up both his hands and move things along. "Do anything as long as we have and you end up with a lot of them."
The dean's eye gravitated toward Scooby Doo in a daze Fred didn't like the look of.
"Something wrong, sir?" He asked, placing himself between the man and the dog; he waved his hand behind him, urging Shaggy to start leaving.
"I don't," the dean said with a shake of his head. He stopped and started a few times. "I could've sworn-did I hear that dog speak earlier?"
Fred winced. Things were gonna get really bad if people started asking.
"Textbook stress response," Velma said, speaking with that matter-of-fact tone that got people to listen whether or not they bought what she was selling. "My opinion is admittedly amateur, but I recommend a vacation; a talking dog would be almost as supernatural as your so-called specter."
"Take him away, officer!" Fred called over his shoulder, rushing with the rest of the gang toward the van before they could get pulled into any further conversation.
He unlocked the Mystery Machine with the electronic clicker.
"Velma, give me the quickest way out of town."
"We're a little short on gas"
"I'll walk back for a refuel later if I need to." Fred said.
"How're ya doin' pal?" Shaggy asked; he lifted a shaky Scooby into the back, Daphne jumping in behind them and yanking the doors closed just as Fred started the van.
"Roo r-rold. . ." Scooby's reply came out shivering and quiet, and it stabbed right through to Fred's heart.
"I'm sorry," he said, pulling away from the university. "I shouldn't have made you sniff around the campus church."
"Fred, this isn't your fault." Daphne said, pulling out a pair of blankets.
Fred didn't respond; he gave the call to split up and search for clues, he pointed out where they'd look. It sure felt like his fault.
Velma skillfully navigated him through the back roads, avoiding the rush hour traffic on the freeway. He knew all of them felt every minute of Scooby's whimpers, but finally, just shy of half an hour later, they were out of the city.
"S'okay buddy," Shaggy soothed. "You can relax now."
The long, heavy sigh Scooby released felt like permission for Fred to let go of the tension he'd been holding in his shoulders.
As he eased off the gas pedal and cruised, he glanced in the rear view mirror; the form of a Great Dane with his head in Shaggy's lap shimmered and faded.
Three of seven eyes looked back at Fred through the mirror before they all slowly shut in slumber.
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chucklee118 · 1 month ago
My toxic trait is getting really angry whenever following the recipe leads to some kitchen disaster
I trusted you and your recipe; I put my trust in your recipe that said I needed a teaspoon of baking power and soda for two sweet loaves split between two 8x4 pans.
Now there's burnt on the shelves and floor of my oven
I mean this with my entire chest
Fuck You.
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chucklee118 · 1 month ago
I dissociated so hard in the middle of my drive home from work after closing that I ended up at the exit I take off the highway to get to a friend's house
Said friend's house is NOT on the way home from work
I need to pass out
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chucklee118 · 1 month ago
Chapter 18:
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chucklee118 · 1 month ago
Well, I finished the Team Dark story.
You're pretty much guaranteed an A rank in Final Fortress if you go through the stage killing enemies as you go and make it to the end without dying
But I don't have any desire to revisit that stage for that story.
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chucklee118 · 1 month ago
Hank Green's a gem
that's the post
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chucklee118 · 2 months ago
I've had the same fucking cold for about two weeks
I've been napping like a champ; to the point that my brain's just restless and there's still gunk to expel
There's only one remedy to this
vidja games
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